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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE COMPETITION – Episode 15 & 16

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Battle of the

heart and brain🏆





Felix looked back and Atticus who didn’t careless rolled his eyes, taking his gaze to the window

“What is wrong with you?” Tiffany asked h@ťěfully, gosh! The guy is getting on her nervous

As if Atticus’s head just got reseated, he blinked twice staring at her, what is wrong with him? She’s right, he never acted this way towards anyone so why would he just take off and run after a woman? He is Atticus the Great. Girls run after him not the other way round

Without saying a word he opened the car door and stepped down, slamming the door behind

“What was that stupid thing I did back there? She’s not worth it so why stoop so low?” he scolded himself walking away



Atticus walked in absent-mindedly, he was so mad at himself, why does he have to act the way he did out there? She might be filling so full of herself that he went into a car with her and even called her his teacher

“Tah,” he voice out

Asher and Arlo exchanged glances

“Dude, you okay?” Asher asked calmly

“Yeah,” he mumbled under his breath, he fell on the couch trying to get what he did out there out of his mind but it won’t just go away

“Dude, did something happen out there?” Arlo asked, moving closer to him

“Just that annoying Felix, like what the h*ll does he think he is?” Atticus spat

Asher scoffed

“What exactly is going on between the two of you?” he asked and Atticus swiftly glanced at him

“I’m gonna go grab some food at restaurants two blocks away, wanna tag along?” Asher asked

“Yeah,” Arlo dropped his game control on the medium size table beside him and stood.

“Baby,” Penelope called happily

“Strip from there,” Atticus cut her off

“I like the sound of that,” Arlo mumbled naughtily

Asher just left the room, shoving Penelope out of the way as he walked past.

“Atticus at least……”

“Take those things off, I’m not in a good mood,” Atticus snapped walking over to her, he grabbed her hand turning her over then pinned her to the wall

Pressing her face tightly against the wall, then Arlo tore her dress, spanking her @zz instantly.



Tiffany alighted from the car then Felix did the same, he walked her to their doorstep and paused, his both hands stuck in his trouser pocket.

“Thanks for today,” she said and he nodded

“It’s nothing, we are friends anyway,” he replied simply

She frowned her brows

“Friends? I didn’t call you my friend,” she uttered

Felix chuckled softly

“you don’t have to call me your friend since I already called you mine,” he replied in a funny way

“We just met today….”

“Not today runner,” he cut her off, Tiffany hit his chest playfully and he moved back a little

“Silly, thanks and bye,” she rushed her word.


The car came to a hint in the lot and Felix came down, he walked into their mansion and his face lit up immediately he saw Jayden and Dante playing a video game

“Dude, I thought you weren’t gonna come back to this house,” Felix said, settling down on a different couch

“Why are you excited?” Jayden asked suspiciously

“Someone got a runner girlfriend,” Danta replied jokingly

Felix took the pillar right beside him and threw it at Dante to dodge and it met Jayden

“she’s a runner, and his girlfriend,”

“Really?” Jayden asked, dropping his gamepad

“No, we are just friends beside she just joined our college today,” Felix replied casually

“Coming from someone who left under the rain to bring a lady back from the library…..”




“you look beautiful,” Tiffany said after dressing Iris for school

“Just like mummy, right?” Iris asked in her tinny voice

Tiffany frowned

“Like me, can’t you see I’m more pretty than your mom,” Tiffany said jealously

“But you don’t have @zz…..”

“Iris!! Who taught you that?” Tiffany screamed, stylishly staring at her @zz

“My teacher in biology class,” she replied with a shrug

“How can they teach you biology?” Tiffany mumbled still checking herself out in the big mirror

“Surgery can fix that,” Scarlett drop their food in the dining, walking back into the kitchen

“And B-__-bies, that’s what boys like, they won’t just go for your face alone so you need to work on your @zz and B-__-bies,” Iris blurted out

“Iris, don’t say that,” Scarlett who was coming from the kitchen scolded


“Not another word,” she shut her up instantly

Irish gulped, she looked at Tiffany with those puppy eyes

“I’m sorry Tiffany,” she said

“I’m not mad, just wondering how you learned all that,” Tiffany replied, squatting to her level

“My biology teacher….”

“You’re learning biology? That isn’t what I paid for, I’m going to that your school so they will tell me why they are teaching my kid biology when you’re just four…”

“Four and half,” Iris corrected

“But why will they teach you Biology?” Tiffany asked

“Because I like to learn the human body and its function,” she replied, staring from one person to another

Scarlett finished setting the table and walked over to them, she lifted her and carried her over to the dining then dropped her, she sat beside her while Tiffany sat opposite them

“What do you know about the human body?” Tiffany asked taking a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

“I know every part of the body and it’s function,”

“Tell us about the skull,”

“There are 22 bons in the skull. There is 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones,” Iris replied almost immediately

“Now you’re making me feel bad about myself,” Tiffany muttered and she giggled happily

Scarlett twitched her brows. Wow!

“Tell me something else, like the heart,” Scarlett said not i

“Laughing keeps your heart pumping which improves cardiovascular health, you make people’s hearts happy but also healthy because you make them laugh, so you’re kind of a heart doctor,” she Iris, staring at Scarlett

“I have a competitor, yeeeeh!!!! ” Tiffany shouted excitedly

“We are late for school,” Scarlett cut in before Irish could even say a word

Tiffany stared at her, why isn’t she happy?

Scarlett rested her both hands on the kitchen counter and lowered her head, not that she wasn’t happy but she just remembered Storm, does that mean he was a heart doctor? Cos he always makes her happy.

If only she could go back to the good old days, she would give anything to be in his arms again.

“Scarlett,” Tiffany called by the door

Scarlett turned to the other side, stylishly wiping her eyes

“You’re crying?” Tiffany muttered walking in

“was it because of what I said to you the other day? Scarlett, I’m so sorry it just slipt out of my mouth and…”

“I forgive you long ago, I guess I pushed too hard, and you returned the energy,” she replied cutting in

“know, I was ungrateful and unreasonably stupid, I was just 12 when mom and Dad died and left us with nothing, the government came to take me away but you give up your studies and fought so hard, you got 5 part-time jobs, you put me in a community school and even took me wherever I wanted, seeing how hard working you were the government didn’t bother us again and since then you’ve been the one taking care of me like a mother, and the one thing you asked of me I couldn’t do it, instead I used it against you, I’m so sorry, please forgive me,” Tiffany said with watery eyes

Scarlett was silent

“I got in, I’m now a student of Starlight and I’m also a teacher…”

“You are?” Scarlett asked shocked

“yeah, isn’t that what you wanted, aren’t you happy?”

“I am, so are you getting paid for the teaching….”

“No, it’s just….”

“No just, tell them your Mother said no payment, no teaching…”

“But Scarlett, I just joined the institution, what if they send me out if I reject to teach?” Tiffany asked fearfully, she seem not to understand her sister again. The school might expel her if she quit teaching Atticus

“The world is not a bed of roses, place yourself on value and people will come looking for you,” she replied instantly

Tiffany pulled her into a hug

“ I want that money, not a hug,” Scarlett muttered.

“Mummy, what about me?” Iris asked pouting

They broke the hug, Tiffany bent and carried Iris up then went back to hugging each other again

“I got laid,” Scarlett said in a whisper

Tiffany quickly broke the hug

“you’re kidding, right? After three years… oh my Gwad, who was it,” Tiffany asked curiously

Scarlett smiles

“it was a nightstand,” Scarlett replied.

“Oh my gwad, gist, gist, gist, gist, please, how was it….”

“Don’t you have orientation today?”



“Molly!!!” Penelope screamed out her lungs

“Where is that stupid girl? Molly!!!” she screamed again descending the stairs and looking around.

She walked past the sitting room only to see Molly’s mother cleaning the table, she stopped and went back to her.

“Where is your stupid daughter?” she asked rudely.

“Ma’am she…..” Before the woman could finish her statement, a loud thunderous slap landed on her cheeks instantly.

It came so hard that Molly’s mother staggered back, she placed her palm on her burning cheeks and then stared at Penelope.

“How dare you address me as Ma’am, have you no manners, maid!” Penelope spat, she dragged the old woman up by her clothes and raised her hand to slap her again but someone held her hand from behind.

Her eyes darkened at the sight of the person in front of her.

“Molly, how dare you touch me?” Penelope spat flipping her hand away then she slapped Molly hard across the face and spit on her

“Gross, you’re both fired,” she yelled and went over to Molly’s mother but Molly quickly blocked the way so she ended up getting kicked.

“You disgust me, dirty stinking maids, you’re fired… fired!” she snarled and continue kicking them.

“I’m so sorry young boss, this is the only job I have to feed my daughter,” Molly’s mother pleaded.

“You should have thought of that before bringing a bastard into this world, slut and wh-_-re daughter….’

“That is enough!!” Fiona shouted, walking towards them, she was already dressed for school.

“Yeah, they are fired,” Penelops spat, folding her hands around her chest while shaking her body.

“No, they are not,” Mr. Bills said walking in. He heard everything.

“Yes they are,” Mrs BIlls replied also coming in that direction.

“It’s not a negotiation,” Mr. Bills replied, he stretches his hand towards Molly’s mother but the poor woman didn’t even look at him

“Lemme help you up,” he said calmly

“No, we like it here,” Molly’s mother replied shaking her head negatively, if they send them out where will they go?

Bad boys are out there in the streets

“Yes sir, we like it on the floor,” Molly added and sniffed

“And that is where you belong, go pack your things and leave my house,” Mrs. Bills snarled

“My house my rules, you don’t wanna make me mad Selena,” Mr. Bills took a step forward

Mrs. Bills scoffed and looked away, she took her gaze to Molly’s mother and nodded

“I knew it, the moment you started siding with her, I knew you were sleeping with her. You both have seen it, your father is sleeping with our maid, isn’t that interesting? Tell them. Tell them, Bill, you’re sleeping with our maid,” Mrs. Bills shouted.

“Mom, you’re unbelievable,” Fiona mumbled, she walked over to Molly’s mother

“lemme help you ma,”

“Tell our kids how you’re sleeping around with our maid, and as for you. I will be the one to k*ll you,” she sneered and stormed off

Penelope followed suit.



The taxi came to a hint in front of the school gate and Tiffany alighted from it, rushing inside

Scarlett looked beside her to notice the textbook on the seat.

“Stop, she forget her textbook,” she said and the drive halted

Scarlett went down, going after Tiffany

The news of Chloe’s death spread like wide fire, it was all over the school blog and everyone was talking about it.

🗣️ I can’t believe that Chloe Is dead,”

🗣️ Me too,”

Tiffany was still looking around cos of the sidewalks when Fiaona walked up to her

“Meet my friend Molly and Tiffany have you heard? Chloe is dead,” Fiona broke the news and she gasped in shock

“You can’t be serious are you?”

“Who’s Chloe?” Molly asked staring one person to another

“The cops said she was R@P£D till death and dropped at our school gate, they just took her body and left,” Fioana added sadly

“You’re kidding right? I saw her yesterday,” Tiffany didn’t want to believe it

She saw Chloe yesterday and she’s dead today, no, that’s not possible or is it?

“Tiffany!!!” Scarlett called running towards her.

“Move it poor thing, gross! You all disgust me,” Penelope pushed Scarlett out of the way irritatedly

Scarlett raises her brows

“Have you no manners?” Scarlett asked, staring at the teenager who pushed her

Penelope stopped on her track, staring back at Scarlett.

She detests poor people.

“How dare you!!” Penelope asked rudely, she raise her hand to give Scarlett a dangerous slap but another hand caught her wrist before it could touch Scarlett

“And who is that imbecile?” Penelope screamed but was quickly rewarded with a mind-resetting slap

The students around gasped

Penelope staggered back

Tiffany walked to the cleaner who was passing by and took her Washing brush.

“You h@ťě $h|t right, you’re gonna eat that $h|t,” Tiffany grabbed her hair as she forced the toilet brush into her mouth.

Brushing his mouth with it.

“How dare you, low lives!!!” Mrs. Bills alighted from her Limo, rushing towards them

She actually came to drop Penelope off

Scarlett stepped forward and blocked her way

“By the time I’m done with you and this your mannerless daughter, google will hire you for their new crying app development,” Scarlett grabbed the mobstick from the cleaner.

“Go, Tiffany, Momma got your back 100% the only place it will end is in court, and if I don’t have money, I WILL BORROW…..”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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