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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CRAZY TOMBOY – Episode 28 & 29

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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡



Aiden kept on punching without rest or relenting, and Davis didn’t wait a second before picking up a rod from the ground and hitting Aiden hard on the back making him fall to ground. Isla’s eyes widened where she sat shivering on the ground.

Davis went to Aiden and made to strike him again but Aiden caught it with his hand, but unexpectedly got kicked hard by Kingston who already stood up, and the two guys began kicking Aiden on his stomach and face.

“I must say? I wasn’t really expecting you, cause i was already starting to doubt the rumors about you liking a scholarship student”. Kingston smirked as he kicked Aiden the most and Aiden groaned in pains.

Isla began crying from where she sat unable to take in so much violence and Aiden kept groaning as the guys kept on pouring kicks on him.

Davis made to kick Aiden again but Aiden held his leg and pushed him away making him stagger backwards. Kingston picked up the rod Davis had earlier dropped and made to strike Aiden with it, but Isla hit his head with a small wooden chair, and Kingston turned to face her with a glare on his face.

“f-__-king Ɓîtçh!!”. Kingston snapped making to slap her across the face, but Aiden stood up starggerly and pushed Kingston to the floor.

Davis made to attack but Aiden dodged and gave him a hard kick which made him fall to the ground, with a bleeding cut on his cheek.

Aiden’s energy was back and fully recharged, so he also picked a rod but an iron one this time.

And when he made to hit them with it, that was when Lisa and Frankie walked in and their eyes widened immediately.

“What the f-__-k!!”. Lisa glared as she charged towards Aiden thinking the opposite, but Isla quickly stood in front of her with her hands spread, blocking Lisa from getting to Aiden.

“He was only protecting me. These two wicked souls here are the ones who wgere after my life!!”. Isla said and Lisa and Frankie’s eyes widened.

“They barely even know you, so why would they try to hurt you?”. Frankie said.

“Well you should ask them that, cause I also don’t know why they hold so much grudge on me when I also don’t know them!!”. Isla snapped at Frankie and Aiden who had been impatiently watching hit the two devils one last time before storming out of the room.

Isla watched him as he left.

“Is what she’s saying true?”. Frankie questioned his wounded friends who just sighed from where they sat on the floor.

“I just wanted to use her to get back at Aiden. That motherf-__-ker is the reason why Olivia left me”. Kingston glared rising to his feet.

Lisa in rage walked up to him giving him a tight knee kick in his middle, she glared at Frankie and grabbed Isla’s hand taking her out of the room.

Kingston fell back to the ground this time with much pains than before, as tears trickled down his eyes. Frankie gave him a stern glare before roughing his hair in frustration.


Lisa took Isla down the hall, with the hope of taking her back to class. But then Isla caught a glimpse of Aiden who was smoking madly as he walked towards the main door, obviously going home.

Isla disconnected her hand from Lisa’s grip and immediately went after him.

“Where are you heading to?!”. Lisa called after her, but she ignored Lisa, and went after Aiden.

By the time Isla got to him, Aiden was about to open the door to his car, when she closee it back snatched the cigarette from his hand then she threw it to the ground and stepped on it.

Aiden stood giving her a raised eyebrow.

“You haven’t gone to the school’s nurse to treat your wound yet but you still have some time to smoke!”. Isla snapped glaring at him, and Aiden scoffed.

“Wh@ťěver i choose to do with my life is none of your business”. Aiden uttered and made to open his car door, again but Isla shut it back.

“How come you tend to be so bold right in front of me but shiver in unnecessary fear if you where to be thr_@tened by someone else?”. Aiden scoffed getting pissed at him, and Isla just rolled eyes at him before grabbing his hand and taking him back in to the school building.

Aiden kept staring at their connected hands as she led him to the nurse’s office. He wouldn’t deny he loved how her soft palms melted into his own palms.

He chuckled lightly as he felt he was being pulled by a little kid, cause her hsnds where super soft and tiny at that, but still looked cute though.

It didn’t take the nurse more than thirty minutes to treat his wounds, though she panicked at first wondering what could have happened for him to sustain so much wounds all at once.

The moment they stepped out of the nurse’s office, Isla made to walk away but Aiden held her back.

“Don’t think i won’t still send you on so many errands tomorrow because of what you just did”. Aiden uttered sternly and Isla snapped her hand away from his grip.

“I only returned a favor. I h@ťě owing people even though I don’t have much”. Isla replied and with that she left instantly without saying any other thing and Aiden scoffed staring at her leaving figure.

**** ****

“Where did you go to?”. Lisa asjed when Isla settled down beside her.

“I just had to do something urgent”. Isla replied before facing the big screen on the board.

While Frankie kept on staring at her hoping she would look his way, Dylan won’t stop glaring at Lisa all through the class.

“How could she leave me to suffer even after I settled her with such a huge amount of money”. Then suddenly his phone pinged of a message.

“It was from his dad telling him to come home, immediately”. He rolled eyes before picking his car key from under his locker then he left for home, without seeking for permission from the teacher that was in the class.


“Wish! There are so many Taianas in here!!”. Lisa gushed as she ran around the huge garage like room, stored and parked with varieties of motorcycle.

“We don’t have enough time, we still have to go to work”. Isla said as she also stared around.

“Wow I want this!!”. Lisa yelled pointing at an exotic black bike and the sales man immediately ran up to her, with a huge smile on his face.

“Did i here you say you would like to purchase, dark speedy?!”. The man said with a lot of excitement and Lisa’s eyes widened.

”Her name’s dark speedy!!?”. She asked and the sales man nodded, with his smile still newly attached to his face. Isla just shook her head in frustration.

“How much does it cost?”. Isla asked and Lisa faced the salesman with so much eargernees in her eyes.

“It’s just…a hundred thousand dollars”. The man said checking the record book with him, and Isla’s eyes widened the most.

“What??!!”. Isla gasped.

“Sold!! I’m buying this baby!!”. Lisa yelled hugging the bike tightly and Isla’s eyes widened more.

“Are you crazy? It’s f-__-king too expensive!!”. Isla yelled and Lisa walked up to her, kissing her on the cheek then she went back to dark speedy and mounted on it.

“Just sign right here and here, then she’s all yours!!”. The salesman smiled giving Lisa a huge book to sign on, and Lisa immediately did while Isla just stared at them with so much horror.

After so much playing and paroling around the bike, Lisa finally took speedy out for a spin and of course Isla followed her.

“You should have at least bought the pink one!”. Isla said on the motorcycle as the cool afternoon breeze hit her face.

“I don’t do anything pink!”. Lisa replied her eyes on the road, and her hands and legs danced around the steering and brakes.


“I’m here. Why did you want me home soon?”. Dylan said the moment he walked into his father’s study.

“I heard you have a newbie in your class?”. Senator Russell started and Dylan scoffed. He had never been in good terms with his father.

“How do you expect me to keep such lowly stuffs in mind”. Dylan replied settling on one of the exotic seat in his father’s study and the senator glared at him when he placed his legs on the table, putting one on top of the other.

“You should know the newbie I’m referring to, the one you’re constantly having issues with”. The senator said and Dylan gave him a frown.

“What about her? Wait…have you been stalking me”. He asked.

“You need. to have a good relationship with her, as from now on”. The senator stated ignoring Dylan’s question.

“Why??”. Dylan let out a scoff.

“Don’t you think your mom will need a female company apart from her maids when she returns from Spain tomorrow?”. The senator uttered with a unique handsome smile on his. face and Dylan’s eyes widened.

“Wha… mean by what you just said?”. Dylan stuttered as he hurriedly stood up from the seat.

“I owe her late dad my long time friend a favor, so i plan on bringing her to live here with us”. The senator dropped the bomb and Dylan’s eyes widened in shock.

“What??!!”. Dylan exclaimed in immense shock….

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