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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 60 & 61

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Battle of the

Heart and brain🏆



EPISODES 60 & 61


“Professor Sophia, you need to see this,” Oliver said, his phone in his hand as he walked toward Sophia

“Oliver, I’m a little busy….”

“Tiffany has been poisoned,” he let it out

Her jaw dropped and the men she was discussing with narrowed their gaze at him

“What did you just say?” one of them asked

Oliver went on to explain what he heard, he showed them the video recording as proof.

Turns out he followed Penelope without her knowledge cos she was acting suspiciously.

“This shall not be allowed,” one of them said walking away.

“Where is Tiffany?” Sophia asked


“Thank Goodness you’re here, Professor Sophia,” Fiona said immediately after she entered.

“What happened? Why is she bleeding?” Sophia asked shocked to the core

She wasn’t sick so what’s happening?

“I don’t think she can continue with the competition, she was poisoned..…”

“Poisoned? Oh my Gwad, how did this happen?” Sophia was horrified, she stared at the rolls of tissue on the floor then at Tiffany who had another large roll covering her nose.

“Do you think we can switch and take her to the hospital?” Atticus asked concerned

“I will go talk to the quizmaster,” Sophia walked out.



“All am saying is that we need to switch students…”

“You can’t switch, once you start you have to finish…”

“She’s sick,” she fired

“Then take her to the hospital and quit, I’m done talking to you,” he snapped walking away, he didn’t seem to care.

“You’re so cruel, That girl is down and dying and all we want is another student to take her place and you can’t even make that happen?” she asked with so much bitterness in her voice

He scoffed.

“Listen here Sophie, I’m a quizmaster, not a sympathetic agent, so take your sympathy somewhere else, We are here for a challenge, not charity,” he walked away



Penelope and Ashley could be walking down the hall holding hands as if they have known each other for a very long time, they were still walking when two cops blocked their way

“Penelope Bills, you’ve to come with us for some questioning,” one of the cops said and she frowned

“What’s the meaning of this?” she asked looking from one person to another

Audrey was pushed forward, handcuffed.

“Who are you?” Penelope asked disgustingly, one would think they never met before.

“You don’t know me? We’re best friend?” Audrey asked surprised

Like did Penelope just deny her?

“I used to but right now you’re handcuffed, so the only BFF I have is right here, right Ashley,” she asked, taking her gaze to Ashley.

Ashley moved back

“I’m sorry, who are you?” she asked making a face

The cops were dazzled.

Penelope jaw dropped in shock but was quickly replaced with a smirk.

“Penelope I saw Chloe’s mum at the Mall and she started telling me how much she missed her baby, I got emotional and told her everything I knew, I didn’t know that she was going to call the cops,” Audrey said sniffing

“I’m so sorry for being an idiot, I shouldn’t have gotten emotions and told her stuffs,” she added

“What? You told her what? How could you be so stupid to call my name, I don’t even know you, officers arrest her, I don’t know her, I have never seen her all my life,” Penelope shouted, turning around with the thought of running away but a cop was standing right in front of her.

“You’re under arrest, you have the right to remain silent…..”



“Well, it has gotten of our knowledge that Immaculate International sabotaged Starlight institution which led to their breakdown,”

The crowd gasped

“Immaculate International has been disqualified,” he added

🗣️ what???

“What? Have been dreaming of this all my life, I can’t be disqualified,” Ashley shouted

“Can’t there be anything that can be done? I mean we have come this far to lose,” their professor said pleadingly

“We will see in court,” Sophia replied

“Court??? We didn’t…..”

“Tell that to the judge,” Sophia cut her off before walking away.

“No, we can’t be disqualified,” Ashley shouted


Two hefty security guards came forward and took her away while their group stood up and left the hall disappointingly.

“Seems like we are left with just one competitor who can’t compete with himself, We are left with no other option than to declare the winner, bring me the trophy,” he said and Professor Mayor stepped up with the gold trophy.

“We lost it,” Fiona said sadly

“I know, Starlight never loses but…. I want to cry,” Felix mumbled

“We will come back next year, that’s for sure,” Molly added

“How is Tiffany?” Sophia asked, her voice low and cracking

d@mn it, losing isn’t her kind of thing.

“No idea, Penelope was arrested for murder,” Margret said settling down next to Fiona.

She waved at Sophia in greetings, a lit smile on her face.

“What happened?” Molly asked

“Not now,” Sophia cut her off

“Thank you all for joining us in this year’s national competition, our winner is…..”

“Wait!!” Tiffany shouted rushing out.

He paused then glanced at her

“I will take it up with him, if I’m to lose, I want to see it happen and I want my sister who has invested so much in me to see that I tried to make her proud, this is my sisters dream and I’m the only one that can make it happen,” she said all in one word.

“Tiffany,” Sophia called

“You’re sick,”

“I know, but I’m not dead, still breathing and alive……”

“Tiffany you’re sick, you can’t go up there, screw it,” Fiona said worriedly

She looked pitiful with a roll of tissue stocked up on her nose, she couldn’t even stand straight, her eyes heavy and reddish.

“I’m Iris’s role model, if I quit now, she would want to quit and Scarlett will lose hope and be disappointed in me for the rest of her life, even though she won’t say it, I know she will so you see, two people are looking up to me and I have to do it,” she replied moving forward but Fiona pulled her back

“We don’t have all day,” the quizmaster said impatiently

“shut your d@mn mouth before I rip off your balls and feed you with them,” Sophia thr_@tened

He gulped emptiness, d@mn she looked scary

“Are you sure about this Tiffany, we can always try again next year, your health is important….”

“I get this Professor, Sophia, just get me up there,” Tiffany cut in smiling at her, Blood rolled down her mouth and she quickly wiped it off with the back of her left palm.

“If anything happen to you, your sister is gonna fry me and I have this dream of being a godmother……”

“I can do it, trust me,”

In the next minutes, Tiffany was standing beside Alex on the stage while the crowd cheer them.

“Alright, seems we have a rematch, Starlight International taking on GFG College, as we proceeded to the next question. All answers will be answered correctly, giving any wrong answer means you’re disqualified and your competitor is our champion so are you ready?” the quizmaster asked

Both Tiffany and Alex nodded

“Very well, so here we go, What is the capital of Peru?”

Alex hit his buzzer quickly

“Lima,” he replied confidently

“That is correct,”

“Who wrote the novel, Jane Eyre……”

“Charlotte Bronte,” Tiffany shouted hitting her buzzer

“That is correct,”

“What is the chemical symbol for gold?”

“Au,” Tiffany hit her buzzer again

“That is correct,”

“In which city did the Declaration of Independence get signed?”

Both Tiffany and Alex hit their buzzer

“Philadelphia,” Alex shouted faster

Gradually Tiffany’s eyes started seeing double

“What is the tallest mountain in the world?”

Alex hit the buzzer

“Mount Everest,” he replied proudly

“What is the smallest country in the world by land area?”

Alex hit his buzzer

“Vatican City,” he looked at Tiffany who’s rubbing her eyes

What’s up with her? He looked away.

“Which country hosted the first modern Olympic Games?”

Alex hit his buzzer

“Athens, Greece,” he replied then glared at Tiffany

“Tiffany Douglas, are you alright up there? You have been quit?” the quizmaster asked, not like he cares.

Tiffany stared at him but he was four in her eyes, she was weak and couldn’t hear a thing he was saying, just like that

She couldn’t do it, she was disappointed. Scarlett will be very mad at her and Iris, she’s never gonna see her as a role model again. She’s a loser.

Her eyes began to close.

“ I love you and you’re my only family so I would rather lose things, and spend money than losing you,” Scarlett face’s flashed through her mind

“Your family is cursed and nothing good will ever come out of you and your cursed family…..” she shook her head negatively as those hurtful images came running through her mind. She could see it as though it happened just yesterday.

The quiz was still ongoing.

“I will have you begging on your kneels for my sister in the future,”

“I tried, Tiffany I tried but I couldn’t do it, everybody has something they are good at, but I’m not just good with books,”

“Just tell me what you want, even if it means going over to New York, I will go there and get it, it will only cost money,”

“Tiffany life is pain, life is not fair so don’t expect people to be fair!!!”

“ people are only gonna pity you and that’s it, nothing else will matter cos they won’t help so wake up and face reality,”

“I don’t care if people judge me or not, you say bad words to me all the time but I don’t take it to heart, I’m not a genius but all I ask is one thing, just one Tiffany, and you can’t even give me that?”

“Just one Job”

Those memories came flashing through her mind, She glanced up at the big board and Alex was far ahead of her, he already had 5023 points while she had 20.

“Give it up girl, you’re no match for me,” Alex winked at her.

“It’s not over until I win!!!” she took in a deep breath then exhaled and looked into the crowd

“If you ever make me proud, I will do wh@ťěver you want, it’s a promise,”

“We have 30 minutes left and it seems like GFG is far ahead, Next question; Which artist painted the Mona Lisa?”

“Leonardo da Vinci,” Tiffany replied hitting her buzzer at the same time

Her hearing was heavy as if coated with sugar, but she pushed it off, summoning her determination will, and discipline energy.

That is correct,”

“in which US state is the Gand Canyon Located?”

“Arizona USA,” she said again

“That is correct, ”

“Picking up,” Alex said in a Mockery tone, he knew that no matter what she did now, she could never get to him cos he was far ahead so he kept quiet, watching as she entertained him.

“What is the world’s most widely spoken language, other than English?”

Alex hit his buzzer


“That is incorrect,”

“Asia,” Tiffany replied


“The answer is Chinese, Which country is home to the world’s largest rainforest?”

“Brazil,” Alex replied looking into the crowd

“That is correct…..”

“Wait, he cheated, I saw it, she told him what to say, I saw him staring at her and her mouth moved,” Molly yelled, running up the stage

She was actually talking to her mother on the phone, After ending the call she turned to see Alex staring at his teacher then she looked at her to see her mouth moving.

“Alexander from GFG College is that true?” the quizmaster asked

All eyes turned to him.

“Hell, no, I don’t even know the answer and yes, I’m allowed to move my mouth,” his teacher protested innocently

“Ma’am it will be nice if you allow the young man to speak for himself. Alex, did you or did you not cheat?” the quizmaster asked again

Silence filled the hall as he lowered his head not able to say a word, Looking over at Tiffany he saw her wiping blood stains from her counter, then he looked at his teacher.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Amiable,” he mumbled, facing the quizmaster

“I did,” he replied truthfully

His teacher glared hard at him and he lowered his gaze.

“Very well, GFG College you have been disqualified,” the quizmaster announced instantly without delay.

Tiffany glanced up at the quizmaster then at the crowd which was dead silent, The only word she heard was disqualified. Like she failed? She didn’t do it? She didn’t make her sister proud? All years of hard work?

She failed. She’s a loser and can never do anything right, Atticus should have allowed her to get burnt alive in that restroom cos she doesn’t deserve the air she’s breathing.

“You did it, I’m so proud of you,” Felix’s lifted her feet off the floor swinging her around

For a second she thought she was hearing things, Maybe her head was playing with her.

“The car is ready,” Oliver entered

“Alright, quickly, bring her,” Sophia ordered, gesturing at Atticus who was beside her.

Felix dropped her feet back to the floor, and out from nowhere Atticus swept her off her feet into his arms, he made to run out but Flex blocked his way pulling him back by his shirt.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Felix asked, filled with rage

“You’re not blind or are you?” Atticus snapped rudely

“Well, was going to take her to the car, so put her down,” Felix said authorizingly

Atticus scoffed

“And what makes you think I will do that?” He asked, staring him in the eyes

Felix took in his lower lips, giving it a hard bit while ruffing his hair, he took a few steps closer, fist clenched, his jaw tightened with his other hand in his trousers pocket.

“You don’t wanna make me mad, drop her and move away…..”

“I’m already mad so What makes you think I will do that????” Atticus stepped forward also as both men locked eyes

“What’s going on here?” Margaret asked surprised

“Well, I’m seeing it just the way you are,” Fiona replied in a whispered

“Is it what I’m thinking?” Margaret asked


“f-__-king drop her!!!” Felix pushed him back angrily and…….

“f-__-king drop her!!!” Felix pushed him back angrily.

“Make me!!” Atticus stepped forward, and they locked eyes, staring deadly at each other

“Will you two stop the mess and bring her over here? What is wrong with you two?” Sophia screamed rushing back inside

“Move out of the way!!” she snapped, her voice echoing in the hall

Felix slowly shifted back; Atticus rushed past him not without knowingly bumping his shoulder into his which made Felix stagger back

Atticus gently placed Tiffany in the back seat, ever so gently. He stepped out and Sophia who was already in the car with Oliver zoomed off

“You might have thought you won but it’s not over f-__-ker,” Felix said and stormed off



As soon as Scarlet woke up, she felt the absence of Hudson’s body next to her, after their poignant love making When she had fainted yesterday, Hudson wrapped her in his arm until she regained consciousness and fell asleep again, cozy in the protective cocoon of his embrace.

Her stomach quivered at the thought of what had happened between them. Could it be that Hudson was falling in love with her? Was she falling in love with him? There is only one way to find out.

Stepping out of bed Scarlett made her way to the dressing room and there he was, knotting his tie.

“Good morning Papi,” she wrapped her hand around him from behind inhaling his jasmine body scent with her eyes.

“Good morning, Scarlet,” he replied in a cold voice

Slowly she released her arms around him whilst shifting back to have a clear view of his face, he sounded cold and dark. It’s been long since she last saw this guy, what happened to her Hudson?

“Emm… about yesterday, the other day you asked me if I still love Storm and I didn’t know the answer to that question but after what happened between us, I think….. I know what I want, and it’s you. I will call Storm and let him know that….”

“Hold it right there Miss,” he cut her off, turning his face to her.

His face was blank making it difficult for her to read his mind.

“Don’t tell me that you have fallen for me already,” he said in a mockery tone

She raised her brows

He scoffed

“in case I need to remind you, I’m paying for your service and if you’re tired let’s cut it off, you’re more of a hooker, and if you ever think that someone like Hudson Anderson will ever stoop so low to date or fall in love with you than you must be a joker. I see you as a criminal nothing more. You’re nothing, you’re not even close to the woman I would mingle with, I only keep you around cos of the s*x and right now I’m done with you. You’re fired and make sure you’re gone before I come back,” he picked up an envelope from the table

“That’s a cheque of 2 million, just to show you that I appreciate your effort in bed,” he threw it at her face and walked away.



The iron gate opened, and an officer of the law moved away from the road, Beatrice stepped out but quickly covered her eyes cos of the sun, and slowly she began to adjust.

“Freedom at last,” she mumbled while spreading her arms in the air, spinning around with her face raise towards the sky

“Freedom, now it’s my turn to shine,” she mumbled with a chuckle

“I am free,” she laughed.



26 that’s how many people that were about to lose their jobs in the hands of Hudson, tap tap taping, he kept taping on his keyboard.

His office door opened, and Scarlett stepped in

“I brought you coffee,” she said in her soft voice

d@mn, that voice always turned him on.

Hudson stared at her without saying a thing, She took a step forward and gently sat the mug on the desk.

“You want me to do anything else?” she asked bashing her lashes cutely.

He ran his eyes through her, she was wearing a dark blue body hug strapless gown coupled with a black heels, and her curves were just perfect that he couldn’t resist.

She took another step forward and he pushed his chair back standing to his feet, he could feel his erection thr_@tening to bust out of his trousers, he was as hard as rock.

Hudson stretched out his hand to grab her arm, but his hand passed through her, he staggered forward nearly hitting the floor, After gaining his posture, he stared at his hand then back at Scarlett, but she was gone.

He blinked twice. What just happened? She was right here.

Turns out it was an illusion created by his own mind.

“What are you looking for?” Storm said walking in, he glanced through the office and at his brother who had a look he couldn’t read on his face.

“Where is Scarlett?” Judson asked, settling down

Hudson walked back to his chair


“What? You can’t fire her!” Judson pointed out

“Sorry to interrupt but sir these files need your signatures on them,” his secretary entered with some files in her hands

Hudson let out a beath

“Drop them and zoom off,” he said not sparing her a glance, taking his car kegs he stood, walking over to the door

“I was still taking, don’t you dare walk out on me,” Judson blocked his way

“Scarlett is all yours,” Hudson shoved him out of the way

“Hudson, Judson, thank goodness I met you two together, I was…”

“Not now mother,” Hudson cut her office, walking away

Mrs Anderson stared at his back before taking her gaze to Judson

“What happened? Never see him like that,” she asked shocked at his reaction.



“What is your business with Dominic Hawkings?” Selena barged into the room, demanding answers

Angelina said nothing

“I said what is your business with Dominic cos I know a man like him will never look at you twice if you’re forcing yourself on him just like you’re doing with my husband stop now, Dominic is not for you, and in case you don’t know his money can build a tower and that’s what I want so stay clear of him, do you understand?” Selena snarled, her fingers pointing at Angelina

“Have you no shame?” Angelina finally broke her silence.

“What did you just say?” Selena left the door, walking in

Angelina was silent

“I thought as much, I’m going to see him today keep my husband busy,” Selena added and left



Atticus walked into the ward with a bouquet in his hand, Tiffany glanced at him, and a smile appeared on her face

“You came, I thought I wasn’t gonna see you,” she mumbled

He walked over and kissed her forehead, then settled down on the chair.

“Why should I leave you?” he asked, and she blushed heavily.

“I’m hungry,” she pouted

“I will just order something….”

“No, I want you to make it,” she cut him off


“Please cupcake,” she pleaded, making a puppy face

Did she just call him cupcake? Like a cake?

“I’m not gonna answer cupcake besides it’s too sugary and what do you want?”


“What about spaghetti?” he suggested, he didn’t know how to make gingerbread so he better choose what he could do.

“I like it, make it fast I’m starving,” she said

“Sir boss,”

“I’m no boss,”

“You sounded bossy,”

“Wh@ťěver, just make me the spaghetti,” she rolled her eyes and he chuckled

“Ehhh, excuse me, Tiffany,” Alex called by the door

They both glanced at him

“I emmm…Can I get your autography?” He said pleadingly, his eyes roaming from one person to another.

“You really inspired me yesterday,” he added

Meanwhile, Felix was by the door watching them

He actually came to see her but Atticus was already in so he stayed outside waiting for him to leave before going in

Tiffany finished signing the autography and Alex Left, Atticus went closer cupping her face

“You got me addicted,” he slammed his lips on her

“No!!!!” Felix covered his mouth and ran out, entering the restroom, he kicked the bin as if that wasn’t enough he faced the mirror and began sending punchings to it

“f-__-k you!!! F***k you!!! Ahh!!! f-__-k you Motherf_cker”



“Mom, Mom, I’m a boyfriend! She said yes!! She said yes Mom, I’m officially a boyfriend,” Oliver screamed at the top of his lungs, rushing upstairs

“I’m finally a boyfriend, I have a human to take care of, I won’t be taking care of only bugs but also human, I’m now boyfriend Oliver,” he began dancing funnily that the maids burst out laughing at him.

“She said “Yes?” his mother asked happily

🗣️Who could possibly date him?

🗣️I was thinking the same

🗣️Even if he’s free, I won’t date him

🗣️Come on, he’s human

🗣️Might be, but escaped from an alien.

🗣️Don’t say that

🗣️Are you blind in the head? Can’t you see him

🗣️He’s weird, but he deserves love too

🗣️I bet his lover might be someone like him

🗣️I know, right?

🗣️No woman in their right state of mind would date a guy like him.

“Excuse me, ladies, Does Oliver live here?” Sophia asked interrupting their gossip as she stared from one person to another

“And you’re?” one of the maids asked.

They were like eight of them.

“His girlfriend, Sophia Black,” she replied simply

They gasped in shock.

How can this goddess be Oliver’s girlfriend? She’s super hot.

“Y…. you…. you’re his girlfriend?” the one who called him weird asked, shocked to the core.

“Just tell him that I came by to drop his phone, he left it in the car, have a nice day, ladies,” she passed the phone to them then walked out.

🗣️Oh, my, did you see her?

🗣️She’s so pretty

🗣️Told you guys


•6:00 PM •

Fiona and Molly were coming back from the police department after testifying against Penelope, they decided to stop by the Mall and get the things they needed.

Walking back to their car Dominic and two of his bodyguards stopped in front of them.

“Do you need something, sir?” Molly asked

“Molly, I don’t know if this is the right time but I’m your father,” he said impatiently

She scoffed

“know you’re not, ”

“Your mother is Angelina, right?” he asked

She raised her brows, how does he know that?


“I’m your father…”

“Know you’re not, My dad died when I was just three months old, he had an accident…”

“I don’t know what she told you, but I’m your father,”

“You’re Dominic Hawkings, the second richest family in California,” she didn’t want to believe it

“I will give you time to talk to your mother about it and in case you need anything just give me a call,” he passed his card to her, Molly stared at the card in his hand and then at his face

What is this man talking about? Mom Said Dad died so… No Molly don’t think about it.



After crying her eyes off, Scarlett dresses her baby up then she forces herself not to cry in front of Iris cos Iris will definitely join

“Mummy you didn’t watch Tiffany on the Television yesterday,” Iris said staring up at her face

“Baby I was tired and right now I’m also tired, and Lazy,” Scarlett replied

“Knock, knock,” Sophia’s voice came by the door

“Aunt Sophia!!” Iris ran forward, Sophia bent a little, so she ran into her arms, and she lifted her up.

“Now I’m feeling like a godmother,” she mumbled, and Iris giggled while Scarlett forced a smile.

“You don’t look too good,” Sophia said staring at her face

“My heart has been stabbed and it’s bleeding…”

“Oh, baby come here,” Sophia dropped Iris walking over to her, she placed her hand on Scarlett’s forehead, checking her temperature.

“Have you been crying all day?”

“He broke me completely, Hudson called me names, I can’t believe that I fell in love again only to experience that same thing I experienced last time, tell me Sophie, Don’t I deserve to be happy?” she asked, tear rolled down her eyes

Sohpia took her hand to Scarlett’s cheeks, gently wiping the tears in her eyes, poor thing.

“You need to see a doctor first cos you’re running high fever…”

“No, the only person I want to see is Hudson Anderson, I might die of starvation if I don’t see him, if he doesn’t tell me that he didn’t mean all those awful, awful things he said to me…” Sophia pulled her into a hug

“It’s okay, Love lasts sometimes and also hurts sometimes, you need to see a doctor cos you’re burning with high body temperature, After that I will tell you something,” Sophia pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears with her thumb.

“My heart is bleeding,”

“Do you want me to call Judson….”

“I don’t know who that motherf_cker is!!” Scarlett suddenly snapped angrily

“I want to go see Tiffany in the hospital, I want to know if she won the competition Mummy can we go now, please,”



Judson held the car handle, ready to go down but Diana held his hand, he looked at her with a questioning look on his face

“You sure she would want to see you?” She asked, trying so hard not the sound jealousy

“Yeah, Hudson already broke up with her so…”

“Just asking, good luck,” she flashes a fake smile

“Are you coming?”

“Nah, I will just wait here,” she replied

Judson alighted from the car in his expensive suit, walking over to the door building

Shortly after he left, a soft knock came on the windshield and Diana glanced up from her phone only to see Carl, her mother’s most trusted bodyguard standing right there.

She didn’t need a seer to tell her that her mother was also there, panic rushed through her as her body began shaking. Filled with fear, she alighted from the car without being told.

Immediately her feet touched the ground a loud thunderous slap followed, She staggered back and another slap came on the same cheek blinding her eyes.

Her cheek turned red with five fingers printed on it then another slap landed on the same cheek

Her head spun and she lost her balance, falling on her knees with tears in her eyes

“Mom please, I’m sorry….”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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