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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 20

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Authoress Shizue library
She’s in love with the devil son ?

No edit ‼️
Errors are bound to occur but pls bare it

Theme: love,hatred,curse,war,bloodshed,demonic powers and isolation

Settings: the story is set based on olden time rules.
and also the demon realm and human realm.


By :Authoress Shizue/moji ?

? Juliana pov ?

I frowned after jake left then sighed heavily,i can’t possibly blame him and i don’t expect him to feel really comfortable with either my family or i but he should at least try to.

“What’s wrong with him?”mom asked “or Maybe he’s not happy with the marriage?”charlie and chartlie said together making me almost chuckle if not for this situation,they behave like two persons with a soul sometimes even though they are just twins.

“No, it’s not the marriage, it’s actually something else” they all look at me probably confused and i know I’m not making a complete sense just saying those words,i should at least try to explain but i dont know how weird it feel if i start cause it might just be like i have been stalking him since i got here which is actually what i have been during partially before heren tried to end my life.

“What do you mean?” Father asked “he’s just uncomfortable due to how we are acting “i said and they all seem even more confused cause we aren’t acting abnormally or annoying.

“Because his families h@ťě him,he lacks the love of a family,what could be more frustrating and saddening than your own family only wishing for your sadness and death and thinking of you as an outcast “i said already fuming in anger as i remembered how he was badly beaten the first day we arrived here .

“With the little time i spent here,i realised and learnt alot of things about him,he might be dangerous,he might be a fearless guy,people might he scared to face him,but the whole truth is that he’s battling with his own life , he’s just a lonely guy who covered up his pain and mask up the dark side of his life with a cold qnd callous body”i said.

“I kind of feel bad for him,i used to envy his life and how people feared him hoping they will do the same to me”charlie sighed “me too,i mean most of the strong empires and kingdoms gave up fighting just finding out he’s leading the troop”chartlie said.

“Juliana,go find him “dad said “what?”i nearly screamed,i mean go look for jake? I’m sure he will just ignore my existence even if i tried talking to him. “He needs someone to be there for him,afterall he’s going to be your future husband, it’s better to build a good relationship now,he needs you since you will be his only family”mom also urge me to go find him and after pondering about it for few more minutes,i decided to go look foe him.

They are right,we are getting married as strangers and he saved my life by tying knot with me so i should try to at least win his trust before we married .

I sighed heavily before getting up and walk towards the door “i might not find him in time, don’t wait for me too much”i said before stepping out of the room to look for jake.

I walk straight to his room with the hope of seeing him probably sitting or just doing anything random but the dude is nowhere to be found around his room and i wonder where he went to.

Well,i should probably look for him around in his garden or where could he possibly be,he just left few minutes ago,he won’t have gone to anywhere far away from his quatre or probably the training ground?

I can’t come to a conclusion of where he possibly went off to so i decided to look for him at the training ground first,if he wants to get away from us he won’t possibly just sit in his room or garden.

I pick up my pace a little bit and walk all the way to the training ground which is miles from here,i was terribly tired by the time i get there and guess what? He’s not f_cking there and i don’t think i can think of anywhere else to go look for him since he’s not here.

None of his guards or friends are here too”ok,i guess i should just go back to yis chamber,he might be back there or i should check the garden again, gosh this is a big work for me.


The sun seem to set earlier today and guess what? I never get to find jake in his chamber so here i am looking for him all around the garden but what if he’s not even in the palace? The palace is a very large and huge place and i agreed but i have been searching for him since afternoon and it’s evening right now and yet no trace of him.

“I’m going to have to wait till he’s back in his room,i have been looking for him all day but here i am without any trace of him”i was mumbling to myself as i walk until i stumbled upon something and fell hardly to the ground and heard a soft groan that is not from me.

“Watch what you kick and step on”jake sit up in the middle of the flowers and i groan in frustration “don’t tell me you have been here all day while i have heen going around looking for you without any rest”i frowned and he did too.

“Why are you looking all around for me? Am i some kind of a lost puppy?”he questioned with a raised eyebrow and i sighed before sitting up in front of him too.

“I was just worried about where you could have possibly gone to after you left like that”i replied even though he didn’t seem to care much about it.

“Oh”that’s the only thing he said and tried to get up but i quickly stop him “what?”he frowned then glare coldlly at me and i felt a little bit intimidated by those eyes and did i mentioned his eyes are of two different colours? He look so cool but those cold stare are like fire in my soul so i look away.

“I mean i have been looking for you all day and you want to leave? You can’t do that,we need to get to know each other more since we are going to be married soon”i quickly come up with an excuse.

“Oh”he look away after that. Does he not know how to start a conversation or something or he’s just not in the mood to talk to me?

“Why did you left like that? You could have joined us and we could have discussed a lot of things together but then you left why?”i asked as if I haven’t know the reason already.

“No reason,i just don’t want to affect you guys with my presence,if i stayed too long my cursed self might ruin your lovely family moment”he smiled bitterly.

“What do u mean by cursed self? Are u trying to call yourself a curse?”i asked in disbelief and he simply nods”yh, it’s obvious I’m a curse anyway and you getting married to me make me actually pity you,you don’t deserve to be unhappy for the rest of your life by getting married to me”he said.

He’s actually annoying me now,i know he’s saying this cause of how he thinks of himself but isn’t he downgrading himself too much,i never expect the devil son to be like this .

“Actually I’m pitying you right now and you know why? Cause of your foolishness!”i blurted and expect him to react angrily but he simply chuckle and i felt my anger rise even more.

“What’s funny? You being stupid enough to actually believe what people said about you? Actually i didn’t expect the so called devil son to be some silly weakling who listened to people’s opinions about himself and even h@ťě himself”i glared at him.

“Why are you fuming and yelling at me?”he chuckle again “cause you annoys me,why do u call yourself a curse?”i asked “you don’t get it do you? I’m just believing what i know is the truth, everyone feared just the mention of my name,my family made me an outcast and they actually make the right decision,who knows? I might ruined the family if they don’t, my own mother was stripped off her position and nearly ki||ed all because of me,so it’s just the truth juli,the people’s opinions,my family opinion is right, I’m cursed and i guess i will be like this for the rest of my life”he smiled but you could clearly see the pure sadness and sorrow in his face.

Someone need to speak some senses i’to the brain of this foolish man here and i think i will have to do that. I’m going to be his future wife anyway and i won’t want anyone speaking ill about my hubby and without him doing anything but just agreeing to every god-damned things they are saying about him.

I took a deep breath then face him again “Jake, you are not a curse,you are just yourself, don’t feel bad for yourself, don’t h@ťě yourself,look i know all the things about you are making you feel like this but jake..”i hold his hands and smile.

“You are blessing to your empire and families,you conquered so many kingdoms and make dantrus one of the most powerful and feared empires,you shouldn’t h@ťě yourself or feel bad”I added hopefully he would think differently of himself.

“Your family are actually the one who should be feeling bad cause they do not deserve someone like you, you’re too kind hearted and even h@ťěd yourself for them but yet they don’t appreciate you,you being a dreadful person doesn’t mean u are evil, everyone has a dark side and that’s just yours”i smiled and hug him and i swear i heard him sniff as if trying not to cry.

I wanted to disengaged from the hug to look at his face but he won’t let go of me so i just stayed in his embrace for as long as he wants me to.

?Jake pov ?

Her words are like dagger to my heart,they stab me so deeply and I find them to be true. she’s right, I’m a fool for hating myself, I’m a fool for thinking of myself as a curse and I’m really stupid for all the things i thought happened cause I’m evil.

I finally release her from the hug and she look at my face and she was shocked to see tears in my eyes.

Yes! I cried too, I’m not immune to pain and sorrow. I also want to pour out my heart through tears and words but all these years i couldn’t cause there’s no one to listen to my pain.

No one to talk to and share my sorrow with. Sometimes i feel empty and hopeless and the only to give myself hope is to ki|| the warriors of the enemies on the battlefield.

“Jake…”Juliana called in a low voice,pity and sadness visible in her eyes. She’s feeling so much pity towards me while i have thought all my life no one will understand my pain not to talk of looking at me with those eyes.

“I…i”i know what she wanted to say,she doesn’t mean to say those words and make me feel so bad to the point of shedding tears hut she doesn’t know i really need those words.

I wanted to hug her again but something in me decided to do something else,it has always been this silly voice in my head talking to me and giving me strength .

He once told me he’s not human and he’s my demon and after many things i have done in the past few i believed he’s a part of me and i have learn to accept him.

Instead of hugging her,i pulled her closer and connect my lips with hers at once shocking both her and myself but i still didn’t stop and i knew it wasn’t me doing this.

My demin have taken control and i felt really scared, this is the first time he decided to take over when I’m with a girl and kissing her??

I felt my bidy heating up and the desire to do more but i tried to control myself . It takes her a while before she kissed back and the moment she did,i felt myself suddenly getting hard and i groan into the kiss.

My demon is sure crazy right now, kissing the innocent girl and making my body react so naughtily to just a kiss is alarming.

I gather all my will power and break the kiss before i do something really bad to Julie “I’m sorry”that’s all i said while controlling myself not to strip her naked right here and devour her raw.

I quickly get on my feet and teleport out of the garden and straight to my room then lock the door and rush into the bathroom.

“What the hell was that Valdez!”i yelled and heard him growls in reply “she’s mine! I want her”he yelled back and i became confused. Valdez never liked ladies and that’s why i never had s*x or had any Mistresses but now he’s calling julie his? Isn’t this kind of suspicious??

I decided to just calm my heating body in a cold bath while struggling not to teleport back to juli in the garden and do all sorts of naughty stuffs with her.


? Juliana pov ?

I stare at the place he was standing before he mysteriously disappeared. There’s nothing unclear here,he definitely teleported just now.

And why the hell did he said sorry before teleporting away and somehow i felt some kind of pull towards him when he kissed me and i ended up kissing him back. O didn’t want him to stop,infact i want things to go further than that.

I have never felt such a pull towards a guy and even though the kiss is not my first kiss, it’s completely different from the kisses i shared with my late fiance.

I ki||ed him though, can’t believe that bastard made me fall for him,treat me like some priceless gem only to try and use me as a thr_@t to my family to conquer our empire.

He turned out to be a spy sent by his f_cking empire so they can easily conquer my empire and when i found out,i didn’t think twice about my love for him before beheading him and i felt great about it.

No one tries to conquer Mentrus Empire and go Scott free.

But jake issues is really confusing, he definitely didn’t meant to kiss me and when i take a glance at his eyes,they are sparkling flame and they have a hint of gold mixed red.

He look like a complete different person with his eyes and i wonder if the legend about people having demons or maybe vampire and werewolves are real.

I love reading myth and folktales and even historical fictions and most of them talk about demons being in human form or people having demons or wolves sealed inside them.

What if jake is someone like that? I mean the colour of one’s eyes won’t change just anyhow and you will find it normal.

I tried to at least not think about it but i just can’t stop myself from doing so and the more i think, the more curious i became.

I sighed heavily and walk back to my room,mom and the rest must have left for the guest quarter by now so it defines why they are not here presently .

I felt so restless that i couldn’t sleep and when i finally did…


She couldn’t figure out what is after her but she keep running without stopping and at some point her legs weakened and couldn’t carry her any longer making her fell hardly to the ground.

She quickly turn around to see what the hell is after her only to come face to face with a pair of burning flaming eyes of gold mixed red staring dagger at her.

She felt her blood ran cold at those stares that keep piercing into hers without breaking it.

“You are mine!”the boice growls and she flinched. This is no human,he doesn’t look like a monster either cause he still have a human apprarance but with a completely different aura and hands.

His veins are popping up on his head and his hands are claws with each sharper than a sword reflecting the moon and she panicked.

Does this monster want to ki|| her? She didn’t do anything wrong and doesn’t deserve this.

While still guessing what could have tempered someone like this to follow her,she felt him pinned her to the tree behind her and what happened next came as a shock.

His tooth grew into fangs and he sank them deep into the side of her neck gaining a loud and painful scream from her.


I woke up with a scream and gasping loudly as well as sweating profusely. What kind of nightmare is this?

I was scared and those eyes,they look so familiar too and those burning gaze when his fangs came out are so frightening.

I stopped with my wild thoughts when i felt a slight pain in my neck and when i touched it,i felt some liquid and look at my hand only to see blood.

I rush to my mirror and gasped, there’s really a wound there and not just any wound but a fresh and still bloody one and i gasped even louder.

I wanted to scream so loud right now but i couldn’t do that as i was too scared to do it. It’s just a nightmare but neck is proving otherwise. What’s this about??



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