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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CRAZY TOMBOY – Episode 55 & 56

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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡




“Wait?…Are those not my latest shorts and hoodie you’re putting on?”. Dylan requested with mouth a gap and eyes widened, then he roughed his hair in annoyance when Lisa gave him the most frustrating reply ever heard.

“Well I don’t see your name on it”. Lisa scoffed rolling eyes at him and Dylan’s eyes widened before charging towards her.

“Take it off now!”. Dylan snapped as he began forcing the hoodie she was wearing off her.

Lisa made to push him off her but she lost balance and began falling to the bed, and Dylan fell along with her landing right on top of her.

Lisa’s eyes widened when she felt his lips on hers and she instantly became mad for this wasn’t the first time the two of them would kiss mistakenly!

Lisa pushed him off her and he landed on the floor hitting his b*tt hard on the floor, and Dylan whined in pains.

“A**h*le!!”. Lisa spat in rage as she cleaned her lips rigorously.

“It was obviously a mistake why did you have to push me so hard like that!!” Dylan snapped getting up from the floor.

“Leave before I call aunt!”. Lisa glared and Dylan gave her a questionable look.

“Aunt?”. He inquired.

“Yes Aunt. Lady Emily A.K.A your mom told me to pick any room of my choice and i just did. So please do yourself a good favor and leave!”. Lisa uttered adjusting herself on the bed, she made to pull the duvet over her body but Dylan yanked it off her.

“You’re kidding right? Get up from bed you crazy Ɓîtçh!”. Dylan uttered as he began pulling Lisa’s leg aiming towards dragging her to the floor, but adamant Lisa held tightly to the bed stand, making Dylan’s stress prove abortive.

“You’re a f-__-king stubborn pig! Get off my bed this instant!”. Dylan yelled as he pulled her higher.

“What’s the noise all about?”. Lady Emily said walking in with the Senator and their eyes widened when they saw the toxic position they met Dylan and Lisa.

Dylan let go of Lisa’s leg the moment he saw his parents.

Lisa cunningly stood up and strode towards the couples.

“Aunt Emily you said…

“Quit calling my mom your aunt crazy @zz!!”. Dylan snapped cutting her off and Lisa threw him a glare.

“If you’re so pained go jump into a pool!”. Lisa snapped at him and when made to retaliate Lady Emily smacked him hard on the head.

“Let her call me wh@ťěver she feels like. She’ll be staying with us as from now on and you don’t expect her addressing me formally”. Lady Emily uttered and Dylan who didn’t look so surprised at what she just said rolled eyes at her.

“What did you just do?”. The senator who had been quiet questioned and Lady Emily immediately grabbed Dylan’s ear pulling it tightly. Dylan groaned while Lisa smirked.

“Now listen to me carefully This room is no longer yours, thats what you get for being a notorious playboy! I told I would deal with you!”. Lady Emily said and Dylan gasped with a widened eyes.

Go sleep in one of the guest rooms and you don’t need us to make it clear to you that you shouldn’t step foot in this room again”. The senator said and right when Dylan was about to object, the senators phone rang and by merely seeing the fialer’s number displayed on the screen he kissed his wife goodbye.

“Be careful”. Lady Emily said softly to the senator.

“C,mon it’s just a meeting what could go wrong?”. Senator Russell mouthed freely.

“Anything could go wrong especially when Xavier is going to be present, so you need to be careful and don’t step on his toes today you know he’s still mad he’s son got arrested this afternoon”. Lady Emily muttered playing with the Senator’s hands and the senator just placed a kiss on her forehead before facing Lisa.

“I’ll be back soon, so make yourself feel at home”. With that the Senator left.

“You’re still standing here? Leave or I throw you our in the worse way possible!!”. Lady Emily glared at Dylan, who glared at Lisa.

“This isn’t over. I’ll come for you”. Dylan thr_@tened before walking out.

“Take your time to rest dear, the room is all yours”. Lady Emily smiled at Lisa before also leaving.

Lisa threw herself on the bed smiling deviously as her eyes rampaged the huge room.

“It’s no wonder he’s as proud as a peaÇ0çƙ. He’s room is literally bigfer than my Dad’s entire house. It’s a cool thing it’s also painted in my favorite colours blue, black and white. The fool also has great taste in picking outfits also how could he have all limited editions stalked accordingly in his huge wardrobe!”. Lisa gasped in shock when she remembered how she found the hoodie and shorts she was putting on in the first place.


Isla came out of her house for a stroll in the cool evening and the first person she saw Aiden. He stood staring at her with a blank look on his face and Isla flinced in shock when she saw him.

“What are you doing here?”. Isla asked but when she got no reply from Aiden she ignored him and began walking away, but Aiden followed.

“Why are you following me?”. Isla requested but Aiden ignored her as he kept on trailing her.

“Are you drunk? Quit stalking me it’s getting freaking scary!”. Isla uttered as she made to walk away again but Aiden took her by the arm pulling her to himself and Isla gasped softly. She could literally hear the sound of their beats beating at the same time and she couldn’t help but feel somehow.

“Do you know I got arrested today?”. Aiden’s cool voice finally came and Isla who looked surprised hid it.

“I’m not shocked after all you portray more of a criminal than any normal guy would”. Isla muttered and Aiden just nodded slowly.

“You won’t be saying this if you knew what actually happened…

“I don’t want to know cause it’s none of my business I have better things doing than to…

Isla was interrupted when Aiden suddenly pulled her into a warm hug and Isla’s eyes widened.

“I feel completely choked up right now, can I kiss you?”… Aiden requested pleadingly as he sniffed in sweet vanilla scent, tightening the hug and Isla’s eyes widened more.

“Wha…what?”. Isla stuttered.

“CAN I KISS YOU”. Aiden’s voice came again and this time Isla bit her lower lip.


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