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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON I LOVE – Episode 45 & 46

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(πŸ”₯ Uncontrollable
………… Desires In Hell πŸ”₯)

By May Maria K βœπŸ»


Chapter 45πŸ’›46

“Now that you know I don’t want any other guy staying around my Mate. You are mine and mine alone”Leroy said with so much possessiveness in his voice.

“Mate… Which mate? What are you talking about?” Echo asked but Leroy looked away.

“Forget about what I just said. It’s not that important” He muttered not looking at her.

“Oh you don’t wanna talk. Are you trying to say you were the mate Godmother was talking about?” She asked surprised.

“Just leave. You don’t have to know” He tried to ignore the question but Echo dragged his arm turned him to face her.

“Why are you ignoring me. Why did you mention about me being your Mate. Is it true”

“Are you that curious then yes. You don’t have to get your hopes up because despite that you mean nothing to me so don’t feel big about it. You’re not my mate” He yelled at her.

“I was right about everything I said about you. You don’t care about anyone but yourself and I am definitely happy that you don’t accept me because I won’t also. I pray that you rot in your misery” She yelled back at him and then huffed at his face before leaving the room.

“$h|t” Leroy cursed and banged his head on the wall. He couldn’t have said that to her.

But he didn’t want to get attached to anyone. She didn’t know what her presence were trying to do to him and he definitely doesn’t like it.

He felt something drop down his temple and then he brought his hand there and touched it. It was blood but it didn’t look like anything to him.

He’ve faced something much painful than this. He recalled how she yelled at him and he didn’t know why her words were having an effect on him.

He could have just controlled himself. He couldn’t have said that out but now that she was angry at him, he felt a pain in his chest.

He sighed and closed his eyes opening them back, he saw a knife pierced into his belly.

“I thought it already stopped” He muttered and then vanished from the room.


“He thinks he’s the only one who has feeling. He already rejected me without even informing me. Is that how heartless he is” She said to herself.

“So if I hadn’t forced the words out of him he wouldn’t talk. I just have to stay away from him maybe then my heart would stop playing some silly tricks on me” She said and then touched her chest.

She walked into the room and then went to sit on the bed before grabbing the book she got earlier from the library and she placed it on her laps.

How Leroy yelled at her earlier came into her mind and then she muttered, “He’s so heartless”. She didn’t know when a lone tear came out of her eyes and it drop down her cheeks till it touched the book on her lap.

The moment that happened a little spark shined but Echo didn’t see it.

She cleaned the tear and then looked at the book one more time before opening it.

Echo opened the book and on the first page of the book she saw a beast. Just like the one in the other book but this time the head of the beast was bent and she saw it looking at something in it’s hand.

There was a gold necklace on its hand and the face of the beast had an emotion. It looked like it was crying.

“What was this mean?” Echo asked herself and then turned to the next page of the book but it was blank.

She flipped through till she reached the end and the rest of the book remained blank.

“Why won’t the other pages show but this one just did?” She thought and then closed the book.

“Wait….. That beast” Echo gasped and then opened the book back to the first page.

“Leroy turned into this beast right in front of me…… It couldn’t be” She was interrupted when the door opened and she quickly closed the book hiding it under the bed.

“Hey” Jonathan smiled and then walked into the room.

“Where have you been all day?” Jonathan asked as he came to seat beside her on the bed.

“I was trying not to make my day boring since someone chose to ignore me” Echo said referring to him and he chuckled.

“I didn’t ignore you. I always come to the room to look for you but you’re not always there.” He said and she laughed.

“You don’t expect me to be staying here all day, do you” She said eyeing him a little.

“I know you’re trying to make me feel bad so I am sorry” Jonathan said and raised his hands in the air like he surrendered.

“I was just joking” Echo laughed a little.

He have missed seeing her laugh. Jonathan thought.

Should he just consider what Seraphina suggested. He couldn’t bear her rejecting him. He was not ready to think of that.

If he mated her she would have no choice but be his. But he knew Seraphina she was mischievous and might have a motive behind what she said.

“Nathan” Echo voice broke into his thoughts and he looked at her.

“You spaced out for a moment”

“Yeah” He muttered.

“No am not” She said but her stomach rumbled just immediately betraying her.

“I don’t think your stomach supports that decision” He said staring down at her stomach.

“Well I don’t want to eat with you” She said.

“Why??” He asked.

“If you want me to eat with you then it has to be on one condition” She said and pouted.

d@mn! She looked so cute that way and Jonathan felt like crashing his lips on hers.

“Fine. $h00t!” He said and Echo giggled happily.

“You have to have dinner with Soraya” She said and Jonathan scoffed.

“That princess again. Did she set you up to do this” Jonathan said with a little from on his face.

“That doesn’t matter. Don’t forget you already agreed so you don’t go back on your words” She persisted and Jonathan had no other choice than to agree.

Her setting him up with someone else means she has no iota of feelings for him. That hurts…. a lot.

He smiled before they left the room heading to the kitchen to get something to eat.


“Mother” She bowed in front of her mother but the next voice heard was her groans because Deepika stretched her hands to her next strangling her till she found it hard to breathe.

Just when she was about to loose it should released her and she fell on the floor before exhaling sharply.

“I told you that you have no right to call me that name till you prove yourself worthy” Deepika yelled and then she puffed.

“I gave you wh@Ε₯Δ›ver you needed to carry out a simple task but you always come back fruitless. Maybe I should just ki|| you. I did a good job not giving you a name cause you deserve it” Deepika yelled and she just bowed not even looking up for once.

She don’t know her mother never looked at her for once. Maybe she was really a failure.

“I have a lead that could help Mo..” She paused before she could complete the mother.

“What have you find out if it’s worthless just like you are then I have no option than to waste you you’re not even that important to me” Deepika said.

“I think that the cursed child has found his mate and I think he rejected her and also she doesn’t know of her powers. She’s too weak” She said and it made Deepika smile.

“I said it the goddess can’t find someone better than me. My throne is mine and mine alone” Deepika said proudly.

Suddenly she felt like something sharp pierced into her chest and she gasped.

“I need that girl for my ritual . My powers are no longer effective like it have always been” Deepika roared as she shook her head.


Echo was on her way back to the room after eating to her satisfaction. She wanted to tell Soraya of the good news.

How Jonathan finally agreed to have dinner with her.

She saw Leroy from afar and she hissed. She would just do like she didn’t see him like he always does to her.

As she got nearer and nearer her heart was beating loudly but she tried to control it.

She reached where he was standing and she walked past him but he’s words made her shocked and she halted on her steps.

“I’m sorry”

T. B. Continued…………..

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