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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

“Matilda stop it please! let bygone be bygone, I told you h£’s apologized for what h£ did” Anita pleaded.

Th£ last time I ch£cked I didn’t ask you to follow me, I told you I was com!ng to thank h¡m for what h£ did to you and that’s what I’m do!ng right now… I said while I cont!nued deal!ng with h¡m.

Thanks for your cooperation, I hope you learn how to be patient before judg!ng people next time… I said to th£ fool I j√$t f!ni$h£d b**t!ng and ₱v||ed Anita along with me. ‘Still you shouldn’t have done that, you should’ve j√$t let us prove to h¡m that we’ve got a good h£art than h£ does’… $h£ said and I sh°t h£r a glare !n return.

Let’s j√$t sleep for now, I’ve got gist for you, it’s ab©vt how my day went but I’ll have to tell you tomorrow… I said to h£r and $h£ giggled. I tutted at h£r reaction upon h£ar!ng that I have gist for h£r, $h£ can do anyth!ng because of listen!ng to gist.

Th£ follow!ng day was weekend, so it took us some time before go!ng ©vt to search for our daily bread, make sure you return on time, so we will go to th£ place on time. “Remember and early bird catch£s th£ worm” $h£ said to me as we set to leave.

“Also remember that a patient dog eats th£ fattest bone” I said and $h£ hit my shoulder ₱|@yfvlly but that doesn’t mean I’ll return late… I added and we hugged each oth£r before f!nally depart!ng.


I was busy plead!ng to a trader to give me th£ fruits $h£ wanted to throw !nto th£ b!n with th£ thought that it’s rotten wh£n it seem perfectly f!ne to me, wh£n I felt someone tap me. I turned only to see a guy who looks so much like my late broth£r, I almost hugged h¡m, but not until I realized h£ can’t be th£ one because I was th£re wh£n h£ was be!ng carried !nto th£ grave.

Excuse me! How can I h£lp you? I asked h¡m try!ng to sniff b@¢k th£ tears I was try!ng to hold b@¢k, I h@ťě myself for be!ng th£ weak type.

My boss seeks your attention… h£ replied and I arch£d an eyebrow with a question!ng look. And who is your boss? wait a sec, are you sure you’re not mistaken? I asked and h£ po!nted at th£ car parked at a distance. “that’s th£ car $h£ is !n, why don’t you come with me to ch£ck who it is” h£ replied.

Of course I need to be ¢ar£ful as it’s so h@rd for someone !n a lexus jeep call on a poor lady like me… I said aga!n.

Lady! You’re not gonna enter th£ car, no one mean any harm towards you h£re, I’m j√$t runn!ng th£ £rr@nd I was be!ng s£nt… h£ replied

F!ne let’s go! I said but not with©vt collect!ng th£ fruit I was begg!ng for earlier. Can I ask you a question? I said to h¡m as we walked. “Well! I’d answer any question you ask me except th£ one that perta!ns to who called you and why”… h£ replied

What’s your name? I asked Desmond h£ replied perfunctorily

Oh! That was too f*st” I said disappo!nted. By any chance, did I offend you? Mean what have I done wrong, you answered !n a way that shows you’re not !nterested !n any conversation… I said.

I’m sorry ab©vt that, but us convers!ng while we walk to meet th£ boss is somehow disrespectful I wouldn’t want th£ boss to be pissed… h£ said and I nodded !n a$$ent.

“Good afternoon ma’am” I said to th£ woman I guess is th£ boss as I got to th£ car. Why does $h£ look so familiar? I murmured softly

“Yeah I ought to” $h£ replied and my eyes widened. You h£ard that? I asked and $h£ nodded.

I’m th£ woman you h£lped with th£ th!ngs I bought from a supermarket a long time ago. I’ve always thought of meet!ng you aga!n because I have an offer for you which I’m not sure you’d accept. $h£ replied

Oh! No wonder why you seem familiar to me. It’s really been a long time. What’s th£ offer you have for me? I asked hop!ng it’ll be a good one that’d suit me.

I need a house h£lp urgently and you happen to be th£ first person that came to my m!nd. I don’t know if you’d like to be my house h£lp, I’m sure it’d h£lp you a little.

I seriously don’t like th£ fact that you beg before feed!ng yourself, so would you like to work for me? $h£ requested and I almost jumped on h£r.

Sure, why won’t I, wh£n it’s always been my prayer to leave th¡s begg!ng lifestyle. I replied with much excitement.

Ma’am I’d gladly accept th£ offer, but we’re two. I mean, I’ve got a friend who is like a sister to me and we’ve been hop!ng to have a better lifestyle.

I don’t know if you can f!nd a job for h£r too. I’m sorry for mak!ng th£ request because I’m not !n th£ position to do that, I j√$t have to. I’m so sorry ma’am… I begged

I like and appreciate th£ fact that you’re considerate. I promise to h£lp h£r f!nd one soon though not now because I’ve got noth!ng right now… $h£ replied

Alright thank you so much ma’am, so wh£n do I start and how do I know wh£re I’ll be work!ng at? I asked aga!n

You can follow me to my house now if you don’t m!nd and you can start immediately as well… $h£ replied

Ma’am I can’t start now, I have to discuss it with my friend first. I can’t j√$t leave h£r like that and besides I wasn’t prepared for th¡s but I’d love to go with you now so I’ll have a view of my new workplace.. I said

“That won’t be a problem, hop !n” $h£ said

But ma’am, I’m not well dressed, I can j√$t take a cab and follow you to your dest!nation, I wouldn’t wanna sta!n your car… I said s!ncerely and $h£ laugh£d.

Did you j√$t say sta!n? If only you know how happy I am to have you accept my offer right now, you wouldn’t be say!ng th¡s. $h£ said and I entered reluctantly.

“Let’s go” $h£ said to th£ driver and h£ obeyed immediately.

Today has really been a great day for me, I j√$t don’t know why I keep hav!ng a good and positive feel!ng.

h£y! Someone called as I was sitt!ng on a bench under a shade and I looked at th£ direction th£ voice came from.

I guess you’re th£ beggar who isn’t ashamed of yourself and !nstead you keep caus!ng trouble for yourself. You b**t my broth£r up and ran away like that.

Imma let you know today that you can’t be hav!ng everyth!ng !n your favour at all times… h£ said and brought ©vt h¡s phone. I smirked and stood up to leave quietly to avoid trouble.

I dusted my dress and set to leave but h£ ₱v||ed me b@¢k !nstead, I’m h£re because of you, so wh£re on earth do you th!nk you’re go!ng to!!! h£ barked angrily and I scoffed “Let go off me while I’m be!ng nice” I said calmly and !nnocently.

And what if I don’t? h£ said, j√$t th£n I sighted some guys walk!ng towards our direction.

I grabb£d h¡m by th£ hair immediately and started giv!ng h¡m series of slaps mak!ng those com!ng stop walk!ng.

I gestured for th£m to turn b@¢k, but some of th£m chose to be mules as th£y ran up to us.

Good even!ng, sirs! Please I need someth!ng to feed on, could you a$$ist me with anyth!ng? I said as soon as th£y got to us as th£ beggar that I am. And th£y all stood transfixed

I know you all are aware that I’m a beggar, so please I j√$t need someth!ng to feed on. Don’t m!nd th¡s man right h£re, I seriously did noth!ng wrong, yet h£’s try!ng to fight for h¡s kid broth£r wh£n h£ knows I have no one to fight for me.

Had I have anyone to take my side, I wouldn’t be on th£ street begg!ng for alms.. I said putt!ng on some act!ng and giv!ng a fake tears.

Th£y brought ©vt th£ir wallets and gave me some cash. “Thank you sirs” I said thankfvlly and sauntered away. “Fools” I made sure I mutter before leav!ng th£ir pres£nce.

I got home later and met Anita wait!ng for me ©vtside th£ house with a wide gr!n on h£r face.

Yo! What’s up girl… I said ch£erfvlly. How was your day? $h£ asked.

F!ne, and I’m sure yours was f!ne too. Your face says it all, tell me what th£ matter is. I said ₱v||!ng ©vt an old chair we got from a dumpsite a long time ago that we use as our chair.

Please have your sit and let’s talk… I said and $h£ did.

“I got a job offer today” $h£ said. Really!!! I s¢r**med and $h£ nodded.

Wow! I’m so happy right now, I said and hugged h£r t!ght.

I’d be leav!ng you for th£ house I’ll be work!ng !n. was told I’ll be liv!ng !n th£ house s!nce I’ll be th£ir house h£lp. Trust me I asked for a job on your behalf and $h£ promised to h£lp me f!nd one for you… $h£ said and I could s£nse disappo!ntment !n h£r voice.

C’mon girl! You needn’t worry ab©vt me, I’ll be f!ne. j√$t make sure you don’t forget ab©vt me, you know I’ve always wanted th£ best for us both and h£re’s an opportunity for you to quit begg!ng forever

Please make sure you do your work diligently, I wouldn’t want any misfortune for you anym©r£… I said and $h£ did noth!ng but hug me.

I’ll miss us… $h£ said with a hoarse voice. I will too, but we can’t be togeth£r forever. I’m sure someth!ng good Will def!nitely come my way soon… I said

I went to get someth!ng for us to eat and was return!ng wh£n I saw a figure trail!ng beh!nd me. I acted like I didn’t notice at first.

I cont!nued walk!ng and turned suddenly to see who th£ person was. h£ was so quick to hide h¡mself but I saw what was so shock!ng ab©vt h¡m.

I took to my h£els immediately and noticed h£ was runn!ng too. Oh Lord! Why is th¡s happen!ng right now… I said as I kept runn!ng while h£ follow.

Who could that possibly be?

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