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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON’S BRIDE – Episode 57

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Cheng folded his hands under the table as Manisha’s eyes were on him. He wasn’t the type to get nervous, he was just nervous because he’s here to talk the only family of the woman he loves so much, and he won’t want anything that will prevent him from getting engaged to Tatiana.

He was here as an ordinary human, and not just the prince of Maelstrom.

*Why is she staring at me? Does she know I have a demon inside of me* Cheng asked himself inwardly.

“So you want to marry my niece” Manisha finally spoke up.

“Yes I do. I want to marry her” Cheng answers sharply.

“Why? Why will a prince want to marry my niece. She is not from a royal blood, neither is she from a noble rich family” Manisha asked.

“Aunt, you have always wanted me to get married, right? So why are you expanding the whole issue? You should be happy that a prince is getting married to me” Tatiana said and Manisha hits her head.

Cheng almost used his powers on Manisha after she hit his bride’s head, but he had to restrain, since he is here to seek for her hand in marriage.

“And what if he is a Prince? Simply because I allow you do wh@ťěver you want doesn’t mean it will also be the same in your marriage. I promise your deceased mother that I was going to take care of you, I can’t allow you get betrothed to him even if he is the heaven’s first son” Manisha said, and Tatiana puckered.

“You don’t have to worry ma’am, I love Tiana a lot, and that’s the reason I want to marry her. I love her more than life itself and I can lay down my own life for her, if that’s what I have to do to save her life” Cheng said.

“Fine. But what about your demon?” She asked and Cheng’s widened.

*She knows about it” He mumbled inwardly.

“Aunt you know about it too?” Tatiana asked.

“Of course I do. After the get-together festival, and how he caused a havoc that day, the hearsay spread around Maelstrom. Only a few people got to find out that the third prince of Maelstrom is a demon before it was taken down, and I just happened to be among the fortunate ones that heard about it. Simply because people aren’t talking, doesn’t mean they don’t h@ťě him” Manisha said.

“Believe me Aunt, Cheng will never hurt me with his demon” Tatiana defended Cheng.

“I wasn’t talking to you Tatiana, so shut up. Prince Cheng, how am I sure you won’t use your demon on my Tatiana when you are being controlled?” Manisha asked.

Cheng took in a deep breath and said. “Although I can’t control my powers anytime I am being controlled by the dark witch that possessed me, but I give you my words that I will never let any harm befall Tiana. She is my life, and I love her more than I love my own life”

Manisha smiled after he said that. “I am going to trust you, but if anything happens to my niece, you will answer to me”

“Aunt can you stop scaring my husband to me?” Tatiana said.

“Should I just send him off away instead?” Manisha asked in return, but Tatiana kept mute.

“So when is the engagement rites taking place?” She asked.

“Tomorrow night,” Cheng answers, and Manisha nodded her head.

“Finally I can rest in peace since Tatiana has decided to get married” Manisha said sarcastically, and the three laugh, bonding so well.



“You are his wife?” Swati asked, and she could feel her heart getting smashed by a huge log of wood.

Marcellus is already married, but how did that happen? her subconscious mind kept asking, and she’s trying so hard not to break down and cry.

“Yes I am his wife, we have been married for two years, and we’re expecting a baby” Thalia said caressing her flat tommy, and Marcellus hits her head.

“Why did you hit my head?” Thalia asked with a pouting lips.

“Enough with the silly act, or I am going to hit you so hard” Marcellus said.

“I h@ťě you brother!” Thalia said.

“Brother?” Swati asked getting confused the more. Thalia looked at her and smiled.

“Hi, I’m am Thalia the beautiful flower of Succie Kingdom, and Marcellus’s one and only sister” Thalia introduce herself smiling.

“But you just said you are his wife” Swati said, and Thalia laughed hanging her arm on Marcellus’s shoulder.

“Don’t mine me. I always say I am his wife anytime I see him with a maiden other than me. I just love annoying my brother a lot,” Thalia said, and Marcellus jerked her hand off.

“Swati, meet my annoying sister Thalia” Marcellus said, and Swati smiled at Thalia, she was indeed so happy that Thalia wasn’t Marcellus’s wife.

“Nice meeting you Thalia” She said bowing to Thalia.

“And who are?” Thalia asked.

“I’m Swati, one of the ser….”

“She is a friend” Marcellus said cutting her short from saying the word servant, while Swati looked at him.

“A friend? You got a female as a friend? This is interesting. Can I know more about this friend of yours?”.

“Go ahead Swati, if you stay here, she will continue talking without getting tired” Marcellus said.

Swati smiled and leaves the room.

“I miss you so much brother” Thalia whines trying to hug him, but Marcellus flicked her forehead.

“Not interested in hugging you” He said.

“You are so cruel. Your sister came all the way here to see you, and you can’t even give her a proper hug” Thalia said like a baby.

“I didn’t ask you to come to Maelstrom, so don’t expect a hug Thalia. Beside I am sure father sent you here to spy on me” Marcellus said.

Thalia scoffs and said. “Is that how you think of me? I didn’t come all the way from Succie kingdom to Maelstrom, just to spy on you. I willingly came here because I miss my brother a lot. Is being boring without you”.

“You miss me because I am the only one who can sit all day hearing you say irrelevant words” Marcellus said giving her a cup of tea.

“And that’s what I like about you, you’re always ready to listen to me talk all day. Do you want to hear what has been happening in Succie kingdoms lately?” She asked smiling.

“No” Marcellus said and stuck honey biscuits in her mouth. Thalia frowned her face as she munched on the honey biscuits in her mouth.

“How is Maelstrom treating you?”

“Is no different from Succie kingdom, only the laws are quite different, and tutoring the last prince has been fun, cuz he is not a bratty kid” Marcellus said.

“And Swati?” Thalia asked wiggling her eyebrows.

“And how did she become a part of our conversation?”

“I wanted to ask you if you like her at first, but I just chose to ask about how Maelstrom is treating you, to keep our conversation flowing” Thalia said.

“Is not what you are thinking, Swati and I are just friends” Marcellus said drinking his cup of tea.

“So what happened to I have something really important to tell you” Thalia said, and Marcellus almost choked.

“Easy with the tea” She said.

“You heard our conversation?”

“If I say I didn’t, then I am a liar. I knew you were about to confess to a girl when you said you have something very important to tell her” Thalia said.

“Then why did you barge in? You ruined my opportunity to tell Swati that I love her. I took up courage to finally tell her how I feel, but you ruined everything”

“You can always create another day to tell her how you feel. I just wanted to see if the girl who are about to confess your feelings for matched with your handsome face, and she was indeed beautiful, her eyes are a little bit big, but she is good to go, I approve of her” Thalia said smiling.

“Just go back to Succie kingdom”

“I am planning on staying here still your tutoring is over” Thalia said.

“Is not allowed, I won’t allow you stay here and fill my eardrums with irrelevant talks”

“Whether you like it or not, h@ťě it or not, I am staying here still your tutoring is over, and besides you just have few weeks left to go back to Succie kingdom”

“You are a nuisance”

Thalia laughs and said. “I thought you knew that already? But Marcellus”


“Let’s say Swati in return loves you back, will you take her to Succie kingdom when your stay here is finally over? You already know the kind of father who have, right?” Thalia asked and Marcellus gulped down his spit.


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