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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON I LOVE – Episode 1 & 2

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(🔥 Uncontrollable
………… Desires In Hell 🔥)

By May Maria K ✍️


Chapter 1💛2

“Come and see the flower just changed from yellow to red” Echo said delighted as she was talking to her best friend and only friend, Reine.

“Wow Echo you’re getting more better with your powers. They are beautiful” Reine said referring to what she did.

Echo smiled as her long black hair blew away by the wind. She was dancing happily in the garden.

That’s what she loves most despite the fact that her body was stiff but she tried her best to shake it anyways.

“Let’s get going Mom would be looking for us by now” Reine said making Echo to stop dancing. Echo picked her basket of blueberries before following Reine.

Echo was living with Reine since she grew up without even knowing who her parents were. Reine parents treated her like their own.

They actually came to pluck some fruits from the garden which Reine parents own. They’re like one of the average family in the kingdom for them to own such.

Echo was giggling happily as they walked the short distance to their house.

“I don’t know the reason for your sudden happiness . I’m sure it is that stupid dream again” Reine said whilst rolling her eyes because everytime Echo wakes up she always tells her of a silly dream.

“Yes it is and this time around the Roman god kissed me” Echo said as she thought about the dream that she had.

The man she sees in her dream she calls him a Roman god.

“You need to stop this foolish imagination. There’s no Roman god in this kingdom” Reine said but Echo protested.

“There is”

“Don’t tell me you’re thinking of that scary man”

“He’s not scary”

“He is Echo” Reine said yelling her name at the end.

Echo grumbled before muttering, “he’s not”

“Then suit yourself” Reine said and went ahead of her.

They were like that till they reached their home. When they entered, that was when Iris, Reine mother was just coming out of the kitchen.

When she saw them, she smiled and went to hug them both. “I prepared some delicious pie for you both, come and have a taste” Iris said and the two girls jumped happily.

Their love for pie is beyond the universe.

Then they rushed into the kitchen to get their own plate of pie.


This is like the darkest place in the whole kingdom because it is covered with dark clouds that one would think a heavy rain was about to fall.

And inside the castle, the whole place was dark because the curtains were always closed.

No one comes into the Alpha Castle so they have no maids to take care of the castle.

“Ahh my back”

“It’s hurts. I’m gonna faint”

“Gosh! I’m dying”

“Jesus Christ” The wh-_-re Jonathan was f-__-king screamed because of the extremely hard th-ru_st he was doing.

Jonathan was like a segz freak and there was no one who would have s*x with him and still remain alive. His th-ru_sts were so hard and deep.

He made a hard th-ru_st into her p**sy one more time and the Ɓîtçh eyes rolled to the back of her eyes and like that she died.

Only the white part of her eyes were showing and Jonathan removed his large Ďïčk from her p**sy and fixed it back into his pants.

With a snap of his fingers, the body vanished to the place where all other Ɓîtçhes he had f**cked always went to.

He smiled satisfactory and got down from the bed to go look for his next target.

He left his room and went down meeting Gordon on the way. The three brothers h@ťěs each other to the extent that if they cross path a fight is meant to occur between them.

“ki||ing a Ɓîtçh again” Gordon said in a calm tone but there was a hint of mockery in it.

“What I do is none of your business” Jonathan said and continued going down the stairs but then his legs stopped moving.

It was like it got stuck on the stairs and then he glared at his elder brother knowing it was his doing.

“Release me right now” Jonathan ordered but Gordon acted like he didn’t hear him.

Jonathan got angry and his eyes began to glow, he snapped his fingers and Gordon vanished. Then his stuck legs got released.

He continued where he was going out of the castle. He was getting horny already and he needs someone to satisfy that urge urgently.


This is like an isolated part of the castle. Only his groans filled the whole room as he was destroying his face with his long nails.

He was reopening a new wound on his face and blood was gushing out of the part that he was scratching with his fingers.

He wasn’t doing this in his right senses. Truly he has a demon inside of him and that’s what makes him crazy to do this to himself.

And no matter what, he can’t stop it only until he finds his demon’s mate which is truly impossible.

He continued scratching his face till his face was barely unrecognizable and that was when his hands literally stopped.

It was like it was controlled on its own.

He checked himself inside the mirror and sighed. Anytime the face tries to heal, the hand controls itself and he’ll start to disfigure his face again.

He tried to close his eyes but then he had a flash of the dream he always had and his eyes snapped open.

He looked down at his belly to see a knife in his belly and blood stained his clothes. That’s what happens anytime he tries to close his eyes.

Ever since this demon possessed him, everytime he closes his eyes he always have this flash of a girl piercing a knife in his belly and when he opens his eyes a knife would be there.

He removed the knife and a loud groan escaped his lips. His life is always full of hurts and pains and he’s already used to it.


Echo and Reine just finished eating the pie Iris made and then they went to the small library they had in the house.

They went in and Echo rushed to pick her favourite book there. What she liked about the book was that it was intriguing and that it had so many answers she needed to find.

She dusted the top of the book and the name of the book came to view – THE BOOK OF CHRONICLES.

She had read the whole pages of the book but it was incomplete meaning it had a part two.

She never understood what was in the book but it seems it was talking about a beast. The picture of the beast was also in the book and it looked so scary.

“Reading that again” Reine said and settled beside her. Echo nodded in return as she opened the first page of the book to start reading again.

She wouldn’t stop reading the book until she truly understands what the book says. That’s the kind of person that she is.

“I don’t know what you like so much in that book” Reine said and tried to touch it but Echo slapped her hands off.

“Why did you do that?”

“What’s your business with the book go read yours” Echo said and Reine tried to hit her back but then someone entered stopping her.

“Hey who would help me get some flavours from the Market” Iris asked entered the library.

“Echo” Reine said and pushed Echo forward smirking.

“Okay Echo come help me buy the flavors it won’t take time” Iris said and Echo nodded not without glaring at Reine before she left.

Echo collected the money from Iris and left to the Market to get the flavours for Iris..


Jonathan dressed like a normal villagers while he searched around for his next catch. His legs were already vibrating but he used his powers to keep it in.

He searched around looking for a beautiful girl that reached his standard but all the girls he saw was just ugly in his eyes.

He was looking around and unknowingly bumped into someone and the next thing he heard was an angelic voice he’ve never heard all his life.

“I’m so sorry” His senses flew off momentarily and when he looked up to see an angel in human form.

Some part of Echo’s hair scattered around her face and then she arranged it back, that little action made Jonathan more dumbstruck.

Echo bowed and left but Jonathan was still in a daze. Then he looked down at his pants to see his Ďïčk at attention.

“I’m dead. I need to have that girl” Jonathan muttered.

T. B. Continued…………

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