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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 5 & 6

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆





Tiffany leaned by the school block crying her eyes out, she just couldn’t help it. She knows Scarlett is gonna be disappointed in her but what could she have done? They’re so full of evil. Why would they disconnect her mic and buzzer?

“I’m never going back there,” she mumbled to herself

“You might wanna wipe your tears,” came the most angelic voice she has ever heard, or maybe it wasn’t angelic, but she thought it was

Tiffany looked up to see a handsome guy offering his handkerchief, she sniffed and took it

A minute passed and none of them said a word, she was expecting him to say something, but he didn’t, it was becoming awkward, and she h@ťěd it.

“You know it’s always heard,” he said gently

“Don’t even think of talking me back into staying cos I have made up my mind and it’s final,” she said and rolled her eyes

“I’m Felix by the way, one of the Masters, see you around,” he said casually with one of his hands stuck in his trousers pocket

Tiffany nodded, blowing her nose in his handkerchief, she raised her face, but he was already gone, she looked around trying to catch sight of him again, but he was gone

“He was just here,” she uttered looking around.



Sophia is currently speaking with the school commissioner on the phone while facing her window, she turned her back to the window and walked over to her desk, she took a pen and a piece of paper then began scrubbing some words down.

A hand suddenly slides through her shoulder, and she startled, taking her phone away from her ear

“Eric, what are you doing?” she asked staring at him

“WHAT AM I DOING? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” a voice came from the phone

“No, I wasn’t talking to you, I was a little bit distracted,” she said


“No, it’s fine, continue, I can hear you perfectly,” she cut in sharply, she doesn’t want that to create doubt or misunderstanding between them

The commissioner of education at the other end of the phone continues

Meanwhile, Eric was busy fumbling with her b**st, he kissed her neck leaving a Hickey there while using his other hand to raise her clothes, but she pulled it down.

“Yes, she still needs to pass the Masters but for now I haven’t checked her record yet, was about to do that when your call came in, but I will do it right away…… alright sir,” she said over the phone and the call came to an end

Eric was about to capture her Ɲīpplë into his mouth when she slapped his head away, arranging her dress, a big frown on her face

“What is wrong with you?” she asked glaring hard at him

He’s actually her boyfriend

“What do you mean?” he asked trying to undo her dress again, but she moved away from him

“In my office….”

“it’s the perfect place, have never had an office s*x,” he replied and entrapped her lips in a rough kiss

She quickly broke his kiss, pushing back his chest.

“Just stop this madness, have you no shame? You want to f-__-k me right in my office in the middle of the day,” she shouted

“Baby I need…”

“Get out, you can go meet a wh-_-re, I don’t care, now leave before I call security,” she snarled pointing at the door

He roughed his hair

“I want it so bad, come on Sophia…”

“The lady said you should leave,” Oliver’s voice came from the door, he has been watching but they were too busy to notice

“Oh Gwad,” her face flushed with embarrassment, has he been watching?

“And who are you?” Eric asked, going towards Oliver but she held his hand and he stopped

“Eric please, just go,” Sophia cut in

“Please, okay I will adjust my schedule for the day and come home quickly,” she added

“Fine, order pizza while coming back,” he said walking away

Eric stopped by the door and glared dangerously at Oliver who seem not to care

“Be careful,” he uttered and left.

“Professor Sophia….”

“Just Sophia,” she cut in, her back facing him

She was so embarrassed to face him right now

“Won’t that sound disrespectful?” he asked awkwardly

“Just call me Sophia, that’s my name and why are you here,” she asked, unable to turn her face to him

Gosh? Who knows what he saw?

“I wanted…”

“Can you come around some other time, am kind of busy right now,” she said cutting him off and he nodded.

She exhaled after he left

“Eric will put me in trouble someday,” she mumbled and continues writing down the things she needed unaware that someone was watching and taking pictures of her in her office

The person was under her table and he happens to be one of her students, he looked at her naked picture on his camera, slowly tracing his hand on the surface of his camera imagining it as her B-__-bies

“Soon, just soon you will be mine,” he mumbled lustfully as an evil smirk swim up to his face

“I need to see more of this, all of it,” he muttered

Sophia focus on her work and it wasn’t long before she was done, she was still packing her things when Atticus came in

“Prof,” he called with that cute charming smile

“How about a night? lets Mingle and tangle, you know,” he said and winked at her

Sophia nodded, she knows his reputation, he gets wh@ťěver he wants and teachers are scared to reject him but she isn’t gonna be one of them

“How about, you being expelled from this institution and also rejected by every other institution in California?” She asked and his eyes widened

“You can’t do that Ɓîtçh,”

“Try me,” she Crossed her hands around her chest

Atticus smirked

“I must f-__-k that p@zzy of yours, write it down,” he said and left


•HUDSON• 4:10 P. m.

Hudson alighted from his car, he didn’t even wait for his driver to open the back door for him, he matched towards Scarlett who is standing at the school gate.

“Mummy,” Iris called rushing towards her, she bent to her level expecting Iris to run into her arms but she ran past her.

Shocking the h*ll outta her, Scarlett stood and shook her head in surprise, did her little girl just run past her? No, it can’t be. She turned around to know why and who she could have run to only to see Hudson.

“Mummy, you didn’t tell me Daddy was coming,” she said, clinching unto his legs

Hudson folds his fist tightly, he doesn’t like kids, gosh! He looked down and Iris clinched tightly unto him

“Daddy carry me,” she said cutely

“That’s not your Dad, now come over here,’ Scarlett said trying to pull her away but she held tightly

“This is Daddy,”

“It’s not your Father just leave him alone, can’t you see that you’re suffocating him?” Scarlett asked pulling her away by her hand

“No, I want Daddy, Mummy don’t be stingy and keep him all to yourself, I want my daddy too, Daddy,” she cried out, clinching tightly to his leg

With the look on Hudson’s face, Scarlett knew he would bust out soon

“I’m sorry but I have to do this,” she said and before he could know what that means, she shifted his suit by the side and his white expensive shirt came to view, she undone the buttons reviewing his rock-hard hairy chest

Scarlett was dazzled, d@mn, she could feel all body calling out to him, she was literately wet just by the sight of his naked chest.

She gulped and looked at his face, Hudson was silent, he knows best not to say a word if not he might ki|| her just here and now. He doesn’t even care what the government will say or do, he will snap her neck and she won’t bother him again

“See, he’s not your Dad,” Scarlett said shifting his white sparkling sleeve by the side, Iris glance at his chest

Her father had written her name on his chest, the exact place his heart is located.

“I’m sorry Mr. You’re not Daddy,” she let go of him and turned to Scarlett, Iris ran into her arms and she carried her up, she rested her head on Scarlett’s shoulder sobbing softly

“You want me to cry?” Scarlett asked in a whisper

“No, mummy,”

“Then don’t cry,” she said and Iris nodded

“Okay,” she mumbled, her tears soaking Scarlett’s shoulder

Scarlett look at Hudson and smiled bitterly, she had wished to see the tattoo on his chest but it wasn’t there, now it’s clear to her that he wasn’t her Storm.

“My Jewelries,” he said in his deep cold voice, his face shows no emotions at all

She nodded and opened her purse, Scarlett handed it over to him and he glared hard at her

“I know women like you, I’m trying to be nice but don’t push it, and thank your stars this little one mistook me for her Dad if not you would have been behind bars by now. criminal!!!” he said meaning every word, gosh, he just wants to punish her so bad

To hear those screams of horror coming from her mouth, to make her beg for mercy and plead to do wh@ťěver he says, to keep her at his mercy but I guess today is her lucky day.

“Can I get a hug?” Scarlett asked softly

He glared hard at her

“Please, just a little,” Iris added, she had lines of tears in her eyes as she spread her arms wide

Hudson sighed, he went over to them and Scarlett hugged him tightly, she felt save complete just by hugging him, she wanted to stay like that for five but he disengage the hug

Without saying a word he walked back to his car, and speed off, his body was inching, he badly wanted to shower, he doesn’t like being touched or hugged, his mother can’t even hug him let alone another woman

He f-__-ks from behind to avoid body contact and now this, gosh.

Hudson didn’t bother going back to his company, he stopped at his house and rushed upstairs, he took off his clothes rushing into the bathroom as if he fell into a pit

It wasn’t long before he came out fresh, he walked over to his center table, he has a clean towel in his has as he dried his wet hair with it, Hudson glanced at the table searching for his phone

He needs to call his secretary to reschedule his meetings for the day but his phone wasn’t there, he went to his dress and checked his trouser pocket but it still wasn’t there

Then it hit him, Scarlett!

“All my life I have never seen a professional bloody criminal,” he said, going over to his home phone and dialing a number

The person picked at the second ring

“You have 10 minutes to arrest a professional criminal and bring her to me, she stole my phone,” came his authoritative dark voice

“Hudson, hope her head is still on her neck?” his best friend Phil asked

Phil is a cop, they are like three of them and the other person is a lawyer.

“Just retrieve my d@mn phone from her,” he snapped

“Wait, did you say her? A woman stole your phone and she’s still breathing? Like her head is still attached to her neck?….”

“You have 7 minutes left,” he ended the call



“Tiffany, come check this out, I saw it in the thrift store so I thought you will like it,” Scarlett raised a mini skit up

Tiffany hissed and looked away

Scarlett frowned her brows

“What happened?” she asked calmly

“I quit,”

“quit what?”

“The competition,” she replied

“What!!” Scarlett asked

“Scarlett I can’t do it anymore, okay? I know you want me to be this perfect girl, you want me to be in high places, you want me to make a name for our family, but those people don’t want me? I can’t go back….”

“Shut your d@mn mouth, what do you mean you can’t? I work hard every day to make sure I provide everything you need, and you have just one job, just one job. Study hard so you could secure a good job in the future and you can’t even get it done?” she asked, standing on her feet

Tiffany also stood

“What do you think you’re doing that someone else hasn’t done, the last time I checked, it took you 60 seconds to spell your name let alone passing a competition with people that don’t need you among them,” Tiffany fired back

As if her brain just processed what she said, she looked at her sister to see line of tears in her eyes

Tiffany cursed herself instantly, she didn’t know when the word left her mouth, she instantly wished she could take it back, but it was already too late.

She could see it, the pain in her sisters eyes, she know she has broken her and she shouldn’t have said that, but she was just mad at everything.

“Scarlett, I’m sorry,” she said sadly, walking towards her

Scarlett just stood there as hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

Never in a million years will it cross her mind that her little sister, who she’s trying so hard to put through college will use her weak point against her. She only wanted her to graduate from school and get a good job, is that too much to ask? She gave it up just so her kid sister could have it and this is what she gets?


“Thank you,” Scarlett muttered, she wanted to say more, to let her sister know what a part time job looks like, but the pain in her heart didn’t let her.

She opened the door and left heartbroken.


“Molly!!!” Penelope screamed out her lungs

“Molly!!! If I meet you down there you’re a slice of dead meat,” she yelled, standing from her bed

Penelope walked over to the door, she was about to open it when Molly (their maid’s daughter) rushed in

“You called…..” The last part which was me was stuck in her throat with a defensive slap

“You stupid daughter of a maid, how dare you make me call you twice?” Penelope asked pulling her ear

“I’m sorry,” she apologized

Penelope twisted her ear, she dragged her towards her dressing mirror, and took a scissors

“Ma’am please I’m sorry…. Argggggg!!!!” Molly let out a painful cry when she felt the sharp pain in her ear

It didn’t stop there cos Penelope cut off her ears and blood oozed out

“ARGHHHHH!!!” Molly screamed agonizingly, hot tears rolling down her cheeks

“That’s for making me call your stupid name twice, now get on your knees and pleasure me,” Penelope said climbing her bed

She shamelessly spread her thighs and her hairy p***y came to view…..

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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