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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 3 & 4

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆






“You can do better, I want to see that girl I saw on her first day, I want to see that fire I saw in your eyes that day, just take your time and get yourself together, I ensure this break because of you cos I noticed you might be down and needed a little break, you can do this, okay?” Sophia said, gently tapping Tiffany on her shoulder

Tiffany nodded and she flashes a light smile and walked away, Sophia walked down the hallway heading to her office, she has some books in her hand

Two blocks away from her office she saw one of her students, she noticed something strange about him, even though she wanted to just walk away she couldn’t help but go over to him

“hey,” she called and he startled turning sharply to her, she raised her brows upon seeing the tears in her eyes

“Did something happen,” she asked settling down next to him on the floor

He sniffed and cleaned his eyes with the back of his palm, she was silent so he turned his head to her

“girls don’t like me,” he muttered

“Why would you say that?” she asked

“Isn’t it obvious, they think I’m not cute and hot. just look at you….. You’re hot, beautiful, and….. would you accept to date a guy like me with big lens,” he asked staring at her

She was silent

“There is this girl, I have been asking her out and she refused, not only her but I also tried a few other girls and they think I’m wired,” he explained

“You’re perfect and maybe too good for her that’s why she doesn’t want you, but don’t worry, you will find someone better in the future. someone that will love you for who you’re and cherish you,” she replied and his face lit up instantly

“You thinknso,” he asked

She stood, dusting her dress

“Yeah, what’s your name?” she asked calmly


“Oliver, I will keep that in mind and you can come around whenever you are down,” she said and he nodded

Meanwhile, someone was watching and taking pictures of her.


Walking down the hallway Tiffany could feel many eyes on her, it wasn’t like she did something wrong so why are they staring at her that way? As she walks out of the building she noticed Penelope, Chloe and Audrey coming her way

“Hey poor thing,” Penelope called, glaring evilly at her

She was silent

“You don’t belong here, keep that in mind,” Penelope said and she scoffed

“You don’t own me, you don’t own California so you have no right to tell me where I belong or not,” she fired back

“Look who is talking, empty head. she couldn’t even answer one simple question,” Audrey said laughing

Tiffany clenched her fist tightly, the urge to punch Audrey’s lips rushed through her but she kept her cool in place

“Let’s go guys, she will be out in a few minutes,” Penelope said and walked past her, pushing her out of the way

Tiffany staggered back



Here I’m once again, feeling lost

But now and again

I breathe it in, to let it go

And you don’t know where you’re now

What it will become

If only somebody could hear

When you figure out how

You lost in the moment

You disappear


You don’t have to be afraid to put your dream in action

You never gonna fade, you’ll be the main attraction

Not a fantasy, just remember me

when it turns around

Cos you know that if you live in your imagination

Tomorrow you will be everybody’s fascination

In your victory, just remember me

When you make it shine

“What are you doing here Scarlett?” Tiffany asked glaring at her.

“What? You don’t wanna see me?” she asked casually.

Tiffany sighed

“No, just that….”

“Listen to me,” Scarlett moved closer, she placed her hands on Tiffany’s shoulder

“I know you might be nervous, but you can do it,” she said softly

“I don’t think so, the masters are so brilliant, and all the students here are point brats….”

“Don’t you ever tell yourself that you can’t make it because some stupid fancy rich pants are trying to bully you, life is too short Tiffany, so don’t live it being afraid of people or trying to please anyone, Remember what that woman said to me, to us, to our family. My Job is to provide for you and Iris and your job is to shine brighter like the star, cos with us joined together we could beat all the odds. Just keep your faith and you will never be lost, do you hear me?” Scarlett asked, shaking her shoulder

Tiffany took in a deep breath, she clean her tears with her palms and looked up

“I got this,” she replied with determination

“That’s my girl, that’s the spirit, now go make mama proud,” Scarlett said and spanked her @zz

“Get laid and leave my @zz for me, stop starving the innocent p@zzy,” Tiffany said and Scarlett began walking away

“I didn’t hear you,”

“You’re being bitter to that p@zzy Scarlett, get laid, it’s good for your health, a good s*x can take away your worries,” Tiffany said

“Coming from a virgin,” Scarlett said and she frowns

Scarlett giggled, her sister don’t like it when she say that.

“Tiffany baby, I love you,”

“I h@ťě you, kidding,” Tiffany replied and walked into the school premises

Scarlett chuckled and turned around to leave only to see the same guy that looks like Storm staring at her



“Where are you taking me?” Scarlett asked staring out through the window

“Where ever I want,” he replied, not sparing her a glance

“Stop this car, I said stop this f-__-king car,” he stepped on the break and the car halted instantly

“Easy I have a child,” she screamed cos of the way he halted the car

“Where is my wallet,” he asked in his deep cold voice

That voice, no matter how she tries not to think of it, her storm.

“Don’t you dare drool at me when I’m asking a question, where is my property??” he snapped

She chuckled, all she could see was her Storm, his handsome face, the way he always make her feel special around him, he was so possessive of her.

“Hey,” he tapped her shoulder, jacking her off the imaginary word

She blinked twice

“What? Why yell like someone insane,”

“My d@mn wallet and credit card!! he fired back, his voice cold and void of emotions

She hissed and took her purse, reaching inside she brought out his wallet and credit card, he forcefully took them from her


“Easy man,” she rolled her eyes

“If anything is gone from here, I will make sure you never see the daylight,” he thr_@tened while going through his wallet

“That doesn’t sound like a thr_@t though it looks like one,” she mumbled under her breath and rolled her eyes

After checking the wallet and everything seemed to be complete he turned to her

“Get out,” he ordered

She squeezed her face

“Can’t I get at least, a hug,” she asked making a face

“I said get the f-__-k out,” he replied, pointing at the door

“A handshake will do…”

“Do you have any idea what I could do to you?” he asked, his eyes darkened as the demon in him began to surface

“You have no idea, do you?” his voice echoes through the car as his face turned to that of a villain, all the hair on his body stood up, his teeth clapping against each other as the urge to grab her neck and twist it right away began to push in.

f-__-k he h@ťěs being close to women for more than 20 minutes, he f-__-ks and go, nothing more, you don’t dare stay close to him, how dare you?

“A little hug won’t hurt, don’t worry I don’t bite,” she pulled him into a tight hug even before he could protest, stroking his back tenderly

“See, I don’t bite,” she said after breaking the hug, Scarlett went down from the car and bide him goodbye even though he didn’t respond, he just rolled his eyes and speed off

She smiled and looked at the gold necklace and wristwatch in her palm.



A lack G_Wagon stopped at the lot and the same guy came down from it, his secretary (Anna) ran forward immediately after she saw him

He’s a no-nonsense man so better watch out whenever you’re around him.

“Good afternoon sir,” she greeted politely

He ignored her, heading towards the elevator, all the staff they came across bowed to him in greetings but he didn’t even spare them a glance, the elevator opened and he stepped down

Anna ran after him

“Sir, you’ve a meeting in 30 minutes,” Anna said softly.

He glance at his hand and the wristwatch was gone, he touched his neck, and his gold necklace was gone.

“That Criminal,” he rumbled and turn around to go after Scarlett only to see his parents coming in

“Son,” Mrs Anderson called, she made to hug him but he avoided it by moving back a little

“Hudson,” his father called

“I will be back soon,” he said rushing his words

His mother has given him that gold necklace on his 20 birthday and that criminal stole it, he’s sure gonna deal with her, he let her go Scott free the first time and she did it again? She thinks she’s smart, huh?

“Take it easy son, don’t get anyone ki||ed,” Mr. Anderson said out loud but he was already out of sight

“Why is he so mad?” Mrs. Anderson asked

“He can take care of himself,”



“Welcome back, as we continue the competition, you will no longer have categories to choose from, but you will be asked a question and if you know the answer just hit the buttons and answer the question, the first person to hit the buzzer will be chanced to answer the question and if you get it right, you will have 10 points, but if you fail, 5 points will be deducted from you, ” Sophia explained

Meanwhile, someone was taking pictures of her from the crowd

“Are you all ready,” she asked staring from one person to another

They nodded

“First question from biology, short answer. The cytology of cells is thought of as a reducing environment mainly due to the presence of what sulfur containing molecule?” she asked, reading from a book

Penelope sharply hit the buzzer

“Alright, Penelope,”

“Cysteine,” she replied sharply

“That is incorrect,”

“Stall fate,” Chloe hit the buzzer


“It’s actually glutathione,” Tiffany said with pride, after the encounter with her sister she gain confidence, she was ready for them.

“Correct,” Sophia replied flipping her book pages

“Question number two is in physics, short answer. After being exposed to external magnetic field, a ferromagnet does not relax to zero magnetization when the field is removed….” Tiffany hit the buzzer even before she could finish

“Tiffany Douglas,” she called

“Hysteresis,” she answered sharply

“that is correct,”


🗣️What happened?”

🗣️Seems like she picks up her,”

🗣️d@mn, I will make her my friend after school,”

Atticus looked her way and their eyes met, she smirked at him before looking away

“She’s pretty good,” Asher said impressed

“Don’t give me that crap, just because she answered a few questions doesn’t qualify her, she still has to pass the masters,” Atticus rolled his eyes

“you’re right, Asher is always quick to judge,” Arlo hissed

“Don’t spite on my face,” Felix who was beside him said in his gentle voice and Arlo rolled his eyes

“What is the length of the altitude to the hypotenuse in a right triangle with legs of length 5 and 12?” she asked

Tiffany quickly hit the buzzer



Penelope clenched her fist tightly under her desk, she looked at the crowd and her gaze met with Audrey as if giving her some signal Audrey nodded and left the hall

”Question on maths, short answer. The identity N squared plus 2 N plus 1 equals open parenthesis, N plus 1 close parenthesis, squared can be used to find Pythagorean triples, what Pythagorean triple with least number 19 is generated by this formula?” Sophia asked

Everyone was silent

Seem the question is a tough

Chloe and Penelope exchanged glances, Atticus held his jaw watching the scene with interest while Felix sat up

“I’m not sure but I’m gonna give it a try though,” Tiffany mumbled, she hit her buzzer but nothing happened, she hit it again and nothing happened

She hit it over and over again but still, nothing happened, even her mic is not working, then she turned to behind the gaze of Penelope, she was staring at her with an evil smirk lingering on her lips

“Tiffany?” Sophia asked calmly

Tiffany was silent

“Chloe…. Penelope, anyone?” she asked staring from one person to another

“19 180 181,” Chloe replied hitting her buzzer

“That’s correct,”

Tiffany pressed her lips together, fighting back tears, she wanted to say that, she was gonna say it. Why isn’t her buzzer working? Scarlett is gonna be disappointed

“Next question, Earth and space. What is the term for the remnant electromagnetic radiation left over from the big Bang…..” Penelope hit the buzzer cutting her off

She stopped and looked up

“Cosmic background radiation,” Penelope said beaming with pride

“That is incorrect, anyone?”

“Black radiation,” Chloe replied raising her brows, she wasn’t sure

“Incorrect, Tiffany you can give it a try….”

“A try? My buzzer isn’t even working anymore, someone, somebody disconnected it just so I won’t answer a d@mn question and be qualified to enter this institution, I’m done with your school, you all can go to h*ll, hypocrite!!!” she fired to the shock of everyone

“And the answer is cosmic microwave background!!!” She yelled in tears, reaching for her backpack she carried it and ran off

“I quit. All of you are bittered and Evil…….”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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