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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

I don’t th!nk you understand what let’s give ourselves distance means. I literally said we should never cross path aga!n and h£re you are blurt!ng nons£nse ab©vt pick!ng me up. Do you even have conscience at all? I asked.

Look! I know you’re still angry at me, but… Of course I am and that’s why you need to learn how to be ob£dient and stop be!ng a disturbance !n people’s lives… I said after cutt!ng h¡m short of h¡s words. “I won’t take it lightly wh£n next you try th¡s with me” I added and left h¡s front.

I was walk!ng away angrily wh£n a car suddenly drove past me and parked. I was still wonder!ng why th£ driver did that wh£n my phone started r!ng!ng.

h£llo! I said to Chris who happened to be th£ caller. “h£y babe! I’m so sorry I couldn’t get you ©vt of th£re !n time, I s£nt that driver to pick you up so please hop !n and let h¡m drive you home, I’m very busy at work right now” h£ said

You should better be sorry, because if you hadn’t kept me wait!ng, I wouldn’t have been embarra$$ed by that annoy!ng John who showed up ©vt of nowh£re and asked to drive me home… I said pretend!ng to be angry.

C’mon, I’m so sorry dear. I did that because unexpected th!ngs came up at th£ office which I had to do personally and I have to travel ©vt of th£ country !n few days time to attend to some oth£r bus!nesses and to conclude th£ ones I’m do!ng right now.. h£ said

Alright! take your time dear, I’ll be wait!ng at home, though I have to stop at my Mall now… I said and ended th£ call.

“Babe! I can’t believe we will be clock!ng twenty years of age !n a month’s time” Anita s¢r**med !n my ear as $h£ wi$h£d me a happy new month while on call.

I really have to !nculcate th£ habit of us!ng my airports wh£never I wanna receive a call from you or else, you’re gonna make be go deaf with your loud voice… I said

Wh@ťěver! but come to th!nk of it, is that how time flies? I can’t believe a year has pa$$ed already s!nce we’ve been go!ng through all those tough situations… $h£ said

I’m really excited ab©vt it. I wanna know how it feels to be an adult and I wanna start experienc!ng how adulthood is like… I replied

We gotta start plann!ng how birthday party now and please don’t say no to my op!nion because I’m not gonna take that from you. We both share th£ same birth date and month, so we have to make it memorable… $h£ said and I remembered my deceased tw!n sister

You want me to celebrate my birthday !n th£ abs£nce of my sister? Do you know we both would have been so happy to turn two decades old if $h£ had been alive? C’mon I can’t do that and I won’t.

Yeah! That’s th£ po!nt. $h£’s dead and $h£ would be so happy to see you’ve m©v£d on with your life and have stopped mourn!ng h£r death. Don’t you th!nk you’re putt!ng yourself !n danger zone as you keep h£r memories fresh !n your h£ad? Take it or leave it, we’re gonna celebrate our birthday and that’s th£ f!nal… $h£ said and hung up.

I took my time to ponder over what $h£ said and I f!nally made my decision to let go of th£ past and focus on th£ pres£nt and work towards th£ future.

I texted h£r to take ¢ar£ of th£ venue and th£ !nvitation cards while I take ¢ar£ if th£ rest.

Days rolled over weeks and before I knew it, weeks turned to a month and I must confess, th£ previous month has been one of th£ best month I’ve ever witnessed alive and that’s because Chris whom had always had feel!ng for me confessed h¡s feel!ng to me and I confessed m!ne after some weeks even though it’s really a h@rd th!ng to do.

I was work!ng !n my office one afternoon wh£n I felt a knock on my door and my secretary came !n afterwards. “You have a visitor ma’am and I can’t allow h¡m !nto th£ office” $h£ said

Why can’t you allow h¡m !n, is it any of th£ people I forbade from enter!ng my office? I asked and $h£ tutted. “h£’s been constitut!ng nuisance ©vtside claim!ng h£ wants to see you, so please come attend to h¡m” $h£ answered “Alright! Let’s go” I said and closed th£ file I was work!ng !n before leav!ng with h£r.

Wh£re is h£ and why is th£re no sign of disturbance h£re? I asked as we reach£d ©vtside and $h£ po!nted at a car that was parked !n th£ park!ng lot.

Can’t you talk? Why are you j√$t po!nt!ng !nstead of talk!ng? I asked as I m©v£d furth£r, but $h£ isn’t beh!nd me any m©r£.

I saw Chris alight from th£ car and a smile crept on my face. I’m sorry to !nterrupt, I’m th£ so called person caus!ng th£ disturbance. I didn’t want you to argue with me while !n your office, won’t had to tell your secretary to lie to you. I’m sorry but you have to come with me now, we have somewh£re to go… h£ said

“You deserve some punishment and trust me, I’ll give it to you later” I said and walked to th£ car. h£ drove to a spot and bl!ndfolded my eyes before tak!ng off aga!n.

C’mon! Wh£re are we h£ad!ng to that you have to bl!ndfold my eyes before gett!ng to? I asked as we walked @r0vnd a place I don’t even know ab©vt.

OMG!!! I exclaimed as I saw th£ beautiful dresses be!ng dis₱|@yed before me. “I want you to pick ©vt of th£se, th£ dresses you would like to wear on your birthday. Please don’t tell me you would pick one, because I wouldn’t want you to wear j√$t a dress that day.

You know I sell dresses and dress!ng up wouldn’t be a problem for me, so why did you come to spend th£ money you’re supposed to spend on my bus!ness h£re? I asked !n a wh¡sper.

“I know you don’t have th£se particular ones, so that’s why I brought you h£re. Don’t worry, imma pay you th£ amount th£ dresses cost” h£ said. “You better do” I replied and went forward to |¡¢k th£ ones I love.

Th£ D day f!nally came and I began gett!ng birthday wi$h£s from people at exactly 12:00am. Anita and Chris who had been compet!ng for th£ first person to s£nd me th£ir birthday wi$h£s were disappo!nted wh£n i told th£m it was John that s£nt me a wi$h£s first, even though it ru!ned my mood.

Th£ party started and everyone sure enjoyed th£mselves till th£ party ended. I was go!ng to go to th£ stage to give my vote if thanks wh£n I noticed everyone had become silent all of a sudden.

Confused as I am, I looked at everyone’s faces and traced th£ direction of th£ir gaze till it got to th£ stage wh£re i saw John and Gabriel stand!ng next to each oth£r, look!ng so serious and determ!ned. I’m sure th£y wanted to make a ₱vblic apology. I was m©v£d by th£ir words. After giv!ng it much thought, I decided to forgive th£m though I can never forget what th£y did.

“I forgive you both” I said and th£y walked up to me to thank me. John wasn’t will!ng to dis£ngage from th£ hug, so th£ jealous Chris came to a$$ist h¡m !n do!ng that which made John and I laugh slightly at h¡s actions.

Thanks for decid!ng to let go of th£ past and not hold any grudge on th£ aga!n. I love you and will always do… h£ said and klzzed me, while everyone clapped.

I did that to make my parents happy because th£y tra!ned me to be that type of person. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive th£m if not for th£ grace of God and my parents… I said.

“Thanks for do!ng that my daughter” th£ir mom said. “How I wish you had been my sister !n law today, I would’ve kept th£ story of how you met my broth£r and how you forced yourself !nto h¡s house !n a record!ng tape for you children, but too bad we both fv¢ked up by lett!ng our emotions get over us”… Gabriel said and I smiled

I looked at th£m all and said, “I seriously can’t believe I would no longer be th£ CRAZY BEGGAR”


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