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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Lisa and Adelaide are both sitting opposite each other,both staring into their eyes,none of them saying a word to each other. The silence seems long until Lisa finally broke it.

“So,are you ready to talk? You’ve got some explanations to do. Where were you yesterday? I searched for you all over the palace but I couldn’t find you,and why are you in this?” She asked,pointing at Adelaide’s white dress,not the maids uniform

Adelaide inhaled and exhaled

“I’m sorry Lisa,I should have told you earlier” She muttered and bite her bottom lip

“Don’t even tell me you’re leaving the palace,if you think I’m gonna let you go,that’s one bloody lie,you’re staying here until I’m ready to let you go” Lisa scoffed

“I’m not leaving Lisa” Adelaide murmured

“Then tell me what is going on,I’m dying of curiosity” Lisa groaned

Adelaide sighed

“I’m no longer a maid here” She said slowly

“So….what are you?” Lisa also asked slowly

“The king said……….He’s in love with me” Adelaide managed to say that out and Lisa’s eyes grew wide

“And….I love him too Lisa. I can’t reject him,we’ve kissed a few times before he told me,I’m sorry I kept it from you,I’m really sorry” Adelaide said,avoiding Lisa’s eyes

Lisa only stared at her speechlessly

“So…….the reason why brother always have your back is because he’s in love with you?” She asked and Adelaide nodded

“Why?” Lisa asked and Adelaide looked up


“I’m asking you why you kept all these away from me” Lisa said

“Lisa I’m…..”

“Stop it!! I’ve been telling you Everything Adelaide,you’re the only one who knows how much I’m in love with Carl,I even told you when we started dating,I told you about our first kiss,yesterday I kept searching for you just because I wanted to tell you that I…….” Lisa stopped

“I see I’m the only one who really want to be friends with you…I’m just forcing you right?”

“No Lisa” Adelaide immediately shook her head

“Then why!!”

“Because I’m scared….I’m just scared. I know we are friends but I was scared you won’t take it lightly if I had told you,please don’t be mad at me” Adelaide said

“Why would I get mad? Why?”

“Because…….I was a maid. Even if we are friends,it doesn’t change the fact that I am one”

Lisa stared at her blankly

“I’m sorry Lisa,forgive me” Adelaide muttered and stood up,she sat down beside Lisa and rest her head on Lisa’s shoulder

“So you’re dating my brother now??? The king?” Lisa asked in a murmur

Adelaide nodded slowly

“Is anyone aware already?” Lisa asked

“Just the queen,and you” Adelaide answered

“So..the maids didn’t see you in this dress while coming?” Lisa asked again

“I…had to watch and hide while coming here. I don’t know how to face them” Adelaide muttered

Lisa sighed

“You always make me feel bad” She muttered and Adelaide hugged her

“I’m sorry bestie” She said

Lisa smiled and hugged her back

“I’m so happy for you” She grinned

“Thank you” Adelaide smiled,hugging her more tightly

“Can’t we at least go out of the palace to have fun today? Since you’re the king’s girlfriend,he might allow us” Lisa said cutely

“Come on” Adelaide chuckled

They both fell on the bed,staring into space

“What is it you want to tell me yesterday?” Adelaide asked

“Carl and I…..had our first s*x” Lisa replied and Adelaide faced her immediately


Lisa nodded

“We had a second one yesterday” Lisa said

“What?!!!” Adelaide screamed

Lisa sighed

“Am I going crazy?” She asked

“Do you regret it?” Adelaide asked

“No Adel,I don’t regret it,not at all. But the more we get close,the more scared I am…..He’s the one scared about us getting caught,but now I think I’m more scared. Mother can do anything to Carl,I’m scared for him not me” Lisa muttered

Adelaide sighed

“Stop thinking about it and enjoy your relationship with him,just be careful and try to inform the king and queen before they find out,that will be disastrous” Adelaide said

“I know” Lisa mumbled

“I want to tell Eleanor but I’m hiding from the maids” Adelaide sighed

“Don’t worry about that” Lisa smiled and called one of her maids,immediately she entered

“Get Eleanor,you know her right?” Lisa asked

“Yes princess” The maid bowed and went out again



Matilda wanted to go in but two guards at the entrance stopped her,she looked up glaring at them

“What the h*ll is the meaning of this?” She asked

“The king is quite busy and doesn’t want to be disturbed” one of them said

“That doesn’t include me okay?! Get the h*ll out of my way!!” She yelled and pushed them off angrily before storming into the office

King Lucian was indeed busy but was interrupted by the way Matilda entered.

He raised his head and rest his back on the seat properly

“Why are you here?” He asked

“Is it true?” Matilda asked

“What is that?” Lucian asked

“You’re in love with Adelaide?” She said

“Oh…I guess you found out real quick. I was going to tell you later” King Lucian smiled

“Why are you smiling? You think I’m happy about this??” Matilda asked

“Why not?? You should be happy for me Matilda,and if you’re thinking about us,don’t worry I will let you go……”

“I’m not going anywhere!!” Matilda yelled

“I’m never going to leave the palace for that witch! Never!” She screamed

“Witch?” King Lucian raised his brows

“Yes!! Witch!! Are you going to throw me in the prison?? Because I call the King’s woman a witch?? Are you!!” She screamed and broke into tears

“I’m not going to do that,and I won’t chase you out of the palace. You can continue staying here as long as you want,but don’t cross the line by disrespecting her,if you disrespect her,that means you disrespect me Matilda,and you know what follows” King Lucian said

“Seriously? But you said absolutely nothing when she disrespected me….”

“Ella will never disrespect you if you had acted mature”

“Ella? You even gave her a name?” Matilda asked in a shaking voice

King Lucian sighed

“I’m busy Matilda,just……”

“How can you tell me to respect that girl? I’m twenty six,I don’t know her age but I’m sure I am older than…”

“She deserves some respect because she’s mine,I don’t care about your ages,don’t cross the line” King Lucian snapped

“So,am I still your mistress or not? Coz I feel like I suddenly became worthless to you,I can’t believe you will do this to me,we’ve been together for four years but you are pushing me away just because of that w…” She stopped when Lucian raised his brows

“I’m sorry” She muttered

“Get out Matilda,you’re making me mad already. Don’t let me loose my temper” King Lucian muttered

Just then,the door opened and Carl entered

“Your Majesty” She bowed

“Are you done taking care of what I asked you to?” King Lucian asked

“The maids are cleaning up the suite already,I’m sure they will be done in few minutes” Carl replied and Lucian nodded

“What suite are you talking about?” Matilda asked Carl

“Lady Adelaide will be moving to the suite next to the King’s chamber” Carl replied and Matilda’s eyes widened.

She immediately turned to the king but he wasn’t looking at her,she have always wanted that suite. It’s like the most beautiful suite in the palace,Even more than the queen’s own,and the fact that it’s the closest to the king,but now Adelaide is getting it just like that?

“My King….”

“Leave Matilda” King Lucian muttered and she immediately turned back and left.

Carl moved closer

“So,what are you planning to do now? Everyone will get suspicious soon” He said

“I’m not planning to keep it a secret” King Lucian looked up and Carl swallowed

“Oh……okay your majesty” he muttered,looking down

King Lucian stared at him

“Is there something you have to tell me?” He asked and Carl looked up again


“You’ve been acting strange and you know that” Lucian said

Carl bite his lips

‘Here is an opportunity Carl,tell him once and for all’ His mind said

“Are you hiding something from me?”

“No your majesty,I’m not hiding anything. I’m just…..maybe a little bit tired these days” Carl said

King Lucian sighed

“Tell me if anything is wrong okay? You’re like a brother to me so don’t hide anything” He said

“Thank you your majesty” Carl smiled shortly and a wave of guilt flashed through him

He wanted to tell him so badly but how will he bring himself to say it out??

“You should go watch the maids working,I will send for you when I need You” King Lucian said

Carl bowed and went out

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