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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡




“Missed me? Heard you’ve been causing a lot
of trouble in my absence, especially for Evelyn ”.
Frankie said as he took a sit in front of her,
while Evelyn stood glaring at Lisa.

“I expected you to do something more soothing
and deserving. I disgraced and beat you up in
front of the entire school yet you just kidnapped
me!”. Lisa chuckled teasingly at Evelyn who
made to hit her but Frankie pulled her back. He
was smiling trickly at Lisa.

“Okay let’s say Evelyn made the bad choice by
paying you back with only your kidnap but what
about me? Don’t you think all this is too boring
for me? I mean Olivia could testify I’m not a fan
of making someone disappear just to keep her
somewhere”. Frankie said to Lisa.

“What are you going to do to me?”. Lisa glared
and Frankie smiled standing up from his seat.

“Nothing”. Frankie answered and Evelyn faced

“I have no issue with you Lisa. In fact we won’t
have been in this position if not for your stupid
boyfriend”. Frankie said as he bent towards
Lisa, smiling cutely at her.

“Exactly what are you planning?!”. Lisa
snapped, getting pissed.

“Don’t worry you’re safe as long as Dylan isn’t”.
Frankie winked at her before standing to his

“Frankie!!!”. Evelyn yelled out it seems she’s
been boiling inwardly for some time now.

“What’s your problem Eve?”. Frankie glanced at

“This is not what we f**the king agreed. We’re
ki||ing them both and not only Dylan!”. Evelyn

“No! We agreed on dealing with Lisa which
we’re doing now but the one who should f-__-king
die is your ex boyfriend!”. Frankie snapped and
instantly Evelyn snatched the gun of the thug
standing right next to her, then she pointed it at
Lisa who’s eyes widened.

“If you can’t f-__-king ki|| her then I’ll do it
myself!”. Evelyn laughed loudly as she made to
release a bullet on Lisa’s head, but Frankie was
fast enough to $h00t her on the Břě@šť with his
own gun and she fell dead to the ground.

“Now can you believe me when I tell you you’re
in good hands as long as your Dylan
disappears”. Frankie said to Lisa before
chuckling loudly like a maniac.

“Can’t believe this is the same lunatic I almost
fell for ”. Lisa mumbled to herself as she stared
at Frankie with shock in her eyes.

Then suddenly two thugs bigger than the one
watching over Lisa walked into the arena with
two black bags each in their hands, going
straight to Frankie.

“The bombs are all here boss!”. One of the
thugs said as he handed a bag to Frankie,
which he opened to confirm.

“Good! What about the truck is it here yet?”.
Frankie asked as he returned the bag to the

“Yes boss it’s downstairs”. The second thug

“Great. Go install these babies in it and wait for
my call to activate it”. Frankie said and the
thugs nodded before leaving the arena.

Lisa’s eyes widened when she heard

“Everything’s set already. The only thing
delaying us right now is your boyfriend. But
seriously, doesn’t he love you? What’s keeping
him or should I lend you my phone to call him”.
Frankie smirked at her.

“Don’t f-__-king do that okay?!”. Lisa yelled and
Frankie laughed out.

“Boss, we’ve seen him coming. He’s on the
highway already. He’s in the car with his friends
and Davis also”. Jake said coming in only to
meet the greatest shock of his life.

Evelyn, his one and only benefactor, was lying
dead on the ground. He wasn’t too concerned
about Lisa staring at him with immense shock
in her eyes, as he ran towards Evelyn’s body on
the ground.

“Jake?”. Lisa called out in shock.

“Ma’am Evelyn!”. He called out shaking her
body, then he threw a strong glare at Lisa as he
charged towards her.

“If it’s about your younger brother Chris’s tuition
fee don’t worry I’ll take care of it. Your ma’am
was being so noisy and forward”. Frankie
interrupted him and Jake faced him.

“Wait, is it the same Chris in our class? Is your
brother? And does that mean you were the one
who framed Isla on a s3x tape?”. Lisa gasped.

“Yes! He’s the same Chris. The only family i
have and my entire works revolves around him.
Ever since our parents died he had always been
my responsibility. I became Evelyn’s right hand
man because she promised to send Chris to
Geelong highschool as one of the elites and not
a scholarship students. So you see why i had to
do what I did to Kala, though mostly because i
was bittered she turned me down for that
f-__-king Aiden!”. Jake explained.

“Ouch! But seriously what’s with girls of our
school and falling for Aiden. Kingston’s dead
also because of him! It’s a good thing he’s on
his way with Dylan. I’ll finally avenge my friend
and that blasted Davis will pay with his life
also”. Frankie exclaimed looking pissed.

“You ki||ed Evelyn after all she did for you?!”.
Jake yelled, facing Frankie.

“You’re also becoming too noisy. Do you want
your brother to end up with no family at all?”.
Frankie thr_@tened and Jake kept quiet.

“You mentioned the fool is already on the
highway right?”. Send the truck to him and wait
for my signal before you click on boom”.
Frankie instructed and Jake nodded before
facing Lisa, then he walked away.

“Jake! You snake! I f-__-king h@ťěs you!”. Lisa
yelled almost in tears as Jake walked away.

“Chill tigress, he’s just following orders”. Frankie

“You won’t get away with this, I promise you! If
anything f-__-king happens to Dylan then I won’t
spare you!”. Lisa yelled enraged.

“You know let’s go watch the big show also.
Someone bring her into my car! We have a
movie to catch!”. Frankie said excitedly as he
walked out of the arena, and two of his thugs
forced Lisa up carrying her on their shoulders to
his cars ignoring her struggles and yells.


“Commissioner what’s the hold up in tracking
down the kidnappers our sons are out there!”.
Senator Gastio snapped.

“We are trying our best senator. Please exercise
little patience. We’re almost there”. The
comissioner pleaded.

“Little patience you say! Those motherf-__-kers
might have finshed hurting my daughter before
we even get there! Zayn do something!”. Lady
Emily panicked and Senator Russell threw a
stern glare at the commissioner. Lady Camila
and Lady Talia stood close to Lady Emily
calming her down.

Olivia and Isla sat afar off really worried about
everything going.

Davis had came to see her in Isla’s house cause
she sent him the address, when he saw the guys
leaving and he devuded to tag along stating
everything was also his fault too.

“We’ve been here for the past twenty minutes
now and you’re still not able to prove your
competence. Should we just shut down your
division and let another division take care of
this case!”. Senator Russell glared at him.

“We’re so sorry senator my boys are …

“We’ve found them!”. One of the police men
called out and everyone ran to take a look at the

“We used the tracking device you told us you
planted on your son’s car senator Russell”. The
police man said.

“It’s good I had placed a tracking device on all
his cars. Now find were they are”. Senator
Russell said to inspector who hit on his screen
again, and Lady Emily faced him.

“You act as if wh@ťěver Dylan does is none of
your business but you’ve always been checking
out his whereabouts?”. Lady Emily muttered.

“I was just afraid he was going around ruining
my good name. Nothing more to it”. Senator
Russell said and Lady Emily rolled eyes.

“We should do that for our boys too”. Senator
Clearn said.

“Definitely once this whole $h|t! Is over”.
Senator Gastio said.

“They’re on the Dane’s river highway”. The
inspector said.

“Round up everyone we’re all going there!”. The
commissioner said and all the police men
available got into their various vans and drove
out of the base.

“We’re tagging along so you don’t slack off and
miss them again”. Senator Clearn said and the
commissioner nodded before entering into one
of his police cars, with three of his officers and
driving away also.

“We’re coming along also!”. Lady Talia said to
senator Gastio.

“Oh please Talia what do you mean by we.
Speak for yourself …

“No she’s right! Tristan I’m going with you!”.
Lady Camila said as she began walking out of
the door, while senator Clearn stared after her.

Lady Talia glared at senator Gastio before also
leaving and waiting for him in the car as she
shut the car door loudly knowing fully well he
h@ťěs that.

“No need to say it Emily I’m right behind you”.
Senator Russell said.

“No I’ll stay behind. I’m too scared to go with
you. I might just die if they hurt any of my
babies”. Lady Emily muttered worriedly.

“Talia can never reason that way. She has a
very strong annoying mind”. Senator Gastio said
before leaving joining his troublesome wife in
the car and they drove off.

Senator Clearn also left with Lady Camila and
Senator Russell patted Lady Emily’s hair before
also leaving.

“Isla right?”. Lady Emily said when she walked
up to Isla who was now on the verge of crying.
She’s had enough of today, suddenly she has
parents and now her boyfriend is seeking for a
death wish.

“Yes”. Isla responded in tears and Lady Emily
sat right next to her hugging her tightly.

“Nothing will happen to any of them okay?
Let’s be strong”. Lady Emily consoled as she
hugged crying Isla tightly. Olivia sat watching
them from the other end of the seat and Lady
Emily signaled to her to move closer to them.

When she did she pulled her into a hug also
kissing her hair lightly. She hugged both of
them nicely.

“Olivia?”. Maya called the moment she rushed
into the police station only to see Lady Emily
and the girls.

The news was actually the top trending in the
whole of the country right now, so Maya had
rushed out of her house when she watched the
news on the TV.

“Maya”. Olivia called and Maya rushed to hug
her, in Lady Emily’s grip.

“I’ve missed you soon much thank goodness
you’re alright”. Maya said into the hug and
Olivia smiled hugging her back.

“Don’t worry they’ll all be fine quit crying”.
Maya scoffed at Isla who only wiped her tears a

“She’s such a baby”. Lady Emily teased and
everyone including Isla chuckled.


“Have you found the warehouse yet?”. Aiden
asked Dylan who was driving, they’re both in the
front seat, as the drive went on.

“Yes, I’m driving through the lane right now”.
Dylan said, as he drove fast he looked really

“It’s a good thing queen L placed that tracking
device on Evelyn during theur fight yesterday at
school”. Oliver said.

“What did I tell you about being so informal
with my girlfriend!”. Dylan yelled at Oliver and he
rolled eyes.

“Chill bro. That’s the least of our worries right
now”. Aiden chuckled as they focused on the

“Though Maya also did a lot m if she hadn’t
told us about Frankie staying in Evelyn’s house
we wouldn’t have been prepared at alll”. Aiden

“You’ve been quiet ever since why?”. Oliver
asked Davis who was seating beside him.

“Nothing. Though I’ve been wondering lately,
what that kinda of strange looking truck was
doing on the highway”. Davis said pointing at
the huge truck driving towards them and the
guys finally realized it’s presence.

“You have very sharp eyes. We’re sitting at the
front seat but we noticed nothing”. Aiden said.

“Wait…did the driver of the truck just jump out
of it into the river?!”. Davis said in a gasp.

“f-__-k! Dylan be careful avoid the truck it has
lost control!”. Oliver warned but before Dylan
could do anything to avoid the truck, his car
crashed into the huge truck and almost
immediately the bomb attached to it exploded

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