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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)


By,Ella N.







“Disaster! I will k!ll you!” Annika screamed. She wiggled her body, trying to slip out,but Dexter continued holding her till they left the door.

When he finally let go of her,Annika landed him a hot slap.

He held his hurting cheek immediately, and she landed him another one on his left cheek before he could speak.

“Ha!” Dalton and Derek gasped,and widened their eyes.

“You man wh-_-re,pervert! How dare you hold me in such manner,are you insane!?” Annika thundered, furiously.

Dexter couldn’t utter any word,he just held his two hurting cheeks.

“I am not one of those Ɓîtçhes you sleep around with.

“Next time you try this $h|t with me,I will not only slap you,but pour acid on you.

“You may be my boss, but I don’t take $h|t from anyone, not even the CEO of this company. In case you’ve forgotten, I am still the same Annika Wright from Beverly Hills highschool.

“Now,if you’d excuse me,I’ve got a lot of work to do,bye” She said, and left.

Immediately Annika left, Dalton and Derek started their mockery.

“Best slaps receiver award of the year goes to……” Derek said,loudly and Dalton went to the nearest table in the wine room and played a loud drum roll.

“Disaster Klein! His face has been disfigured..completely out of recognition” Dalton mocked.

“So,Mr Dexter…..

“You mean,Disaster” Dalton cuts in.

“Right. Mr Disaster Klein. Do you have anything to say about what just took place here?

What actually let to the two hot slaps you just received” Derek mocked too,he stretched his folded palm,like a microphone.

He then took it closer to him,asking him to speak.

Dexter slapped his hand hotly.

Dalton and Derek bursted out laughing hard,staring at him as he stood like a lost puppy.

“He was pressing what is not his,and enjoying himself until he got blessed with two hot slaps” Dalton said,and they laughed again.

“Sorry,dude. But you really should have just said thank you,rather than being proud and stupid.

“She f-__-king saved you from losing big buyers,by using her sweet words to convince them.

“I mean,you both have been enemies yet,she did that for you.

“Do you know how many millions you would have lost if it weren’t for her?” Dalton said,as he somehow feels mad at Dexter.

“Dalton is right,man. A simple thank you wouldn’t have resulted to this.

“I think you should go say sorry to her,she deserves an apology from you” Derek said,and Dalton concurred.

“I can see you two have finally lost it. She deserves an apology,and I don’t?

“Why should I apologize to her,apologize for slapping me? Or apologize for always disrespecting,and not seeing me as her boss?

“You both should clap for yourselves” Dexter said,outrageously.

“She saved you,dude. She saved your company’s name.

“Do you realize those buyers would have gone to tell others your wines aren’t good enough.

“You better put pride aside,and take heed to our advice”Derek scoffed.

“Are you both done talking nonsense?”Dexter asked,irritatedly.

“Of course he’s never gonna listen,isn’t he the same stubborn and proud Dexter we’ve always known?”Dalton rolled eyes.

“He has finally let pride build a strong web like that of a spider,around his brain.

“It has blocked his brain so much that,thinking right is now a difficultly,jeez!”Derek jibed,and Dalton chuckled,as they continued to mock and get him more angry.

“You’re both fired!” Dexter said like a crazy person.

Dalton and Derek looked at each other,and bursted into a loud laugh.

“Let’s go get our things and leave,dude” Dalton said,pretending to cry. That made Derek laugh even more.

“Better go apologize to her,p**sy Lord” Derek hissed,and they both left the wine room.

Dexter angrily left too,fuming like a steam engine.


Annika feels good for what she did,and at the same time,feels bad.

She feels like she overreacted,and she’s been thinking about it since she came back.

“Did I overreact,did I take it too far?

“But he touched my B-__-bs. How dare he touch my babies with those filthy hands he f-__-ks around with” Annika hissed,and closed her eyes.

She still feels very bad,though.

She picked up her phone,and called her friends(Mina and Sana) in a group video call.

Sana picked up first.

“Sugar pie,Anni’s mom. How are you sweetheart?” Sana asked.

Annika was about answering when Mina interrupted,as she joined in the video call too.

“Tell me everything you’ve talked about,do not leave anything” She screamed loudly.

“Jeez! Is that how they greet people in your village?” Annika and Sana shouted loudly at her,and she began laughing.

“Okay….okay….okay. Good morning,Miss crazy and assistant crazy.” She finally asked,and they laughed.

“Sana,why are you even asking me to greet you,didn’t I greet you this morning before going to work?” Mina eyed Sana.

“Apart from the mighty plate of food you ate this morning,if I give you another one,won’t you eat?” Sana asked back.

“Of course I’ll eat and ask for more” Mina replied,giggling.

“Then stop making noise,and always obey us” Sana said,bossily,and they laughed.

“Sugar pie. How have you been coping with your new job?” Sana asked.

“It’s crazy as hell. Guess who’s company I am working in” Annika said,chuckling.

“Please tell us already” Impatient Mina said.

“Disaster Klein. The incredibly arrogant rude jerk” Annika blurted.

“Ahhh! Dexter Klein your boyfriend!!” They both shouted at a time.

“Call him my boyfriend one more time,and get it hot from me” Annika rolled eyes,and they laughed.

“Wait,are you serious or just kidding us?” Sana asked.

“Do I look like one who is kidding?” Annika answered with a question.

“My gosh! How did it even happen?” Mina asked.

“Fate brought them together again,you know they are both meant for each other” Sana derisively said,and Mina laughed.

“You both are sick in the head,I will just end this call if you keep talking rubbish” Annika thr_@tened,and they kept shut immediately.

“What about his friends Dalton and Derek?” Sana asked,after they were quiet for some seconds.

“Those crazy jerks both work here” She answered,and they screamed again.

“You got to be kidding me….so,my baby works there?” Sana said,referring to Derek.

“I am so quiting my job to come work there” She giggled.

“Just stay where you are if you still value your legs” Annika thr_@tened,and they all laughed loud.

“But seriously,sugar pie. It’d be so nice to see them again,after all these years” She said.

“Seriously,especially Dexter” Mina said,and they chuckled.

“So,how are you dear?” They asked at a time.

“Been good,just the work stress. But I’m really enjoying working here” Annika smiled,broadly.

“Why won’t you enjoy it,when you’ve gotten full access to frustrate his life”Mina said,and Annika laughed loud.

“Wh@ťěver!”She rolled eyes.

“What’s up with your clothing business,have you been able to raise enough money?”Sana asked.

“Still on it,babe. Hopefully by the end of this month,I should raise enough money.

“Good luck on that,sugar pie. But I’m still not happy that you don’t want us or anyone to assist you” Sana said,and she smiled.

“You know Annika doesn’t always like someone assisting her in anything” Mina said,from the other end.

“Yea,that’s true” Sana replied.

“Let’s go party tonight,girls. What do you both suggest” Mina asked,tossing a peanut into her mouth.

“We should,been a while we did that,yunno” Sana replied,smiling,as they both wait eagerly for Annika’s reply.

“I don’t think I want to,girls. I’m not in the mood,let’s party tomorrow” Annika smiled,sheepishly,knowing they’re going to blast her for that.

Because she’s always fond of spoiling their fun for them.

“Party pooper,I should have known you’d object” Sana rolled eyes,and she chuckled.

“I’ve agreed to go tomorrow,so how am I still a party pooper?” Annika shrugged.

“Wh@ťěver,just don’t change your mind tomorrow” Sana said,and Annika nodded a yes.

“Talk to you later,girls,I’ve got a lot of work to do” Annika said.

“Alright,sweetheart” Mina said,first.

“Say me hi to Derek” Sana said,winking at her.

“The company isn’t far from your workplace,so come say hi yourself” Annika rolled eyes.

“Out of the 365 days we have in a year,just choose one day to shock us,by not being a fun spoiler,jeez!” Sana said.

“She can’t,cos it runs in her blood,spoiler!” Mina mocked,and they laughed.

“Get off my phone,you two” Annika said,and hung up immediately.

“Migosh,who sent me to call those two? But I sure missed them,and I feel a lot better,now that I’ve talked to them” She said,as she began typing.

“Wait,we have a meeting I’m to schedule for tomorrow,$h|t!” She said,ruffling her hair,she then started typing faster.

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