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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Queen Adelaide appeared with some guards behind her,she walked straight to the cell room where Zoey and her two daughters are kept.

Zoey was quiet as she stared at Adelaide

“You really have the courage Zoey” Adelaide said amd there was total silence

“I really want to be like you,seriously you really have the boldness to come in here?? Such guts” she said

Zoey immediately fell on her knees

“Please forgive me your majesty” She muttered

“Anyway,I should be thanking you dear step mother,you really did a great job by treating me that way,maybe I wouldn’t have gotten here today” Adelaide said

“We are sorry sister,please forgive us” Luna said in tears

“Of course I’ve forgiven you” Adelaide said and looked at the guards

One of them immediately opened the gate

“You can go” Adelaide muttered

“But it will be great if you never step your feet into this palace again” Adelaide said and walked away with the other guards

As soon as she left the prison ground,Gemma and Mia rushed to her

“Your majesty,you have a visitor” Gemma said and Adelaide looked up

“Visitor?” She asked and they nodded

“Lead the way” Adelaide ordered and they immediately started walking.

By the time Adelaide got to where the so called Visitor is,it turned out to be Matilda

“Your Majesty” She immediately bowed as soon as she set her eyes on her



Finally the coronation was over,even though a lot of guests are still in the palace,they can’t possibly leave tonight.

Adelaide was alone in the King’s chamber,the king is yet to be back so she’s all alone. She finished taking her bath and put on her sleeping robe

“I’m so tired” She Mõ@ɲed and fell on the bed gently

She remembered her meeting with Matilda and a smile escape her lips,they both decided to settle their differences and they are all good,maybe she’s not really has bad,she was only jealous and besides she didn’t loose her baby right?

Adelaide smiled and rub her tummy gently

“I’m a queen now baby,mother is a queen now” She mumbled and continue rubbing

The door opened and king Lucian came in

“My queen” He called and Adelaide got up,smiling

“My King” She also called

King Lucian smiled and pulled her gently into a warm hug

“Thank you for everything” Adelaide muttered,rubbing his back softly

“No,I should be the one thanking you for making me a complete man” King Lucian said

Adelaide broke the hug

“I still find it hard to believe my king,I’m……” king Lucian slammed his lips on hers,shutting her up

“Don’t say it,you deserve every good thing that happened to you Adelaide,you deserve everything. I love you so much,that’s the only thing that matters and….him…” He touched her tummy and Adelaide chuckled

“I think he can feel your touch,he just moved” She said

“Really?? I can feel him too” King Lucian carried her In a bridal style

“Oh my king!” Adelaide laughed

“I love you” King Lucian pecked her lips

“And I love you more” Adelaide muttered and he continue kissing her.



It’s been months since the coronation and a lot has happened

Just two months ago,Prince Liam and Amara were Crowned as the new king and queen of Dira kingdom just after the death of the king.

Carl and Lisa are in Suidan staying in their own house,they got married and Lisa is presently pregnant.

Jimmy and Eleanor also got married

As Prince Huston said,he really fell in love with Lucia at first sight and he made her his betrothed fiancee

Kai and Yasmin also aren’t left out,they are still together


The weather was so dark,the cold breeze blowing dangerously across the land,thunderstorms getting loud and thick every passing second.

This all went on for minutes before the rain started heavily,pouring down as if it’s going to be the last pour.

Everyone running,the bright cloud suddenly turned dark and it scared them so much.

In the Deities house

“It’s time and it’s going to be hard for her alone sister” The third deity turned to the first deity and she smiled

“Isn’t it obvious,a greater king is going to be born In few minutes. Everyone should be rejoicing right now sister” The first deity said and the third deity nodded in agreement

“Congratulations,chosen one” She muttered



Adelaide’s scream filled the whole room,Diana is the one with her

King Lucian and Queen Sofia are outside looking so worried,especially the king. He’s just trying to control the urge of rushing into the room

“Ahhhh!!!!!!” Adelaide’s scream came again and King Lucian almost rushed in but queen Sofia stopped him

“She will be fine son,I promise” She said

“But mother,she’s in pains” King Lucian said

“I know….”

“Lucian!!!!!” Adelaide screamed his name this time and his body shook


The screams increased every second and king Lucian had no choice anymore,he ran into the room.

Adelaide was on the bed,sweating profusely but seems like nothing is happening

“What’s happened?” King Lucian asked

“The baby is not coming out your majesty” Diana replied and King Lucian walked close to Adelaide

She was in tears

“Lucian,I can’t do this,I don’t think I can” She said pitifully

Her hair were all scattered all over her face,she was in total pains

“You can do this Adelaide,I know you can. So please don’t give up,do this for me please” King Lucian said

“Then,stay with me…..stay….”

“I will,I’m not going to move from here” King Lucian said and grabbed her hand

“Hold me tight” She sniffed and king Lucian kissed her eyes

“Your Majesty,please let’s do this. I trust you can do this” Diana said and Adelaide nodded

The first breath

“Hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!” Adelaide groaned with her mouth closed

“Lucian……you love me right??” She panted,

“I love you more than anything in this world,I love you so much,words can’t explain how much I love you” King Lucian said,planting kisses all over her face

“Your Majesty,one more time” Diana gushed like a happy person

Adelaide inhaled and finally let out a final groan

It was followed by loud cries from the new born

Adelaide exhaled and her head fell back on the bed,King Lucian kissed her deeply

“You did it” He muttered and Adelaide smiled

“Your Majesty,it’s a prince” Diana said


The prince was already wrapped in a swaddle blanket,queen Sofia carried him in her arms,looking like the proudest mother in the world.

King Lucian never left Adelaide’s side,

“He really took after you son,look at the nose and lips” Queen Sofia said and king gently took him from her

Few minutes later,queen Sofia left the room.

“What name do you think will be perfect for him?” Adelaide asked,also staring at the innocent soul whose eyes were still closed

“Albert” King Lucian said and Adelaide smiled

“Just what I have in mind my king,he look really noble and bright” Adelaide said and touched his cheek

“I’m so happy you’re here now son,at least I will be free for some time” King Lucian said and Adelaide frowned

“What do you mean?”

“I know what I passed through sweetheart,I passed through a lot” King Lucian said

“Don’t worry,next time I will double it” Adelaide said and they both laughed

“I don’t care how you treat me,I’m going to love you forever. You and our son will be my first priority no matter what” King Lucian said

“I know,and I will love you forever too my king” Adelaide muttered and shut her eyes as the king’s lips landed on her own

At that moment,Albert’s cry came up and they immediately separated

“You can’t take my wife away from me son,she’s mine” King Lucian said

“Oh come on!” Adelaide laughed


Another book brought down!!!!!

f-__-k!!!!!!!! ?

Thanks for your supports and encouragement Fams,can’t love you less


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