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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON AND I – Episode 58

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“You can come here whenever you want” Marisa said to Dracula at the doorstep.

“Yes.. I will” he smiled and nodded a little.

Diana who was behind them only shook her head. Her mom is so unbelievable, How can she like Dracula when this is the first time they met.

“Bye, it’s getting late dear” she said and closed the door while Dracula turned to leave.

“You’re so unbelievable” Diana muttered.

“I know he’s your boyfriend, I can see the way you two stare at each other” Marisa said and her eyes widened.

“You knew all along?” Diana lips parted.

“Of course.. Do you think I’m going to believe you two are just friends? You have a smart mom Baby” Marisa smiled.

“I actually thought you and Scott are going to end up together but Dracula is really fine by me. I can see the love he has for you in his eyes” Marisa said while she only smiled brightly.

“Thanks Mom” she said.

“How come you didn’t bring him sooner. I would have love to learn his recipes” She said and Diana rolled her eyes.

“Seriously mom.. you’re such a glutton”

“I’m not a glutton, I only love great food” Marisa shrugged.

Diana entered her room as expected Dracula was sitting on her bed staring at something.

“What’s that?” She moved closer and gasps seeing her childhood photo with him. Her cheek was puffy and she look so adorable on her cute blue dress.

“Where did you get that?.. Give it back!” She said and jumped to collect it but Dracula was faster to pull his hand away.

“Why? You look so cute Wife. This picture stole my heart” Dracula smiled teasingly.

“No it’s not! It’s… it’s so embarrassing so let me have it!” She snapped jumping on him.

Dracula used the opportunity to let her fall on him on the bed. Her eyes widened seeing their position and she swallowed.

“Why do you love blue so much?” Seeing most colour in her room were blue.

“Blue makes me happy. I don’t know the reason though.. I love blue right from when I was a kid. Why do you love red?”

“It’s captivating” he replied shortly.

“So since your mom already accept me, Should we start making babies?” He asked and she choked on her own saliva.

Dracula sat up and magically got the bottle water on the table. She grabbed it immediately and gulp it down her throat.

“You’re so easy to tease wife” He smiled handsomely while Diana got lost in her own world for a moment.

She grabbed the pillow to hit him on his head. Dracula didn’t bother to dodge so the pillow hit him.

“That was extreme” she scolded.

“How? We’ll get married for real and then start to make babies or we can make babies even before getting married..” He stopped and drew himself closer to her.

“Which one do you want Mate?” He asked smiling naughtily while his eyes landed on her lips. He had been holding himself because her mom was around. If not so, he would have kissed her a hundred times.

“Draco” she called softly seeing his eyes changing.

“What?” He asked still drawing himself closer. His lips finds its way to her neck.

“W..we c.. can’t do that here” she could hardly form her word because Dracula just kissed the mark on her neck sending goosebump all over her body.

“Why not mate?” He mumbled placing soft kisses on her jaw. She shivered under him and her hand finds its way to his chest.

Dracula traced his kiss up until it met with her lips. She responded immediately and threw her arm around her neck. Nibbling each others lips gently, they got lost into each other.

Within minutes, their cloths disappeared. Diana suddenly broke the kiss.

“What?” He asked softly. She looked down while playing with finger. She has something to say but she doesn’t know how to put it.

“I.. I wanna help you” she said and bit down her lower lips hard. She had read novels about partners helping themselves.

Dracula smirked. Her little dear mate is becoming bold so he decided to tease her.

“Help me with what?” He raised his brow.

“Yunno.. help?” She said still looking away.

“I still don’t understand what you mean wife.. can you tell me what you want to help me with?” He asked while her cheek turned red.

“Uhm.. just help.. can you please stop teasing me, I know you know what I meant” she pouted.

“Fine.. you wanna pleasure me wife?” He asked and she nodded lightly, he swiftly captured her lips again and held her hand then placed it below him.

Diana felt him dip her hand into his boxer, the next thing she felt was his huge length. It was warm, hard and feel exotic to touch. She could feel herself getting wet. She heard him groaned lightly when she began to observe it using her finger.

“Stop teasing me wife.. you might not be able to walk tomorrow if you continue touching that monster like that” he whispered against her ear. Diana swallowed at his words. Is that a thr_@t? What does he mean by she won’t be able to walk tomorrow?

Dracula guided her hand by moving it up and down his length.

“Keep on doing that” he whispered in a hoarse segzy voice sending goosebump all over her body again. She kept moving her hand up and down just like how he had instructed.

Dracula went back in kissing her hard. Her groaned segzily and held her brown soft hair while her hand kept working on him.

“Faster mate” he said against her lips. The more he was close to his released, the harder he kissed her. Diana hand moved faster and his body tensed.

“f-__-k!” He cursed under his breath closing his eyes, he loves the way her hand hand feels around her. Within minutes, $h00ts his wetness.

Diana watched Dracula open his eyes and stared into hers. She was curious on her performance, this was just her first time.

“How was it?” She asked curiously blinking severally.

“That’s awesome mate” he said.

“My turn” he smirked dragging her close.



“My queen I’ve released three of those hybrids to find Lilith.. what’s next?” One of the powerful witch informed Evanora who was putting on her black cloak.

She reached the black ink on her table and applied them on her hair that was already turning blonde.

She was getting impatient!

Of course she finally succeed in creating her army thanks to someone who she didn’t trust that much.

She just need to get her full Queen power back and by doing so, she have to end Lilith since she was now on the enemy side.

“Wait for my next order” she replied.

Evanora walked towards her shrine holding her long black staff, behind her was Alicia. She was now dressed in a clean cloths but not like the expensive ones she usually wear in the palace.

The door magically opened and they both walked in.

Evanora chanted some spell and her black crystal ball appeared before her.

The picture of Diana sleeping peacefully with Dracula appeared on it. He was sleeping with his face up to the ceiling and Diana’s arm were around his torso.

“Spider” Evanora muttered and smiled evilly.

“Hand it over” She said and stretching her hand towards Alicia, she placed an injection with green liquids in it.


The one specially made for the heart. It can any supernatural being.

Dracula could only be ki||ed by his mate so she plan to use Diana to get him out of the way.

“It’s gonna work right?” Evanora asked to be sure. She might not get this kind of opportunity again.

“Yes.. I am sure of it” Alicia smirked and looked down at the crystal ball. How dare he made her suffer like that? This was one thing she was good at.. making deadly lotion.

“Good” Evanora said, she closed her eyes for a moment then chant some spells.

Then opened her dark eyes after a while.

“Wakey, Wakey spider” she said.

Back in Canada Diana’s eyes flew opened immediately, she slowly got away from Dracula and got down from the bed.

Her gaze was blank with no emotion.

Evanora chuckled evilly, the injection in her hand disappeared and appeared on Diana’s hand.

Diana walked and stood beside Dracula whose eyes were still close. His arm were behind his head and his chest was visible to her. Her gaze goes to his left chest as she slowly raised her hand holding the injection tightly.

She swiftly bought her hand down to stab him and then…




To be continued…?

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