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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON AND I – Episode 26

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“What you’re saying is that you got kidnapped and R@P£D by this man on this picture?” A cop asked the strange young girl in front of him. He placed the picture of a ruthless billionaire known in Berlin; Aaron Xander.

Her skin looked paled, her lips dry and her body lean.

“Yes.. that’s him. He was the one who kidnap and R@P£D me” Gloria nodded her head fast. She successfully escaped few minutes ago and the only place she could think of going, is the police custody.

The cop sighed and shook his head. “Young girls nowadays are so desperate. Do you think by doing this, you’ll be get money from him? What is wrong with you? Do you know the consequences of your action?..”

“Sir I’m saying the truth..”

“The truth my @zz how can someone in Berlin kidnapped and R@P£D you when he has no record of leaving the country. Accusing him like this would just get you into deep $h|t so you better stop the act and head back home”.

Gloria hit her palm on the table in annoyance.

“How dare you!! Why are cops like you on desk. You haven’t investigate if what I’m saying is true or not you just jumped into conclusion just because of what! Just because he has more power!!!” She yelled madly.

“What if I happen to be your daughter huh? Wouldn’t you have try to know what really happened?.. I’m saying the truth mister.. please help me” Gloria said. She knows Aaron would come for her soon.

“Get out” the cop said.


“Get out!!!” He yelled causing her to jerk.

“You need to help me please.. I swear I’m saying the truth. He is going come for me please. Help… You’ve got to help me..” she went her knees crying.

“If you don’t leave now.. I’ll put you in jail for defamation!” He snapped. Other cops in the room eyes were on them.

“Right.. put me in jail then. If I go out there he’ll find me…”

“You must be a crazy wench!!” He yelled.

The door opened at that time, Tiana and Philip walked in. Seeing the scene she frowned.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

The cop saluted them before explaining everything thing to her.

“So you haven’t investigate anything before jumping into conclusion?” She raised her brow.

“Please help me.. he’ll ki|| me once he find me” Gloria begged still on her knees. Getting caught again by him scares the hell out of her. He might probably f-__-k her to death.

“I’ll help you.. you just need to tell me everything.. wait here for me” Tiana said to her and her eyes filled with relief.

“And you see me in my office” Tiana said to the cop behind her.

They were about to leave when Scott burst in. His breath were heavy and his body soaked in his sweat.

“Mom!” He called breathlessly.

“Scott.. what bring you here. Shouldn’t you be in school?” She frowned.

“Someone kidnapped Diana” He said.

Gloria eyes widened. Did he kidnap another girl when he noticed she escaped? Is he going to come for her too? She began to sweat.

“Kidnapped?” Philip frowned. His suspect Was Dracula since he had a strange urge to that guy.

“Yea.. I think she’s in trouble. Plss help me find her immediately” Scott said.

The door open again and Gloria’s nightmare walked into the police custody. He was looking hot as usual with his orange shirt and deep blue trouser. He has this blank look on his face but behind it he was angry as f-__-k!

His eyes search the room and smiled when it settled on Gloria.

“He’s the one..” she spranged up and ran towards Tiana.

Aaron stared blankly with his lips curved up. Does she think coming here is going to stop him?

“What you want mister?” Tiana asked.

“I came here for what belongs to me” he replied casually.

“She is not a piece property”

“Are you challenging me woman?” Aaron asked coldly walking closer to her. The aura around him turned chilling, everyone in the room could feel it.

“I’m just saying my point mister” she replied.

Aaron gaze went to Gloria and back to Tiana.

“Move..” he said coldly agaiy still walking closer to her but was interupted with a guy standing in front of him; Philip.

“It’s obvious she doesn’t want to go with you.. as the matter of fact I think we need to ask you some ques..” but he could finish, Aaron hit him. He flew and hit his back against the wall passing out immediately.

Scott eyes widened remembering what Draco said. He was not the only Demon, there are more.

A cop behind Aaron bought out his gun immediately.

“Don’t $h00t!!” Scott yelled but the cop shot three times at Aaron’s back.

He bullet stopped just before it could even touch his shirt. Aaron slowly turned to the guy who shot the gun with his eyes glowing gold already.

The cop hand trembled as he began to move back. In a speed of light, Aaron was before him with his hand placed on the cop’s head. He forcefully hit his head on the wall and the cop’s head crack opened ending him immediately.

He turned just to see Tiana, Scott and Gloria gone.

Tiana led them at the backdoor where they could escape.

“What was that?” Tiana asked while they kept on running.

“A demon” both Scott and Gloria said at the same time.

“De.. what!” She gasped. “The famous Aaron Xander is a demon?”

“Yea.. I’m shocked myself” Scott said

They got to a door and Tiana opened it in haste.

“You and I have a lot to discuss” Tiana said to her son.

They ran as fast as their leg could take them without slowing down for several minutes.

“I think we lost him” Tiana said looking back with her chest moving up and down because of her heavy breaths.

“Not sure about that thought.. cus Demon’s could teleport” Scott said resting his palm on his knee. He had never run this fast in his life.

“Te..le..port?” Tiana stuttered.

“Yes.. he could teleport.. there are two others like him. One female, one male” she said while Scott frowned.

What if one of them took Diana.

“We’ve got to keep running” she said.

They all turned but was shocked just to see Aaron standing before them with his hand in his pocket. His piercing gaze were placed on Gloria.

“Oh no” Gloria whispered.

“Go on.. make sure you take her to a safe place alright?” She said.

“ what about you?” Scott asked worriedly.

“I’ll be fine.. I just need to hold him off.. keep running” Tiana said bringing out her gun then pointed it towards Aaron.

“No mom!.. are you crazy? he’s going to ki|| you” He almost yelled.

“Go Scott!” She yelled.

Scott dragged Gloria into the woods beside them and the began to run again.

Aaron scoffed walking closer to Tiana who was shaking badly.

‘I just need to hold him off’ she thought to herself but Aaron vanished before her.

“What.. no!” She said going into the woods.

Aaron appeared before the two human running into the woods.

Scott suddenly felt himself getting shoved and pinned down. Without too much guess, he knew he was caught already.

Aaron bought him back up and turn him around placing his claws on Scott’s neck while he struggled. His heart was beating so fast.

“Scott right?” Aaron whispered while holding his neck in place. His fangs were visible while he speaks and his eyes glowed the more under the dark forest.

“Maybe in your next life you’ll learn to mind your f-__-king business” he said then raised his gaze to Gloria and smirked.

“Wait!!..” Gloria screamed.

Before she could say another thing, Scott neck was slashed by Aaron’s claws. She watched his body fall flat and his blood wet the floor.

“Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed.




To be continued…?

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