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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CRAZY TOMBOY – Episode 3 & 4

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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡


“Where we too harsh on the Ɓîtçh?”. Dylan asked his friends who just giggled, then their eyes widened when they saw Lisa walking towards them.

“It seems they sent a new one”. Dylan smirked.

“She doesn’t look like a normal girl though”. Aiden muttered and Oliver scoffed.

“Would you like to place an order?”. Lisa asked.

“Yeah, everything on the left menu for each of us please”. Dylan smiled deviously and his friends glanced at him widened eyes.

“Everything??”. Lisa gasped and Dylan nodded.

“You’re not joking right!”. Lisa glared and Oliver who was sitting closer to where she stood shifted away.

“If it’s the fee you’re concerned of then don’t be alarmed I’m the one paying not you”. Dylan smiled and Lisa gave him one stern look before walking away to get the food.

“What’s with the expression on your face? Did they say something to you like they did to Isla??”. Jake asked rolling his sleeve prepared to go battle with them, if probably they were rude to her.

“What do you take me for?! I need your help arranging everything on the left side of the kitchen menu”. Lisa muttered and Jake’s eyes widened.

“They plan on eating all that?!!”. Jake gasped and Lisa nodded.

“It’s obvious they’re not gonna pay”. Jake scoffed.

“And I’m prepared for that, they won’t leave without settling the bills”. Lisa muttered sternly as she glared at the guys from where she stood.

“Are we going to eat all that?”. Aiden asked Dylan who was busy on his phone.

“You think I will even do as much as washing my hands in this Godforsaken dump hole”. Dylan muttered his gaze to his phone.

“Then why tell the waitress to get all that much food when we won’t touch it.

“The waitress looks tough, I just wanted to play with her a little”. Dylan smiled to his friends.

“Why do i have this weird feeling that you’ll regret your actions soon” Aiden muttered and Oliver chuckled.

“Let’s wait and see”. Dylan smirked.

“I just wished that Isla girl didn’t run off though, it would be nice if she was the one serving us instead”. Aiden sighed jokingly.

“Idiot!”. Oliver chuckled.

Lisa arrived with the food which was packed and arranged in a huge tray carriage and the guys eyes widened.

“Can’t believe all this is going to go to waste”. Aiden gasped out.

“That’s the best part”. Oliver smirked, then faked a smile at Lisa who transferred all the dishes from the carriage to their table.

“These are what you ordered..”. Lisa made to finish, but was interrupted by Dylan who placed his leg right in front of her when she made to move forward and she went down on the table falling directly on the meals, causing loud gasp from everyone who saw it.

“Let me help you up”. Dylan smirked as he made to support Lisa who was now drenched with so many varieties of food.

“Hands off!”. Lisa snapped and he instantly obeyed.

Then she stood up and faced him, as she glared deeply at him already imagining beating him to a pulp and dumping his body in trash land.

“What’s with the glare pretty face? Isn’t it obvious it was a mistake”. Dylan smiled giving her a raised eyebrow and Lisa scoffed.

“A mistake??”. She uttered coldly and Dylan was the one who scoffed this time.

“The customers are always right, especially the new ones. You’re not going to attack a customer will you?”. Dylan smirked annoying Lisa more..

“f-__-king pauper!! You did it cause you didn’t have money to pay for the meals right!!”. Lisa glared grabbing Dylan by the hair, as she began pulling it tightly while Dylan growled in pains.

Aiden and Oliver just sat watching with mouth agap. Some customers even began making videos as the sight before them grew more intense.

“That Ɓîtçh’s craziness is at it again”. Mia glared from where she stood attending to a customer.

“Serves him right, he deserves more than that!”. Isla spat from where she stood in the kitchen watching with Jake and Zoey, and Zoey just rolled eyes at her.

“I f-__-king warned you not to mess with me, but you still went ahead and annoyed me!!”. Lisa yelled as her merciless fingers were still stuck to Dylan’s head, then she pulled it tighter and began rolling him.

Dylan gradually became dizzy in the process and his grip on his hair began loosing. Blood was already streaming down his head. It’s obvious she pierced her long fingers deep into his head.

“At this point she might f-__-king ki|| him!!”. Aiden gasp alongside Oliver not knowing what to do.

“What in sausages name is going on here?!!”. Mr Larry gasped when he got to the scene.

But even after hearing her boss’s voice Lisa still didn’t stop as she kept on rolling dizzy Dylan.

“Are you the manager!”. Oliver asked Me Larry who nodded Reluctantly.

“And you f-__-king can’t stop your own worker!!”. Aiden yelled and Mr Larry flinched.

“Lisa that’s enough!!”. He yelled but she didn’t listen. I won’t hesitate to fire you if you don’t let go of him right this instant!!”. Mr Larry ordered and Lisa let go of Dylan’s hair not before rolling him one last time and instantly releasing him so he swung and flinged himself away, as his body crashed into the restaurants concrete wall before crashing on the wall and Dylan collasped passing out instantly while his friends ran to him.

“Is he dead??”. Aiden muttered moving his unconscious body.

“Dylan open your eyes!”. Oliver yelled tapping Dylan on the cheek.

“Let’s get him to the car”. Aiden muttered, as they both raised him up and made to leave but Lisa blocked them.

“Haven’t you done enough, what’s it you want now?!!”. Oliver glared and Lisa rolled eyes before stretching her palms forward.

“What??”. Aiden let out in confusion.

“You haven’t settled your bills yet”. Lisa glared and the two guys stared at her with widened eyes.

“You f-__-king want us to pay after what you did to our friend??”. Oliver snapped.

“You can yell all you want but you’re not leaving if you don’t pay for the meals!!”. Lisa spat and the guys scoffed in wonder.

“How can a girl be this crazy”. Aiden mumbled under his breath.

“What did you just say?”. Lisa demanded.

“That’s enough!!”. Mr Larry snapped at Lisa. “You guys may leave, you didn’t eat the food so you don’t have to pay for it and please accept my humble apology for what happened today”. Mr Larry said and Lisa’s eyes widened. Mr Larry forced out a tense smile, then bowed, but the guys just glared at him and Lisa who returned it, then they left.

Aiden and Oliver carried Dylan out to where they packed their red rolls royce, then they got in and zoomed.

“I can’t believe you let those butt heads go without paying….

“Come with me”. Mr Larry interrupted as he led her to the kitchen where the other workers where pretending to be working, just so they could witness Mr Larry reprimand her for her reckless actions.

“Those motherf**ers!! They still made sure they didn’t pay for the food and my clothes damages!!”. Lisa panted roughing her hair in the process.

“Damages?? I can’t believe you can still have the guts to demand for expenses when he was the one who almost lost his life!!”. Mr Larry yelled.

“Well you saw what he did. After giving me so much stress to arrange all the meals on the left menu, he still pushed me to fall on it, now my one in a million outfit is ruined, do you know how hard it is to get an original Celine short wear and trouser!!”. Lisa snapped and Mr Larry roughed his hair in frustration.

“Leave. your work for today is over”. Mr Larry said sternly.

“What? but he was the one who…”. Lisa made to finish.

“Leave and come back tomorrow Lisa, no complains!”. Mr Larry uttered.

“Does that mean, I won’t be getting my pay today?”. Lisa asked.

“I pay you after your shift for a job well done and not for harassing customers!”. Mr Larry muttered and with that he left the kitchen.

Zoey and Mia giggled before also leaving. Isla just stared at her before walking out.

“Don’t worry Lisa you still got tomorrow to make up for today’s lost cash”. Jake muttered tapping her on the shoulder, but Lisa snapped his hand away and went into the locker room.

“She changed into a hoodie and huge trousers, then packed her stained clothes into her backpack before leaving. She will make sure to wash them before the stains permanently stick to it. It’s a good thing her next part time job was drycleaning.

She got out of the restaurant, brought out her skateboard from where she hid it and skated away.

“It’s all that arrogant pr**ks fault I didn’t get my pay for today”. Lisa mouthed in anger as she rode her way to the laundromat named Aggy’s laundromat.

The laundromat where she walked was owned by an Italian old lady who nags a lot.
The lady was well known in the area for her harsh and lashing tongue. It was as a result of this attitude that she had no helpers aside from Lisa.

Lisa was the only one who knew how to handle her, mostly because the old lady was no different from her mother when it comes to using her tongue.

“Where do you think you’re going with my money!!”. The old lady Agnes snapped pulling the man she was talking to.

“Let go of me old lady, I told you, I forgot your money at home so let me head home and get it for you!”. The man yelled.

“You think you can fool me because I’m old huh? A**h*le!!”. Granny Agnes spat pulling him more and Lisa sighed from where she stood watching.

“How can you care so much for money at such an old age, it’s no wonder you have no children!”. The man growled and Granny Agnes glared at him.

“And you who has a lot of kids what do you have to show for it, they’re either whores or vicious gamblers even Noah your last born just joined scorpion’s den!!. Who even told you I have no children? I have a lot of kidsthat are more helpful and way better than the demonic devils you call children!!”. Granny Agnes spat rudely and the man in anger pushed her to the ground.

Lisa who had been watching from afar walked up to them and pushed the man also making him fall to the ground, then she snatched the clothes Granny Agnes drycleaned for him.

“Go home and get her money, once you’ve done that then you can get your clothes back, and if you f-__-king keep us waiting then we will have no choice than to set it ablaze!”. Lisa snapped and the man immediately stood up and left to go get the money. Then she helped granny up.

“Now you know I wasn’t lying when I said I had so many resourceful children, and this little Ɓîtçh right here is one of them!!”. Granny Agnes yelled and Lisa scoffed.

“Granny he already left”. Lisa muttered.

“I know you don’t need to tell me, I’m not blind”. Granny Agnes snapped as she walked into the laundromat, while Lisa followed closely from behind.


It was already time for Lisa’s shift to end and she walked up to Granny Agnes who was busy ironing.

“Granny Aggy I’m leaving already”. She mouthed at her but granny Agnes just waved at her, not removing her gaze from what she was doing.

“You haven’t paid me ye….”.

“That’s all you ever think of!!”. Granny Agnes interrupted getting her purse, then she handed some notes to Lisa.

“Here, you gave me more than the usual amount”. Lisa said handing her back some notes.

“Just keep it okay I know what i gave you. What’s with everyone and thinking that I’m really too old to even forget money?!!”. Granny Agnes said.

“Okay then thanks, I’ll be taking my leave no…

“Just go okay before I change my mind and take back the extra money i gave you!!”. Granny Agnes snapped.

“You just added five dollars extra there’s no need to make alot of noise about it”. Lisa scoffed under her breath.

“Did you say something??”. Granny Agnes requested.

“Nope. Nothing, byeeee!!”. Lisa yelled before running out.

Dylan slowly opened his eyes, only to see Aiden’s eyes staring crazily at him, they where so closed that he was completely terrified.

He pushed Aiden away from him then sat up on his king sized bed, and Oliver who was pinging on his phone by the window turned to face them.

“See i told you staring at him for that long will make him regain consciousness, way faster than the Old doc’s treatment”. Aiden teased and Oliver just rolled eyes at him while Dylan just stared at them with confusion written all over his face.

“What happened to me, and why I’m i being treated”. Dylan requested with a puzzled looking on his face, his head was bandaged to stop the bleeding Lisa caused,and his friends stared at him with widened eyes.

“What’s wrong with him?”. Oliver mouthed.

“Geez that Ɓîtçh is really crazy can’t believe she made him loose his memory!”. Aiden gasped.

“What Ɓîtçh?”. Dylan asked.

“You don’t really remember anything? You don’t remember the crazy psycho who spinned and then tossed you over to the wall??”. Oliver asked walking closer to him.

“Psycho…???”. Dylan muttered trying so hard to remember and it worked.

His face colored turned red instantly, as blood flowed through his vein depicting the immense anger he was feeling.

“That crazy Ɓîtçh!!! I’ll f-__-king make her pay for what she did to me!!”. Dylan clenched his teeth as he balled his fist in rage.

“For a second I thought you where suffering from Dementia”. Aiden sighed in relief.

“It’s Amnesia not dementia!”. Oliver snapped at him.

“They’re literally the same thing”. Aiden glared.

“No they’re two different things, you should know that since you’re a science student”. Oliver glared back.

“Yeah I’m a science student and not a doctor, so why should I care”. Aiden scoffed and Oliver rolled eyes.

“Dylan it’s best you erase wh@ťěver thought you’re thinking, I don’t think that girl is like any other girl, you should know best from how she single handedly dealt with you”. Oliver cautioned.

“Yeah she’s a psycho like a complete wacko, she can do anything for money!!”. Aiden added.

“If that’s true then it’s obvious she is suffering from poverty. And you both know I’m the king when it comes to putting those unfortunate beings in their place”. Dylan glared. Then his phone pinged beside him, it was a message from his girlfriend Evelyn.

Evelyn texted and Dylan threw his phone to the other side of the bed after reading it.

“Let me guess it was Evelyn who texted you?”. Oliver said.

“Ofcourse she would be the one. But dude i thought we agreed on ditching her after one week, it’s been three months now”. Aiden said.

“I just find her kinda interesting”. Dylan muttered still thinking about how best to deal with Lisa when next he sees her.

“You only find her interesting because she h@ťěs poor people just like you”. Aiden said.

“Speaking of poor people, I heard the school accpted three more scholarship students”. Oliver muttered and Dylan and Aiden’s eyes widened.

“I thought they accepted four just three months ago!!”. Aiden yelled in rage.

“Very soon the school will become a breeding ground for lowlifes”. Oliver spat in rage.

“Like how could such a prestigious school allow their star students acquire the same knowledge as poor sparrows”. Aiden glared.

“There’s no need for a commotion, it only means that our school lives won’t be getting boring any time soon, we’re going to force the new recruits to leave on their own, just like we do to every other students on scholarship”. Dylan smirked and his friends nodded.


Lisa stopped her skateboard right in front of the weird looking house, it was more of an abandoned site than a penthouse.

In the area Blake and his men where known for their drug dealing activities. The police station also became their second home cause they don’t seem to hide the fact that they deal with drugs. He was also one of the numerous people her father is owing.

But now after paying in bits for almost two years, she was finally going to give him the remaining balance, though she planned on delaying it before, but she has no choice now that he’s got Tatiana.

Blake walked out of the house with one of his men behind him, as he trekked towards Lisa who stood waiting for him with her hands inside her pocket.

“Did you bring my money?”. He glared at her, and Lisa brought out from her pocket a brown envelope filled with half of her savings then she raised it up to show him.

“What are you waiting for hand it over!”. Blake snapped.

“Hand Tatiana over first!”. Lisa demanded and Blake glared at her before signalling to the guy behind him to go bring Tatiana. He knew better than to argue with her.

The man came back with Tatiana in his grip and Lisa smiled widely, it’s been long she set eyes on her baby and she still looked as dazzling as ever. She dropped the money on the ground and immediately went to hug Tatiana, pushing away the guy who had held her.

“Oh baby Momma has f-__-king missed you sooo much!!!”. Lisa gushed pouring lots of heavy kisses on Tatiana, while Blake and his men stood watching her with widened eyes.

“She has f-__-king gone mad”. One of his men muttered with widened eyes.

“I was not surprised though, I knew she would really become a full time psycho some day. Her craziness is too much for just a girl to handle to handle”. Blake muttered still sttaring at happy Lisa.

“Like who in the world would name her bike Tatiana and even tend to it more than they do to their parents. I mean it’s just a f-__-king motorcycle!!”. Blake’s right hand man gasped in shock.

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