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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

Get up right now!!! h£ yelled and I scoffed. And What’s gonna happen if I don’t? I asked with©vt open!ng my eyes but h£ kept quiet and didn’t reply and I was forced to open my eyes and laugh£d on see!ng h¡m po!nt a gun at my foreh£ad.

I’m tired of your useless drama, as I’ve said, I’ve got no time so I gotta get rid of you and leave h£re. I’m giv!ng you th£ grace of say!ng your last prayer before dy!ng… h£ said

Would you at least Let me use my phone? I need to h£ar th£ voice of my loved ones for th£ last time… I said and took my legs off th£ table and reach£d for my purse to take ©vt my phone.

You’re not so smart you know, I know you couldn’t have come h£re alone and be th¡s confident. So I wanna surprise you by br!ng!ng !n your muse… h£ said and th£ door opened andJohn entered with some strong look!ng guys.

I widened my eyes !n pretence of be!ng surprised to see h¡m. Wh..wh.. what’s happen!ng? I asked !n a stutter and h£ laugh£d.

You must be surprised to see your boss !n my apartment. I fv¢k!ng warned you not to come with anyone, your stubbornness will cost h¡m h¡s life now. “$h00t h¡m” h£ ordered

Wait! I said and th£y paused. Let me guess, you can’t j√$t ki|| me !n one go, I know you’re not that merciful. So let th£m come take me !nstead s!nce it’s your plan to make me writh£ !n pa!n before dy!ng… I said

“Wow! You’ve !ndeed become smart. Come get h£r” h£ said and one of th£ guys hold!ng John came towards me and I stood up to welcome h¡m.

I stepped on h¡m th£ moment h£ touch£d me and sprayed th£ pepper spray !n my h@nd on h¡s face and john took that as an opportunity to fight th£ rema!n!ng guy.

Th£ir boss was ab©vt $h00t!ng John wh£n I quickly sprayed th£ substance on h¡s face too and hit h¡s h@nd mak!ng th£ gun drop.

One of th£ cops that has been disguis!ng as one of h¡s employees came !n fir!ng sh°ts at th£ men that came runn!ng !n on h£ar!ng th£ir boss s¢r**m.

I laugh£d at h¡m on see!ng th£ cops and few reporters run !n.

I guess it’s th£ end for you already. You made a great mistake by lett!ng your best warriors come for me that night mak!ng th£m lose th£ir lives. I know we wouldn’t have been able to fight you if you’ve got ski||ed fighters work!ng for you.

Turn yourself !n now and go accept th£ judgement given to you… I said but h£ laugh£d !nstead with tears stream!ng d©wΠ h¡s ch£ek ©vt of th£ reaction of th£ substance I sprayed on h¡s face.

I guess you all didn’t know I have everyth!ng well planned. I told you earlier that I’ve got no time and I have to leave on time. I promise to comeb@¢k for you… h£ said and before we knew it, h£ pressed a button and everywh£re became dark only I us to h£ar h¡s footsteps as h£ ran off. th£ cops started fir!ng sh°ts at th£ direction h£ was with©vt see!ng h¡m.

“Culprit escap!ng towards 2:00! over” one of th£ cops said as we all ran ©vt of th£ room. “Surround th£ build!ng now!!!” anoth£r one said to th£ir colleagues ©vtside.

“To th£ rooftop now! h£’ll be leav!ng !n a chopper” Chris tipped us off and th£y all ran up. “Go wait for us !n th£ car, you can’t be h£re. We don’t know what h£’s planned” John said to me but I refused and ran with th£ cops to th£ rooftop.

Before we could reach th£ rooftop, h£’s escaped but th£ cops didn’t give up on fir!ng sh°ts at th£ chopper as it departed which th£y returned till th£y went high£r.

Tears streamed d©wΠ my ch£ek as th£ thought of h¡m escap!ng got me.

Relax dear, th£ plane’s be!ng monitored. h£’s been declared wanted, so h£ can’t escape that easily… John said to pacify me and I wiped my tears.

Th£ cops arrested th£ ones that were lucky to be alive and we all departed.

I ch£cked my phone few m!nutes later and th£ news of h¡m escap!ng popped up. I’m sure everyone that sees th¡s video would blame th£ cops for th£ir !ncapability… I thought

I th!nk it’s time we let th£ cops know ab©vt Ca$$andra too, $h£ might try to make a m©v£ now that h£r boss has escaped th£ country too.. I said as we drove !nto th£ compound.

That’s what I planned on do!ng, th£ cops will be h£re soon as I call th£m. I j√$t need to make h£r confess h£r crimes before gett!ng h£r arrested… h£ replied

Don’t allow anyone !n or ©vt of my compound with©vt my cons£nt and y’all should surround th£ house. Anyth!ng could happen any moment from now… h£ said to th£ gatekeeper and h¡s bouncers

Babe! Are you okay? Anita said as $h£ came to hug me immediately I entered. “I’m f!ne but j√$t sad our efforts were !n va!n” I replied.

I’m sorry ab©vt that dear, I know h£ can’t keep sl¡pper!ng off th£ cops h@nd forever, h£’d be appreh£nded soon, j√$t know that.

I hope so. I have to take a shower and get some rest, we have plans on mak!ng Ca$$andra confess that $h£’s work!ng for h¡m… I replied

“Y’all should gath£r, I’ve got some bus!ness to do with you” I h£ard John say to everyone as I was ab©vt ascend!ng th£ stairs.

Alright sir! Th£y said !n unison.

“Is everyth!ng okay with you?” Danielle asked through a text message. “Yeah!” I replied “I need you to keep an eye on Ca$$andra, $h£ might be plann!ng someth!ng already” I texted aga!n.

“Alright! I’ll h£ad to h£r room now” $h£ texted b@¢k and anoth£r message popped up which I c|¡¢ked on immediately and it was a video cl¡p John s£nt to me.

“Wow! What a smart lady, I guess I won’t have to rest aga!n” I said and da$h£d ©vt of th£ room. “What’s wrong, wh£re are you go!ng to?” Anita who was !n th£ room with me asked as $h£ walked beh!nd me. “Follow me if you wanna know” I answered and kept walk!ng.

I knocked on Ca$$ie’s door and $h£ opened it after h£ar!ng my voice.

h£y girl! I said and sat on h£r b£d. What’s wrong, what’s with th£se baggages? I asked with©vt not allow!ng h£r to reply my greet!ng.

Oh! I was gonna ask th£ boss for permission. I j√$t got a call from home. My mom s£nt for me, $h£ said it’s a must that I come. So I was gonna ask h¡m for few days off… $h£ lied and I smiled

“Th£ boss is seek!ng for your attention” Danielle said as $h£ entered th£ room as well.

“Oh! I’ll be right th£re” $h£ said and stood up. “Can I use your phone for a while?” I asked as I took it from th£ b£d.

Sure, but what do you wanna use it for? $h£ asked. “I j√$t need to ch£ck someth!ngs ©vt. Go answer th£ boss’s call, you wouldn’t wanna keep h¡m wait!ng, right? I said

Oh! You’ve got to unlock your phone for me I don’t know your pa$$word… I said and h@nded th£ phone to h£r.

$h£ unlocked it and I could see h£r leer change to a s¢ar£d one and I was forced to snatch it from h£r.

“I’ve s£nt your balance to your account, so leave that house immediately and get rid of th¡s goddamn phone if you don’t wanna be caught” I read aloud.

What does th¡s mean? I asked h£r, but $h£ ran ©vt of th£ room !nstead ignor!ng my question.

If only you knew you’ve j√$t jumped from a h°t fry!ng pan to th£ ma!n blaz!ng fire… I said and shrugged before leav!ng h£r room while Anita followed.

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