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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)

Chapter 75©76

By, Ella N.

Copy and die Viciously‼️







“Doctor…. Please tell us he’s alright” Robert said worriedly, when the Doctor came out of the ward.

He and Dexter rushed Roland to the nearest hospital yesterday,after they found out he was still breathing.

They actually slept there at the hospital.
They couldn’t go home because of him,his condition was too critical for any of them to leave.

The Doctor had a happy smile on his face,as he walked to them.

Seeing that on his face,Dexter and his dad knew there was good news.

“He’s alive and okay. The bullet was successfully taken out,too” The Doctor announced joyously.

“Wh…what?” Dexter stuttered, and sprang up immediately.

Is this really true,or he’s just hearing things?

He’s surprised, and shocked,he really is.
Because, when they arrived the hospital yesterday, Roland’s breathing ceased instantly.

The Doctor had lost hope,even,and didn’t know what to do. So,he told them there was no need wasting time, that Roland was dèad already.

But Dexter insisted on Roland getting treatment, whether or not he was alive.

He knew and believed Roland was not dèad, same way he believed Annika and their baby were going to be alright.

Even though Dexter had no full assurance of that,he still believed Roland was going to be alright.

The Doctor tried to argue,but Dexter queried and asked him to do his job.

He finally started the treatment. Though, throughout last night, there was no good result at all.

The bullet was the first thing they took out,before anything else.

And here he is,telling them Roland is alive and okay.

“You mean,Roland is alive?” Robert asked again, to be sure he heard him well.

“And he’s okay?” He added, still trying to get himself.

“He’s fine,and even awake right now. You can go see him” He said.

“My gawd!” Dexter exclaimed and rushed into the ward,with Robert following behind.

And just like the Doctor said,there, laid Roland on the bed with a handsome,but weak smile on his face.

“You’re truly alive,bro” Dexter almost screamed out loud.

“Roland, you’re alive!” Robert said too, going close to the bed where Roland laid.

Roland smiled again,taking time to look at them both.

He himself cannot believe he’s alive. All he’s doing right now in his heart,is thanking God, his dad and brother for not letting him dìe.

He would have been dèad for real, if Dexter didn’t insist on taking him home. Who would have helped take him to the hospital

Or,if he didn’t insist on the Doctor giving Roland treatment,even when he was told that Roland was dèad already.

“Thank you,dad..thank you so much,bro” His weak voice came,as a tear dropped down his cheek.

“No,son. We should be the one thanking you for coming back to us,for staying alive” Robert said,and more tears dropped down.

Did Robert just call him son? Did he just mention that word?

How can he still be calling him his son,when he knows the truth already.

Oh,gawd!! He feels like he’s in heaven, and the angels are singing melodious songs for him.

More and more tears trickled down like someone shoved pepper into his eyes.

This is just too much for him to hold back the tears.

While still on that, Annika and Janice came in,too.

They had called and told them what later happened.

Annika barely slept.

Jeez! Such trouble just in one day,it’s too much!

Those were all the thoughts in Annika’s heart.

“Dex!” She called,taking stride steps to Dexter,while he did same too,and they met mid way. Hugging each other as if they’ve not seen for years.

“I missed you so much,I hardly slept because of you” She cooed,hugging him tighter.

“I’m sorry,Baby. Roland needed me,he needed us” Dexter said,kissing her forehead after breaking away. He took his hand to her tummy and caressed it for a while.

“How’s the baby doing? Hope you two didn’t miss me much?” He asked,grinning.

“We did,mostly Ann” Annika said,and he chuckled.

“I’m here now” He smiled and kissed her nose,and she giggled like a kid.

“How is he now?” She finally asked, walking closer to Roland’s bed with Dexter holding her hand.

“Well,he’s alive and okay” Dexter answered and she smiled.

She sat beside Roland, staring at his face. Seeing who is sitting beside him,Roland couldn’t stop smiling.

“Hey….sorry for your lost,Roland. And what happened to you. I am so happy you’re okay now” She said. Roland smiled and said thank you.

“Oh,my world. I am so sorry for your lost,so sorry for everything that happened to you. But,you’re alive and okay now, that’s all that matters to us. You don’t have to worry about anything, we are your family, and are here for you.” Janice said,sitting on the nearest chair next to Roland.

Roland said thank you to Janice too,but crying this time.

“Why are you crying? You should be super excited, not crying” Dexter smiled,as he went closer to hold his left hand.

“I am…I am not….” He bursted out crying, before he could complete his statement.

The emotions are too strong, the feelings are unexplainable. If someone asks him why he’s crying, he wouldn’t be able to say it out.

His emotions are doing wonders in his heart. His heart is throbbing so fast and loud,that if you listen carefully, he’ll hear its beats.

What is this sudden tingling sensation that he cannot explain?

Is this what it really feels like to be loved?

His mom never showed him love. All she did,was pressure and advice him on how to take over the big Company. Insult and call him names whenever he did not succeed in doing a particular thing.

Dexter phone’s came ringing momentarily.
He excused himself and went to the other side of the ward,where he picked.

“The culprit has been tracked down,and he’s in our custody right now” A voice from the other end informed Dexter.

Dexter shut his eyes,and heaved a sigh of relief.

After Roland was shot yesterday,he and Robert heard how a bike took off immediately that happened. They knew that person was a hired k!ller.

But,who did hire him,and for what reason?

Since they couldn’t get answers to their questions,Dexter had to hire someone to track the person down.

“Great job. Torture him till he speaks the truth.

“I’ll be there soon”He added,then hung up.

“The guy who shot Roland has been found” Dexter told them and they all gasped.

“That idìot! He should better diè before I set my eyes on him” Robert gritted.

“I can’t believe someone tried to kìll me,I can’t believe I was gonna diè just like that. What would have been my fate if you and dad weren’t there to bring me here,what would have happened if God didn’t have mercy and give me another chance? ” Roland’s low voice came saying,amidst cries.

Janice who sat near him,held his hand tight like a mother would do to her son when he’s troubled and needs comfort.

“Don’t cry,dear. But,be happy,laugh,shout out joyously and be grateful for life. You know why? Cos your enemies have been put to shame,you triumphed over them and…

“Look at you! You don’t even look like one who I was told his breath ceased instantly last night. You’re alive and stronger than we all thought you’d be”Janice grinned happily. Those words of hers touched everyone.

This woman is just too kind!
One of the kindest women you’ll ever come across with.

“Thank you,ma” Roland smiled with tears.

“Mom’ Janice corrected,and smiled too.

“Yes,mom” He answered, nodding his head,and everyone gave a light chuckle.

The Doctor came in that moment, smiling broadly.

“Can he go home, Doctor?” Robert asked, and the Doctor said yes!


A helpless figure can be seen seated and tied to a chair.

He’s being tortured mercilessly,yet,doesn’t want to say the truth.

He’s still keeping the truth, cos Victoria warned him not to mention her name

Foolìsh guy,receiving such hèll,while trying to protect one who is dèad already. He isn’t even aware of that!

His face and whole body is covered in his blòod.
Those guys who tracked him down aren’t showing him any mercy.

“Who hired you!” A baritone voice asked raucously,as the sound went echoing in the entire room.


He was given more and more whips, before he could complete his sentence.

Dexter, Roland and Robert walked in instantly while they were torturing him.

Yes,Roland insisted on coming with them,though, he isn’t that strong. He has bandages on the area he was shot.
He badly wants to know who tried to kìll him.

“You imbecile! How dare you try to kìll my son,how dare you?!!” Robert growled angrily, charging towards the guy.

But,Dexter held him,stopping him from going any further.

“It’s fine,Dad. Look at him,he’s receiving the pains already. Don’t bother yourself,he’ll say the truth before you know it” Dexter said,but Robert wasn’t even listening.

He still wants to get a hold of that bàstard and teach him a lesson he’ll never forget.

Roland may not be his biological son,but he will forever remain his son.

He cannot deny the fact that,the twenty three years of spending time,and Roland being his son has not been amazing,even though it wasn’t so amazing.

Yes,they were good and bàd times,and because of him(the pregnancy) his parents were disappointed in him.

But,when Roland was finally born,he loved him the way a father should.

And for the fact that Roland is changed now,and didn’t hide the truth from him. He was courageous enough to even come to his house to tell him the truth. Something that his mom should have been the one to say it,but it was the other way round.

Now he knows that Roland was that way due to the way his Mom raised him up to be.

Everyone knows that now.

“Are you ready to talk?” A huge and muscular guy asked, glaring dangerously at him. The guy kept quiet and the next thing he received was a punch in the face,two teeth fell off instantly.

“Ready to…

“His mom sent me. She hired me to kìll him,just stop punching me!” He finally spoke, spitting out blood.

Roland lost his balance and almost fell,when he heard that,but Dexter was quick to catch him.

“What!!!!!?” They all asked at a time.


“Look at my little princess of yesterday,crawling and scattering the entire house,is now grown and about to get married. How time flies” Justin chuckled,as he stares at his beautiful daughter sitting right beside him.

Annika is actually around. She came to visit her dad,and she told him about her engagement.

“I wish your mom and sister were still alive to witness that blissful day” He continued,with tears formed in his eyes.

“Dad…don’t start crying,please. I know they will be happy wherever they are” Annika said,resting her head on his shoulder like a baby.

“I know they will,love,it just hurts to know they won’t be there” Justin sighed.

“Oh,I think Dexter is here already” Annika said,when a knock came at the door.

She went for it without hesitating.

“Dexter’s Heartbeat” Dexter grinned,carrying her immediately in his arms like he always does.

“Did you miss me?” He asked,kissing her forehead.

“No,I didn’t” Annika curved her lips funnily and threw her face to the other side.

“You’re aware you don’t know how to lie,right?” Dexter chuckled,poking her nose. Annika giggled too and got down from his arms.

“You look good,father-in-law” Dexter smiled at Justin and said.

“Thank you,son. You don’t look bàd either” Justin replied with a smile too.

“So,you’re here to take my baby,huh?” He joked,and Dexter chuckled,turning to look at Annika who gave him a naughty smile. He chuckled again and shook his head.

“Dad,you’re coming for the grande opening,ay?

“Why am I even asking,of course you are coming” Annika said,and they all laughed.


“Look how beautiful your Boutique is,CEO Annika” Dexter said,as he and Annika walked around the Boutique.

The grande opening is tomorrow. So,they are here,to make sure everything is done and in order.

“I know,right? All thanks to my Boo Bear” Annika said. She stood on her tipi toes,and kissed his lips shortly.

“That’s not how to kiss your fiance,soon to be Mrs” Dexter said,held her waist and kissed her deeply.

“You’re teaching our baby bad things” Annika joked,when they broke away from the kiss.

“Huh?” Dexter curved his lips with a funny face that he made. They both bursted out laughing like two jobless people.

“It’s getting dark,Baby. We should head home now,you need to rest,okay?” Dexter said after they walked around for some more minutes.

“Okay,Boo Bear. But,I want ice cream,lots of it. You dare not say no” She smirked.

“Of course I won’t dare,cos I want to sleep peacefully with no one crying in my ears” Dexter joked,and they both laughed heartily.


Yes! Your guess is right.

The day is finally here for her Boutique to be Officially opened. Everyone’s here already,just waiting for the priest to arrive.

“About to wed” Dalton smiled,as he,Derek,Roland and Annika’s friends joined them. They were at the other side.

Yea,Roland was able to come too. There’s no way he was going to miss this,yunno.

“My best man,and men in suite” Dexter said,and the three dudes smiled happily.

“And I thought today was your wedding,look how you are glowing”Mina said,giving Annika a peck.

“I know,right? The baby inside is doing her good”Sana said,and Annika smiled cutely.

“How are you,bro?” Dexter turned to Roland and asked.

“I am good and strong as you can see,bro. Thank you” Roland replied. Dexter nodded and smiled satisfactorily.

“We actually heard what happened,man. So sorry about that” Derek said to Roland.

“Thank you,man. I am fine and happy now” He smiled handsomely.

“Oh,I think the priest is here” Annika said,when she sighted the priest coming out of his car.

At a time,everyone turned to his direction with beautiful smiles on their faces.

They all composed themselves immediately as he walked to the crowd.

“Peace be with you” He said,the moment he got to them.

“And with your spirit” They replied in unison. Those who are Catholics,though.

After that,they started greeting him one after the other.

He greeted back,shaking hands with the guys. After which,he moved close to the building.

Everywhere was silent as he started praying.

“For these and many other blessings we ask through christ our Lord” He ended the prayer and blessed the building, by sprinkling holy water on it,and everyone else.

“Amen!” They all chorused.


“You came late,the priest just left. What took you so long?”Dexter said,when Verity came in.

“I needed to look good,jeez!” Verity said,sillily and Annika laughed,shaking her head.

The priest is gone and everyone is having their refreshment right now.

“Where is my Anni?” Annika asked.

“She’s with the security guard”Verity replied.

Her phone started ringing almost immediately she answered Annika. She checked her phone and smiled when she saw the caller.

“Can you come out,please? I can’t find you”Brielle said from the other end.


“OMG! You’re so not going back with this”Verity gushed over Brielle’s outfit.

“Neither are you”Brielle replied,giggling,and they stuck hands.

“Oh! Meet my sister,Avery. Avery,this is Verity,my crazy friend I’ve been telling you about”Brielle introduced them to each other.

“It’s nice to finally meet you,Verity. Gosh! You’re so beautiful”Avery compliments,staring and smiling seriously.

“Trust me,you’re more beautiful. So nice to meet you too,let’s go please” Verity said,pulling Brielle by the hand.


“Mom….Dads,why aren’t you eating?” Annika asked the three parents who all sat together.

“Baby girl,I’ve had enough already, and I think they are too. Do you want to kìll us with food?” Justin said,and they started laughing.

Meanwhile,Verity walked in with Brielle and Avery. Roland’s eyes were fixed on Avery the moment they walked in,and he smiled for the no reason, while sipping his wine slowly. But then…

“Brielle…?” His eyes widened in both shock and fear.

“Bri…Brielle?!!….Mina and Sana chorused, as they walked further.

Brielle was starting to get scared. Why in the world is everyone calling her name? Did she commit a crime she doesn’t even know?

She doesn’t even know these people.

“What’s going on?” Avery and Verity asked at a time.

“I don’t know, this is getting me scared” Brielle replied nervously.

Nevertheless,they continued walking, cos Verity wants to introduce them to Annika and Dexter.

“Wait…when did Annika change her outfit?” Dalton asked Derek when he saw Brielle.

“Brielle…Avery?” Ian(Mr. Graham) called, shocked to see his daughters here.

“Dad…?” They both chorused, turning to look at each other.

“Huh?” Verity curved her lips,not understanding a thing.

“What are you doing here,dad?” Avery asked.

“I work here,girls. That’s my boss over there” Ian said,pointing to Dexter’s direction.

Immediately, Dexter turned, and saw Brielle. He blinked, and looked again, then looked at Annika who was a bit far from him. She was with their parents.

“Oh,my f-__-k! Ann?” He called, and Annika did hear him.

“Boo Bear…? What is….

“Ohmigosh!!!, Bri… Bri….no,no,no…..” Annika started crying instantly,without completing her sentence.

Dexter held her to himself immediately.

“What’s going on?? Parents came asking.

“Brielle…?!!!” Justin exclaimed, breaking down in tears too.

“Dad…it’s Brielle… That’s my sister! It’s Brielle…she’s alive” Annika cried louder.


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