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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 14

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We walk into his training ground and i was quiet amazed by what i see,it’s really big and wide and also beautiful.

Many weapons are placed in different side and each weapons are arranged neatly.

“Liam get my sword”he said and the guy from yesterday rush away and come back with another sword and jake gave the sword with him to the guy.

“You,so ur name us liam”i scoffed and the guy chuckled before rushing away.

“He’s my friend”jake said “oh”that’s the only thing I managed to say “get her sword chard”he said and another guy also rush away and come back with my sword.

I look at jake with a raised eyebrow and a questioning look “it look like this is ur favorite sword,because during the battle,u aren’t ready to let go of it even though there are many swords u could easily grab if u lost this”he said.

He’s actually right,this is the sword i cherished most,it’s my favorite and i have been using it since I was right years old and that’s when I start training.

I feel so happy right now because I have sworn never to loose this sword ,it was a present from my grandma,she died days after she gave it to me.

I was d@mn happy about this and I jump on jake hugging him tightly which is akward but for some unknown reasons I don’t want to let go of him.

Realising how tight i was hugging him,i quickly disengaged from the hug and move back “sorry about that,,,i was just,,,”i stopped .

“You are so happy about this because I cherished the last gift ur grandma gave to u before she died”he said and i got pretty surprised.

Does this guy read minds or what cause that’s exactly what am going to say and it’s kinda surprising that he even knew the sword was a gift.

“Yh,that’s true”i mumbled and finally draw out the sword “don’t expect me to go easy on you”he said and draw out his sword too.

“Sure, bring it on”i said and he attacked and we start fighting and again it’s quiet a hard died keeping up with his attacks.

He’s too fast at attacking and his strikes are deadly too and this made me remember ghe battlefield,he’s just too fast at attacking.


Well,he later reduce the force and speed by which he attacks and that way I find it easier to counter and even attack also.

After almost 3 hours,we stopped and i sat down on the floor exhausted and i felt so uncomfortable in this gown.

Am a princess but gowns are a big No for me cause I h@ťě wearing them,they are too heavy oki the body.

It’s a hard work wearing gowns and i seriously feel like pulling it off right now cause it make me feel uncomfortable.

Jake look at me and saw me sitting on the floor frowning and he smiled but the smoke disappeared within a sec.

He kinda look cute and i wonder why he h@ťě Smilling more often, ever since I got here,i have never seen him smile.

“You look cute when u smile “i said and my eyes widened immediately,sometimes i just act like a fool and splat put nonsense from this mouth.

I chuckled nervously and stood up from the ground “the maids will come soon,follow them and have a good bath and change out of these clothes”he said and i nods.

Then he started moving closer and i don’t know why I start moving back till my back but the fence around here and he placed his right hand on the wall.

“The wound is still fresh”he said and i remembered the cut on my cheeks from the battlefield.

“Close ur eyes”he said “huh?”i end up widening my eyes even more instead”close ur eyes”he repeat and i obey.

I felt his palm on my cheeks and after some seconds be removed his hand “don’t ask me about how I did it”he said and walk away leaving me to wonder what he did.


“Pls go in my lady”the maids said and i shrugged,don’t make me feel too proud of myself when am just a captive here.

I walked into the room and smiled,it’s quiet big and we’ll beautified and the things here are arranged pretty well too.

I walk straight to the window and ooen it and saw a garden “this is prince Jake’s quarter and ur chamber is right next to his and the garden is also his”one of the maids said and i shrugged.

Did i ask her about anything “also prince jake love the garden the most,he’s often in the garden cause he like quiet places and he often went there so in case if u don’t see him in hjs room then he must be in the garden cause he hardly go to his family,he’s often alone”another one said and i frowned.

I dimt remember asking any of these parrots that call themselves maids anything so why won’t they just stop talking?

I just nods at their words cause I find it annoying do they gat to work and help me out of this uncomfortable gown and under gown.

I stepped into the bathtub and smile inhaling the beautiful spring scent of the flower bath which is mostly for princesses.

I close my eyes as they wash my feets while some wash my hair and hands and i can’t help but to feel so relax.


Soon the maids are done with getting me into another big and uncomfortable gown but i can’t complain,this is what princess are meant to wear.

I sat in front of the mirror so they can do my hair but I noticed something in the mirror that surprised.

When jake touched my face earlier,the scar was still fresh and i felt a slight pain but now I can’t even see the scar not to feel any pain.

What did he do to my face?? And?? Wait is that the reason why he told me not to ask him any questions about how he did this?

He have to explain what he did cause I won’t keep quiet just because the said i should.

Nah! I don’t listen to instructions and i won’t listen to this either,he will have to explain what he did and how he did it.


This juli sef ? u are a captive and u still won’t listen to instructions,i pity u

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