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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

My eyes that were shut as I await th£ judgment that’s ab©vt to pa$$ed to me opened immediately I h£ard th£ sound of th£ door open!ng and th£ wh0l£ courtroom be!ng silent. I had to open my eyes to know what’s happen!ng @r0vnd me and my eyes locked with th£ woman who was walk!ng towards th£ judges with a man walk!ng beh!nd h£r.

My h£art b**t f*ster as th£ thought of th£m be!ng Gabriel and john’s parent who was claimed to have been ki||ed by me came to my m!nd, because it’s too obvious that th£y’re, as Gabriel and John look so much like th£m.

Mom! Dad! We all h£ard John and Gabriel call and th£ couple directed th£ir gazes which was on me at th£m. “Yes! We’re th£ one, and I’m glad you still recognise us” th£ woman said with a smile and noise erupted from th£ crowd as th£y all stared at th£m !n confusion.

I said it! I knew it! My friend isn’t a murder. John! Gabriel! You both are dead meats wh£n we get ©vtta h£re. Congratulations bestie! $h£ said and w!nked at me while Chris only stared at me with pity written allover h¡s face. I’m sure h£ wouldn’t know if h£ should be happy or sad

I sigh£d h£avily and shut my eyes to try to ch£ck if I could recollect what had happen !n th£ past. I gr0@ned as I felt my h£ad sp!nn!ng due to th£ stress I made my bra!n go through.

I didn’t give up, !nstead I kept try!ng till some memories came appear!ng. It started from th£ part wh£re th£ call our housekeeper had from my mom that day made me ran to John’s parent house alone s!nce my sister isn’t @r0vnd to go with me and I sneaked ©vt of th£ house with©vt our housekeeper’s knowledge.

I had to run d©wΠ th£re because I h£ard th£y wanted us to be at th£ surprise party th£y wanted to throw for th£ir sons. I’ve always wanted to meet th£m due to th£ way th£y hype th£ir sons.

Mom actually told our housekeeper to get us dressed before $h£ arrives to come pick us up but as th£ mule that I am, I paid deaf ears to h£r and acted on my own and went th£re.

I s¢r**med my lung ©vt as I got th£re and met th£m ly!ng lifelessly on th£ floor. I rem©v£d th£ knife from h£r tvmmy and ran ©vt to call h£lp after putt!ng pressure on th£ir tvmmy to stop th£ir bleed!ng s!nce that was what I could th!nk of due to my young age.

Anoth£r scene that came to my h£ad was wh£re I was ₱|@y!ng hide and seek with a friend and I mistakenly fell from th£ build!ng wh£n I was look!ng for a place to hide.

Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhh! I gr0@ned as th£ pa!n I feel became !ntense after forc!ng myself to remember th£ past and I could no longer remember anyth!ng. I stood up hold!ng my h£ad as I started feel!ng tipsy.

I woke up and found myself !n a room with some th!ngs connected to my sk!n. “I must’ve pa$$ed ©vt due to th£ stress” I thought.

Oh! You’re awake! Are you okay? Mrs Thomas asked and I nodded. “I’m so sorry you had to pa$$ through all th£se, we actually came h£re to prove your !nnocence. I’m so sorry for not gett!ng to you on time” $h£ apologised.

If only $h£ knows how much I h@ťě h£r and h£r family right now, $h£ wouldn’t be h£re talk!ng to me. I saved th£m that very day and h£re I am gett!ng puni$h£d because everyone failed to believe I didn’t ki|| th£m.

“It’s f!ne” I lied j√$t to make th£m disappear from my sight. “Thanks for sav!ng us that day. We would’ve loved to compensate you, but it took us a long time to recover and y’all were gone by th£ time we rega!ned our strength” Mr Thompson said too and I scoffed.

“It’s noth!ng” was th£ only th!ng I could say.

Could you please tell us what’s happen!ng? Did $h£ truly ki|| you two? How did you survive? How did you get h£re? All th£se and some oth£r ones are th£ questions th£ reporters we met at th£ entrance of th£ courtroom asked.

Please come !nto th£ courtroom if you want me to give you answers to th£ questions you’ve asked and please make sure you stream everyth!ng I would say and do live… Mrs Thompson replied and we proceeded to th£ room.

Please stand !nto th£ witness box and tell us all you have to say… Th£ chief judge said.

“I wouldn’t wanna do that. I’d rath£r stabs h£re and tell everyth!ng to th£ world so h£r name would be cleared” $h£ said.

“Matilda isn’t a murderer but a life saver. $h£’s put saviour whom we would be forever grateful to” $h£ started and stood properly to face th£ cameras fac!ng h£r.

h£r family was ru!ned because of us. It’s th£ guilt that’d forever be !n my h£art and my husband’s forever. $h£ was at th£ scene that day because $h£’s supposed to. Th£ evidence you all have was made by our murderer who was executed months ago. h£’s someone you all know, th£ same person who ki||ed Matilda’s parents and sister because $h£ h£lped us live.

$h£ rem©v£d th£ knife from my tvmmy and tried h£r best to stop our bleed!ng before runn!ng ©vt to call for h£lp. I know all th£se because I was still a bit conscious while $h£ was do!ng all th£se.

I urge th£ judges to close th¡s case th¡s !nstant and I’d like to file a law suit on h£r behalf for false allegations and !nfliction of bodily harm. Dear reporters, I want th£ new to go viral so a lot of people would learn from Matilda’s story.

I th!nk th¡s proves th¡s country’s leadership !ncompetency. Our security system has become so lax and our leaders aren’t do!ng anyth!ng to it s!nce th£y’re affected. Besides, Lot of people h@ťěd h£r already not m!nd!ng if th£ accusations are true or not. I’m sure th£re’s a lot to learn from th¡s… $h£ said

Mom what do you mean by all th£se? Do you any evidence to b@¢k all you’ve said up or you’re one of h£r sympath¡sers who are h£re to make sure $h£ doesn’t get puni$h£d accord!ng to th£ law… Gabriel said and that made Anita and some people give a loud h¡ss.

Oh my dear son! I didn’t know you’re th¡s scatter bra!ned. You grow!ng up with©vt us must’ve made you a stupid man. How dare you say that to my face wh£n you ought to be feel!ng guilty for not truly believ!ng !n who you call friend!!! $h£ replied angrily


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