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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CRAZY TOMBOY – Episode 12 & 13

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~♡Crazy meets arrogant…♡~

THEME: The Sassy newbie❀


By Fave Gold🧡


~♡DAD NO!!♡~

Isla finally got to the teachers vending machine. She stood in front of it holding it tight by the side, to support herself as she panted heavily.

Her face was mixed with both her tears and sweat. Aiden wasn’t joking when he gave her just five minutes to get him another juice, and return back before the time runs out.

Isla had to beg the security man, for his bike so she could at least return early if not on the appointed time since it’s impossible.

After shedding little tears by the vending machine, she wiped her tears off and got a dollar from her pocket before stucking it into the vending machine and almost immediately the juice can came down, and she quickly picked it up and left the building.

She walked down to where she had earlier parked the bike only to find the motorcycle gone!!

“But…but..I..left it…here!”. Isla panicked as she began searching around for it.

“This can’t be happening right now, I have no time left”. Isla muttered with a troubled look on her face as she searched more.

Then suddenly a call came in on her phone and she panicked more when she saw the dialer.

“Hel…lo”. She muttered lowly.

“It’s been fifteen minutes now, and I still don’t see any sign of you or my drink”. Aiden’s voice boomed from the other end.

“I…I’m..on my way…please just give me ten minutes more….

“I gave you five minutes and you still couldn’t keep up even when you took Bruno’s bike along?! Just head back to receive your punishment and like you requested, you have only ten minutes to get here!”. Aiden snapped before hanging up and Isla just bent on her knees with her eyes misty, as tears thr_@tened to come out.

“That f-__-king devil! Who does he think he his to treat me this way!!!”. Isla yelled out, as the tears finally dropped from her eyes.


The students where already back from break and waiting for their next class which was chemistry, when Miss Selene walked in with a huge smile on her face as usual and the guys whisled in amazement, while the girls just rolled eyes at them.

Oliver and Aiden sat watching everything from where they sat. Oliver was boiling in anger and jealousy, while Aiden was constantly checking the time on his phone. Dylan and Evelyn haven’t returned yet, same as Isla.

“Good day students, i hope we’ve had a wonderful day so far!”. Miss Selene greeted with her beautiful smile on, and all the guys in the class blushed greatly, with huge smiles playing on their faces.

“We had a very an epic day cute miss Selene!!”. A guy yelled from his seat and the rest of the boys agreed.

“And Miss Selene you’re looking even more gorgeous than always, what’s your beauty secret!!”. Another boy said and Miss Selene broke into laughter, while the girls present rolled eyes at her.

“In all honesty you look more younger and prettier than the ugly girls in this whole school!!”. Another boy gushed and all the girls threw him an angry glare.

“Everyone are beautiful in their own ways, but thanks anyways”. Miss Selene smiled widely.

“Is the smile really necessary? It’s obvious they are flirting with her”. Oliver scoffed from where he sat, while Aiden just smirked at him.

“Does she has to smile so widely each time she comes into our class, it’s getting really annoying”. Maya rolled eyes from where she sat with her friends.

“It’s even more worse that our boys keep falling and drooling over her. I mean keep her beauty aside, she’s f-__-king too old for them and to think my brother has also fallen for her!”. Olivia uttered glaring meanly at Miss Selene.

“Your brother is in love with Miss Selene!!”. Maya gasped and Olivia nodded.

“Yes Oliver likes her a lot. I don’t know how he got her pictures but he stares at them all day when we’re at home”. Olivia muttered and right when Maya was about to reply, Miss Selene spoke.

“Okay class, I’ll need your attention!!”. Miss Selene called out and Maya faced her with a deadly glare on her face.

“Now i know the reason why he keeps ignoring me, even after seeing my advances towards him”. Maya muttered, gritting her teeth tightly as she balled her fist in rage.

“So right now…..Wait, You guys don’t seem complete where are the others!?”. Miss Selene requested.

“Dylan and Evelyn are probably making out somewhere, so let’s continue Miss beauty, they will meet up with us once they are done!”. A guy yelled from the back of the class and everyone burst into laughter, while Aiden and Oliver glared at him.

“I have never liked that dude for anything in the world”. Aiden muttered.

“Are they the only ones absen…

“Why don’t you just proceed with we that are present, rather than wasting our time!”. Maya snapped rudely.

“We are about to treat an important topic and we will be having the practical tomorrow, so you see the reason why we need everyone present”. Miss Selene uttered nicely and Maya rolled eyes at her.

“I think there was this little cuty Evelyn greeted this morning…I don’t really remember her name”. A guy muttered from where he sat trying to recall the situation that had happened earlier that morning, and Miss Selene stared at him with a confused look on her face.

“Yeah the girl, Aiden took out!!” Another student announced and everyone turned their gaze to Aiden who sighed in annoyance.

“Do you know where the girl they are talking about is Aiden?”. Miss Selene asked nicely.

“No”. Aiden simply replied.

“But your classmates just mentioned they saw you take her out…

“Yes i did that, but that doesn’t mean she has to be beside me everywhere I go like my puppy or something”. Aiden interrupted And Miss Selene nodded her head gently.

“Where the f-__-k is Isla”. Chris muttered lowly glaring at Aiden who was sitting behind him.

“Are you deaf? I just f-__-king said I don’t know where she is!”. Aiden glared back at him.

“You’re lying, You took her away when we where in the middle of a conversation down the hallway!”. Chris snapped lowly, getting really pissed about Aiden faking ignorance.

“So?? Even if I knew where she is, you think I would tell you! It’s best you mind your business and quit acting like you’re her boyfriend!”. Aiden snapped back and right when Chris was about to retaliate, Isla walked in looking pale and her eyes red from crying, then she held Aiden’s juice in her hand.

While the girls scoffed and gave her a pathetic look, the guys just stared at her with a blank look on their faces.

“Evelyn was right, Aiden really isn’t taking it easy on her”. Maya smirked from where she sat and Olivia let out a quick chuckle.

“What the f-__-k did you do to her!”. Chris glared at Aiden who ignored him, as his main gaze was on Isla.

“And who are you?”. Miss Selene asked Isla.

“I’m Isla”. Isla muttered.

“Oh, you’re the girl we where waiting for! What’s wrong with you? Are you okay?”. Miss Selene asked with a worried look on her face, as she tried to touch Isla’s hair to feel her temperature, but Isla bowed shortly stopping her hand mid air, before going to sit on her seat.

Isla dropped the can of juice on Aiden’s table and Aiden immediately dumped in the trash can close to him. Isla gave him a questionable look.

“What do you take me for? A kid who still takes orange juice”. Aiden spat rudely.

“ who told me to get it for you”. Isla muttered hurtfully.

“Really?? I don’t remember”. Aiden uttered, facing the front, and Isla also did the same, she was so sad and shattered. To think all her stress and hardwork just ended up in the trash can.

‘It’s all my fault you’re going through all these, in that devil’s hands, if only I was strong enough to protect you then all this wouldn’t be happening’. Chris thought within himself, he had earlier saw what happened.

“Can someone please help me go call Dylan and Evelyn, I believe they have had enough time to themselves”. Miss Selene requested and right when the some boys where going to call them, Dylan and Evelyn walked in and immediately went to settle down on their seats, acting like nothing happened.

“Bastard!”. Aiden scoffed when Dylan sat down beside him.

“Where you planning on sucking her dry, before it dawns on you that you have classes”. Oliver glared at Dylan.

“You both are just jealous my love life is in a better boat yours”. Dylan smirked and his friends rolled eyes at him.

“Tell me everything single thing that happened between you too!!”. Olivia requested to Evelyn who blushed in return.

“Since we’re all complete, all eyes on the big screen please”. Miss Selene said loidly.

“Ɓîtçh!!”. Maya muttered under her breath.

“What’s wrong with her?”. Evelyn asked Olivia.

“Just let it be, she’s mad my brother is among the long list of guys in this school who likes Miss Selene”. Olivia whispered and Evelyn gave Maya a teasing look.

After some few minutes later, Miss Selene was done with the illustration and the boys praised and hailed her.

“Mr Zayn will be present tomorrow and will pair you guys up for the practical which will be taking place in chemistry lab”. Miss Selene announced and Evelyn knowingly faced Dylan who winked at her in return.

“Why can’t you be the one to supervise us tomorrow instead”. A male student pouted.

“Yeah we will soo much love that!”. Another said.

“I’m just an assistant teacher, i took over today because of Mr Zayn’s absencenter, but I can’t do the same tomorrow since he will be present”. Miss Selene said and everyone sighed.

“Miss Selene, I got this flower for you”. Rex said as he stood up to offer her the flower and Maya rolled eyes.

“Thanks I love it”. Miss Selene smiled, sniffing the nice bouquet of flowers as she held them gently.

Oliver who has been watching from where he sat angrily stood up and stormed out of the class, while everyone wondered what was wrong with him.

Aiden stood up next, and signaled to Isla to follow him. Isla sighed deeply as she made to follow him but.

‘Just head back to receive your punishment’. Aiden’s voice ringed in her head and she sat back down.

“I’m too tired to let him trouble me again”. She muttered to herself, and Chris took her hands folding it tightly he smiled at her and Isla returned it.


Lydia came back from the gambling joint looking completely drunk and wasted, she made her way to the kitchen with hunger eating deep into her stomach, she opened the pot and found out that the food Lisa cooked before leaving for school earlier that morning was finished!

Her face instantly turned red, as she picked up a huge iron shovel and stormed towards Lisa’s room.

“Come out you son of a Ɓîtçh!!”. Lydia yelled banging the door hardly, with the shovel.

“What’s your problem Lydia!!”. Tae yelled from within.

“You dare ask me that?!! After finishing all the food my daughter cooked before leaving for school!!”. Lydia yelled as she hit harder on the door.

“You ate before leaving this morning and left little in the pot knowing fully well that I haven’t eaten and would be hungry, so i just took what you left me!!”. Tae yelled in terror, his wife really meant to get him this afternoon, and it really terrified him.

“You think you still have the right to eat in this house!!!”. Lydia yelled adding more force and finally Lisa’s gullible door finally broke down and Tae panicked.

Lydia didn’t waste another moment before pounding on him. Targeting his head she hit him even more harder than she hit the broken door.

“You think I’ll let you live now that I’ve finally gotten you!!”. Lydia yelled as she kept on hitting the iron shovel on her husband’s head, as his blood began filling the entire room. Tae kept on groaning and pleading in pains but his horrible wife only added more energy to it and finally, after series of hitting him, his head bursted open revealing his brains and Lydia smirked in satisfaction.

“d@mn Ç0çƙroach! I’ve finally ki||ed you!!. I’ve finally had my revenge on you for ruining my life you motherf**er!!!”. Lydia laughed loudly at his lifeless body. His blood was all over her body as she laughed deviously.

After laughing she lay on the ground and slept off for some minutes before she woke up and it finally dawned on her that she won’t be safe if she stayed there any longer.

She immediately got up, searched around Lisa’s room and finally found what she was looking for, Lisa’s piggy bank!! She didn’t waste another seconds before breaking it open and taking the whole money that was inside. She counted the money and smirked in satisfaction before kicking her husband’s lifeless body.

She dashed out of the room when she was done, then she entered her room, hurriedly took her bath and wore neat clothes, she packed her clothe and ran out of the house, then she quickly ordered a taxi which zoomed off instantly when she got in.


After series of waiting Lisa finally decided to break out of the detention room because for some reason she felt uneasy.

She stood up and when she made to break open the glass window with a chair a call came in on her phone, and thinking it was Jake because her parents never called her she hurriedly went to pick it, so she could tell him to come rescue her from the hellhole they called a detention room.

She frowned when she saw it was an unknown number, but she picked it anyway.

“Hello, am I speaking to Lisa Manoban the daughter of Mr Tae Manoban??”. The dialer asked from the other side and Lisa rolled eyes before answering.

“Yes this is her. What’s the problem?”. She replied and the next word that came out of the caller’s mouth made her eyes widened, as her hand went limp and her phone fell down from her hand.

Then almost immediately a lone tear came down from both her eyes.

“Dad!!”. She cried loudly going on her knees.

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