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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON’S BRIDE – Episode 13

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( I Fell Into Your Charms… )


By; Succie Brown.



“Please stay with me for a little while” He said looking at her enchanting eyes.

“Are you all alone here?” She asked and Cheng nods letting go of her hand.

“For ten years you’re the first person to step your foot here” He said.


“Because they all h@ťě me and they’re afraid of me. But you’re different, despite what I did, you still came back” Cheng said and Tatiana smiles.

“I know you didn’t choose to be this way. And is unfair for you family to neglect you. I’m sure if your mother was still alive, she won’t have h@ťěd you despite you becoming a demon. A mother’s love for her son, never dies” She said.

“How did you know my mother is dead?” He asked.

“Cuz you told me about your mother ten years ago and how desperate you were to see what she looks like” Tatiana said.

“I telling you about my mother means we were close to each other, right?” Cheng asked.

“Hmm, we only met once years ago but you were quick to tell me everything about yourself” Tatiana said smiling.

Cheng sighs and said. “I wish I can remember what happened that day before I turned into a demon, but it’s just blank in my brain”.

“Don’t force it Cheng. I guess you turning into a demon that day had an effect with your memory. But don’t worry I’m ready to wait till you will be able to remember me, but I hope it doesn’t take long or I’m going to make you pay for it” Tatiana said and Cheng smiles. Seeing him smile made Tatiana smiled as well.

“Thank you so much Tiana” He said.

“For what?” She asked.

“For making me smile. This is the first time I have smiled since ten years” Cheng said.

“Don’t worry Cheng cuz as long as I’m here, you’re always going to smile. Your knight in shining armor is here” Tatiana said and Cheng smiles.

“Thank you” He said.

“I’ll be back tomorrow Cheng” Tatiana said.

“Don’t comes here in the day” Cheng said.

“Why? Is there something wrong?” Tatiana asked.

“The demon inside of me might hurt you”.

“Really?” She asked and Cheng nods his head.

“Its tends to grow wild at day. It’s always tasty for blood, not to drink though, but seeing the blood of anyone makes its happy” Cheng said.

“Has it ki||ed anyone in the last ten years?” Tatiana asked.

“Yes it has. I teleported myself out of the cottage and while walking in the woods I saw a man and something whispered to my ear to ki|| him. I only realize what I did after I ki||ed the man. And after that day, I stayed inside the cottage so I won’t hurt anyone”.

“That’s means someone is having the demon inside of you controlled” Tatiana said.

“Yes Tatiana. Since I’m being possessed without the power of a demon, the person response for it always controls me to do things I don’t want to”.

“Can’t you fight the demon inside of you?”.

“I can’t Tiana. The person controlling me is way too powerful. I have tried doing so for ten years but I always end up doing what I’m being told to do. That’s why you should never come here in the day. I don’t want to hurt you”.

“You don’t want to hurt me?” She asked with a smile.

“Yes Tiana. You’re the first person who didn’t fear or h@ťě me, so it’s going to hurt me a lot if I hurt you. I’m free to only use my powers genuinely at night, cuz the person in charge of my demon tends to be sleeping. I’m not allowed to go to the main palace, so always be careful anytime you choose to come here. I’ll always be waiting for you” Cheng said and Tatiana smiles.

“I’ll be careful Cheng. And you don’t have to wait for long, cuz I’ll be back here tomorrow night. Goodnight handsome Cheng” She said.

“You too beautiful Tiana” He said with a smile. Tatiana giggles and turns to leave.

“Tiana” Cheng calls her name and Tatiana turns to look at him.

“Thank you” He said. He went close to her and covers her eyes and when Tatiana opened her eyes, she was already inside the palace.

“How did I…” She paused and smiles.

“My husband is really so powerful, can’t believe he sent me back inside the palace in a twinkle of an eye” She said blushing.

“He’s so handsome, he even grew more handsome than before. My husband Cheng is so handsome” Tatiana said laughing as she walks to Kira’s room.

“What’s so amusing?” Someone asked from behind her. Tatiana stopped walking and turned around to see the person that just spoke and she sees Waylon looking at her with a smile on his face.

“Your highness” She said and bowed her head to him. Waylon smiles and walks closer to her.

“Is late, Why aren’t you sleeping?” He asked.

*I can’t tell him I went to see my Cheng* She thought and clears her throat.

“I… I.. well… I’m finding it so difficult to sleep since is my first time in a new environment, so I was just walking around, so that I’ll get exhausted” Tatiana said, praying so hard that Waylon will buy her lies.

“If that’s the case then come with me” He said holding her hand, but Tatiana took her hand from him.

“Where’re we going?” She asked.

“You’ll see” He said with a smile and Tatiana fakes a smile.


Tatiana smiles as she looks around the garden. “Did you grow all this flowers?” She asked with a smile.

“Yes I did. I love growing and taking care of flowers. I love animals too”.

“Cheng was right about you” Tatiana said taking in the fragrance of an hibiscus flowers inside her nose.


“Yes. He once told me about you when we met years ago. He was like, my brother Waylon loves flowers and animals a lot” Tatiana said and she smiles when she remembered Cheng’s cute face years ago.

“You both must be so close” He said feeling a little bit hurt.

“Not really, but he’s my first love” Tatiana said.

“First love?” Waylon ask and Tatiana nods smiling.

“Wh@ťěver you and Cheng had ten years ago is already in the past Tatiana. Like I said before, he’s no longer the boy you knew back then”.

“But he’s your brother. Are you just going to h@ťě him? Is not his fault he turned out that way” Tatiana said.

“I know. Is not like I h@ťě him, I just don’t want anyone to get hurt, likewise you Tatiana”.


“You’re my friend and I won’t want you to get hurt. Don’t ever go to the cottage, is forbidden. Even Cheng can’t come to the main palace” Waylon said.

“Fine. I won’t go to the cottage ever again” She said, but she knows within herself that she just agreed not to go to the cottage again, so she won’t have a long talk with Waylon.

Waylon smiles, thinking Tatiana agreed to his demand. “I’m glad we’re on the same page Tatiana and remember you said you were going to grant me my wish if we see each other again” Waylon said.

“Did I?” Tatiana asked.

“Yes you did. Remember the first day we met and you said I should help you distract your aunt’s workers, so they won’t caught you”.

*Help me okay. I promise to pay you back, I’ll grant you your wish the next time we see* Tatiana remember her words to Waylon and she sighs.

“What do you want?”

“Hmm, I haven’t thought about it, But get ready to fulfill my wish, okay” Waylon said smiling.

Tatiana only nods her head and continues admiring the flower, Waylon looks at her admiring her beautiful face.

Indeed Tatiana was so beautiful. Her hair was dark and long, she has full lashes and a small heart lips. Her skin was that of snow.

*I’m going to give some of this to Cheng tomorrow night* She said with a smile.

“You must really love flowers a lot” Waylon asked, not knowing she was smiling because she was thinking of Cheng.

“Yes I do. Can I get someone of the Chinese rose flowers tomorrow?” She asked.

“Sure. I’ll give them to you tomorrow” Waylon said.

“Thank a lot your Highness” She said and Waylon nods.

*I’m sure Cheng is going to love it* She said inwardly, smiling and she was unaware that with every smile that showed in her face, made Waylon admired her the more.


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