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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The cottage was so far from the palace and you can’t even hear anything happening in the main palace, it was quiet and lonely.

Cheng sits on the bare floor crying.

“I’m not a demon. I’m not a demon” He said crying.

“Cheng, Cheng” Queen Vanya calls from outside the cottage. Cheng clears his tears and came out from the cottage.

“Mother” He said and Queen Vanya went to him, hugging him.

“Are you all right, Cheng?” She asked.

“Is so lonely here mother. I don’t want to be here” Cheng said crying.

Queen Vanya broke the hug, cleaning his tears. “Don’t worry Cheng, I’ll find a way to make sure you come back to the main palace” She said.

“ki|| her” Isha’s voice echoes in his ear. Cheng smirks and transformed into a demon, grabbing Queen Vanya’s neck, raising her up above the ground.

“Cheng” Queen Vanya said trying to breath.

“I’m going to ki|| you” He said in three voices, with an evil smirks on his face. His eyes were red and his long sharped finger pierced inside Queen Vanya’s neck.

“Mother!!!” Waylon screams when he saw what Cheng was doing to his mother.

“Let her go” Isha’s voice echoes in his ears. He released her and slowly transformed back into his human self.

Vanya falls to the ground, coughing and Cheng snuggle backward in a gasps realizing what he just did.

“Mother, are you all right?” Waylon asked his mother who was still coughing and he looks at Cheng with eyes filled with hatred.

“Brother I didn’t….”

Before Cheng could complete his words, Waylon punch him so hard and Cheng falls to the ground.

“Waylon!!” Queen Vanya shouted his name.

“First you tried to ki|| me and now is my mother. How can you try to ki|| us despite the fact that we were so nice to you!!” Waylon shouted at him.

“I didn’t me to Brother, please believe me” Cheng said crying.

“You have lost all the privilege of calling me brother. Is a good thing father said you should remain here, that way you won’t use your evil powers on us”.

“Brother, please don’t turn your back on me. Everyone h@ťěs me now, please don’t be one of them” Cheng said crying.

“You should have thought about that before using your dark magic on I and my mother. Let’s go mother” Waylon said and leaves with his mother.

Cheng resumes his cry. “What’s going on me with me” He cries painfully.



“You shouldn’t have raised your voice at Cheng, Waylon” Queen Vanya said dropping the golden cup on the table.

“And why shouldn’t I mother? I would have been dead thanks to Cheng and as if that was not enough, he almost tried to ki|| you earlier” Waylon said.

“But he’s still your brother”.

“He’s not our brother mother. Cheng is a demon and you saw it yourself how he performed dark magic, he can ki|| us in a twinkle of an eye if he wants to” Narmada said.

“But… ”

“There’s no but in this mother. Cheng is completely different from the kid I know. And in order to protect ourselves from that demon, we have to stay far away from him” Waylon said.

And Thiago enters, clapping his hand, Queen Vanya, Waylon and Narmada looks at him.

“What are you doing here?” Waylon asked.

“I’m happy we’re finally in the same boat. You now believe that Cheng is a cursed child, right?” Thiago asked smiling, with his hand on Waylon’s shoulder.

Waylon jerks his hand off and said. “We are not in the same boat Thiago, so don’t get your hopes high” And with that, he leaves.

“I’ll go with you brother” Narmada said and leaves with Waylon.

“What?” Queen Vanya asked Thiago when she sees the way he was looking at her.

Thiago snickers and leaves.



“What do you want?” King Osvaldo asked Queen Anjali when she entered his chamber.

Queen Anjali bowed to him before speaking.

“My king, you’re going to stand to your words that Cheng is forbidden from entering the main palace, right?” Queen Anjali asked.

“Did you come all the way here just to ask me that?” King Osvaldo asked in return.

“I just want to make sure that Cheng is never allowed here. He should remain in the cottage far away from the palace”.

“Did you think is a simple decision for me? Do you think is easy to keep my beloved son far away from the palace!! I’m trying so hard not to h@ťě him!!” King Osvaldo yells at her and Queen Anjali bowed her head.

“I’m sorry my King, I was just taking precautions. The palace will be in danger if Cheng lives among us. He’s not human, but a demon with dark magic. I’m doing this for the sake of everyone” Queen Anjali said still bowing.

King Osvaldo sighs.

“I already made the decision. Cheng is forbidden from coming near us and he’s not considered as a royal family” King Osvaldo said and Queen Anjali smiles satisfactorily.


The news spread around the palace that Cheng has been separated from the main palace.

? Is a good thing he separated from us

? I h@ťě him, he almost ki||ed me

? Queen Anjali was right about him, he’s indeed a cursed child

? I hope he dies being alone

This were the talks going on around the palace and while they were cerebrating about Cheng being separated from them, innocent Cheng was all alone in the cottage crying day and night.



Tatiana’s compound was filled with people who obviously came to witness her marriage. Her Aunt has arranged her marriage with a man from a noble family and no doubt very rich too.

Tatiana’s mother died years back and her Aunt Manisha took her in. And Manisha is the happiness woman on earth today, since her plans on getting Tatiana married to a rich family has finally worked.

The groom and his family were all sitted waiting for Tatiana, so that they’ll begin the rituals for the marriage.

“Is the bride not done yet?” The groom’s mother asked and Manisha laughs.

“She will soon be here, she’s getting herself fixed up to look beautiful for her husband” Manisha said, hoping Tatiana won’t disgrace her like she did in the previous marriages she arranged for her.

“Oh there she is” The groom mother said when she sees Tatiana coming towards them with her face covered and Manisha smiles.

The bride sat close to the groom.

“Open your veil so that we can start the rituals” The Man in charge of the marriage ritual said. And when she opened her veil, it wasn’t Tatiana but Swati and Manisha lost balance on seeing Swati instead of Tatiana.

“Where’s Tatiana?” Manisha asked.

“I’m sorry Aunt, but Tatiana made me do it” Swati said faking a smile.

Manisha quickly enters the house and sees Tatiana jumping down from the window and before she could get to it, Tatiana already jumped from the window.

“Hey!!! Tatiana!!” She shouted her name.

“Sorry Aunt but I get married to that man” Tatiana said.

“Hey!!! Do you know this will be the fourth time you will be rejecting a marriage!!” Manisha yells at her.

“I won’t have rejected those marriages if you didn’t arrange it. Send the groom away and I’ll be back in the evening” She said and continues running.

“Tatiana!!!!” Manisha screams her name with so much Indignation.

Tatiana continues running as her long dark hair flies in the air.

“Though is been ten years since I last saw you, but I’ll keep on waiting for you Cheng, no matter how long it takes, because I love you”


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