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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON AND I – Episode 16

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“The doctor said she will be alright” Marisa said to Diana whose eyes is on Granny Racheal. She had an oxygen mask on and her face looked paled. It’s close to evening already.

“Granny is always careful.. how could this happen?” She said. She so much love her granny and it hurts see her like this.

“Yes I know but she’s getting old already.. I’m sure she will be fine” she assured.

“What of Nina?” She asked.

“She’s with me. You should come home too” she said.

“No I’m not” Diana said. She knew her mom will use the opportunity to ask her to come home.


“I said no!” She said and got up to leave while Marisa could only sighed. Her married is close and her daughter have not yet agreed to it.

“How’s she?” Scott asked spotting Diana.

“She’s fine” she replied. Her phone rang and Jason name flashed on the screen.

“Let’s go then” Scott nod walking away.

“Hi” she said after picking.

“Ana.. how have you been? Sorry I was so sick to call” Jason said in an hoarse voice.

“Is everything alright? Why do you sound like that?” She asked worried.

“Don’t worry Diana.. I just feel so sick that’s all. I’ll be fine soon..”

“What! Have you gone to the pharmacy? I hope you’re not alone?” She asked.

“My friend went out and they would be home by tomorrow morning. I’ve used some drugs but I still feel like my body is on fire” he said and coughed causing Diana’s heart to race.

“Send me your address.. I’ll come check on you” she said quickly.

“Diana… Don’t..”

“I said send it to me.. I still have some time to spare”

“Cool.. give me a minute” he cut the phone afterwards and sent an address to her.

She saw it and went to meet Scott outside.

“I have somewhere to go.. I’ll meet you home okay?” She said.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“I.. I need to go to a friend’s place. You should go and stay with Draco. I’ll be back real soon” she said and hired a cab before Scott could ask any other question.


Diana got to a pharmacy and bought some drugs for fever since he mentioned that his body is burning.

Reaching the huge house she took a deep breath. She had never been in a guy’s home apart from Scott. She swallowed and sighed.

“I’ll just go in and take him to the hospital.. that’s all” she muttered then knock on his door but there was no response.

“It’s me Diana!!” She said knocking again but there was still no response.

“Is he alright?” She asked no one in particular.

Out of worries she tried to open the door and it opened surprisingly. She walked in slowly with a small bag of drugs. The big room was dark and quiet.

“Jason” she called darting her eyes around the big house.

“Jason!” She called louder walking into the Middle of the big living room. She suddenly heard the door close behind her and she looked back just to see Jason closing the door. He was not putting on any shirt and his hair messy.

“Diana” he called and she frowned. His voice seems fine unlike how he sounded on the phone.

“Jason.. I..I thought you were sick”she muttered staring at him.

“Sorry.. I did that to make you come here” he replied walking closer to her.

“Why?” She asked getting upset bit by bit. Why would he pretend to be sick just to bring her here? Beside why did he close the door?

“I just wanna see you.. like I said I miss you.. Diana” he replied still walking closer while Diana stood still on her place. She noticed him licked his lips after he was close enough.

“How are you doing?” He asked quietly raising his hand to touch her lips but she moved backwards. Her eyes turned angry. She must had been so stupid to come here.

“What are you trying to do?” She stuttered moving backwards. She could see lust in his eyes.

“Why are you moving backwards? Are scared? I’m not gonna hurt you Ana. After all we are together right. The dance party is three days ahead so I think we should get to know each other before then..” he said while his eyes scan her body.

“I.. I need to go” she said trying to walk away but he grabbed her by the waist and forcefully kissed her. He grabbed her butt then bring her skirt up while kissing her widely.

Diana bit his lips and he cursed under his breath. She pushed him away and grabbed a knife on the table.

“f-__-k!” He cursed again seeing the blood on his hand after touching his lips.

“Stay away from me!” She warned wiping her lips. Her eyes teared up. She can’t believe she fell for a guy like him.

Jason smirked walking closer not scared a bit that she was currently pointing a knife at him. Her hands were shaking.

“Do you really wanna ki|| me.. Ana. All I want is to have a loving girlfriend like you.. is that too much to ask?.. You came here running just because you heard my sick voice. You’re just the girl I want” his eyes turned sad.

“Get away from me.. I’m leaving” she said but Jason swiftly snatched the knife away from her and hit her face. She fell onto the couch and gasped.

She felt his grip around her neck pinning her against the couch.

“S..stop” she whimpered trying to get away. She was no more seeing the nice Jason anymore but instead she was seeing a beast in human form.

“Just stop the act girl. I know you want my Ďïčk in your Pů$$¥. So stop acting fake like you’re f-__-king a saint. Just accept the fact that I’m gonna f-__-k you till you’re not able to stand anymore..”

She whimpered trying to remove his hand on her neck but he was just too strong for her.

“Interesting right? I know you want me baby.. just stop struggling huh.. You’re going to enjoy it.. I’ll go easy I promise” he said placing his lips on her B-__-bs. His hand goes under her skirt again but just then…

“Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!” Came her scream in three voice and her eyes glowed blue for a sec. Jason saw it and stop.

“What the..” he couldn’t finish his word when he felt an electric shock from her.

“Argh” He groaned moving away from her and his breath turned shallowed. He stared at the girl who now have her eyes closed in disbelief.

Suddenly, Jason felt a strong mascular hand grab him from behind and felt himself being thrown like a trash. His back hit the wall hard and blood spurt out like a small fountain from Jason’s mouth.

The next thing Jason knew, he was viciously shoved and pinned down to the ground. The impact was so strong he couldn’t get the chance to breath.

After a couple of seconds he slowly came to his senses and opened his eyes just to she the most terrifying beast in his life snarling at him.

He look like a devil!

Dracula’s eyes was blazing red like fire. His fang were visible and his black vein covered most of his face. Black smoke emitted from his body, his piercing gaze gave him a strong chill all over Jason’s body. His claws were around his neck perfectly ready to snap it away from it’s body.

Jason choked the more feeling the hotness on his neck. It felt like his skin was burning. He could smell death… No.. he could see hell calling for him already. He felt himself peeing on his trouser out of fear.

“Rooaaaarrrr!!!!!!!” Draco thurderous roar filled the room showing it’s hideous fangs.




To be continued…?

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