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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 36 & 37

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆






“Scarlett…. Scarlett,” the guy laying on the bed in the luxury room called, blinking his eyes

“Did you hear that?” a female Doctor asked, she glanced at the person beside her, and he nodded

“Scarlett,” the guy called again, and his eyes threw open, he forcefully closed it again cos of the light in the room. Slowly opening his eyes, he began to adjust to the light, and the people were blurred at first.

“Who are you people?” he asked looking around, he was lying on a luxurious king-size bed with a sweet Lavanda scent coming from the room, no! It wasn’t Lavanda but roses.

“Hi, I’m Diana, and this is my partner, Matthew, we are both doctors assigned to you,” she said with a smile, gosh! He was f-__-king handsome Which left her wondering if he is human.

“Where is Scarlett? I want to see her?” he said again trying to sit up but feeling a sharp pain all over his body, he quickly lay back down, groaning in pain.

“What happened to me??” He asked

“What’s your name?” Matthew asked as he went closer to examine him.

“Does that matter?”

“Yes, cos we haven’t seen anyone that claims to know you,” Diana added

“Storm,” he replied

“Can you remember how you end up here?” Matthew asked

“I need to see my family, where is Scarlett?” he asked worriedly

“You need to calm down….” Diana was still saying when he cut her off

“You don’t understand, she can’t spend a day without me, she will fall sick. She loves me too much that my absence affects her so much, I need to see her, so she won’t do something bad or hurt herself,” he said staring from one person to another

The two doctors exchanged glances.



“Girls don’t like me, so what’s the need of wearing this?” Oliver asked, hanging back the clothes his mother choose for him

“Son, you still have a long way to go, girls, that know your value will love you. will you settle for someone that loves you for your money?” his mother asked

“Where is she?” he asked looking around

She raised her brows

“Who?” his mother asked confused

“The person that loves me for my money, where is she?” he asked, she placed her hand on his shoulder

“Son, someone will love you someday,” she assured him

Oliver hissed

“I thought there is a person,” he suddenly stopped walking, as if he remembered something.

He looked at her.

“Mom, what does it mean when someone told you that if you don’t do what they say then you will see yourself on California billboard?” he asked curiously

They are currently in the City Mall.

“Califonia billboard can make you popular, but it can also ruin you if something bad about you appears there. people are judgy and life isn’t fair so don’t even think of letting your bad side get to that billboard,” she replied walking over to shoe stands

“I knew it,” he muttered to himself before rushing out of the mall, his mother stared at him and shrugged

“Look who we have here? It’s the woman with the weird son,” Selena’s voice came out loud, as she walked over to her

Oliver’s mother was silent

“Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Other women gave birth to a son but what did you present? A woman in a man’s custom,” Selena said in mockery

Two women who were behind her laughed as they heard that

Oliver’s mom made to walk away but Selena blocked her by stepping forward, she looked at her friends

“Remember Rose, from high school, she has always carried herself as a goddess but look at her now, an imbecile is her son….” A loud thunderous slap landed on Selena’s cheek shutting her up.

“Don’t you dare refer to my son as an imbecile,” Oliver’s mother spat, pointing her fingers at her face.

Selena’s eyes widened in shock, did she just slap her?

filled with rage she returned the slap, but Oliver’s mother caught her hand in midair and then pushed her away, Selena fell on the clothes range and they both went down. Selena’s friends shifted back as Oliver’s mother walked past them.

“Bunch of fool,” Oliver’s mother grumble and left.



“I wanna go home,” little Iris cried out, she made to climb down the big bed but the guy in front of her stopped her.

“Shut up,” a man dressed in all black shouted at her and she broke into tears.

“I want mommy,” she hiccupped

Just then another guy walked into the room

“Has she eaten anything yet?” he asked simply

The other person shook his head negatively

“No boss,” he replied

“Have you contacted the big boss yet?” he asked again

“Not yet boss,” the other guy replied again, and he nodded

“Good, cos I want to use her and f-__-k her mother,” he replied, walking the few steps closer to Iris

She looked closely at him

“I know who you’re,” she suddenly blurted out and he frown his brows

He has a mask on so what is she talking about?

“From where….”

“You’re our neighbor next door,” she replied even before he could finish, shocking the h*ll outta him

“No, I’m not…”

“Do I look stupid to you,” she asked, making an angry face

He exchanged glances with the other guy



Atticus took the pizza from the delivery guy and closed the door walking upstairs while Felix and Tiffany direct the people in their house on where and how to put things

“No, not there, over there,” Tiffany pointed at the corner

They bought a new couch, more expensive and ten times more beautiful than their old one, they even bought a plasma TV, got a new iPad for Iris, and called someone to replace the window.

Turns out Felix’s Dadd’s secretary knows a company that produces all house equipment, it was easy, but they are still installing it.

The doorbell ranged and Tiffany went and opened it, Scarlett pushed past her, and Tiffany’s heart jumped into her belly. Fear gripped her instantly.

She’s sure gonna get it from Scarlett, she’s gonna be scolded, if there is anything she doesn’t like it’s being scolded.

“Is that your sister?” Felix asked behind her and she nodded, they watched as Scarlett made her way upstairs, she seem not to notice the people in their living room.

Well, she didn’t see them. The only thing her mind could think of was her little girl.

“You’re back,” Atticus said immediately after she walked in

It’s a two-bedroom apartment, Scarlett shares one with Iris while Tiffany has the other, but he didn’t want to stay in Tiffany’s room that’s why he went to Scarlett’s own.

“Can you imagine? The cops are telling me story,” Scarlett took a pizza

She looks dirty and wasted, since yesterday she hasn’t slept nor eaten a thing, how can she eat when her little girl is missing?

“Calm down…”

“Nobody should….” the ringing sound of her phone cut her off, picking up her phone she slides green

“Come to the address I sent to you, come alone, no cops if not say goodbye to your little girl,” a male voice came from the other end

“Mommy,” Iris’s voice followed, and she jacked up

“My baby….. it’s my baby,” she rushed out, with her phone in her hand

Meanwhile, Sophia’s car halted in the lot and she alighted from it, she hasn’t taken another step when Scarlett ran into her car jamming the door then she turned on the engine and speed off.

“What the…” Sophia was beyond shocked, she came to see her cos the cops said she already went home, and Hudson also said the same when she called him, and now, she took her car. where is she going?

Sophia was still staring at the busy road when Atticus ran out.

“Professor Sophia, did you see anyone that just ran out?” he asked

“She took my car, what happened,” Sophia asked cluelessly

“She got a call, and they asked her to come so she didn’t think before rushing out, I’m going after her. Which way did she take?” Atticus asked

“What happened? Where is my sister?” Tiffany rushed outside with Felix

“My car has a tracker on it,” she passed her phone to Tiffany “You two go get the cops and you,” Sophia pointed at Felix “Follow me,” she said

Felix badly wanted to object but knowing how Sophia is, he kept quiet.



Oliver stopped his bike three blocks away, he walked the few miles before getting to Kavin’s house. Looking from his right to left he didn’t see anyone so he sneaked to the backyard.

Slowly he pushed the window and Kavin’s bedroom window opened, he forced himself up and jumped inside the room.

Looking around, he could see everything scattered all over, he couldn’t believe that he was invading his friend’s privacy but if he can find something that will make Sophia talk to him again then he was gonna do it.

He began from the closet, rampaging through the room but found nothing, five minutes went by and he didn’t find a single thing that will get him close to Sophia again.

“Kavin are you home?” He heard Kavin’s mother’s voice and quickly went under the bed

The door opened and the woman glances around

“I thought I heard movement,” she mumbled and close the door

Oliver let out a breathe “That was close,” he mumbled Crawling out of the bed but his leg hit something, he looked back to see a big box and a picture sticking out from it, he stretches his hand forward, reaching for the picture, he took it and his jaw dropped by what he saw.

Sophia’s naked pic, he couldn’t believe it, how did Kavin get it? So this is why she has been under his control.

He pulled out the box from under the bed and opened it, dozens of Sophia’s pictures were there, three Camara’s, a flash drive, Six SD cards, two adopters then a cellphone.

He heard footsteps coming towards the room again, Oliver hurriedly close the box then there it outside throw the window, he jumped over hurting his ankle.

Just then, the door opened and Kavin Walked in, he looked around as if trying to find someone, he walked over to his window and closed it before going out.

Oliver who hide behind a flower tree came out, he looked at the box then Sophia came into his mind. The thought that she’s gonna talk to him again brought a smile to his face.

Without Minding his hurting ankle he limps to his bike and rides off.


•4:02 P. M.•

Scarlett stopped abruptly in front of the gigantic building, she alighted from the car rushing into the building, the security made to stop her but she kick his balls and he fell to his knees

“f-__-k,” he groans

“Miss, do you have an appointment with anyone in this building?” The lady at the front desk asked but she ignored her.

Rushing upstairs, two security went after her but she entered the elevator pressing the button, before they could get to her the elevator door jammed close

She came out on the 28 floor, walking over to a door she knocked on it, shortly after Elliott opened the door and she narrowed her gaze.

“Elliott,” she called surprised to see him

He smirked and move away

“Hope you didn’t come with any cops?” He asked

“It was you….” He pulled her In roughly, slamming the door behind.

“Where is my baby?” She demanded instantly “Who are you working for? I thought you’re friends with my sister so why abduct my kid?” Scarlett yelled at him

He smirked

“The big boss will be here when I call, but before that…” Spanking her @zz

“Very nice and soft like vita form,” he commented smirking

“Mommy,” The other guy came out with Iris who ran over to Scarlett.

“My baby,” Scarlett spread her arms, Iris was about to run into her arms when Elliott held her back.

“I would have to f-__-k you first so do we have a deal or not,” he said with a sinister smile, staring lustfully at her.

“Lemme touch my baby, just let her come to me I’m going crazy already,” Scarlett shouted tearfully

“Do we have a deal or not?”

Police siren filled the air and Elliot ran to the window, he looked down before returning his gaze to Scarlett.

“I told you no cops, didn’t I?” He yelled furiously while walking over to her, he grabbed her neck and slammed her back against the wall.

The other guys already locked the door.

“I… I didn’t… I can’t breathe,” Scarlett said, but it came as a whisper

“Mommy,” Iris began sobbing

Scarlett tried to free his hold on her neck but Elliot tightened his grip on her, her eyes balls turned red as tears find their way out of her eyes.

His grip was so strong.

“Why can’t you listen Ɓîtçh,” he spat

“I… I didn’t… Call them,”

Meanwhile one of the cops raised the speaker in his hand, staring at the building before speaking.

“Mr, we would like to negotiate, please pick up your cellphone,” a male officer said

Elliott looked at the other guy before releasing Scarlett, she fell on her knees coughing and Iris ran to her instantly.

“Hello,” Elliott said to the cops

“I understand that things might be hard but you have to let the victims go….”

“Shut the f-__-k up, I’m in charge here!!” He snapped

“Sir, this building has been surrounded….”

“And the citizens of America are in my Mercy, how would you like to explain to the press that citizens of America died cos of your mistake?” He asked and pulled out his gun.

“I can end it right here and now, how about that, huh?” He asked with gritting teeth.

“Calm down,” a cop said

“No, tell your men to back off, or I will $h00t everyone including myself,” Elliott thr_@tened

“Fall back, I repeat fall back!!!” He heard the cop saying to others.

“Lemme try,” The female cop said, the male cop passed the phone over to her.

“Keep him busy,” he commands

“Yes sir,” she replied and unmute the call

“Sir, do you know that when God closes a door, he often opens a window,” She said softly

“So? I’m not God and neither are you,” he replied authoritatively.

Scarlett suddenly looked at the balcony

“This building has been surrounded, don’t hurt the victims and we can settle….”

“I have … Ahhhh!!” Elliott held his members as pain gripped him there.

Scarlett just kicked his balls and took off, not without Iris.

“Stop them!!!!” Elliott yelled angrily

Without thinking She jumped over the balcony with Iris, falling from the 28th floor…..

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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