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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡




“CAN I KISS YOU”. Aiden’s voice came again and this time Isla bit her lower lip.

“Why would you want to…

Isla was interrupted when Widen broke the hug and suddenly smashed his lips on hers making her gasp lightly in shock.

For the good three minutes that the kiss lasted, Isla didn’t respond to the kiss, mostly because she didn’t know how to.

It was her first kiss and if there’s one thing she never expected was that Aiden of all people would be the one to steal it away from her.

She won’t deny she didn’t like how his amazingly soft lips fell on hers but then it was too sudden and she wasn’t ready for this.

Isla instantly pushed Aiden away from her breaking the kiss in the process, and Aiden gave her a puzzled look.

“You have no right to kiss without my permission!”. Isla snapped as she turned back to go back to her house, but Aiden pulled her back making her face him.

“You didn’t reply me when I asked so I just thought you wanted to kiss me also but didn’t know how to say it out loud”. Aiden explained and Isla threw him a glare.

“I didn’t reply you cause it was just so sudden. Is that how you go about requesting for a kiss from just any girl you come across with?”. Isla demanded and Aiden scoffed.

“No I don’t just go about asking for kisses cause I know without me asking any girl could even go nak*d right in front of me, I just wanted to taste something different and I did. Thank you”. Aiden uttered as he began walking away with hishands stuck in his pocket and Isla’s eyes widened.

“You mean you kissed me because you just wanted to taste an enturely different lips from the ones you do kiss?”. Isla muttered hurtfully and before Aiden could turn back to defend his stupid self, she already took off running into the gate and locking it up.

“f-__-k! Why did i say that?!”…Aiden spat in rage roughing his head.


“I told you I won’t say anything till my lawyer gets here and if you pressure me tightly I’ll file a lawsuit against you for thr_@t!”. Frankie spat to the inspector in charge and the inspector roughed his hair in frustration.

“Quit wasting your time old man, we’ll still get bailed out even if we admitted to planning any thing unusual to a girl who’s most likely my girlfriend!”. Kingston yelled beside Frankie who smirked.

“The girl in question said you two broke up weeks ago, so its clear wh@ťěver you planned with your friend over here was done out of obsession and nothing else!!”. The investigator snapped beside the inspector who won’t stop glaring at the boys.

“I f-__-king have the right to do wh@ťěver i wish to do with her, she’s my babe and not yours so don’t f-__-king tell me what to do about her ever again!!”. Kingston groaned in rage and both the inspector and Investigator’s eyes widened.

“The girl in question is fine and healthy otherwise you think she would have the strength and guts to come report us if our plans wasn’t destroyed by some some betrayer?!”. Frankie added.

“Speaking of which where is Davis anyways? Why are we the only one being arrested?” Kingston asked glaring at the officers.

“The victim confirmed his innocence and so questioning him isn’t relevant till further notice…

“Does that crap you just spouted even matters? All that f-__-king matters is that we all f-__-king planned the kidnap together and so he also deseeves to be here to receive his own share of your vile attitudes towards us!”. Frankie uttered spitefully.

“Vile attitude? Isn’t it obvious we’re trying really hard to endure you psychos rudeness?!!”. The inspector finally let out and the guys scoffed at the same time.

“Call the commissioner we would like him to question us instead. We’re done talking to you two”. Frankie sighed nonchalantly and the officers eyes widened.

Right when the investigator was about to say something the commisdioner barged into the room with two of his men who stood behind him.

“Let them both go, they’ve already been bailed”. The commissioner’s stern voice uttered and the guys smirked knowingly while the eyes of both the inspector and investigator widened more.

“What do you mean by they have been bailed sir? This is an attempted gang rape, kidnap and attempted murder case we’re dealing with here justice can’t be made if we dismiss this case with just bail?!!”. The inspector uttered not believing his ears.

“Like you listed the cases they where all attempted and never really executed so do what i tell you to do if you still want to keep your job!!”. The commissioner glared at the inspector, then he smiled facing the guys.

“I and my men are sorry for the inconvenience young master, so do get home safely and please put in good review for us to your fathers when you get home”.The commissioner muttered softly.

“We’ll keep that in mind”. Frankie smirked patting the commissioner on the shoulder before walking out of the door.

“I told you you where just wasting your time”. Kingston mocked the inspector before walking out also.

“Why would Olivia not include Davis’s name in the list of culprits? Does she think because he managed to safe her he’s as soft hearted as he looks?”. Frankie uttered to Kingston as they walked towards the car their parents sent them.

“Let’s just see it as she repaying his kindness, cause if it’s something more than that then i won’t relent in ki||ing Davis and sending his body to his parents in England!!”. Kingston snapped in anger.

“ki|| him later, for now let’s lay low we’ve got alot of cases on us and might even be sent on another suspension when we get to school tomorrow”. Frankie said entering his car, before zooming off and Kingston did the same also.
“Next time you pick on huge cases like that, never hesitate to inform me first otherwise you might end up costing all of us our jobs”. The commissioner warned before leaving the office and the inspector scoffed in disbelief while the investigator roughed his hair in frustration, before facing him.

“What are we going to do now? We can’t just close the case especially when it’s Senator Clearn’s daughter we’re talking about here, not to make matters worse we even got Senator Russell and Senator Gastio’s sons involved too, we can’t back down now it’ll spell doom for us”. The investigator uttered and the inspector sighed deeply.

“I’ll go see Senator Russell first thing tomorrow morning and tell him about the latest happenings, then he’ll decide what next week need to do”. The inspector assured and the investigator nodded in approval before leaving the room.

“What’s with me and being pushed around and insulted by rich spoilt brats lately!”. The inspector spat in rage, when he remembered how Dylan and his friends, including Frankie and Kingston had earlier been rude to him.


“What do you mean those bastards got released?!!”. Senator Clearn yelled through the phone, while his wife stood beside him hearing everything going on.

“Put the commissioner through the phone this instant, in fact send me the number of the police chief general I would like him to explain the meaning of releasing criminals who supposed to rot in jail on bail!”. Senator Clearn yelled before hanging up.

“Honey, it isn’t as serious as you’re making it look, people might think you’re broadening the issue because of your political feud with their dads”. Mrs Clearn cooed softly and Senator Clearn threw her a glare.

“You where ready to make the perpetrators pay for their actions when you where sure Oliver and his friends had an hand in it, but now you want me to forget all using my political feud with those b@st@rds fathers as an excuse?! How much more evil and wicked can you be towards Oliver!”. Senator Clearn yelled.

“Evil and Wicked? You dare call me that even after making me raise the son of your dirty mistress!?”. Mrs Clearn yelled.

“You think if I had decided to be evil to him all this while, you think he would still be alive? I would have ki||ed him a long time ago, you cheater!!”. Mrs Clearn added in rage.

“You treat him even more better than you treat Olivia and Archer and you expect me to still show him motherly love after his Ɓîtçhy mom took away my husband from Me?!”. Mrs Clearn added.

“Camilla didn’t snatch me away from you Lorena, in all honesty you where the one who came between us, so stop faking being the victim here like you always do!!”. Senator Clearn yelled back getting pissed off already.

“Was it my fault your parents didn’t approve of your marriage to that TV star? You h@ťě i and my children for coming in between your love for that entertainer so just accept it!”. Mrs Clearn uttered breaking down in tears and Senator Clearn who felt a little guilty walked towards her consoling her, he patted her softly at her back and Mrs Clearn immediately hugged him tightly.

“I don’t h@ťě you or any of our kids Lorena…

“Really? Then why didn’t will half of our conglomerate shares to Archer as a wedding gift? Don’t tell me you’re waiting for Oliver to clock twenty five before you will everything to him?!”. Mrs Clearn snapped.

“Lorena you know fully well, that I and Camilla built Clearn’s conglomerate together from scratches, there’s no way i can will any property out without informing her first”. Senator Clearn uttered calmly.

“And so what?! She’s no more your wife meaning both she and her worthless son don’t deserve anything from our family’s company afterall we’ve been the one feeding and clothing him for the past twenty one years, so it’s only sensible he gets nothing from the shares!”. Mrs Clearn uttered and Senator Clearn shook his head in utter disappointment.

“I knew trying to make you see things the way i do will only end up being a waste of my precious time. Go to bed it’s getting late”. The senator said and with that he left the room. in annoyance.

“I’ll stop at nothing to make sure that Oliver gets nothing from our company’s shares, mark my words, Tristan”. Mrs Clearn muttered spitefully as she glared at nothing in particular.


Davis stood up sluggishly from the bed. He was about retiring to sleep for the night when the doorbell began ringing disturbing his sleep.

“I’m coming”. He muttered yawning slightly as a result of his tiredness.

The day had been so stressful and he needed rest so badly. The wound and bruises Kingston gave him on his face was still fresh, but that didn’t stop him from being immensely hot in his short and transparent harsh shirt.

He opened the door expecting one of the hotel’s officials, but his eyes widened and his sleep soon vanished when he came across the shock of his life.

Outside the door stood a masked man dressed in black from head to toe, and pointing a gun at him.


The words got stuck in Davis throat when a sharp and hurtful gunshot followed and a loud thud to the ground was heard.


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