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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

I kept runn!ng and suddenly saw a guy on bike rid!ng towards me and ran to h¡s front which made h¡m halt. “h£lp me please, I’m be!ng chased” I begged h£ didn’t wanna stop at first but I snatch£d h¡s h£lmet from h¡m and hopped on th£ bike.

That’s th£ person get go!ng already!!! I yelled and h£ zoomed off. I watch£d th£ guy as h£ hit h¡s fist on th£ wall as h£ gr0@ned ©vt of frustration.

Thank you so much… I said to th£ guy as h£ parked at th£ front of our house.

Don’t mention it, j√$t be ¢ar£ful make sure you stay alert always we don’t know if h£’s trailed us already… h£ replied and I nodded

“Wh£re have you been, why did you get me so worried” Anita said, hugg!ng me as soon as $h£ saw me arrive.

I only dis£ngaged from th£ hug and went to a corner to calm my nerves. Why is th¡s happen!ng now, what do th£y want from me? How come h£’s able to f!nd me? I asked

What are you talk!ng ab©vt and whom are you talk!ng ab©vt? What happened exactly? Anita asked !n a worried tone.

I’m s¢ar£d Anita, h£’s found me… I said

Make me understand and stop be!ng afraid, everyth!ng’s gonna be f!ne.

I saw h¡m, I saw my worst nightmare th£ one who caused misfortune !n my life… I replied

Elon? $h£ asked and i nodded.

Huh! What…why…how…wh£n? $h£ asked all at once

I don’t knowwww… I said and bursted !nto fresh tears

I’m so s¢ar£d right now, I don’t even know if i should leave you or not. Come to th!nk of it, that means th£y’ve been search!ng for you all th£se years.

What if h£’s gotten enough !nformation ab©vt you and your wh£reab©vt? That means we’re not safe h£re any longer… $h£ said buh all I could do was cry as all th£ memories came flash!ng b@¢k to me.

Let’s j√$t sleep for now, we’d th!nk of a solution tomorrow. Stop $h£dd!ng tears please or you’ll f!nd yourself be!ng sick tomorrow… $h£ said as $h£ laid th£ mat for me to lie on.

☀️Days Later☀️
Oh! I guess h£’s f!nally h£re… I said to Anita as we saw a car drive towards our direction while we await th£ driver s£nt to pick Anita up for h£r new place of work and liv!ng.

Relax! h£ might not be th£ one and besides, I didn’t see that car among th£ ones I saw !n h£r compound th£ day I went to h£r house… $h£ deadpanned and I laugh£d.

What if $h£’s gotten a new one,bid that probably wasn’t @r0vnd at th£ time you went th£re… I replied

It seems you’re right, $h£ said as $h£ watch£d th£ car parked at our front.

I said it!!! I squeaked and $h£ smiled

“Good afternoon” we both greeted and h£ replied. I hope you will take th¡s opportunity as a great one and don’t misuse it, make sure you rema!n ¢ar£ful !n that house, $h£ has rude and arrogant children and trust me wh£n I say th£y will do th!ngs that would frustrate you. j√$t always have it !n m!nd that you won’t be th£re forever… th£ guy advised h£r before th£y leave f!nally.

Excuse me, why did you tell h£r all th£se you said j√$t now? I asked. That’s because I’ve offended h£r at first and I decided to use th£ tip I j√$t gave h£r as an apology… h£ replied and we both smiled. Woah! I’m sure you’d be a great guy. Please h£lp me take ¢ar£ of h£r as your sister, I know it’s too much for me to ask and I’m !n no position to ask for anyth!ng from someone like you, but I will forever be grateful to you if you can do that for me… I said rubb!ng h¡s b@¢k.

“That won’t be a problem” h£ replied and th£y both entered th£ car… I stood at th£ spot watch!ng th£m leave with a teary eye, but I’ve got to hide because of Anita.

Now is th£ time to face th£ reality of life, I’ve got no partner anym©r£ so I have to be m©r£ serious with my life… I thought as I entered th£ house star!ng at th£ space h£r belong!ngs used to be. I was sitt!ng wallow!ng !n thought wh£n I h£ard a voice that sounds like Ani’s. seriously? $h£ hasn’t been away for five m!nutes and I’ve started hav!ng halluc!nation ab©vt h£r.

I can’t believe $h£’s away from me and I’m miss!ng h£r right now. I’ve grown fond of h£r, we grew up togeth£r and have had each oth£r’s b@¢k ever s!nce we’ve known each oth£r. I wonder how $h£’d feel for th£ very first time away from me. How would $h£ cope with rich people?

Babe! I h£ard and looked up immediately. Anita‼ I called and hugged h£r. Is that how much I’ve missed h£r? I thought !nwardly. Why are you h£re? i asked

And what have you been th!nk!ng ab©vt? $h£ replied. What do you mean by that, have you been stand!ng h£re for a while? I asked aga!n. “Of course I have” $h£ replied and I sigh£d.
Well! I’ve j√$t been th!nk!ng ab©vt how life would be with©vt you… I replied s!ncerely

Why are you h£re? I asked aga!n. Desmond wants to see you ©vtside. $h£ replied. “and why is that” I asked but $h£ ignored me !nstead.
h£y! I was told you drove b@¢k because you wanted to see me… I said to h¡m as soon as I got ©vtside. “yeah! I totally forgot what I was told to give you” h£ said and brought ©vt an envelope. Th¡s is yours, my boss told me to deliver it to you… h£ said and I collected it.

OMG! Th¡s is much… I said on see!ng th£ money !n th£ envelope. Please you two should s£nd my regards to h£r. I said
We will, let’s get go!ng already… h£ replied and th£y left leav!ng me sad once aga!n.

I wasn’t expect!ng th¡s, i gotta spend th¡s money wisely… I said to myself.

Some days after, I decided to change my environment and also change my means of feed!ng. I started sell!ng some veggies to people but my base is th£ ma!n express road though not everyone buy from me which I don’t why because I tried my best to change my look.

I was return!ng b@¢k home one even!ng wh£n I saw th£ only person that !nstill fear !n me com!ng ©vt directly from th£ store I sleep !n.
I turned b@¢k immediately and started walk!ng f*st. I guess h£ recognised me immediately as I saw h¡m follow!ng me.

I flung th£ basket I was carry!ng away and took to my h£els immediately runn!ng to no wh£re !n particular.

I looked b@¢k and noticed that h£’s no longer follow!ng me. I took that as an opportunity to rest as I thought ab©vt wh£re to run to while p@nt!ng h£avily.

I stood up immediately as th£ idea of runn!ng to th£ guy I hid !n h¡s car th£ oth£r day came to my m!nd.

Good even!ng, please open th£ gate for me, I need your h£lp. Save me please… I begged th£ gatekeeper I once dealt with as soon as I got to th£ entrance.

Get lost and don’t ever show your face h£re aga!n, you worthless maggot… h£ cussed at me

Of course h£ should s!nce I once taught h¡m a lesson. And h¡m call!ng me a worthless piece of maggot is someth!ng I wouldn’t have h£sitated !n mak!ng h¡m regret ever say!ng that to me, but that isn’t th£ case right now as I need h¡s h£lp.

I pleaded severally but h£ paid deaf ears to me. I didn’t give up though, !nstead I waited at th£ entrance hop!ng th£ real boss would be ©vtside.

I waited until it was @r0vnd 9:00pm wh£n h£ returned. My h£art leaped wh£n I saw h¡s car drive to th£ front of th£ gate. I ran to th£ car immediately and h£ came ©vt of th£ car on sight!ng me.

What on earth are you do!ng h£re and what do you want from me aga!n? h£ asked

I fell on my knees immediately and begged h¡m to allow me spend th£ night !n h¡s house. I’ll expla!n to you tomorrow, please j√$t let me stay for tonight… I begged buh h£ walked ©vt on me !nstead and ordered h¡s driver to drive th£ car !nto th£ compound while th£ gatekeeper lock th£ gate.

Why is life so unfair to me? I said and cried aloud.

After cry!ng my h£art ©vt, I decided to face my fear. So is good up and left th£ vic!nity. It was already dark at that time only th£ street lights shone brightness a little bit.

I walked till I got to th£ express road and started hunt!ng for cab. I was still wait!ng wh£n someone let ©vt a hysterical laughter beh!nd me mak!ng me fl!nch !n fear.

Look who I’ve been search!ng for… h£ said and I felt weak !nstantly.

I’ve never been afraid of anyone !n my entire life but I’m afraid of th¡s very one… I thought and said some prayers !nwardly.

Apart from me, who else is feel!ng sympathy for Matilda??

Will $h£ be f!ne?

Will $h£ be able to save h£rself?

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