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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(The two years marriage contract)

Written by Ibrahim Gift

Chapter thirty_two


Diana barged into the mansion and thank God she met him in the house.

“How dare you javen?”, She said slapping him hard on the face but javen didn’t even budge.

His father came up with all these nonsense and he is the one taking the blame.

It was still his fault, he allowed his father to manipulate him just the way his wants but he is not to be blamed, he just wanted his father to see his as his son since he is his only family and he also wants to show gratitude for not leaving him to die when his mom did.

He has always thought of his father has a God-sent but he has realized that his dad only took him in just to use him to do all his works.

Kally and Callie who happened to see what just happened quietly excused themselves.

“You and your father are really something! If you wanted money so much, you should have told me instead of destroying everything my dad worked hard for.”, She yelled.

“What do you mean?”, He asked confused and she scoffed.

“Since you pretend not to know a thing, Your father has succeeded in ruining my father, he has stolen all his investors and he is left with nothing now.”, She replied but javen still looked confused.

Of course he had no idea what he was talking about.

“He did that? Believe me Diana, I had no idea of what he was planning.”, He said.

“Who do you take me as? Someone you can just play around because of the feelings she has for you? Someone that was so easy to manipulate just because of the stupid feelings she has for you, You should have just told me about all these, I wouldn’t have pressured you or desperately ask you out to love me back or maybe it was pity you felt towards me.”, She said in tears and javen hugged her.

“Instead of pitying me by leading me on, you should have just told me that you love someone else, I would feel less pathetic right now.”

“I won’t stop telling you that I love you because that is what I truly feel, violet is nobody to me.”, He said but Diana disengaged herself for the hug.

She was angry that she could just change her mind and end up regretting again.

“It’s true that I didn’t love you when we got married, I agreed to the wedding because of my dad but I didn’t know much about his plans and now I have fallen for you Diana, I meant every single word I said to you. I love you so much, please believe me.”, He said but Diana pushed him away.

“I don’t know javen, do me a favour, let’s just end everything. I will do everything it takes to get over this ridiculous feelings, maybe we are not meant to be. If ever I come back to you, push me away, it will really help.” She said moving away from him when he tried touching her.

She doesn’t want to get affected by him… Not anymore.

“I’ll get everything my dad took from you, I will do everything it takes to make you believe me. I don’t want you to leave Diana — I don’t want to lose you again, I will do anything you want me to do.”, He said as he wiped his tears off.

Diana looked away because she doesn’t want to end up doing something that will really make getting over him harder.

Diana looked into his eyes, she badly wanted to believe him but how? Everything clearly stated that javen deceived her in the first place.

“Then collect my dad’s company back from your father but I guess you can’t do that because you can’t even defend yourself from him.”, She said but he said nothing.

“Diana … I—!”

“I’m leaving this house, I think it is the best thing to do.”, She said and javen’s heart shattered into pieces.

He didn’t need anyone to tell him that he was gradually losing Diana. He wasn’t even aware that his father had cheated Diana’s dad.

He had planned on telling his dad that he loves Diana and he wants to be with her even after the contract ends until grace had ruined the plan all because of the company.

He didn’t mean to decieve her or anything, he just thought not telling her was the best thing.

He has been fine without his mom maybe because Diana filled in the empty space but Diana has been the only one keeping him going, he doesn’t know how he’s going to live without her.

“Please I really didn’t mean to decieve you, I just thought it was best to keep it away because I didn’t want you to be heartbroken.”, He said holding her hands but she removed them.

“I was going to be heartbroken either way but I am more hurt since you just planned on lying to me, it pains me that I defended you in front your Dex’s mom and your future wife without knowing the truth.”, She said and went to her room.

“What did you do to Mr Felix company?”, Javen asked his father angrily over the phone.

“I just helped us to grow the company, how did you find out?”, he replied.

“Why did you do that? Don’t you have a conscience? You are just so greedy and unthoughtful.”, Javen yelled.

“How dare you —!”, Alex didn’t finish his statement when javen hung up.

He ruffled his hair angrily and clenched his fist. He almost threw his phone but he controlled himself.

“Mr javen your dinner is ready!”, Kally said lowly, he didn’t want to complicate matters more than it was already.

“I’m not hungry.”, He said leaving for his room.

Kally released a breath of relief. He thank God that he just replied her nicely.

“I wonder what going on with them, I really like them for each other.”, Callie said returning from Diana’s room.

She had gone to Diana’s home but she refused to eat also.

“I really hope they sort out their differences or they will both get hurt and I h@ťě to see them like this.”, Kally replied and Callie nodded.

“Mr javen was more happier ever since miss Diana came, I also wouldn’t want him to go back to his old self.” Callie agreed.


Diana fell on the bed crying. She is leaving the house but not today, it is already late.

She was doing fine without him before she got married to him but now it was as if she is not going to survive without him.

She has loved javen since high school but she had managed to live without him even giving her attention but after everything that happened now — how can she even forget him?

She might be angry with him but somehow she still wants to believe him but she was only feeling guilty about what happened to her dad.

It won’t make any sense if she believe and choose to stay with Javen.

< Dia I’m sorry for what I said the other night, I shouldn’t blame you for anything>

She read the message Blake sent and cried again.

Blake was right after all, she was just getting used but before of her pathetic love, she refused to see it.

She blamed herself for not listening to his advice and for loving javen so much that she still consider if she should still Leave or not.

< Blake I am sorry, I should have listened to you, I want to talk to you tomorrow >

When Diana got tired of crying, she finally slept off till the next morning.

Javen stood outside Diana’s room Wondering either to knock or not.

There was no point tho because she was not going to answer him.

Thinking that he might lose Diana made his heart ache.

He meant what he said when he confessed his feelings.

Now he just has to prove his love to her but he doesn’t even know how.

He stared at the door one more time before he retired to bed.

He was scared at she would leave the moments he leaves.


I pity Diana & javen more.

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