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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Lisa entered the queen’s suite and Queen Sofia looked up

“Mother” Lisa bowed with a short smile playing on her lips

“Take a seat,you finally decided to come over” Queen Sofia said

“I guess you missed me” Lisa sat down

“Of course” Queen Sofia smiled and the maids immediately brought them a drink

There was silence for some minutes until Lisa broke it

“Actually mother,I’m here to tell you something” She muttered and Queen Sofia looked up

“What is it?” She asked

“The truth is…….There’s…..someone I’m in love with” She muttered and Queen Sofia looked at her

“For real?”

Lisa nodded

“Wow,my baby is finally becoming a Woman” Queen Sofia grinned and Lisa bite her bottom lip

“So,who is he??” The queen asked and Lisa’s heart started beating fast

You’ve got this Lisa,just tell her and wait for the worst that could happen’ she said inwardly before looking up

“It’s Carl mother” She gathered all the courage in her body and soul before saying that out

“Carl? Who’s that?” Queen Sofia shifted

“Brother’s guard” Lisa said and the queen’s eyes grew wide

“What?!!! What did you just said?” She asked

“I’m in love with him mother” Lisa said again

“Shut up!!!” Queen Sofia yelled and Lisa bite her lips

“You’re in love with him?? Have you suddenly gone nut? Do you even know what you’re talking about?? Anyway,I’m the first person to hear this right? I mean,you haven’t told him you love him…right?”

Lisa looked at the queen,she suddenly grew a weird confidence from nowhere

“He’s my boyfriend,we are in love with each other” She said

“Boy…..boy….boy What??” Queen Sofia stuttered unbelievably

“I’m serious mother,we’ve been dating for a while now and I…..” Before she could finish,a slap landed on her face and she staggered

“How dare you!!!!! How dare you!!!!” Queen Sofia screamed

Lisa’s lips are already trembling as she stared at the angry queen in front of her

The door opened and Adelaide entered

“Mother,please calm down” She said and Queen Sofia looked at her

“Don’t tell me you are aware of everything she’s saying” Queen Sofia said

Adelaide and Lisa exchanged glances,Lisa was already in tears.

Adelaide gently went on her knees

“What are you doing? You can’t kneel down in that state Adelaide get up” Queen Sofia said

“Until you accept…..”

“No I can’t,how do you expect me to allow my princess to be with a guard? Does it even sound well in the ear??”

“But mother,he loves me,and I love him even more….” Lisa said in tears

“Stop talking about love!! How could you fall in love with him in the first place?!! Why!!” Queen Sofia shouted

“Mother please,try to understand that love matters alot in a relationship…..”

“I know Adelaide,but it’s going to spoil the royal reputations,once you become the queen,you will understand what I’m talking about….”

“You accepted me mother” Adelaide cut in,looking straight into queen Sofia’s eyes

“I’m nothing,I’m not a princess neither am I from a noble family,I’m just an orphan who lived her whole life with my step families,but you accepted me to become the future queen,so mother why can’t you just accept Carl too please” Adelaide pleaded

“You’re different Adelaide,I can’t go against the King’s order and you know that. So stop comparing yourself to Lisa,she’s a princess”

“So what?! I don’t want to be a princess again,I love Carl and that’s it!! Why can’t I just choose for myself??! This is my life mother,I choose wh@ťěver I want I’m no longer a kid,I’m twenty years for heaven sake!!” Lisa screamed,more tears rolling down her eyes

“Really? Since you want to do what you want then you’re okay to leave the palace and get out with your boyfriend!!!” Queen Sofia yelled angrily and Adelaide’s eyes widened

“No mother no…..”

“Don’t plead with her Adelaide,I’ve always wanted to leave anyway” Lisa wiped her tears and stormed out of the suite

Adelaide sighed

“Mother,please you can’t let her leave.”

“How could she?? How could she do this to me?? Huh? I want the best for her,why can’t she just see what I’m trying to do??” Queen Sofia said in tears

“A guard? Why!”

Adelaide sighed and sat down beside her

“It’s okay mother” She said,rubbing her back


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