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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡






👥 Pink house!!!!

👥 Red! I love red cause of senior Oliver

👥 I can’t wait to see my Dylan!

👥 It’s obvious Aiden will win in the swimming
race this time as usual!

👥 Oh please! He only won cause Dylan was
injured in the last inter house sports!

👥 Heard Olivia’s running for blue? I thought
she made it known to all last year that she and
Evelyn weren’t a fan of Blue!

👥 Don’t mention that Ɓîtçhes name, we don’t
want today to be cursed do we?

The students gossiped among themselves as
they sat in the school’s stadium waiting for the
event to begin.

The first event was the baton race, then shotput
and javelin throwing followed and a few
outdoor games before they move to the indoors
were the basketball and swimming team comes

“Now the moment we’ve all been waiting for.
Let’s give a little shout out to our head judge,
who also happens to be our one and only
Senator Russell!!”. The anchor stated and
immediately the whole students went gaga.
Then someone approached the anchor and
whispered something into his ear.

“Okay! I’ve been informed we have more
Senators in our mist and their beautiful wives
are also present. Let’s welcome our one and
only S3!!”. The anchor announced and everyone
shouted more. S3 were the names the senators
were popularly referred to.

👥 Dylan’s a complete replica of his father!

👥 Oh my gosh! Oliver’s father has the same
color of eyeballs like him.

👥 Isn’t that senator Gastio? He finally thought
of showing his face!

👥 Woah! Check out the ladies bags they’re all
wearing the same Celine brand!

👥 I love Lady Talia’s joggers!!

👥 Is it me or Lady Camila looks super young!

👥 This isn’t the first time I’m seeing Lady Emily
but I still can’t get enough of her beauty.

Both senators and their wives were rocking
white and black jumpsuit white black shades.

They looked smart cool on the suit but lady
Emily was the who suggested the ladies should
top it up with their latest Celine model bag just
to show and oppress and nothing more.

“I just hope we didn’t miss the race. I really
want to see my Issy running!”. Lady Camila
smiled widely as she settled down with Senator
Clearn on the high table.

“Calm down Cam, I think they just started”.
Lady Talia teased from beside her and that’s
when the cheerleaders started pouring in.

Ella is the head cheerleader as expected and
they began their expensive cheer sections,
throwing numerous stunts they soon finished
and the students representing their team in the
running began walking in.

The students took their stans and Olivia and
Isla happened to be the last legs in their teams
out of the three legs.

Maya was also the last leg of the blue team
and everyone was certain she was gonna win
since she has won for her team twice in a roll.

She was even given the name the human
cheetah, no doubts she had the long legs and
charisma so she deserves it.

The race soon began and at first Maya’s team
started off super slow, making white, pink,
yellow and red team surpass them.

Isla on the other hand felt a little nervous when
the girl running the second leg began slacking
behind and the blue house which was the last
picked up a little.

Never the less the baton was passed to them
and a heavy race started causing everyone to
keep silence a little.

Olivia surprisingly took the lead at first but Isla
soon caught up to her leaving Maya behind a
little but right when they were about crossing
the finish line Maya surpassed them and won.

Olivia and Isla ended up coming out at the
same time followed by red and white.

“Woah!! Go Isla and Olivia!!”. Lady Camila
stood up screaming loudly and both Olivia and
Isla turned to face her. Olivia smiled widely at
her and surprisingly Isla only flashed her a light
smile before leaving the field to go wash her
face with Olivia.

“You did great out there. I never thought you
would run so fast with those tiny legs of yours”.
Olivia teased Isla.

“Well now you know It wouldn’t have been a tie
between us if I hadn’t rested a little”. Isla
boosted and Olivia scoffed at her making her
chuckle a little.

“Have you seen Lisa? I can’t find her
anywhere?”. Dylan asked Isla when she

“I don’t know? Did you check around for her?”.
Isla asked.

“Yes I did but I…

“It’s almost time for the basketball game right
she might be there”. Olivia said feigning
ignorance and Dylan immediately ran towards

“Basketball game? Seriously?”. Isla asked as
she stared at Olivia.

“Yes basketball game”. Olivia replied.

“You both did great! I’m so happy having
athletes in the family. To even think Oliver’s
girlfriend is also so fast”. Lady Camila gushed
when she walked up to them with others and
she hugged Olivia.

“Dylan’s in the basketball team right?”. Lady
Emily asked Olivia and Isla.

“No he’s in the swimming race”. Olivia said.

“I even forgot! Wait …i haven’t set my eyes on
Lisa where’s she?”. Lady Emily asked.

“Come I’ll take you all to them”. Olivia said as
she led the way to the basketball court only to
see that the event had already begin and a huge
tug of war between Oliver and Lisa’s team had
already began.

“Wait I’m I seeing double right now? Isn’t that
Lisa playing for the white team?”. Lady Emily
gasped as she sat down watching with eyes

“You never mentioned she was good at
basketball Russell”. Senator Clearn said.

“I also don’t know”. Senator Russell said staring
at her with widened eyes.

Lisa was so good that one could hardly
recognize her. There was no different between
she and the guys playing with her, though she
was a tomboy naturally but right now she
looked exactly like a guy.

She packed her hair up in a bun and had a
white head band on, she was wearing the white
lions jersey and had a white socks on white her
huge white canvas.

“Now I’m really sure she’s my daughter! I mean
I’m also good at basketball!!”. Lady Emily
smiled widely and everyone beside her including
senator Russell coughed out at her remark, to
show it was an obvious lie and she threw a
glare at them.

Dylan on the other hand stood glaring at Lisa
from were he stood with Aiden at the door.

“I can’t believe she’s so good at playing
basketball like gosh I’ve fallen for her moves!”.
Aiden complimented from beside Dylan who
turned his back and began leaving.

“What’s wrong with him”. Aiden said before
going after him.

The game soon came to an end and Davis and
Lisa’s team beat Oliver’s team with 59-55 with
Lisa scoring most of the goals and between a
minimum of two seconds the students began
chanting her name all over the court.

The swimming competition soon began also,
with Dylan’s mind still clouded from everything,
he ended up coming out second while Aiden
came out first as usual.

The moment Dylan came out of the pool the
first person he sighted was Lisa who stood
cheering for him nonetheless. Her voice was the
loudest of all the students in the swimming

And Dylan walked up to her, still dripping wet
with his white sibglet and red skims short on,
not bothering to wipe the water off his body he
took Lisa by the arm and led her out of the court
to someone quiet. He looked super angry.


“I now pronounce you two husband and wife”.
The priest said and everyone present

“You may now …

Before the priest could finish Senator Clearn
had already smashed his lips on Lady Camila’s
and everyone cheered loudly.

Their wedding ceremony was simple but still
luxurious with Isla and Olivia being the flower
girls while Oliver and his friends helped in the
preparation of the drinks and music.

Lisa and Maya were the ones who decorated
the hall they used. Maya and Lisa had the same
colour of clothes on.

Though Maya made hers into a floral gown like
it should while Lisa who didn’t feel comfortable
in gowns made hers into a one shoulder slim
tank top and wore it on a black palazzo trouser
which brought out her slender shape perfectly.

Lisa was currently not around as she has
some unfinished business to do.

Finally the couples stopped kissing and Aiden
added more volume to the music playing. No he
wasn’t the dj, the di himself was also present
when Aiden amplified the voloume.

“Now the kissing part is over why not we go
out to celebrate this whole party!”. Aiden
shouted and his dad threw him a glare.

“Do you mean we all should go clubbing?
Aren’t you matured enough to overgrown that?
You guys just wrote your final exams few days
ago but you still think you can act as crazy as
you do?!”. Senator Gastio snapped from where
he sat and everyone broke into laughter while
Aiden kept quiet.

“Even if we’re to go partying we’re not going
anywhere without my baby present!”. Dylan
announced and Senator Russell shook his head
while Lady Emily backed him up.

“Yes! No after party without Lisa!”. Lady Emily
said nudging senator Russell to support her and
he did.

Just then Lisa walked into the hall and Dylan
walked up to her and at that moment they
exchanged hot ksses in front of everybody.

“Get a room!!”. Aiden yelled from where he
stood watching and his dad sighed staring at

“We should have sent that son of yours to an
army school. He’s so f-__-king spoilt!”. Senator
Gastio said to Lady Talia.

“Just like you!”. Lady Talia replied and senator
Gastio glanced at her.

“Babe are you drunk?”. Isla asked Aiden who
just chuckled.

“I’m also confused myself”. Oliver asked also.

“Did you meet your mom?”. Dylan asked and
Lisa nodded.

“She’s spending her life sentence for ki||ing my
dad and I’m only allowed to see her once a
month”. Lisa replied and Dylan tried lighting her
mood with a kiss but senator Russell

“We’re all waiting for you both to come over
here, so the party can begin”. The senator said
and Lisa glanced at Dylan taking him by the
hands she said the words she surprisingly
haven’t told him since when they started dating.

“I love you!”. Lisa said loudly making it sound
like lovely ringtone in Dylan’s ear and he
immediately pulled her closer smashing his lips
on hers.

“Are they joking with us right now?”. Aiden and
Oliver scoffed at the same time in as they
watched the duo eat each other raw.

“Aiden?”. Isla called softly from beside Aiden
and when he turned to face her Isla claimed his
lips also and he immediately reciprocated.

Oliver didn’t wait for anyone to tell him as he
also walked up to Maya claiming her lips also,
and Davsi and Olivia followed.

“So it’s confirmed you ladies didn’t train your
children well!!”. The three Senators said at the
same time and their wives who were blushing
on their kids behalf threw a glare at them.

Brought to you by Fave Gold🧡

My first full highschool \Teen genre
So happy we saw to the end of this story😘

Your Favorite Female Character

Your favorite Male character

Your worst female character

Your worst male character

Your cutest couples so far

Your cutest both male and female character.

Your favorite scene

Your worst \saddest scene

Your funniest scene

Your most love felt scene

Gold hearts for me please it wasn’t easy🥺🧡

Next story is gonna be a banga trust me to
always deliver💘

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