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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 42 & 43

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆




“I’m not done intruding myself,” Scarlett popped the drink in her hand, drinking directly from the bottle

🗣️What’s she doing?”

🗣️ She’s crazy,”

🗣️Are you sure she’s Huson’s girlfriend?”

🗣️Gosh! I can’t date someone like her,”

🗣️ She’s insane,”

Scarlett smirked.

She pulled Stella by her hair, Stella slapped her hand off her instantly.

“Get your hands off me you dirty poor rag….” Scarlett broke the bottle on her head shocking everyone.

Stella froze for one minute, slowly she stared at her hand and then at the ground, it was as if time stopped for her cos she felt nothing.

“Arghhhhhhh!!!” Stella screamed agonizingly, her hand in her head

🗣️Somebody call 911,”

🗣️where are the guards?”

🗣️Arrest her,”

Hudson held Scarlett, pulling her out of the place, she kept struggling for him to let go of her but he held her tightly, he stopped beside his car then looked at her face.

“What was that thing you did you there?” he asked, pointing towards the direction of the hall whilst staring at her.

“Stay away from me, wh@ťěver agreement we have is over,” she walked off.



Sophia opened her apartment door, she has her handbag with her as she stepped out but stepped on someone, she moved back glancing down at the figure she just stepped on

“Oliver!!!” her eyes widened in shock

Had he slept here? Don’t tell me he did.

“Oliver, what are you doing out here? Get up!!” she shouted, squatting to his level before shaking his body.

“Sophia,” he opened his eyes, she slightly moved back and he stood on his feet then drag his bag along with him, his body shaking as he struggles to stand straight, he leaned on the wall for support, clenching his shoulders while shivering with cold.

“Come in,” she quickly moved away

Now, she’s feeling bad about herself, but how could she have known that he slept outside?

“I fixed a bath, quickly go clean up and come out for breakfast,” Sophia walked out of the bathroom, she stopped at her kitchen door

“Coffee, Americano, cappuccino, or just tea?”

“Americano,” he replied, and she nodded

Minutes later he sat in the dining while she serve him breakfast, Sophia glanced up and frowned

“What’s funny?”

“I feel like I’m married,” he chuckled, and she hissed

“You love me, don’t you?”

“Eat up, I don’t have all day!” she snapped checking the time

It was exactly 7:51 AM



“He cheated on me with an older woman so I’m giving him D,” Amanda shouted

The guy she was pared with rolled his eyes

“Next,” Sophia’s voice came out loud

Asher stepped up, he glanced at Fiona then chuckled

“She was a good wife, happy wife happy family, and happy husband, I will give her B,” he replied while staring at her

Fiona came up next

“Well, I will give him A cos he made all my worries disappear,” she replied and went back in


It continues that way till it gets to Atticus’s turn, he went in front of the class not without winking at Sophia

“You look hotter today,” he complimented, turning his face to the crowd, he saw Tiffany staring dangerously at him.

“Sorry prof,” slowly he looked at Sophia, he face the class again and Tiffany smiled at him

Sophia on the other hand raised her brows, did he just apologize, that’s new…

“My wife was the best of the bestest, she help me during my messy days, she love our fighting side….”

The whole class burst into laugher

“I know that’s probably silly but I like it too, I like girls that have Strong opinions, girls that won’t agree with my demands, that’s what makes relationship interesting, the fun, disagreement, arguing, fighting…. lemme make it short, I will give her A,” he replied and winked at Tiffany

“Look who is blushing,” Fiona teased and she cupped her cheeks in embarrassment.

“Lucky you,” Margret mumbled

“I would say she’s nice, I would have given her “A” but she cheat on me,” Felix blurted out

An “ouch” escaped everyone’s mouth

He looked to see Tiffany then he looked away

“Mind explaining?” Sophia asked

“She shared a kiss with Atticus last night,”

“She’s married to the two of you…’

“But still….”

“Just grade her,” Sophia cut in

“I give her C,” he replied, and Tiffany’s jaw dropped.

“Tiffany Douglas come up here please,” Sophia announced.

“Hi, everyone, as you all know my name is…”

“Just get to the stupid point fool!!!” Penelope screamed out her lungs

Audrey blocked her ears with her palms

“Felix was a sensational lover, he was gentle, kind patience, well I haven’t seen all that he can be so I will give him A,” she replied casually

Atticus rolled his eyes “Stupid,”

“Mr. Anderson, I would say he’s really a jerk, stubborn, determined and…. and….” she gulped, glaring at Atticus

🗣️I would say that he’s….. that he’s…..’

🗣️Don’t tell me she’s in love,”

🗣️That’s crazy cos Atticus don’t do that $h|t,”

🗣️Then why’s she stuttering?”

🗣️Being silly can cos that,”

“I give him A++,” she went back to her seat without

Atticus jacked up, staring at her with an open mouth, did she just help improve his studies? A++

“You all did well except those that were divorced. Our next project is Romeo and Juliet,” Sophia took another book from her desk, going through the pages

“We have Atticus Anderson as our Romeo while we have…. seems like we have two runner up, Penelope Bills and Tiffany Douglas as Juliet,” she announced

Murmuring filled the air, and she took her books

“Professor Sophia,” Molly called walking over to her, she stopped on her track

“May I help you?”

“I was wondering if I can apply for scholarship,” she said gently, her heart pounding

What if she got rejected?

Sophia stared at her for a while

“The Bills are funding your academic, right?” she asked not sure, and Molly nodded

“Come to my office during recces,” Sophia walked away



“So you mean you both did it,” Arlo asked, walking side by side with Asher and Atticus to the locker room

“What do you think,” Asher gushed

Atticus bumped his shoulder into his giggling

“Can’t believe my guy is getting serious,” she teased

“Keep being a playboy,”

“men, I can’t stop,” Atticus opened his locker and took out his football uniform

“I saw what happened between you and Sohpia, I never believed that my man apologized,” Arlo said and took his booth

“That’s cos Tiffany was glaring at him…”

“Hey men, that has nothing to do with me, okay, we are just friends, that’s it,” Atticus cut him off

“Atticus I need you to f-__-k me, I missed your Ďïčk,” Penelope said walking towards him, she zipped down her skirt

“I’m out of here,” Asher left instantly

“Arlo, you can have her,”

“I miss your Ďïčk so much, please f-__-k me, I’m your Ɓîtçh,” Penelope bit her lower lips caressing his chest

Atticus suddenly pushed her off

“We are done, your p@zzy is too wide,” he said rudely.



“I just saw Molly’s name on the board, she applied for a scholarship,” Dante said and settled down, dropping the burger with him on the desk

Felix took one

“you kidding right?” Jayden asked to be sure

“I saw it too,” Margret walked in “Babe can I see you for a moment?” she asked staring at Dante who dropped his burger and pulled her closer, she fall on his lap and he slammed his lips on her

“Dude, you’re eating burger,” Jayden shouted

“That’s the sweetness, right heartbeat,”

“right,” Margret grabbed his neck and deepened the kiss

“you’re losing, even before you start,” Felix mumbled, and Jayden glared



“Thank you,” Molly said softly and Arlo nodded

“Anything for the lady,” he took her hand and kissed the back of her palm

“I will go meet my friends at the café,” she pointed in that direction

He let go of her, watching as she left his sight

“I guess I will have to eat something too,” Oliver mumbled walking away but Arlo grabbed his shirt from behind hitting his back against the wall nearby

“I did nothing wrong, why bully me? I just helped your female friend,” he shouted fearfully

Arlo dropped him back to his feet

“you will help me too, I need to see you in science class,”

“How will I tutor you when it…”


“What! I can’t cheat,”

Arlo gripped his collar, pulling him closer to himself

“Okay… Okay,” Oliver shouted fearfully



Arlo keeps stealing glances at Oliver who’s smiling and solving his own text problem, it seems easy to him.

After a few minutes, Oliver crossed his hand on his cheat

“So easy,” he mumbled, a piece of paper landed on his desk, and looked around while reaching for it.


he read then glared at Arlo, their deal came into his mind and without wasting another minute, he began writing down all the answers

When he was done, he folded it and glanced up to see all the searchlights in the room pointing at him.

“Uh oh,”

“What are you doing?” Professor Mayor asked and took the paper from him

He glanced at Oliver

“I can’t believe you’re cheating,” he said disappointedly.

Everyone gasped

“Isn’t he the one Sophia said to be smart?” another professor asked, Mayor passed the paper to her.

“I guess she won’t recognize smart when she sees it,” Mayor replied.

“Go to the principal’s office and give him one good reason why you shouldn’t be expelled from STAR LIGHT,” Mayor ordered icily.



Hudson walked into the kitchen and Mrs. Anderson glanced up at him

“Mom, the maids can always cook,” he complained making a face

She smiled

“Ever since Scarlett taught me how to cook it, I can’t get enough of it, never knew Mexican rice can be this sweet,” she replied and she sighed

“I want her to teach me Spanish rice and Arab rice then Nigeria Jollof rice, have had so much about it,” she smiled

“Mom, we are no longer together,” Hudson said gently.

“She thought Stella framed her up,” she replied

Hudson scoffed

“I don’t even know what to think she stole from me three times,” he roughed his hair

“Thank of something the same way you thought of paying her to fool me,” Hudson raised his head and glared at his mother

“What? She told you that just cos we broke up,” he didn’t believe it

She held his shoulder

“My dear, she told me a long time ago and I think she loves you,” she replied, walking over to the gas cooker



Matthew pulled out from Diana falling by her side, his face covered with sweat as he tried touching her but she hit his hand off

“Don’t even think of it,” she went down the bed, picking up her dress she began dressing up

“Do you think we can go again?” He asked, moving closer to the edge of the bed, he stretch out his hand and she shifted away

“We had a deal and I have done my path, do yours,” she put on her white lab coat then face the mirror

He rolled his eyes

“Why do you care so much about that guy? I know you told him something that’s why we weren’t able to erase his memory,” he said and sat up

“None of your business,” she replied

“Diana…..” She walked out of the room

Getting outside she came across Storm by the hallway

“Hey, have been looking all over for you,” he said walking towards her

Her face lit up instantly

“Was taking care of something, you will be out here soon,” she replied smiling

“Really?? How were you able to convince your Mom….”

“Not her, but my partner will,” she replied and he stared suspiciously at her

She flashes a smile and walked past but he pulled her back

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” He asked staring directly into her eyes

She burst out laughing

“You’re funny,” she moved closer

“Get your things ready, cos by 7:00 PM you will be out of here,” she replied sweetly

“I should get ready then,” he let go of her

Diana stood there watching as he went back into the room they provided for him, sleeping with Matthew was never her interest, he had tried to get in between her legs for years and he just did today.

“Can’t believe gave it to him,” she mumbled



“Felix, why have you been avoiding me?” Tiffany asked casually

Felix closed the book he was reading and glared at her

“You gave Atticus A++ but you gave me A,” he asked

“But you gave me C,” she replied

He kept quiet, She sat on his desk.

Meanwhile Amanda was watching them by the door with her fist clenched tightly.

“Tiffany Douglas, report to the principal’s office now!!!” The principal’s voice came from the announcement speak

Penelope smirked evilly

“You think she will be expelled?” Audrey asked

“That’s for sure,” Penelope smirked.

“Did you do something wrong?” Felix stood, packing his backpack


“You should get going, I will be right there, okay?” He assured and she nodded

Shortly after she left Fiona rushed in together with Margret

“Where is Tiffany?” She asked looking around

” To the principal’s office, why?” Felix asked, he still doesn’t know what was going on but wh@ťěver it might be, it doesn’t seem right

“One of the students was caught cheating so the school board went over each and everyone’s results…..”

“Don’t tell me she cheated?” Felix asked

“She got all D minus,” Margret replied

“She can’t get D minus, who are you kidding?” Atticus who was just walking in turned back and rushed out of the class

“She’s gonna be expelled,” he rushed after Atticus instantly.



Atticus rushed into the principal’s office and all the professors glanced at him, how dare he barge in without permission?

Tiffany sniffed

“Atticus we understand that your family owns this institution but you can’t…..” The principal was still saying when Atticus cut him off

“Tiffany, what did they say? I saw the results,” he asked rushing his words

“I got expelled……”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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