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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

I don’t th!nk I would be able to live !n John’s house anym©r£, so can I stay at yours for a while? at least till I secure an apartment of my own. I said to Chris as we drove away from th£ Mall.

Of course you can, i would love it if you can j√$t let go of everyth!ng you have !n h¡s house and let’s go for shopp!ng. You need to change everyth!ng ab©vt you and have a fresh start… h£ replied

Nah! I’d rath£r pack everyth!ng. I don’t th!nk any of my th!ng is safe !n h¡s house, who knows if h£ might take th£m one day and accuse me of steal!ng th£m? I said

You’re right! Let’s go now and take it once and for all, so you will have noth!ng to do with th£m aga!n… Anita chirped !n.

h£ drove to th£ front of th£ house and we all alighted from th£ car. Th£ gatekeeper opened th£ gate for us as soon as h£ sighted us and we went !n.

We entered only to meet th£ broth£rs stand!ng at th£ door probably wait!ng for my arrival. “Excuse me, I have to pack my th!ngs. Do you still have th£m?” I we said.

Sure! Th£y’re still !n your room, but I need to talk to you so please could you spare me some of your time please? h£ said but i ignored h¡m and proceeded to th£ room !nstead.

I guess guilt is eat!ng you up already. I wouldn’t wanna sound rude, but isn’t it too dumb of you to have said that you wanna talk to h£r despite all you did to h£r? I mean do you even have th£ gut to look at h£r face not to talk of talk!ng to h£r with much boldness? Anita replied and I scoffed after h£ar!ng h£r say that.

I know what we did was wrong and it’s unforgivable, I j√$t want to apologise to h£r and I want you to h£lp me talk to h£r. I’m really sorry for not believ!ng or trust!ng h£r and I’m ready to receive any punishment from h£r… h£ said

I packed everyth!ng that belongs to me and dragged th£m with me and left th£ room, I got d©wΠstairs and met m©r£ people wait!ng for me.

Chris and Anita came to a$$ist me with my baggages and we proceeded to th£ door. Let me go will you? I said to John who was block!ng my path, only for h¡m to go d©wΠ on h¡s knees to beg me.

I looked at everyone’s face and th£ir parents gave me apologetic look. “Mat! I know we’ve wronged you really bad, but we really wanna apologise to you. I’m so sorry for all I did to you and my broth£r is sorry too” Gabriel said

I thought I begged you m©r£ than you’re do!ng right now, I literally pleaded to you to believe me, but you paid deaf ears and !nsisted !n some crazy evidence. Of course you need to be forgiven, so i’ve forgiven you. I j√$t want us all to stay apart and that’s gonna br!ng peace to our midst, I j√$t pray you don’t forget what is expected of you to do… I said.

Th£ next th!ng I did after leav!ng John house th£ oth£r day was visit!ng th£ hospital wh£re I was given series of !njections and drips to get rid if every d@mn th!ng !n me that could cause sickness. I decided to resume b@¢k to school to go cover up for everyth!ng I’ve missed.

“OMG! Matilda you’re b@¢k, you came b@¢k for real! I swear I’ve missed you” th£ female among my close colleagues said to me as soon as $h£ sigh£d me light!ng from th£ car.

“Yes I did and I missed you too” I replied. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that, lots of people really h@ťěd you for what you did and th£y talked ab©vt you everyday and everywh£re. I’m sure th£y’re regrett!ng ever believ!ng th£ news already and are gonna be shocked to see you !n school now” $h£ said.

I’m glad to h£ar that, all thanks to th£ir parents who got my name cleared. I don’t know if i’d be able to survive th£ !nsults I would get from people if I hadn’t been v!ndicated… I replied

Well! That’s all !n th£ past now, so please let’s get to th£ cla$$ already and you should start with your journey of cover!ng up with all you’ve missed… $h£ said

We walked past th£ hallway and students couldn’t h£lp but stare at us (Me !n particular as we walked). I waved and smiled at th£m to a$$ist th£m !n eras!ng th£ guilt th£y all felt.

Few hours later, I packed my th!ngs up and h£aded ©vt to th£ park!ng lot wh£re Chris said h£ would be wait!ng for me with my friends. I got th£re and couldn’t see any sign of Chris or h¡s car, I was ab©vt dial!ng h¡s number wh£n I saw John walk!ng towards my direction.

Hi! h£ said as h£ got to me. “I’m! I must be so lost !n thought because th£ last time I ch£cked, h£ was a bit distanced from me.

Hi! I replied, how may I h£lp you? I asked.

“I came to pick you up, so I would be able to make it up to you” h£ said and th£ lady beside me let ©vt a jeer!ng laughter


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