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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

“h£llo! We’re h£re to see th£ lady that was brought h£re some hours ago Matilda I mean” Chris said to th£ policeman h£ met at th£ entrance of th£ station.

Who are you two and why do you wanna see h£r? h£ asked. “We’re h£r only family members and we’re h£re to ask h£r few questions ab©vt what $h£ was accused of do!ng” h£ replied.

“Come with me and m!nd you, you have j√$t 30 m!nutes to spend with h£r” th£ man said and th£y followed.

Th£y bursted !nto tears as th£y saw how scrawny $h£ looked. Hi Chris! $h£ said with teary eyes. “My baby” th£ woman called and $h£ directed h£r gaze at h£r.

Ma’am! Matilda called b@¢k and tears started flow!ng ©vt of h£r eyes as $h£ rem!nisced th£ past. “It’s really been a long time and I’m deeply sorry for not f!nd!ng you on time, though I I’ve been try!ng every possible to locate you” Th£ woman said

I’m sorry you had to f!nd me !n th¡s situation. $h£ replied

Chris! John and Gabriel had me locked up after tortur!ng me. Th£y didn’t believe me tell me what else I could’ve done to make th£m believe me before gett!ng to th¡s level… $h£ said amidst tears.

I’m sorry you had to pa$$ through all th£se and I’m sorry for not f!nd!ng you on time. I promise to fight for you till th£ end… h£ replied

Matilda!!! Anita sh©vted as $h£ entered with Desmond and h£r boss. Babe! Matilda called too as $h£ touch£d th£ wall of th£ gla$$ shield!ng h£r still cry!ng profusely.

I didn’t do it, I couldn’t have done it. Tell me you believe me, tell me you do please… $h£ said as soon as th£y sat d©wΠ.

Of course we all do, someone must’ve manipulated th£ video and edited th£ pictures… Anita’s boss replied h£r while Anita h£rself did noth!ng but cry.

We all are will!ng to h£lp you till th£ very end. So please endure all th£se pa!ns and I’m sure you would laugh at last… Th£ doctor a$$ured h£r.

How? How do you wanna h£lp me? I’ll soon be charged to court and I have neith£r a lawyer nor an evidence to b@¢k myself up… $h£ asked

You know I’ve always been your family doctor right? I have someth!ngs with me that I can give to any lawyer I hire for you to tender !n th£ court on your behalf !n order to prove your !nnocence, at least for th£ mean time. Th£ doctor replied

Which is? Anita and h£r boss asked !n unison. “I have h£r medical record with me which says that $h£ lose h£r memory after surviv!ng an accident. I also have th£ messages h£r moth£r s£nt to me few years b@¢k before h£r family got ru!ned which stated that th£y were been thr_@tened because Matilda (th£ accused) did what $h£ shouldn’t have done” $h£ replied

I will talk to my lawyer ab©vt h£r case, h£ will be h£r lawyer and please could you go with me now so we’d discuss it with h¡m? Anita’s boss said.

“You must never forgive th£ broth£rs for hurt!ng you th¡s bad, okay? I know you shall be set free very soon” Anita said to h£r. “How do I buy my dignity b@¢k? It’s all over th£ news now, everyone now knows me as a murderer” Matilda said.

Everyth!ng will be sorted ©vt, th£ press must say it once your name gets cleared… Desmond replied.

I learnt Gabriel told th£m to shut your mall d©wΠ. No one is work!ng th£re anym©r£ and you I’m sure none of th£ companies you model for would like to have you work with th£m anym©r£… Chris said

I saw that com!ng, j√$t make sure th£y don’t l@y th£ir h@nds on th£ money !n my account. Th£y mustn’t have access to my bank cards please take ¢ar£ of that from me till all th£se is over… $h£ said.

Th£re’s no need to both£r ab©vt money, I promise to h£lp you start all over. All we need to do right now is get all th£se mess cleared away… Anita’s boss replied h£r.

“Your time’s up, you all need to leave now” Th£ warder said to th£m as h£ came !n, th£reby !nterrupt!ng th£m.

We’ll come b@¢k some oth£r time, j√$t make sure you remember our words. Always remember you have a lot of people who truly believe !n you… Anita said to h£r before start!ng anoth£r round of $h£dd!ng tears.

Oth£rs too said words to pacify h£r and $h£ nodded !n a$$ent to every th!ng th£y said with tears stream!ng d©wΠ h£r ch£eks aga!n as th£ thought of th£m leav!ng h£r alone got to h£r.

“Th£y’re on th£ir way to th£ station” a text message that popped on th£ doctor’s phone said. “I th!nk we need to wait beh!nd for th£ broth£rs arrival, I got a text message now that said th£y’re on th£ir way h£re. Let’s see if we could talk to th£m to withdraw th£ case” $h£ said to everyone.

I don’t th!nk that idea would be accepted because it’s all over th£ !nternet. It’s one of th£ topics trend!ng on th£ net right now, so th£ police def!nitely wouldn’t wanna withdraw it, not wh£n th£y’d have submitted th£ evidence th£y have to th£m… Anita’s boss replied.

That’s true, but let’s get ©vt if h£re first before we get embarra$$ed… Desmond said and th£y left.

“Th£y’re h£re already” Anita called th£ir attention as $h£ saw th£m alight from th£ir car.

Th£ five of th£m walked up to th£ir front as th£y both were walk!ng towards th£ entrance of th£ station. h£llo broth£rs! Th£ doctor spoke first and th£y both arch£d th£ir brows and looked at each oth£r.

Wow! Chris waddup? I can see you’ve come to visit your friend. But if I may ask, who are th£se people you brought with you? Excuse me, I know Anita and Desmond though… Gabriel said !nstead of reply!ng th£ doctor’s greet!ng.

Th£y’re th£ ones who believe !n Matilda and are ready to fight on h£r behalf till $h£ rega!n h£r freedom… Chris replied.

It’s so sad to h£ar that you are th£ ones who h£lped Matilda become who $h£ us today and are still th£ same people ready to take h£r d©wΠ. If you both aren’t ¢ar£ful, i’d make sure I sue you for molestation… Th£ doctor said but John ignored h£r and walked away !nstead.

I’m look!ng forward to see how long you can support h£r. “$h£ could be executed if ¢ar£ is not taken” Gabriel wh¡spered !n Chris’s ear before saunter!ng away


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