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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

I cont!nued walk!ng till I got to th£ front of th£ mansion’s gate. I was ab©vt r!ng!ng th£ bell wh£n I got a call on my phone which I answered immediately.

“You can’t come !n through th£ rear gate, enter th£ car that j√$t parked beh!nd you” Th£ devilish man said and I looked b@¢k. I eye scanned everywh£re and h£aved a sigh of relief wh£n I saw a red flower which !ndicate th£ pres£nce of th£ cops.

“You can’t make th£m hurt me yet, you know that right? That’d make you a coward also” I replied h¡m still on call and h£ let ©vt a wicked laughter.

I wouldn’t do that, I wanna see all you’ve got and how courageous you’ve become… h£ said and I hung up.

Thanks for be!ng that smart to have hidden yourself well. No one could ever believe th£re are people surround!ng th£ house, I wouldn’t have known eith£r if not because I’ve been told th£y’re amidst th£ flowers.

“Enter th£ car and don’t act !n a way that would make th£m suspect you” John said to me through th£ device !n my ear which my hair has covered. “Alright!” I replied and entered th£ car.

I can’t believe you’re still alive after several attempts to ki|| you… Elon whom I met !n th£ car with some oth£r guys said and I smirked.

“I’m surprised to meet your alive too, I didn’t know you’ve got best doctors work!ng for your boss. Th£ doctors must’ve saved your a$$ from dy!ng that very night. I j√$t want you to know you can’t escape death today, you’re gonna pay for murder!ng my family” I replied and h£ raised h¡s h@nd to slap me but stopped and comported h¡mself.

Why did you stop? Oh! You must’ve been ordered not to l@y your h@nds on me till you take me to h¡m… I said !n a mockery tone.

“We’re !n already, get ©vt of th£ car and don’t keep my boss wait!ng” h£ said as soon as th£ driver parked th£ car.

Wow! Th¡s man really spent h¡s victims money wisely. I’m sure th¡s house would’ve costed h¡m a fortune even though it isn’t h¡s h@rd earned money h£ used !n build!ng th£ house… I said as I observed th£ wh0l£ vic!nity.

We went upstairs through an elevator and th£ door to a room was opened for me which I entered !n. My h£artb**t skipped as fear gripped me !nstantly wh£n I entered and met h¡m eat!ng with h¡s b@¢k th£ entrance.

I walked up to h¡m and our eyes met as h£ raised h¡s h£ad to look at me. I felt rage build up !n me and had a strong urge to ki|| h¡m immediately, but that would only cost me my life and h£ will cont!nue escap!ng.

Wow! My friend’s daughter has !ndeed grown up so well, I can’t seem to take my eyes off you Matilda. You must’ve !nh£rited your beauty from your parents. Oh! C’mon, have your seat… h£ said

“Hi! Uncle” I greeted. It’s so nice to see you aga!n after th£se years. I can’t believe you’re !ndeed th£ one that threw my family !nto a state of mayh£m, you look too !nnocent and ch£erful for that… I said

C’mon girl! don’t rush th!ngs, I’ve missed you alot and that’s why I decided to !nvite you over. Thanks for honour!ng my !nvitation tho… I replied

Of course I a!n’t rush!ng th!ngs, at least I met you hav!ng a meal, it won’t be so nice of me not to jo!n you. We both should at least take someth!ng before we ki|| each°th£r, so please make th£m serve me th£ same food you’re eat!ng. I gotta spend little ©vt of my parents money after all… I said “As your lordship pleases” h£ said and called upon some ladies to br!ng !n my own food.

“I love your courage sweeth£art, make sure you have someone taste th£ food before eat!ng though” John said and i almost replied h¡m.

Th£ ladies brought !n different trays of food and placed it before me. “Wow! Th£ food smell nice”… I complimented “You two should taste ©vt of everyth!ng you brought” I ordered

“Excuse me lady! we can’t” th£y replied rudely.

Why? You’ve poisoned th£ food as you’ve been ordered to? Now for th£ last time, I want you to eat from all th£se… I said.

You should accept th£ offer made to you. $h£ told you to taste th£ food because $h£ needs to be sure you didn’t poison th£ food. We all know th¡s is h£r first time h£re and we need to be ¢ar£ful always, so stop be!ng a mule and eat as $h£’s ordered you to… h£ said to th£m and th£y obliged immediately.

“Woah! It’s !ndeed a good th!ng to be someone’s boss, I love how th£y obeyed you with©vt h£sitation” I said before start!ng to enjoy h£ food.

“Thanks for th£ sumptuous meal, perfect workers you’ve got h£re” I said after wip!ng my m©vth.

“You’re welcome daughter” h£ replied

I love th£ way daughter sounds from your speech. I’m j√$t thank!ng God on your behalf for not giv!ng you a wife or child that would rema!n hurt forever, at least you won’t have anyone to mourn your death… I said

Well! That’s because I never wanted a family of my own. Now that you’ve f!ni$h£d eat!ng, let’s get d©wΠ to bus!ness. Your pres£nce is mak!ng me feel nauseous, so I gotta elim!nate you and leave h£re right away. I want you to know I can never be appreh£nded, no man born of a woman can ever arrest me… h£ said and I laugh£d loudly

“I love th£ way you’re daydream!ng” I replied and ch£cked my wristwatch for th£ time. “Give me few m!nutes to rest till my food digests” I said.

“You can get your food digested wh£n you get to h£ll” I h£ard someone say and a gunsh°t followed which I was quick to dodge as I shifted my chair immediately h£ said h¡s statement.

“Not so soon dear” I said and threw my h£els at h¡m as h£ was ab©vt fir!ng anoth£r sh°t at me. h£ charged towards me and I took h¡m d©wΠ with th£ aid of th£ chairs before me which I ₱u$h£d at h¡s leg mak!ng h¡m loose focus.

“You can go to h£ll and wait for your boss before h£ get th£re” I said and stepped on h¡m with th£ sole of my h£els and hit h¡s h£ad with every h@rd objects my h@nds could reach.

I’m sorry I did that, h£ should’ve allowed me rest like I said. You can attend to h¡m now, start giv!ng h¡m treatment h£ isn’t dead yet… I said before tak!ng my seat and plac!ng my legs on th£ table.

Remember you said you wanna see what I’ve got, that’s little of what I’ve got. I’m no longer th£ girl you once knew… I said only to h£ar anoth£r gunsh°t.

“You had to ki|| h¡m yourself, so sorry for your loss” I said as I saw a gun !n h¡s h@nd.

Don’t be angry uncle, you should try to calm d©wΠ. I promise not to waste your time, but if you try anyth!ng stupid, you’ll have to face th£ consequence…. I said and shut my eyes


Omo!? See confidence

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