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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡




“I’m here where’s Olivia?”. The voice they’ve
been searching for said from behind them and
they all turned to face him…

Oliver rushed towards him, holding him by the
collar and Selene pulled him away from Davis.

“Where the f-__-k have you been?! We’ve been
looking for you everywhere!”. Oliver yelled at

“He’s here now that’s all that matters”. Selene
said trying to calm angry Oliver.

“It didn’t reach two hours when I got to England
that I saw the news about Olivia’s revival. I had
to take the next flight back”. Davis explained
and both Oliver and Aiden rolled eyes at him.

“Please let’s keep our enmity aside, for now just
tell me where Olivia is”. Davis pleaded, but the
guys ignored him and Isla was the one who
pointed to Olivia’s ward and Davis thanked her
before rushing in.

Aiden sent a questionable look towards Isla
and in order to avoid it, she locked her arms
with his pouting cutely.

“I’m tired take me home”. Isla pouted again and
Aiden scoffed before getting up from the seat,
and sweeping her off the seat also taking her
into his hands as she giggled.

“See in you in school tomorrow”. Aiden said to
Selene and Oliver before taking Isla away.

“Let’s leave also, they need some alone time
together”. Selene said to Oliver.

“There’s no way I’m leaving my sister alone
with that monster”. Oliver blurted out.

“And what qualifies him as a monster? C,mon
Oliver it’s his cousin who almost ki||ed Olivia not
her”. Selene said and Oliver glanced at her.

“That doesn’t change the fact they’re still
related”. Oliver argued stubbornly.

“Oh please! You’re just saying this because of
your old rivalry with him. But then if it’s because
he’s related to Kingston, then I should not also
date you cause you’re Archer’s brother”. Selene
said and Oliver’s eyes widened.

“Yes right? Cause your brother caused me so
much pain I should also h@ťě you too”. Selene
said and Oliver sighed deeply before standing to
his feet and began walking away.

“Where are you headed to!”. Selene called after

“You said they needed privacy right?”. Oliver
yelled back still walking away and Selene
smiled at first, but then it turned into a sly smirk.

‘Just keep it going Selene you’re almost there.
Your plan to use Oliver acquire the Clearn’s
wealth is not far from being executed. It’s a
good thing you found out fast that Archer
wasn’t the real heir to the family and opted for a
divorce immediately otherwise your plan of
gaining so much wealth through him would
have been useless’

‘I never mind enduring Archer’s vile treatment
towards me till I die as long as I have so much
money. But the fool happened to be a b@st@rd
son instead after all the endurance! Being the
youngest and the most h@ťěd in my family I’m
pretty sure dad’s leaving nothing for me in his
will but then who needs him when i have the
real heir to one of the richest conglomerates in
the whole country wrapped around my palms”.
Selene thought smirking as she watched Oliver’s
leaving figure, then she decided to join him.

***** *****

“Olivia?”. Davis called when he walked into the
room only to see Olivia struggling to take off the
drip pipes attached to her wrist and his eyes
widened as he ran towards her.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”. Davis
yelled stopping her.

“I want to go meet Davis…

The rest of the words got stuck in Olivia’s
mouth she saw it was him.

“Davis?”. Olivia called out with a huge smile
playing on her face, and Davis hugged her
warmly which she responded to.

“I can’t believe you pulled through Via, i thought
I’ve finally lost you”. Davis cried amidst the hug
and Olivia broke the hug when she realized it.

“Quit crying okay? You make it look like we
were dating before the worse happened”. Olivia
chuckled holding up his cheek and Davis wiped
his tears.

“Can we?”. He asked but instead of answering
Olivia brought his face closer and pulled him
into a warm kiss.


“Senator Russell! Russell!!”. Dylan yelled the
moment he got into the living room with Lisa.

“Why are you yelling out his name like that?!”.
Lisa snapped at him as she sat on a couch
crossing his legs.

“I want to ask why he would send an
unlicensed pyschopath like you to come pick
me up”. Dylan replied as he began climbing the
stairs then Lisa chuckled.

“You won’t find him at home”. Lisa said and
Dylan descended the stairs approaching her.

“Why?”. He asked.

“He went out with your mom almost the same
time you left with your friends for the hospital”.
Lisa said and Dylan’s eyes widened.

“Then why’d you come pick me up? When he
wasn’t the one who sent you?!”. Dylan gasped.

“Hey! I waited for close to thirty minutes
straight and when I got tired of waiting i had to
go to you okay? This mansion was too boring!”.
Lisa snapped before she knew it and Dylan
smirked at a statement.

“Did you just admit to missing me after i was
only away for thirty minutes straight?”. Dylan
smiled as he settled beside her while Lisa stood
up glaring at him.

“When did I say that?!”. Lisa yelled.

“You just did…just now”. Dylan replied also
getting up from the couch and Lisa scoffed
before making to run up the stairs but Dylan
pulled her back by the wrist and she hit his
chest gently. Their eyes were now locked.

“I asked if you wanted to tag along but you
refused and even thr_@tened to ki|| me, only for
you to come pick me up out of boredom”. Dylan
smiled as he used his thumbs to caress her
cheek, while Lisa still stood lost in his eyes, with
her heart beating rapidly.

“Now that I’m here what do you want us to
do?”. Dylan muttered and right when Lisa was
about to answer the senator and Lady Emily
walked into the living room and she had to pull
apart from Dylan.

“I told you leaving them at home most times,
will bring the burning desire out from them”.
Lady Emily whispered to Senator Russell who
cleared his throat instead.

“You both are back already?”. Lisa asked.

“Yes we would have stayed longer, but Zayn
kept on flirting with the waitress”. Lady Emily
rolled eyes at the senator before walking up to
Lisa and pecking her on the lips, which Lisa
smiled to.

“Go to bed early, you both have school
tomorrow”. Lady Emily said and Senator Russell
glanced at her, while Lisa chuckled. Dylan just
stared at his mom.

He was expecting a kiss from her also but
instead, she went up the stairs not sparing him
a glance.

“Come with me to my study Lisa, I have
something to tell you”. Senator Russell said
before climbing the stairs and Lisa nodded.

“Don’t take it to heart okay? Goodnight”. Lisa
said to Dylan before running up the stairs trying
to meet up with the senator.

“She has never greeted me goodnight before.
Does this mean I have a chance?”. Dylan smiled
before running up to his room.


Aiden’s car pulled up in front of Isla’s house
and she pecked him on the cheek before
making to alight the car but Aiden pulled her

“Can’t you just go on a little ride with me?”.
Aiden asked and Isla shook her head in

“Why?”. Aiden asked.

“I have something important to do at home
right now and my granny has been waiting for
me”. Isla said and Aiden sighed.

“Okay what about this? We’ll go out tomorrow
after school”. Isla persuaded and Aiden glanced
at her.

“For real?”. He asked and Isla nodded with a
huge smile on her face.

“You’ve given me your word no excuses
tomorrow”. Aiden said.

“Yes i promise”. Isla said and Aiden pulled her
closer for a kiss, before letting her go out of the

The moment she came out, she waved at him
and he winked back at her, he was about
starting his car engine and driving off when
Jake came out of Isla’s house and he glared at
him through his car’s windshield with balled

“You’re here. Your granny mentioned you left
the house earlier and would be home soon so i
decided to wait for your return”. Jake said
walking up to Isla as he took her hands.

“You didn’t come to work today why?”. Jake
asked fondling Isla’s hand, and Isla immediately
took her hand from him. Jake made to hold her
again but Aiden was fast to disconnect their
hands, and punching Jake right on the face
causing his lips to burst, but Jake made sure to
return the punch.

“Aiden!”. Isla panicked.

Aiden wasted no time in returning the punch,
then he kicked Jake on the leg making him fall
on his knees.

“Motherf-__-ker!”. Aiden spat as he began kicking
Jake repeatedly on the back and stomach while
the fellow kept groaning in pains.

“Aiden stop! Aiden that’s enough you’ll ki||
him!!”. Isla yelled as she finally pushed Aiden
away from him. Then she rushed towards Jake
going on her knees to attend to him and Aiden
took her away from him.

“Let go of me he’s hurting!”. Isla said to Aiden.

“It’s because you don’t have the guts tell him
out that’s why he keeps coming to you. Isla
f-__-king draw a boundary between you two, so
this would end today!”. Aiden yelled obviously

“No! We both work in the same place it won’t
make sense if i cut ties with him, just because I
have a boyfriend who h@ťěs him!”. Isla yelled
back and Aiden scoffed at her.

“I don’t just h@ťě him. I h@ťě any guy who tries
to come close to you, so get that!”. Aiden said
and Isla went to Jake ignoring him.

“Leave Aiden. It’s getting late”. Isla muttered as
she helped Jake up.

“What do you think you’re doing?”. Aiden
glared at her.

“It’s obvious he has something to tell me, so
I’m taking him in with me for treatment. Drive
safely”. Isla replied as she began taking Jake
into the gate, expecting a response from Aiden
but none came.

Then she turned only to see him driving off in
a reckless manner and she sighed sadly.

**** ****

“Your granny isn’t around?”. Jake asked as Isla
treated his wound.

“She is. It’s obvious she’s in her room”. Isla
replied, focused on what she was doing.

“So you’re dating Aiden now?”. Jake asked and
Isla dropped what she was doing.

“Why did you come here in the first place?”. Isla

“I just wanted to see you”. Jake replied.

“Why?”. Isla questioned.

“You weren’t at work today and I just missed
you that’s why”. Jake said and Isla gave him a
puzzled look, then he took her by the palms.

“I really like you a lot Isla. If you could just give
me a chance I promise to make you happ…

“I already have a boyfriend. And please don’t
come unannounced to my home again. I don’t
like it”. Isla said getting up from where she sat
with him.

“It’s getting late…

“You have a better chance with me than with
him, his from a f-__-king high class family. His
parents especially his dad could buy the whole
of Australia and still have alot of changes left.
Isla you’re from a lower background whether
you accept it or not, you’re bith not compatible
the odds are f-__-king clear!”. Jake interrupted
also standing to his feet.

“Who are you to tell me all this?!”. Isla said
getting pissed off.

“Once he stops loving you, you’ll see the
consequences of not heeding to my warning
Isla, you’ll have no choice than to quit that
school also…

“Leave my house Jake!”. Isla yelled.

“f-__-king leave my house!”. Isla interrupted
enraged and Jake left.

The moment he was out, Isla fearfully fidgeted
with her fingers thinking about what Jake said.
Then she dialed Aiden’s number and it kept
ringing but he refused picking. Then finally at
the thurd ring he cut it and heart stopped
functioning for a second.


The school went on a two days holiday to
mourn the loss, of two of their elite students,
thankfully one of them later survived and they
couldn’t be more happier.

Also Selene got back to teaching in the school
and announced to the students that she and
Oliver were dating and wanted the flirtatious
girls who had eyes on him to stay off him.

Lisa had come to school in her bike as usual
refusing Dylan’s offer of dropping her off. She
didn’t want anyone finding out that she lived
with them now.

Now they were in Physics class and Selene was
the teacher for the subject. Olivia was still
recuperating in the hospital so she wasn’t in
school and Davis obviously stayed back to keep
her company.

“Okay. That’s all for our today’s class. You’re to
submit your assignment first thing tomorrow
morning”. Selene smiled and winked at Oliver
before leaving the class, Maya who saw it stood
up and left the class also and Evelyn rolled eyes
before following her.

Isla stood to go meet Aiden on his seat, but
before she could get to him, Aiden stood up and
left the class with Oliver not sparing her a
glance at he walked passed her.

“What’s wrong with Aiden? Are you two having
issues?”. Lisa asked but instead of answering
Isla broke into tears hugging her and Lisa’s eyes
widened, then Dylan appeared before them.

“What did you do to baby face?”. Dylan asked
and Lisa glared at him.

“I should be asking you instead? What did your
b*ttheaded friend do to her?!”. Lisa yelled at him
as she patted crying Kala.

“Who? You mean Aiden? How do you expect
me to know?”. Dylan said before taking Isla
from her and making her face him.

“What are you doing?!”. Lisa snapped at him.

“Chill okay?”. Dylan said to her before facing

“You’ll find Aiden in the school cafeteria why
don’t you go meet him there. I want to ask your
friend out”. Dylan said to Isla who intended to
disapprove but when she heard his last
statement she nodded and went away.

“What did you tell her?”. Lisa asked and Dylan
faced her.

“Nothing much just that I’ll be asking you out
now and I want no obstructions”. Dylan said
without stress and Lisa broke into laughter. She
had laughed for some minutes while Dylan gave
her a serious look and she stopped laughing.

“Oh you’re not joking when you said that”. Lisa
muttered as she avoided his eyes, then Dylan
grabbed her by the hand and took her out of the


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