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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 22

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By :Authoress Shizue/moji ?

? Juliana pov ?

I was restless as his mom attend to him but no sign of him waking up soon,his breathing is normal now but yet he’s still unconscious.

“He will be fine, don’t worry”she tried to assured me but i just nod and she smile.

“Tomorrow is your wedding dear, you shouldn’t be worried now,jake is fine,just something he did to restrain himself “she said.

“Leave him alone,he will be fine “she added before going out and i stare at Jake’s pale face.

Is he really fine?? And why would he do something to himself to the point of passing out?

Is mom did said he did it to restrain himself but from what exactly??

She’s right,after tomorrow,jake and i are going to be a couple, but is he going to be fine before tomorrow??

I stare at him for a while longer then leave him alone and went back to my own chamber.


? Jake pov ?

I slowly open my state of consciousness and sighed”Valdez,can you at least stop?”i frowned.

“She’s my mate”he mumbled obviously mad that i made us lost consciousness just now,but, i can’t let him hurt the innocent girl.

“I don’t care about that,we are getting married, we have to make her trust us,ok??”i frowned.

He didn’t say a word “i feel the pull too valdez but i can’t just mark her without her consent,she will h@ťě us,do u want that?”i asked.

“No”he snapped rejecting the idea of his mate hating him “so stop acting like a beast”i said.

“It’s hard,demons can’t control themselves around their mates “he mumbled sadly.

This is actually the first time he sounds so sad but i don’t want to always give him what he wants.

“Actually i marked her already,in her sleep but since i did it,she will have some attraction towards you already”he said and my eyes widened in shock.

“You won’t he able to stop yourself tomorrow,i have live without my mate for enough “he said and went silent.


?The wedding day ?

? Juliana pov ?

I sat facing the mirror smiling but my smile didn’t reach my heart,i was only smiling to please mom,she won’t be happy seeing me frown on such occasion .

“Oh,so beautiful “Jake’s mom smiled after the maids finished with my makeup and left.

I was already in my wedding attire according tothe tradition which is a red long gown and since I’m from the royal family,i have to wear a black royal rope on top.

I feel rather uncomfortable in this but i don’t really have much choice so i just stood and also watch myself from the mirror.

I could hardly recognize myself right now,i look beautiful and i know it but right now,it feel like I’m looking at someone else.

“Ok, enough,put on your tiara,the entire councils and royals are waiting for you “mom said putting the tiara on my head then the bride’s veil which is also red.

I turned back to finally face mom and my mother-in-law and they both smile but Jake’s mom held my hands.

“Wh@ťěver my jake did, please don’t blame him,he won’t hurt anyone especially not you but his self control aren’t much,i can’t guarantee what he’s going to do but help my boy, he’s going to be your husband in few hours,help him cause he needs it”she smiles but it easy to tell that she’s sad.

I held her palm softly “i promise, he’s going to be my husband soon and i know my responsibilities as his wife”i hugged her.

Mom smile proudly at this and hug us both “we won’t want to keep the entire palace waiting”she winked and left with Jake’s mom.

Some maids walk in after and lead me to the carriage waiting outside the quarter since tha palace is quiet a distance from here.

​ ???

I stepped into the grand Hall and close my eyes then breathe in and out before continue stepping in.

I bow to the king and my family and of course the rest of the royal families and gesture a greeting to the royal court officials too.

I look over at the place meant for the bride and groom and saw jake sitting,his eyes held jo emotions and they look rather deadly.

I walk over and sit down next to him,i noticed no one look at his direction. But,of course, the look on his face is enough to make all these ungrateful people pee in their pants.

Soon the marriage rituals begin and i keep looking at jake from behind the veil,he seem to h@ťě his father more.

The king won’t stop smiling and speaking sweet words to my mom and dad as the ritual continue.


☣️ Authoress pov ☣️

Throughout the whole marriage process and ritual, Jake could hardly focus as he have to keep his demon in check.

The big beast was ready to tear all the mocking gazes to pieces and would have probably ki|| a lot of people by name.

Almost everyone present keep mocking him and saying words they dare not say to his face and all thanks to his mind reading and distance hearing abilities,none of these escape his ears.

He look like he want to attack them but he know if he unleash his beast on them,then maybe this wedding will turn to bloodbath.

Heren on the other hand was also present in the hall and she wont stop staring dagger at Juliana.

If gaze could ki|| then that will be all she needs to end this marriage cause she obviously want to be in Juliana’s position.

“I h@ťě u,just wait i will ki|| you and he will be mine”she said through grinned tooth.

Of course,this didn’t escape Jake’s ears either and he snap his head toward the one who dare say such.

Even though heren is at the far corner of the hall,his gaze fell on her and his demon growls lowly.

Juliana noticed his tense gaze but didn’t know who he’s looking at and his body shook lightly with violence.

The vein of his neck are showing and he look like he want to ki|| someone “jake”juliana called and he calm down immediately when he felt her hand on his.


? Demon realms ?

“Are you really going to let him mark a human?” The voice asked the man staring into the event from his throne.

“Won’t the cruel fate go after him too?”he asked but yet the man didn’t reply him. His red flaming eyes staring at the wedding ceremony.

“The human girl clearly don’t have a short life like lale but i can’t let her succeed, she’s light herself,i can’t let her bring him out of the darkness,he belongs there”the man finally said.

“The heren girl,push her forward a little, let her darkness eat her up and let her sin, she’s going to be my tool against the light”he smirked but the only thing that flashes in those eyes are evil and cunningness.

“Yes,father”the man replied and bow slightly”also inform Fah’n to prepare his illusion again,he will have to use it for jake again”he added and the man is ready to leave.

“Prad’h, make sure your kingdom is well taken care of,thia little light seem to have grew obsessed with him,she will be ready to follow him anywhere and they might visit yours for an oncoming reason”he said.

Prad’h nods then walk out of the throne room which is covered in total darkness and the man sitting on the throne blend perfectly into it.


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