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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL AND I – Episode 65

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“Stop running you motherf-__-ker!!!” Phoenix screamed as she ran after Poison who was holding a bag in his hand

He didn’t stop,he increased his pace instead,Phoenix didn’t stop either,she followed him,running speedily behind him until be suddenly stop in a quiet place.

Phoenix also stopped on her track,panting heavily.

Poison faced her from where he’s standing and smirked.

“You really have some guts to follow me here” He said

Phoenix scoffed

“Let me have that bag now” She said

Poison chuckled

“Is that an order or something?”

Phoenix pointed her arrow toward him

“Drop the bag” She muttered

Poison tried $h00ting her hand,she ducked the bullet and the arrow dropped from her hand

Poison smirked

“Are you going to give up now?” He asked,still pointing his gun toward her

All of a sudden,Blade jumped down from a roof and kicked Poison from the back. He fell flat on the ground and the bag in his hand flew into the air

Phoenix immediately rushed and the bag fell right in her hand.

Poison tried getting up but Blade threw another heavy kick on his face and he fell again,he began to bleed

“Get lost” Blade said and Poison got up

He looked at Phoenix and then Blade before running off.

Blade turned to Phoenix

“Are you okay?” He asked and she nodded

“Why the f-__-k did you follow him here?” He snapped and Phoenix sighed,she was expecting the scold anyway

“I just,didn’t want us to loose the bag” She muttered

“Still,what if I was not fast enough? You would have been hurt” Blade said

“I couldn’t ignore it,thank you for showing up” Phoenix said and Blade rough his hair


“I told you right? I’m going to find you and ki|| you,where’s the second Ɓîtçh?” Midnight asked as she strangled Galaxy on the wall

Galaxy punched her tummy,Midnight winced and Galaxy used the opportunity to push her away.

She coughed and inhaled heavily,she was already tired from the strangling

“How dare you!!” Midnight yelled and threw a combat knife at her,it would have stabbed her right in the chest but someone grabbed Galaxy’s hand and pulled her to himself.

Galaxy’s eyes widened and she looked up to see Trace,he shot Midnight and she passed out.

Galaxy immediately moved away from Trace

“Thank you” She muttered

“I didn’t save you,I just don’t want any member to get hurt” Trace said and turned back

Galaxy followed him

They got outside

“Are you okay?” Blaze asked Galaxy and she nodded

“Wow,prince in shining amor” Seth teased Trace

Trace and Athena exchanged glances

“I didn’t know saving a fellow member means something,gosh” Trace muttered and entered the car

“Guys let’s leave,Phoenix got it” Blaze said and also went into the car

Everyone entered and the car took off


“Say something,your silence is ki||ing me” Marissa muttered,staring at Venom who was only driving quietly.

It was late already and the street look really beautiful as they drive through it.

Venom suddenly stopped the car and faced Marissa,she moved her head back,giving him her innocent look.

“What was that about?” Venom asked


“I’m asking you why the h*ll you followed me to that place” Venom snapped

“I….I saw the message on your phone….”

“So what? Who said you can get involved in my business?” He cut her off

“I’m sorry” Marissa bit her bottom lip

There was silence after that

“Don’t do that again,it’s dangerous” Venom finally muttered and started the car again


“Stop” Venom cut her off

She sighed and turned her face outside,the drive was so silent and it was uncomfortable for her. She faced Venom again

“It’s my first time coming out since I got to the clan” She said,waiting for his response

“So,you want to do something?” Venom asked and she smiled

“Let’s go to a club” she said

“Club?? Of all places?” Venom scoffed

“To have fun ,,please” Marissa pouted

“Okay okay,turn your lips away from me” Venom said and Marissa chuckled

“You’re the most amazing person in the whole world Michael” Marissa said

“Stop lying,it doesn’t look good on you” Venom muttered

Marissa smiled and looked away

She continue staring out of the car,minutes later,Venom stopped the car in front of a club house

“Wow” Marissa said,staring at the place. On top of the building was written. STAR CITY CLUB,she could hear the loud music coming from inside there. Young men and ladies going in and out of there

“Get down” Venom said and Marissa opened the door immediately

They both alighted from the car

“Whoa” Marissa mumbled feeling happy as she stared around

Someone suddenly bumped into her

“Walk straight Ɓîtçh” The girl cursed,chewing the gum in her mouth loudly

“You walked into me double Ɓîtçh” Marissa snapped back with a scoffed and immediately went after Venom.

The inside was more amazing than what she expected,the song hitting the right spot in her body,it’s her first time in a club but she feels like she needed it at this moment. She could see most of the people there dancing with their partners while some guys were sitting,girls rocking them.

Venom and Marissa got somewhere to sit and the bartender came to them almost immediately

“You’re welcome here,what may I offer you?” He asked gently

“Whiskey” Marissa spoke up before Venom could talk

“You always act crazy when drunk” Venom said

“Trust me this time” Marissa smiled at her

“Get us what she said” Venom said

The bartender walked away

Venom’s eyes moved all over the place before turning back to Marissa.

She moved closer to him

The bartender brought their order and helped them helped them with it


Marissa gulped down the whole glass at once and groaned

“So good” She said tried pouring another one

Venom held her hand and she looked up

“You’re wasted,let’s leave” He said

“Hmm hmm” Marissa shook her head like a kid and placed a finger on Venom’s lips

“We are here for have fun….let’s dance” She grinned drunkenly

Venom scoffed

Marissa got up and tried pulling Venom up but she fell on him instead,Venom immediately pulled her short skirt which shifted up downward again

“Let’s dance” She mumbled

Venom sighed and stood up

Marissa smiled and grabbed his hand toward other people dancing,she wrapped her arms around Venom’s neck as she danced segzily to the music.

She released him and turned her back on him,she began moving her hips and rubbing her butt on Venom’s crotch

Venom could see eyes on her,he lean closer

“Let’s leave” he whispers into her ear

“Few minutes more please” She pouted and faced him again

She squeezed her face

“f-__-k,I need to use the restroom” She muttered

“I will be back” She said and immediately walked away

Instantly,a girl came to Venom

“I guess your Ɓîtçh left already” She grinned

“Get lost” Venom Snapped at her and went after the same route Marissa passed

“What the f-__-k??” the girl scoffed loudly


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