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THE DEMON I LOVE – Episode 33 & 34

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(πŸ”₯ Uncontrollable
………… Desires In Hell πŸ”₯)

By May Maria K βœοΈ


Chapter 33πŸ’›34

She saw the door slightly opened and then she peeped through to see Seraphina eyes glowing and then a whitish powder was in her hand as she smiled evilly in the mirror.

Her eyes widened with the way her sister eyes were glowing and she was oblivious that someone was looking at her.

She straightened her body and then cleared her throat before pushing the slightly opened door. She entered the room and then went to sit on the bed.

Seraphina eyes had already turned back to normal and she was backing the mirror as she casted a weird smile at her sister.

“How close are you to that rotten girl” Seraphina asked coming close to Soraya.

Soraya raised her brow up as she thought of who she was referring to.

“I’m talking about that slvt” Seraphina rolled her eyes.

“Oh! you mean Echo” Soraya exclaimed finally realizing who she was talking about.

“Well I don’t care who her name is so answer the question I asked”

“She’s really nice and cheerful and she seems close to Jonathan and Leroy” Soraya said with a smile but Seraphina clenched her fist and then faked a smile.

“That all doesn’t matter. I want you to tell me what she likes yunno I wanna surprise her with a gift” Seraphina said but Soraya stared at her sister suspiciously.

Why would she wanna give Echo a gift? Thought she h@Ε₯Δ›d her from the onset.

Or she had something up her sleeves.

“We’re not that close for me to know what she likes….. But why are you suddenly asking?” She had been meaning to ask that question.

Seraphina laughed awkwardly before replying, “I treated her rudely when we first arrived and now that I think about it, she doesn’t really deserves that so I think of apologizing to her ” .

“She’s really nice so giving her a gift isn’t really needed” Soraya said but she still couldn’t get what she saw earlier out of her head.

“I’ll just do wh@Ε₯Δ›ver I want your opinion is so useless” Seraphina said and hissed before leaving the room.

When Seraphina left, Soraya fell flat on the bed facing the ceiling as she remembered her encounter with Jonathan moments ago.

“Gosh Raya you are so dumb” She cursed herself.

“How could I just runaway from the room. Now what’ll he think of me” She said to herself as she remembered how she ran nervously from Jonathan’s room.

She started hitting her hands on the bed before palming her face.

“I’m really stupid. I can’t really face him how do I now express my feelings” Soraya said to herself and then ruffled her hair.


When she dropped down from Soraya hands in her cat form, she used that as an opportunity to roam around the castle.

The bracelet in her hand would not let anyone detect her aura. They would just think of her as some ordinary harmless cat.

With her small paws she continued moving around till she saw someone coming her way and she quickly hid herself.

She waited for more minutes hoping that by the time she’ll come out the person might have been gone.

After waiting for exactly ten minutes, she came out of her hiding spot to see the person from earlier squatting in front of her.

Her lips which had a red lipstick on it turned to a smirk as she carried her off the floor and she shuddered.

How did this person knew her hiding spot.

She stared at the person as she took her to a room and then locked the door before putting her on the bed.

She heard her muttering something and before she knew she slowly started transforming back to her normal and her eyes widened.

What’s really going on? Who’s this lady?

“I guessed right. You aren’t a cat” Seraphina said with a smirk playing on her lips.

“How did you know” She asked with a frown.

“That’s a wrong question to ask cause your disguise is no match for me” Seraphina said.

“Who are you?”she asked

“I’m supposed to be asking you that” Seraphina said with a brow raised.

“That’s none of your business ” She tried using her powers to leave but she couldn’t and then she turned to see Seraphina chuckling.

“What are you? It’s nearly impossible to seize my powers” She yelled but Seraphina snapped her hands and then her mouth went shut by itself.

“Mmmmmmmuum” she tried to talk but her mouth refused to open.

“I Know who you’re here for and I am also here because of her so my proposal is for us to join forces” Seraphina said plainly and then she released her mouth.

She thought about it for a while. Maybe she would just join forces with Seraphina and when she gets what she wants she would ki|| her.

“Deal” She said with a smile.

Seraphina also muttered another spell and slowly she turned back to the cat that she was.


“That’s not really funny” Echo said as she forced herself not to laugh faking a frown on her face.

She went on a stroll with Jonathan and they just got back to the castle.

“It’s really funny but you are just proving stubborn” Jonathan said and Echo hit his arm.

She remembered what Soraya told her and then she turned to Jonathan.

“What do you think about Soraya?” She asked him and then he scoffed.

“Why do you ask?” Jonathan asked the reason for the sudden change of topic.

“Yunno you both would make a cute couple so I just wanted to know your impression about her” Echo said and bit her lips.

“She’s not my type” Jonathan said bluntly staring at the lips that she was biting.

He was a little hurt cause he was hiding the feeling he had for her and she was asking him what he thought about someone else.

“Why?” Echo asked sadly.

“I just don’t like her ” Jonathan said and increased his steps going ahead of her and she had to chase after him.

“Hey Echo” Someone called and then Echo turned to see Seraphina smiling widely and waving hands at her.

Echo first looked sideways cause she didn’t want to think it was actually her. The Seraphina she knew was arrogant and wasn’t one who would smile so casually at her.

“Echo” Seraphina called her name again and then she decided to go to her to hear what she wanted to say.

“Um you were calling me” Echo asked and touched her chest. She wanted to really confirm and Seraphina nodded twice.

“I know this might sound weird but I am sorry for being rude and arrogant to you before” Seraphina said and Echo blinked her eyes twice.

This wasn’t her imagination……

“I know you’ll find it hard to believe me but I am actually sorry so please would you forgive me” Seraphina said and made a puppy eyes at her.

“We can be friends and to apologize I went to the city to get you some cookies” She said and gave it to Echo.

Echo was hesitant to collect it but she forced it into her hands and smiled again before leaving.

The moment she turned the smile turned evil.

“Wow this looks good hope it would taste same way it looks” Echo said and unwrapped the cookies Seraphina gave to her.

Seeing the way she was smiling at her and asking for forgiveness she decided that she might be sincere and wanna be friends with her.

She took out one of the cookie and placed it into her mouth and she muttered a ‘wow’.

It was really good.

She giggled happily as she took more bites from the delicious cookie.

She was jumping happily as she went to Leroy’s room since she hadn’t seen him all day.

When she reached his room, she saw him playing with Starlight and once he noticed her presence, he looked up.

Starlight left him and went to Echo licking her feet. She had just one cookie left and as she squatted to give it to Starlight, she felt a pain in her chest.

She tried to ignore it but it came again more painful than before.

The pain came again and she winced as her hands went to hold her chest.

“Ahhhhh” She yelped and then she spitted out blood out of her lips.

Blood came out of her lips again and then the pain came in full force and she muttered;

“Leroy” Before shutting her eyes.

T. B. Continued……………

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