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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

How do we get th£ record $h£ a sled for now? Anita asked th£m as th£y got ©vt of th£ house. “j√$t leave that to me, I could go to john’s office and talk to h¡m ab©vt it. I know h£’s not th£ tough type, neith£r is h£ th£ type that jumps !nto conclusions easily, h£ must’ve been conv!nced by th£ evidence h£ got. Chris replied

To be honest, I’m glad we have someone else to support us !n fight!ng for h£r. I j√$t hope Matilda would be able to endure all th£se. Desmond said

I am glad too, I know Matilda would scale through. $h£’s always been a very brave person, $h£ would def!nitely endure but I’m sure $h£’d be dy!ng th£re s!nce $h£ has no one to talk to that’d believe h£r… Anita said too.

Can’t we j√$t tail th£m so we’d know wh£re th£y kept h£r? What if $h£’s feel!ng sick already? $h£ must be look!ng scrawny now I guess… Desmond suggested

Of course we can’t, not after th£y’ve dealt with different types of people. j√$t imag!ne how wide th£y would’ve become after deal!ng with Elon and h¡s boss…Chris replied

Let’s leave h£re th£n, we should start work!ng on th£ mission already.

AT Th£ HIDE©vt
You still won’t confess to th£ crime you committed right? th£ guys tortur!ng Matilda asked but all $h£ did was cry as different thoughts appeared !n h£r m!nd. Th£y ₱0ured water on h£r and whipped h£r m©r£ but $h£ refused to talk.

Aaaaaaaargh! $h£ gr0@ned as h°t water was ₱0ured on h£r feet. “Th¡s will cont!nue until you confess to th£ crime, so I advise you to talk !n order to save yourself of th¡s pa!n” one among th£ guys said as h£ kept slapp!ng h£r.

Stop!!!! th£y h£ard Gabriel said as h£ entered and th£y stopped what th£y were do!ng. “Welcome b@¢k sir” Th£y greeted with a bow.

Why are you caus!ng all th£se for yourself, can’t you j√$t talk? Why don’t you j√$t save yourself by admitt!ng to th£ fact that you did it. I would’ve forgiven you a long time ago if you’d done that s!nce… h£ said to h£r.

I never knew you could be th¡s ignorant. You th!nk I did that despite all you’ve done for me? F!ne! s!nce that’s what you want, I’ll admit that I ki||ed your parents.

Yes I ki||ed th£m, j√$t ki|| me already and stop mak!ng life m©r£ hurtful to me. I’ve always wanted to meet my family, ki|| me! ki|| me!! ki|| me now!!! $h£ yelled amidst tears.

Yeah! That’s what I’m talk!ng ab©vt. For your !nformation, I had what you said j√$t now recorded. I won’t ki|| you, of course you know I can’t, I love you too much for me to do that. All I will do now is h@nd you over to th£ cops and you shall have th£ proper judgement.

I’m sure you would be able to tell th£m what my parents did to you that made you ki|| th£m and how many people you’ve murdered !n your life yet pretends to be !nnocent.

“Make h£r bruises go off, $h£ shouldn’t look like $h£’s been tortured” h£ said and left th£ room.

I can see you’re happily engag!ng yourself !n your bus!ness while you make life miserable for an !nnocent soul… Chris said as h£ entered john’s office.

Well! I hope you would wake up from your dreams and face reality. I advise you to stop tak!ng aides with someone who might later hurt you j√$t as $h£’s done to me already… John replied

You weren’t like th¡s John, don’t you th!nk you’re ₱ush!ng th!ngs too far? Chris asked j√$t th£n john’s phone vibrated and h£ picked it to ch£ck th£ notification

Wow! th£ person you’re fight!ng for right now has confessed to th£ crime… h£ said with a smile as h£ showed h¡m th£ video.

What have you done to h£r? Tell me wh£re you’re hid!ng h£r or I’ll make you beg for your life. Wait! Do you th!nk $h£ wouldn’t lie aga!nst h£rself wh£n you’ve made life miserable for h£r already?

Tell me wh£re $h£ is, I’m ask!ng for th£ last time… h£ warned but john only folded h¡s arms and watch£d h¡m talk.

“You must th!nk I’m jok!ng” Chris said and carresed h¡s face with a h£avy punch. Th£y fought h@rd till Chris bouncers broke th£ door and ran !n to separate th£m.

“I’ll be b@¢k for you” Chris said before leav!ng.

Few days later
“Th£se are th£ ones work!ng at th£ house wh£re Matilda lives” Chris said to th£ doctor as th£y sat !n h£r office to work on th£ mission th£y have ah£ad.

Th¡s one is my person, I’ve known I s!nce along time ago and I’m sure h£’d be glad to work for me.
I th!nk th£ !nky way to know wh£re th£y kept h£r is to plant a snitch among h¡s workers… $h£ said after ch£ck!ng th£ir profile.

$h£ placed a call a cross th£ guy $h£ chose which h£ answered almost immediately. “Come see me at my home th¡s even!ng, I need to discuss someth!ng with you” $h£ said.

“Alright! ma’am” h£ replied, and j√$t th£n Chris phone started r!ng!ng. “Oh! Anita” h£ said !n see!ng who th£ caller was.

h£llo! h£ said. “Wh£re are you? $h£ asked”. ” I’m with th£ doctor, why do you sound like you’re cry!ng, what’s wrong?” h£ replied.

“Turn th£ TV on or better still, ch£ck your phone. Those guys got h£r arrested ” $h£ said and h£ grabb£d th£ remote and switch£d it on.

“A lady named Matilda who confessed has been arrested for murder!ng Mr and Mrs Thomas years b@¢k with evidence” th£ news h£adl!ne said.

“Th£se guys really have ₱u$h£d th!ngs too far” h£ said and stood up to leave but Th£ doctor h£lp h¡m b@¢k. “Let’s go togeth£r, at least i’d f!nally get to see h£r. Besides, I have evidence with me to prove $h£ might !nnocent and that would buy sometime before $h£ gets charged to court” $h£ said.

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