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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)


By,Ella N.








“Oh my…..gawd! f-__-k me harder.

“Shut the f-__-k up!” Dexter shouted,and slapped her a*s,slamming into her even harder.

“Ahhh!” She screamed in both pain and pleasure,but the pain is way more than the pleasure she’s getting.

Dexter brought a Ɓîtçh home on his way back,and right now,he’s screwing her hard.

Pouring all the anger of the slaps he received from Annika,on her.

“My….gaw….my p**sy is gonna tear off” She Mõ@ɲed louder.

Dexter roughly pulled his huge Ďïčk out of her,and slapped her a*s hard with it.

“Ahh…! Dexter…I love it” She Mõ@ɲed.

“Stop Mõ@ɲing my name,Ɓîtçh” He said,and th-ru_st into her again,banging her roughly.

“She slapped me. Annika slapped me not once,but twice,in my own company” He grumbled with anger.

He pulled out again the second time,took off the condom from his d**ck and faced her.

“Suck me hard” He ordered,and she knelt down.

She began sucking him crazily,making him gasp for breath.

“Stop!” He yelled,when it almost started.

She stopped immediately to look at him,wondering why.

Nevertheless, she didn’t ask why, she just did as was ordered.

Dexter pulled his pants and wore them back, then gave her money,and sent her out with a shout,scaring her life out.

After that,Dexter went into the shower,and washed himself super clean.

He stayed in the shower longer than usual,as he kept thinking and imagining what happened at the office.

The more the water rushed down his body,the more he thought about it,and the more he got angry at Annika and even the s£x he just had.

Maybe his friends are right. A simple thank you wouldn’t have resulted to him being slapped.

But how dare Annika slap him in his own company.

No worker in his company has ever talked to him in a disrespectful manner,no even talk while he’s talking.

“Should I just apologize to her tomorrow?

“Hell no! She should be the one to apologize to me” He said.

He got out of the shower,took his towel and dried himself up,then went back into the room,looking all sad.

After wearing his white after shower robe,he entered his music room.

It’s a small room though,with just a piano and a guitar.

He goes there most times whenever he feels down,or remembers something that happened some months ago,that left him shattered.

But he refused to tell anyone about it.

He brought out his phone and went to his playlist, scrolled through, until he found the song he’s looking for.


He clicked on it,then connected it to his MP3. After which he started playing the piano with so much dexterity, as he closed his eyes,and played.

He later changed it to I WILL NEVER LOVE AGAIN, by Lady gaga.

While playing and listening to that, he didn’t know he was crying, until a tear dropped down his cheek.

He wiped it off,and stopped the song immediately.

“Love is stupid!” He squawked, and got off the chair,as he wipes another tear from his other eye.

He left the room,heading downstairs, to go make something to eat.

“Love is stupid!” He muffled lowly, as he enters the kitchen.

He went to the fridge first, and got himself a bottle of water, gulped it down his throat, and disposed of it.

“I can’t believe she slapped me” He said again for the hundredth times,as he leaned on the door.

“I’ve lost my appetite” He said and left the kitchen,going back to his room.

He just feels frustrated, and unhappy.


Annika arrived home all tired and drained.

She just went to her room straight up,as she doesn’t want to talk to anyone.

“Today was hectic and crazy,jeez!” She drawled tiredly,and Anni barked.

She looked at her,giggled and carried her to her legs.

“When will you start saying”welcome,mommy” to me,huh?” Annika asked like an insane person.

Of course dogs don’t talk,Annika just loves acting and saying crazy things.

“I need to eat,I’m hungry” She said,and wanted to get up,but Anni started playing with her.

“Not now,silly. I am very tired” She said,and carried her down.

She took out her phone and charger from her bag,then plugged it before facing Anni again.

“Let’s go bath first,shall we?” Annika giggled and patted her dog’s head.

They both went in together.

Minutes later,she finished and came out,then toweled her body afterwards.

She then pulled out the chair from the mirror stan,sat down,and began creaming herself.

“Disaster” She muttered and giggled when she suddenly remembered Dexter and the slaps he got.

“Jerk! You deserved it” She rolled eyes and got up,after she had finished creaming her body.

She went downstairs to make her food,then came back with it after some minutes.

It’s noddles,that’s why she didn’t spend much time making it.

She dropped it on the bed,and Anni barked again,jumping around.

“Shut up,silly,it’s not for you” She snapped and went to her bookshelf to search for her diary.

Yea,she has a diary she writes in and talks to.

Who still uses a diary in this age and time?,when phones have notes you can write in and keep.

Well,Annika has,and she enjoys writing in it.

She searched until she found it. She smiled and took it to her bed,where she sat happily.

“Been long,dear diary” She smiled cutely,as she opened it,and went through what she had written before.

“I miss you,sis and mom,I just wish you were still alive” She sniffed when she got to the page where she wrote about her mom,and sister’s death.

She flipped to a new page,took out her pen from her bag and began writing.

“So,darling diary,I’ve got a new job,yunno. And trust me,it’s crazy and stressing as hell. But what can I do,I need the money for my business” She started.

“You remember I told you about the clothing business I want to start. Well,haven’t gotten enough money yet,and I don’t know when.

“I actually have a good job now,so hopefully,I should get half of the money I need by the time I get my salary.

“Oh…! You still remember Disaster Klein I once told you about?

“Yea,I met that jerk again. And….I slapped him twice on the face, today” She paused and chuckled sillily.

Anni barked when she heard the”slapped part”

“What? He caused it,he touched my B-__-bs,that jerk intentionally pressed my B-__-bs” She added,and rolled eyes at Anni who still kept barking.

She began writing again.

“But I kinda feel bad. I think I overreacted,what do you think?” She questioned,even when knows neither the diary nor her dog can talk.

She took a forkful of the meal into her mouth,then continued.

“So,what do you suggest I do? Should I go say sorry to him?” She asked,both Anni and the diary,but none answered her.

She sighed,frustratingly as she got no reply.

“Anni,talk to me,stop staring at me like that. Is barking the only thing you know how to do?” She shrugged,and Anni replied with another bark.

Annika started laughing,and patting her back.

“Okay,if you don’t want me to go say sorry to him,bark once” She said,and Anni barked.

“Good girl” She giggled.

“Now,if you want me to go say sorry,bark twice” She said,expecting Anni to not bark.

But she barked twice,and jumped on her,licking her face.

“What!? You really want me to apologize? She raised a brow,and Anni barked twice again.

“No way am I apologizing,he should be the one to apologize to me.
I helped him,and all he could do was to be an arrogant proud jerk” She rolled eyes,and resumed writing.

Anni suddenly went silent after some minutes,and when Annika made to eat,she found the plate empty.

Her eyes and mouth were left agape.

“Wait,where’s my food?” She asked,and turned to face her dog.

“Where’s my food? Anni,did you eat mommy’s food” Annika asked funnily.

Anni barked,and licked her mouth with her long tongue.

“Anni!!”She shouted,and Anni jumped off the bed as a result of the shout.

“Go make my food for me now!”She commanded,going close to her,and Anni started running while she ran after her.

Annika caught her,grabbed and locked her up in the toilet.

“When you’re ready to make my food,tell me so I can open the door for you”She said,as though she’s talking to a human being,whereas it’s just a dog.

“Shut up,silly dog”She shouted,as Anni kept barking and barking.

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