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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 28 & 29

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆





“Get yourself some standard, and fix that tiny little stick you call Ďïčk, forget all her Mõ@ɲs, when you were f-__-k she might even think she was being fingered,”

Atticus couldn’t believe his ears, did she just say all those things about him? Like she….

Tiffany turned around to leave but he held her hand, pulling her back to him. She instantly yanked free from his hold.

“Don’t you ever touch me with that filthy hands of yours,” she spat, for some unknown reason she was angry, she was so mad that she couldn’t control herself.

“Did you….”

“You disgust me, Cheating on me with a professor is the least I expect from you, is this how you’re gonna make a good husband? By sleeping around, f-__-king anything you see with no standard, I want a divorce,” she ranted

Atticus was silent

“You know what?” Tiffany pulled a guy who was just coming into the restroom by his collar, slamming her lips on his in a hot passionate kiss, the kiss was so intense that he wrapped his hand around her waist devouring her lips like he couldn’t get enough.

The guy disengage from her kiss when he felt the need for air, she looked at Atticus

“let’s divorce,” she stormed off

Atticus clinched his fist while staring at the person Tiffany just kissed, it was none other than his rival, Felix.

“See you later dude,” Felix winked at him before going after Tiffany.

“Hey, you okay?” Felix asked immediately he walked into the class

Tiffany glanced at him and nodded

“Yeah, I’m sorry for taking advantage of you out there,” she apologized making a sad face

He chuckled softly

“Will only accept your apology If you will go out with me today, to eat some ice cream at the park,” he said

She took in her lower lips and smiled

“Alright, bills on you,”

“You should start taking advantage of me more often, it’s good for my health,” Felix suddenly said and she bumped her shoulder Into his

He chuckled.

Amanda who was watching them stood up and left, Margret rolled her eyes



Scarlet walked out of the store with three nylon sacks in her both hands, she was about to take a turn when she bumped into someone

“Ouch,” the person winched and staggered back

“I’m so sorry,” the person said gently

“I’m sorry,” she said softly

They both said at the same time.

The voice sounded familiar so she stared closely at the person then her eyes widened

“Sophia,” Scarlett called surprised to see her, she took her gaze to the big white bandage wrapped around her head then returned her gaze to her questioningly

“Oh, I had a little accident,” Sophia muttered seeing the look on her face

“What happened? Oh, my gwad! I didn’t know that I was gonna see you here. Are you alright?” she asked concerned and Sophia nodded

“I don’t know if Hudson sparked my drink but I got drink after that glass of wine and did something bad and when I got the news…. it came hard on me,” she replied gently

They went back into the store and Scarlett helped her get the things she needed while they talked and laughed as if they have known each other for a very long time

They stopped beside Sophia’s car after putting her things in the trunk

“You sure you don’t want me to drop you off,” Sophia asked

Scarlett shook her head negatively

“Don’t bother, I will take a taxi….”

“Come on Scarlett, you’ve got some crazy @zz…”

“Don’t even start with me,” Scarlett cut her off and she giggled

“I still want to drop you off,” she insisted, having no other choice Scarlett went into her and she drove off.



“lemme go, somebody help me!!!” Fiona screamed kicking the one holding her on his balls, he bent down crunching onto his member while the other two held her down

One of them slapped her hard across the face, giving her a cut on her cheek.

“You think you’re tough, huh?” he grumbled and slapped her again

“Stop hitting me,” Fiona cried out, as more tears rolled down her eyes

One of the hoodlums pulled down his pants then his Ďïčk came to view, he grabbed her hair pulling her closer, she closed her mouth but a sudden kick on her thighs sent her going down on her knees as the other person pulled her closer.

They forced her mouth opened then he forced his Ďïčk into her mouth, f-__-king and choking her.

“Arghhhhhh!!” he suddenly let out a shrieking scream, others looked at his Ďïčk to see Fiona’s teeth gummed on it.

“Let him go Ɓîtçh,” the second guy punched her tummy, so hard that she felt as though her spirit left her body. Fiona fell helplessly on the floor while the guy she bite his Ďïčk started kicking her.

“You dirty stubborn Ɓîtçh, how dare you,” he yelled kicking her

“That’s enough, you don’t want to k*ll her….”

“Who cares, she’s gonna die anyway,” he fired back, glaring at the one trying to stop him.

“Guys, we are here to f-__-k her not fight,” the other person came in between them, they nodded and shook hands

“That’s right,” they both said at the same time

They walked over to Fiona and ripped off her clothes, leaving her stank naked.

The second guy came on top of her while the other two spread her thighs wide, Fiona closed her eyes as she watched him prepare to go into her, she could feel his Ç0çƙ rubbing at her entrance, trying to get her wet so he would enjoy her to the fullest.

She condemned her twin sister instantly, she knew Penelope was evil but she never thought her own twin sister would do this to her, she was weak and helpless, they dealt with her mercilessly.

She should feel everything they were doing to her but couldn’t struggle anymore, Their hands fumbling her B-__-bies while the other person was s**king on her, she felt it all as he th-ru_st into her, rivers of tears came rushing out as he pulled out and th-ru_st back in again.

All of a sudden a long pipe landed on the guy’s back and he fell off her, the hoodlums looked back only to see three guys coming their way, they took to their heels.

Jayden ran after that particular one that was on top of her, giving him a long kick on his back, he fell face down and he dragged him up by his clothes

The guy quickly brought out a combat knife but Jayden knock it out from him and punched his jaw, dislocating it instantly, picking up the knife he stabbed the hoodlum with it.


Meanwhile, two other guys ran outside but were surrounded by the cops.

Asher went over to Fiona whose eyes were closed with tears rolling down from the corner of her eyes.

He took off his jacket and then covered her with it

“How dare you? How dare you touch my sister you son of a Ɓîtçh!!!” Jayden yelled, stabbing the guy repeatedly.

Two cops came forward and restrained him, the guy fall on his knees before falling flat.

“Lemme k!!l him, allow me!!!!” Jayden screamed crazily, he tried going after him again but the cops didn’t let him

“My sister! Didn’t they know that she was my sister!!! How dare he!!!” Jayden roughed his hair, getting outside he saw the other two in the police car and without thinking twice he went over.

Filled with rage he knocked down one of them with a single kick

“Keep it cool bro,” Dante said trying to hold him down

Jayden grabbed his hand, flipping him over his shoulder and hitting his back hard against the floor

“Holy f-__-k!!!? $h|t!!! Jayden!!! ARGH!!!!” Jayden cursed, groaning in pain

The cops ran forward and handcuffed Jayden since he was going crazy.



“Why didn’t she come today? Is she perhaps trying to switch schools?” Kavin thought silently as he walked out of Sophia’s office

“Hey,” Oliver waved at him

“Are you okay?’ he asked and Oliver nodded

“Seems like you went to see Professor Sophia?” Oliver asked

“Oh, yeah! I wanted to ask her something but she didn’t come today,” he replied

Oliver stared strangely at him, he clearly remembers seeing Sophia in tears after Kavin left her office the other day

He tried to know why but she didn’t give him any reply, she only said “It’s more than him” He made it his mission to know why she cried that day but how is he gonna find out since she was ignoring him?



“Where is she?” Mr bills ran into the hospital, one would think he’s a maniac cos of his speed

“Sir, calm down…”

“Nobody should tell me anything about calming down, where are my wife and daughter?” he demanded, scaring the nurses

“This way sir,” one of the nurses said as they lead him to a ward, Selena was breathing through oxygen, her eyes closed with a part of her face wrapped with a bandage

He looked at Angelina

“What happened?” he asked glaring at her

“Maybe she wanted to cook but the kitchen caught fire and….”

“Since when did you start lying?” he cut her off and she gulped emptiness

How did he know that she’s lying? What’s she gonna do now?

“I won’t ask again,” came his deep scary voice

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that she will be badly injured, I only wanted her to give me peace of mind and… and…. I’m so sorry please don’t’ fire me,” she looked up with teary eyes

Without saying a word Mr. Bills walked out


“Will she be fine?” Mr. Bills asked the doctor

“Yes, she has been traumatized but she will be fine as soon as she regains consciousness, but I’m afraid her hymen has been broken which means she was partially R@P£D, she needs patience and therapy,” Dr replied calmly

Mr Bill’s twitched his brows, he didn’t want to believe what his mind was telling him but Hymen being broken only means that she was a Virgin right? But how is that even possible? She’s nineteen.

He could remember walking in on Penelope twice while she was m@$tvrb@ting, which made him stop going into their rooms.


“I said her Hymen has been broken….”

“Can it be fixed?”

The doctor shook his head negatively

“I’m afraid not, “The Dr replied

“What happened to my sister? Who did this to her?” Penelope rushed in, with tears in her eyes

She went to Fiona

“My cute little sister, my twin baby,” she hiccupped, faking tears

“You stay with her, Jayden is in jail. I will be right back,” Mr Bill’s said and immediately he walked out.

A dangerous smirk appeared on Penelope’s face.



“They said you love biology ?” One of the supervisors asked.

Iris whos standing on the stage with thousands of audience watching her, she nodded and smiled.

Her teacher, Ivy was standing a few meters away as the supervisors throw questions at her.

“Iris, can you name any bone I point at,” a male supervisor said, shifting her gaze at the human skeleton

“Try me,” she replied boldly

“Alright, first,” he brought out a picture of an eye and showed it to the crowd before showing it to her “What is this,”

“the eyes,” she replied almost immediately

“tell us something about the eyes,” he said

“Eyes colors are also related to melanin, my eyes don’t have any pigment or melanin in them that’s why they are blue, but your eyes have a lot of melanin, that’s why they are dark brown,” she replied

“The melanin makes the color of the eyes?”


“I didn’t know that,” the female supervisor whispered to the other

“Me neither,” the male supervisor replied

“Tell us something about this,” the female supervisor said, showing her a picture.

“The lungs,” she called out

“Tell me something about the lungs,”

“Your lungs are like sponges that are made of tiny air sacs. And around each one is a net of blood vassals and they take oxygen from the air that you breathe in,” she replied simply

They were baffled.

“Four years old???” the female supervisor asked

“I’m four and half,” she corrected

“Come over here, you see this?” the male supervisor asked pointing at a particular bone on the skeleton in front of them.

“The pelvis,” Iris replied and he raised his brows impressed.

“Tell me something about the Pelvis,”

“The pelvis is the only bone in the human body that is gender specific, it’s different in boys and girls. the pelvis’s job is used for digestion and reproduction, like growing babies,” she said the last part in a whisper.

The crowd gasped In shock, they couldn’t believe that a four years old could know such thing.

“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the little genius, IRIS!!!!” the male supervisor said now facing the crowd, everyone stood on their feet while clapping for her.

It all ended with Iris getting a trophy while one of the supervisors went to meet her teacher.

“Excuse me miss, who’s kid is that?” he asked while pointing at Iris who was playing with other kids

“Oh, she’s mine,” Beatrice shouted rushing towards them, Smiling.

Ivy’s eyes widened

“I mean…. I’m her guardian,” Beatrice corrected

“As you know, we are from the commonwealth community and I would like to place this child in a high place where she will get all the quality education she needs, she will represent the start of California for the upcoming quiz competition. you will be paid $100,000,000 for….”

“Excuse me, sir,” Ivy cut in

The man looked at her wondering why she interrupted him.

“May I help you miss?” he asked glaring at her

“Actually, she’s not the mother of the kid….”

“Are you crazy? I just said I’m the guardian….”

“And I said you’re not. Just because you’re the Minister’s wife doesn’t give you the right to proclaim someone else’s child…”

“Are you crazy….’

“You’re the crazy one….”

“Ladies!!! Ladies!!!” The supervisor shouted

“What!!” They both yelled at a time and he raised his brows

Are they kidding? Why yell at him??

“You know what? The proposal has been canceled, it wasn’t nice meeting you both,” the supervisor said, without waiting for their reply he walked away


Beatrice walked back to her car after the argument with Ivy.

“I want her, I can’t wait any longer,” she said immediately after she got in.

“So, what’s the plan? Should we abduct her or get the mother out of the picture?” Came a familiar voice.



TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵

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