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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON’S BRIDE – Episode 64

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Zain’s face showed lots of anger as he looked at Cheng’s picture that was pasted in the wall.

“I guess you might be the one who ki||ed my mother. If the hearsays about you spreading around Maelstrom are true, then it means you might have a hand in what happened to my mother” Zain said.

He unglued the paper from the wall, and squeeze it so tightly.

Zain went the woods and sees Narmada waiting for him. He stood without making an attempt to go to her. Narmada saw and smiled at him.

“Zain” She said going to him. She hugged him, but Zain didn’t hug her back.

Narmada broke the hug and looked at him. “What’s wrong Zain, you look angry, is everything ok?” She asked looking worried.

Zain sighed and place his hands on her shoulder.

“Is nothing Narmada” He said.

“No you are lying. I know when you’re happy and when you are sad. So tell me Zain what’s wrong?” She said caressing his face.

“Have you hear the hearsays about Prince Cheng?” He asked, and Narmada’s heart skipped in fear.

She cleared her throat and said in a low voice. “No I haven’t. What’s the hearsays” She asked like she doesn’t know what Zain was talking about.

“He saved children from the burning house. I also heard he destroyed the palace ten years ago when he became a demon” Zain said, and Narmada gulped down hard.

“Re… Really?” She asked.

“Yes. I didn’t know about what he did before because I was too ignorant of hearing about the hearsays going on in Maelstrom. If the hearsays are really true, then it means Prince Cheng ki||ed my mother on the night he became a demon”.

“But we are not yet sure if he did it” Narmada said, trying to make Zain believe Cheng had nothing to do with his mother’s death.

“I think is true Narmada. I asked around, and I confirmed that he transformed into a demon and cause havoc on the night of the get-together of different kingdoms months ago. He would have ki||ed lots of people if Tatiana who is now his bride, didn’t stop him. So it clearly means that he ki||ed my mother years ago, and the royal family hid it from me” Zain said looking angry.

“But Zain…..

“There’s no but in this Narmada, you should be on my side, not trying to defend the royal family who hid the real truth concerning the death of my mother” Zain said.

“I am on your side Zain” Narmada managed to say, trying to hide how scared she was.

“I am going to make the entire royal family pay for what they did. I am going to ki|| each and everyone of them for hiding the truth about my mother’s death” Zain said, looking dead serious.

Narmada looked at him with so much trepidation in her eyes, she could foresee herself getting hurt soon for lying about her identity.

*What am I going to do?* She asked herself trying so hard not to let her fear and tears known to Zain.



Jai is seen running trying to make his kite fly, he wasn’t watching his steps, so he stumbled on a stone, hurting his knee.

“This hurts so much” He said between pains.

“Did you hurt yourself?” Cheng asked approaching him.

“Brother Cheng!” He shrieked excitedly.

Cheng smiled at him, and squat in front of him.

“Does your knee hurts so much?” Cheng asked.

“Yes it does, but seeing you has ease the pain away” Jai said smiling.


“Yes. I like you a lot brother Cheng, I have always wanted to talk to you, but my mother keeps thr_@tening to smack me if I talk to you” Jai said.

Cheng smiled and caressed his hair. “You remind me so much of my younger self”

“Really?” Jai asked and Cheng nodded.

“Then will you be a big brother to me, I don’t mind getting smacked by my mother anymore”

“Sure” Cheng said and heals Jai’s injured knee.

“Wow, how did you do that?” Jai asked smiling.

“There’s lots of things I can do with my powers”

“Then can you make my kite go higher into the sky?”

“That’s easy” Cheng said with a smile, he looked at the kite that was on the ground, and just by looking at the kite, its raised up from the ground, going up to the sky, flying.

“My kite is flying so high. You are a genius brother Cheng” Jai said jumping on his toes, looking so happy.

Thiago who have been watching them smiled. “I wished I was never a bad brother to Cheng. He’s making Jai happy, but I never made him (Cheng) happy while he was growing up. How bad of me” He said and sighed.



Tatiana kept smiling as she combed her long hair, while looking at herself in the mirror.

But she let out a shocking gasps when she sees her body fading away.

“What happening to me?” She asked herself. She looked at herself in the mirror, and sees a tiny glowing creature, rather than her reflection.

And looking at the tiny glowing creature, she began getting her lost memories.

She could see herself as the tiny creature she was seeing in the mirror, guilding the forest and seven seas, and also performing white magic.

Her lost memories came back to her in a twinkle of an eye, and she could feel herself being stronger than before.

Her powers were back, likewise her lost memories.

“I am not human. I’m Gretchen, powerful guidance of the forest and seven seas” She said with tears falling down her eyes.

The palace head maid entered the room and She looked at her.

“Farris” She said, and the palace head maid transformed into a tiny creature.

She is Farris, guidance of the the stars and rain.

“You have finally regain your powers Gretchen, is time for you to leave the human world for good” Farris said and tears falls down Tatiana’s eyes.



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