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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

“Excuse me sir, I was told you s£nt for me” Ca$$ie said to john as $h£ got to th£ sitt!ng room. “Oh! Yeah, I was gonna s£nd you some £rr@nd, but what are you do!ng right now?” h£ asked. “Uhmn! I was arrang!ng some of my belong!ngs !nto my travell!ng box. I was gonna ask you for permission to take few weeks off work, my mom s£nt for me and said it’s really important that I show up” $h£ replied

I hope all is well with h£r, Why th£ sudden call? h£ asked. “I tried persuad!ng h£r to discuss or s£nd wh@ťěver it is $h£ wanna say or give me on th£ phone or through dispatch riders, but $h£ !nsisted on me com!ng to h£r and please sir, I’d love to answer h£r call th¡s time. It’s been really long s!nce I saw h£r and $h£ doesn’t call for me j√$t anyhow, $h£ h@ťěs to disrupt my daily activities… $h£ replied

Sure I’d let you go, you know our parents should never be taken for granted but I’d let you go after I f!nish bus!ness with everyone of you… john said and called for oth£r employees attention. “I’m so sorry for th¡s emergency meet!ng. I know I shouldn’t be sorry though, I’m your boss afterall but I gotta respect you all because you have your !ndividual rights. All I need from you is j√$t simple response.

Who among you is a snitch h£re? I mean who among secretly works for someone? h£ asked. “Excuse me Ca$$ie, you’ve got a message you haven’t replied to” Matilda said as $h£ came !n with h£r phone !n h£r h@nd.

You can see we’re !n th£ middle of a discussion so keep wh@ťěver you have for h£ till th£ end of th£ meet!ng… john replied and $h£ rema!ned calm.

S!nce y’all denied be!ng th£ odd one among us, th£n I’m left with no oth£r choice than to let you know I’m aware of your actions. Y’all should turn to th£ projector… h£ said and th£y all turned to see th£ video be!ng dis₱|@yed.

What I wanna know is why you’ve been leav!ng th£ ma!n house to receive calls at th£ garden, and i’d love to see your phone… Chris said to Ca$$andra who was frett!ng already.

I j√$t do not like disturb!ng people wh£n I’m on call, so that’s why I go ©vt of th£ house sometimes… $h£ said try!ng to hide h£r fear.

Are you try!ng to deny th£ fact that you don’t work for anyone? You’re not h£ one responsible for all that has been happen!ng to Matilda? h£ said !n a m©r£ serious and angry tone.

I don’t know what you’re talk!ng ab©vt, why would I be responsible for h£r misfortunes? $h£ replied and h£ c|¡¢ked on anoth£r scene that shows how $h£ poisoned th£ juice $h£ gave Matilda da th£ night th£y were leav!ng for th£ party.

I know you can’t deny what you’re see!ng now. I would’ve told John to h£lp you limit th£ punishment you’d be given at th£ court but your lies won’t j√$t allow me to… h£ said

I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt h£r. I was only work!ng on th£ mission I was given and I accepted th£ mission because th£ l@y was h*g£ and I needed a way of surviv!ng… $h£ pleaded

You don’t look poor, and I’m sure h£ isn’t th£ first and only person you’d worked for… John replied

h£r boss already asked h£r to leave th£ house before $h£ gets caught. I guess that’s why $h£ decided to escape by giv!ng th£ stupid excuse… Matilda said after show!ng th£ message to John and Chris

“Let th£m !n” john said to th£ gatekeeper through th£ signal h£ s£nt. Make sure you !nterrogate h£r properly and $h£ musn’t be granted on bail… h£ said to th£ cops before th£y took h£r away.

Now that th£ bug is gone, I hope you all will learn someth!ng from everyth!ng that has been happen!ng. You can all return to your duties… John said to h¡s rema!n!ng employees and th£y all dispersed.

Few days later, th£ news of Mr Robert( Matilda’s nightmare) arrest $pr£@d all over th£ !nternet as it became th£ talk of th£ town as soon as it was ₱vblised with evidence of h¡s arrest.

OMG! I’m a free bird, like I’ve got no reason to be s¢ar£d of breath!ng peacefvlly aga!n… Matilda said to Anita with enthusiasm

Relax! Why don’t you confirm th£ news from your boss and oth£rs before jubilat!ng? Anita replied, j√$t th£n a call from Chris came !n.

I’m sure you’ve seen th£ news already, I j√$t wanna know how happy you’re ab©vt it and I’ve gotten my answer already, have a nice day… h£ said as soon as $h£ accepted th£ call.

I seriously can’t thank you enough. You fought so h@rd j√$t to see me become happy once aga!n, I’m surprised and happy at th£ same time. I j√$t hope th£y’d give h¡m th£ proper punishment h£ deserves and do not both£r br!ng!ng h¡m b@¢k to th£ country… Matilda said to Gabriel as th£y chatted onl!ne

You’re welcome, I j√$t did what I ought to have done and it’s m©r£ like sav!ng a wh0l£ country because no one knows who is next target is… h£ replied

I couldn’t laugh wh£n Chris told me h£ got arrested at th£ hospital h£ went to undergo plastic surgery and was arrested j√$t as h£ was ab©vt enter!ng th£ operation th£atre. h£ must’ve been so desperate to th£ extent of try!ng to change h¡s face… $h£ said aga!n

h£ will be brought b@¢k home for proper court arraign… h£ said

I’d love that too but I’m s¢ar£d of h¡m escap!ng aga!n…$h£ replied

“h£ can’t do that, not anym©r£, all those work!ng for h¡m and with h¡m got arrested so h£’s left with no oth£r option than to surrender h£’s been properly monitored” h£ said

Alright! Talk to you some oth£r time, I gotta study, my exam will be commenc!ng !n few days time… $h£ replied


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