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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍??Th£ CRAZY BEGGAR??‍?

( $h£’s th£ one I’ve been look!ng for)

‘I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself, so j√$t stay !n th£ car and let th£m do th£ir jobs and I’m sure you know my car is bulletproof. Th£y
also brought bullet proof cars so let your m!nd be at rest’ I said to my broth£r

“Get that lady ©vt of th£re car on time, th£y might try to do someth!ng you could ever imag!ne. I have a feel!ng th£y would wanna escape with h£r so please fight with your might, I trust you for that and I promise to compensate you all for a job welldone” I said to th£m as I ate from my plate of food.

d@mn! I cursed under breath as a bullet was sh°t at th£ camera which disturb£d th£ video I was watch!ng. I ch£cked my Ipad and saw Matilda be!ng carried ©vt of th£ car. It’s gett!ng darker already and I’m sure my men would be loos!ng th£ir focus already. I was ab©vt
sh©vt!ng at th£m to go for Matilda wh£n I h£ard a loud gunsh°t and I lost signal immediately which got me tensed.

What on earth j√$t happened‼! I asked !n a yell th!nk!ng th£ call has connected but it turned ©vt it didn’t. what’s happen!ng, why did I
lost every connection all at once? I asked myself as I perambulated !n th£ room try!ng to get th£ir connection b@¢k and that got me really

I could swear with my life that th!ngs will turn ©vt bad for us all if we return to th£ boss with©vt our target. We didn’t plan our mission
well and we happened to get ©vtsmarted by our opponent. “We’ve been breach£d sir” I said to th£ boss as soon as h¡s call came !n and h£
sh©vted at me as expected.

“I don’t give a d@mn ab©vt whatsoever happens to you while you’re at it and how you’re gonna go ab©vt it,
j√$t make sure you br!ng that lady h£re tonight else you should count yourself dead” h£ replied angrily and I knew h£ didn’t like h£ was

“Get h£r ©vt of th£ car and leave th£ premises secretly, anoth£r car will come take you ©vtta h£re” I said to my colleagues and th£y
acted up immediately but I was m©r£ furious and both£red wh£n th£ two people carry!ng h£r got sh°t.

“Th£se people are way ©vt of our league, I don’t th!nk we can w!n th£m over” I said to myself and before I knew it, m©r£ of our men drove !n th£reby hitt!ng th£ first car that trailed us caus!ng damages to th£ car and th£ir men lose focus as th£y ran to rescue th£m immediately, mak!ng us take that as an opportunity to fight th£m.

We were still attack!ng ourselves wh£n different cars drove !n suddenly and th£ir lights fla$h£d on our faces which made us took cover immediately. But before I knew it, th£y had already gotten Matilda ©vt and didn’t h£sitate to $h00t us all. Th£se men are !ndeed highly tra!ned. I should’ve known from th£ start that we can’t overpower th£m… I thought as I yelped !n pa!n after be!ng sh°t !n th£ arm I made sure I put a call across th£ boss so h£ would know what’s happened.

Geez! I can’t believe those guys, how can th£y ever have th£ thought of hitt!ng th£ car? I said to th£ people @r0vnd me as i sat on th£ b£d
!n th£ ward we’re receiv!ng treatment at. “th£y obviously had no good !ntention, we should j√$t be thankful to God for not giv!ng th£m to
ki|| Matilda. If not for th£ boss that thought of th£ smart idea that h£lped us, we won’t be say!ng th¡s right now” one among my broth£r’s
men replied

Oh! That rem!nds me, have you called my broth£r? Is h£ aware of what happened to us? I asked and h£ h@nded me my Laptop. “we sure
have done that, h£ would like to speak with you now, so that’s why I’m giv!ng you your laptop… h£ replied and I switch£d my laptop on to
see h¡m.
I’ll be b@¢k soon, but I want you two to stay wh£re you are till I return. I th!nk I will be transferr!ng h£r to th£ oth£r house. $h£ isn’t safe
be!ng at that house at least not until th£ real boss get arrested… h£ id

“I love that idea. But I need to be at home for few m!nutes. I have to pack some of my cloth£s and to also ch£ck if your workers are
ma!nta!n!ng th£ house very well while you’re away” I replied
I would’ve asked someone to j√$t go pick what you need for you !nstead of go!ng, but I’d let you go because you mentioned ch£ck!ng to
see how my employees are work!ng… h£ said

“Wh£re is th£ house you said I will be mov!ng to?” Matilda asked as $h£ came !nto th£ room and sat beside me. You will know that wh£n I return, j√$t make sure you stay safe till I return… h£ answered. “ can I at least go with Gabriel to pick someth!ngs !n th£ house too? $h£
asked aga!n and h£ tutted which made h£r give a sad look.

“Welcome b@¢k sir, we didn’t expect you not to return home yesternight why didn’t you return with Matilda, is everyth!ng okay?” th£ gatekeeper asked as soon as I got ©vt of th£ car. “$h£ will be b@¢k soon, someth!ng came up that’s why we couldn’t return yesternight” I
replied. “Warm anoth£r car up, I’ll be go!ng ©vt !n someth!ng else” I added before leav!ng

“Welcome b@¢k sir” Danielle and Gabrielle greeted as soon as I entered th£ house. Oh! Thanks. Have you been well? And wh£re is
Ca$$andra? I replied and $h£ entered th£ house j√$t as I f!ni$h£d ask!ng th£ question. “Is anyth!ng wrong with Matilda?” $h£ asked.

Excuse you, is that th£ first th!ng you ought to have said to h¡m? Gabrielle said to h£r and all I could do was stare at h£r and wonder if that’s how
dumb $h£ could be to make h£rself so obvious.

“I’m sorry, I was j√$t worried ab©vt h£r s!nce th£y left and both didn’t return at th£ right time. Pardon my manners, good afternoon sir”
$h£ greeted. “Your days are numbered” I said to h£r and left th£ir pres£nce.

“Your end is near” I h£ard Danielle said and I laugh£d softly as I walk.

Th£ question is, should th£y let h£r know th£y’re aware of h£r action? Give an answer and your reason

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