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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE CRAZY TOMBOY – Episode 47 & 48

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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡




“Get down to business”. Frankie’s stern voice came, ordering the three huge men who stood by the side, and Olivia’s eyes widened.

“What……mean by that?”. She stuttered and Frankie glanced at the men who immediately began untieing her then he left the warehouse, Kingston after giving her his devilish smirk he also made to leave but Davis held him back by the arm and he turned to give him a glare.

Olivia began crying loudly when the men began undressing her.

“Kingston! Kingston please I beg you, don’t let them do this to me!!”. Olivia cried out and Kingston signaled to the men to stop.

By this time she was only in her bra and shorts. Her clothes was helplessly on the ground. Kingston smirked as he walked towards her.

Davis on the other hand looked away, not being able to see her half naked.

“Please I’m…I’m very sorry if I hurt you but please…please don’t let them do this to me!”. Olivia cried more and Kingston chuckled lightly, before bending on his knees to her level, then he used his thumb to clean the tears streaming down her eyes.

“It would have been some one else in your place right now if you hadn’t broken me”. Kingston uttered caressing her cheeks fondly.

“I’m sorry…I’m really sorry for breaking up with you for no good reason at all…please…please forgive me”. Olivia pleaded and Kingston.

“You misunderstood. This isn’t happening because you broke up with me, it’s happening because we just had to make your brother suffer what he and his friends did to us”. Kingston said and Olivia shook her head negatively.

“If it where up to me i would rather ki|| Aiden who caused our breakup. But Frankie is too feeble minded to be involved in a blood bath and so he order for this to happen”. Kingston uttered bringing his face closer to Olivia’s and she cried more.

“I would never hurt my baby”. He muttered in almost a whisper before smashing his lips on hers, and after few minutes of claiming her lips he stood up immediately.

“Do what you where told to do”. He said sternly to the men and Olivia’s eyes widened as the men gathered her.

Kingston left the room and Davis followed him closely from behind.

“You’re kidding right?”. Davis uttered cornering Kingston when they got outside, and Kingston faced him.

“What? Isn’t this part of the plan? Get her R@P£D and have her brother and his friends to blame for it with evidence?”. Kingston uttered and Davis gave him a puzzled look.

“Don’t you feel bothered at all? The girl you claim to love is about to be R@P£D by men you hired and all you’re f-__-king thinking of is revenge? You could have found someone else in her stead!”. Davis snapped and Kingston let out a quick chuckle.

“Yes i love her. But this has to happen for the good of everyone including I and Olivia. Don’t forget to make her drink the liquid once the men are done with her, otherwise she’ll go screaming our names to the cops”. Kingston said and made to leave but Davis held him back again.

“Exactly what’s your problem?!!”. Kingston snapped in rage.

“You mentioned it’s for the good of everyone including you and her. And how is that? You think she’ll love you back after all what you’ve done to her?!!”. Davis yelled.

“That’s why you have to give her the liquid before leaving here. It’s meant to format her memory and also keep her mute for two days straight, that will give me enough space to start all over with her, without any memories of that @zzhole Aiden coming between us again!!”. Kingston snapped before finally leaving and driving off while Davis just stood staring at his leaving car.

Then suddenly he heard Olivia’s loud scream from within and he sighed deeply.


“So Lisa you haven’t really told me anything regarding your family”. Lady Emily said settling beside her on the luxurious couch in the living room.

“Hum…there’s nothing much to say about them since they’re both dead already”. Lisa uttered expecting a shocked reaction from Lady Emily but she only nodded.

“I’ve heard about that”. Lady Emily let out and Lisa nodded this time around.

“We used to be so happy in Thailand, but everything changed when we had to move here and my dad stopped coming home till late in the midnight and would live very early by four in the morning because of how hectic it was”. Lisa paused for a moment and Lady Emily patted her back softly.

“Then one night he came back from work so happy and announced he was given the post of handling the company’s finance and i thought everything would change from there, but it only went worse and things happened and he lost everything and also his caring wife who turned into a beast overnight till she finally ki||ed him”. Lisa muttered trying to fight back the tears and Lady Emily pulled her into a tight hug.

“Don’t worry you have me now. But it would be so warm and cozy around if you had a new family don’t you think?”. Lady Emily asked as she patted her hair smoothly and Lisa raised up her head to face her.

“Huh!!?”. Confused Lisa mumbled.

“Yes. Since you’re the only surviving descendant of your family, why don’t you come live here with us”. Lady Emily said.


“Please Lisa do accept our offer. That’s the least we can do for your father who was once my longtime friend”. Senator Russell said as he alighted the stairs making towards them.

“He was?”. Lisa asked.


The whole house was currently in utter chaos as everyone where anxious about Olivia’s whereabout.

The moment Ruby ran in just two hours ago and kept on barking continuously they knew something bad might have happened to Olivia.

Amelia was the first to see her and had alerted the whole family.

“Who knows what condition my baby is currently in!”. Mrs Clearn panicked and everyone except Oliver and Archer also did.

Archer kept on rolling his eyes from time to time, while Selene stood close to his mother calming her down.

Oliver on the other hand still couldn’t believe his sister was missing. He knew Olivia so well and this wasn’t the first time she would disappear only for her to appear again like nothing really happened. Then Mr Clearn descended the stairs with his phone in his hands.

“What did the commissioner say about my daughter’s whereabout?”. Mrs Clearn asked when she ran up to him with a lot of curiosity in her tone.

“He said it isn’t up to 48hours of her disappearance yet, and that this wasn’t the first time we would be filing a complaint about her disappearance”. Mr Clearn announced and Mrs Clearn eyes widened as she began crying while Selene consoled her more.

Archer immediately stood up.

“That’s it. Selene let’s go we don’t have all day wasting time to search for someone who is probably at a club or one of her multiple boyfriend’s home having the day of her life”. Archer said pulling Selene roughly away from his mother, and Oliver stood up also heading outside.

“Where are you going to?”. His father requested.

“To cool off a little this Olivia’s disappearance stuff is making my head hit up a lot”. Oliver uttered.

“So your twin sister’s disappearance means nothing to you?!”. Mr Clearn snapped.

“You heard the commissioner mention he’ll send his men after two days and besides I’m not the only one who’s leaving your f-__-king eldest son is exiting too!”. Oliver snapped back.

“Your brother is an upcoming family man you don’t expect him to spend all day here!”. Mr Clearn said and Oliver’s eyes widened.

“Up… man?”. Oliver mumbled and Archer smirked at him, Amelia who stood by the side with a tray of glass water bit her lower lip.

“Yes little bro, my wife Selene is pregnant and she’s three days gone. So if you won’t mind please excuse us”. Archer uttered slyly then he pulled Selene roughly outside the house and into his car, before driving off.

Oliver just stood staring at them with a complete shattered heart.

“Sit till we get any news about your sister’s whereabout, I’ve sent some of my men in search of her”. Mr Clearn said and Oliver had no choice than to sit back down.

He signaled to Amelia to bring him a glass of water which she did instantly, but right when she was pouring the water right into his glass, her hand slipped and the water spilled on Oliver’s white shirt.

Oliver stood up immediately the cold content wet him, then he threw Amelia a cold glare before going up to his room to go change into another outfit. Mrs Clearn gave her a little glare before going back to crying.

“Go rest I’m sure you must be tired that’s why your hand slipped”. Mr Clearn said nicely to Amelia who bowed before walking away, as permitted.


The most popular bar among the rich young spoiled brats. It was built to suit their Ç0çƙy taste.

At a private corner of the bar sat Frankie, Kingston and Davis, who drank from their glass as they discussed business.

“The men are done with their duty right?”. Frankie asked his friends who nodded in response, then Kingston faced Davis.

“You gave her the liquid right?”. He asked Davis who nodded before gulping down his entire drink.

“Great! Now contact the guys to dump her right in front of those @zzh*le’s private suite in school”. Frankie uttered and Kingston brought out his phone to do so, but the men where quick to call him.

“Was even about calling you, dump the girl in the…

“She’s dead boss!”. One of the men said through the phone and Kingston’s eyes widened.

“What!!?”. He exclaimed and his friends glance at him.

“She was actually bleeding from the moment we where done with her, then she began coughing out blood right when she ingested the liquid and she died after that. You didn’t tell us she was too weak for all this, we would have actually gone easy on her, but we did the opposite and now she’s…

“Shut the f-__-k up!! I f-__-king gave you guys an easy task to do but you bulls ended up ki||ing her!!”. Kingston yelled in a fit of rage and Davis eyes widened while Frankie immediately snatched Kingston’s phone from him, then he put it on his ear.

“Dump the dead body right in front of the address of the suite I’m about to send to you, and this time do a clean job or I’ll f-__-king order for you and your men to be cleaned up!”. Frankie spat sternly and he hung up, then he sent the address of King’s suite to him, before handing the phone back to Kingston whose eyes was still widened in shock.

“You’ve finally ki||ed her. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? Davis asked glaring meanly at Kingston.

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