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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Crazy Office Romance…)

Chapter 48

By, Ella N.

Copy and die Viciously‼️






“OMG!” Verity exclaimed, whilst staring at him. She just kept flickering her eyelashes cutely.

Nike is actually the same guy who was inside, watching and admiring everything she was doing.

All what he did was to smile handsomely. Those smiles just keep making Verity’s heart to beat so fast.

How can he be this handsome and still have such beautiful smiles?

“I’m sorry for blocking your way out” He apologized again, still smiling.

Wait,what’s with him and smiles?

“It’s fine” Verity simply said, letting out a smile which he found so cute.

“My name is Nike, by the way” He introduced himself again,as if Verity didn’t hear him the first time.

Well, she actually didn’t. Cos she was so carried away by Nike’s handsomeness.

“I’m Verity” Verity replied simply.

“A beautiful name for a gorgeous lady” Nike said, and she flushed immediately.

Why in the world is she acting this way, and why is her heart beating so fast like she stole something from someone.

“Thank you” She replied again, simply.

“It was nice talking to you,Verity. I hope to see you again someday” Nike said,giving her a handsome.

~ Gosh! His palms are as soft as a monkey’s butt~

Verity said and started giggling inwardly at the silly thing she just said.

“Same here,Nike” She replied and smiled again.


Dexter was on his phone when Ryan came in. There was really no much work for him to do at the moment. So, he just sat down, operating his phone.

“Good morning,sir” Ryan greeted respectfully, bowing his head.

“Good morning” Dexter greeted back,dropping his phone on the desk to look at him.

“The buyers are here,sir” Ryan informed sharply, not waiting for him to ask why he’s here.

“Oh,already?” He asked,briskly getting up from his seat.

“Yes,sir and they are waiting for you” Ryan replied.

“Let’s go,then” Dexter said,and with that, they left his Office together.


“Good morning, Mr. Klein. It’s so nice to finally meet you in person. I’ve heard so much about your Company, and that you make the best wines in the city,so we decided to try out” Sammy,one of the buyers said,looking all happy.

“Thank you,Mr. Sammy. Klein’s Winery appreciates your patronage, and we promise to always give you the best” Dexter replied,smiling broadly.

“Our pleasure, Mr. Klein’s. All our friends must know about Klein’s Winery” Another of the buyers said,giving Dexter a handshake.

“Thank you so much,we’d really be grateful for that. And we hope you patronize us again soon” Dexter replied.

“Definitely, Mr. Klein’s. Expect us again soon” Mr. Sammy replied.


“How many did they buy,anyway?” Dexter asked, as they started walking out of the store room.

“Three thousand bottles, sir and still counting” Ryan replied.

“Okay….that was unexpected. Wait, still counting?” He asked, when he finally recalled what Ryan said.

“Yes,sir. We have s lot of orders in line, and deliveries to make” Ryan replied and he smiled.

“Great job,Ryan. You can go back to your Office now,I’ll call you when I need you” He said,his arms behind him.

Ryan left immediately with a bow,and he was left alone.

While walking back,getting close to the Factory room,he saw Lira, standing outside of the factory and he began to wonder what she’s doing outside, instead of being inside.

He was about going there when he saw Spencer too. Spencer and Lira were talking and surreptitiously looking around to see if anyone is seeing them.

“Spencer…? Isn’t he supposed to be in his Office. Wait, what the hell is he doing here with her? Are they….dating or what?.” He wondered aloud.

“Possibly dating, but why do they look suspicious?” He asked no one in particular.

He hissed, and went back to his Office immediately without going to ask anything. But one thing is certain, he’ll call Spencer to his Office and ask him.

Maybe they are dating,and that really isn’t his business. But,they are working for him in his Company.

He has to know every d@mn thing going on his Company,just to keep it safe. And that includes knowing what is going on between Lira and Spencer. They both looked too suspicious to just let it slide.


Annika was humming a song while typing on her Computer.

With the way she’s smiling,and humming her song,you need no one to tell you that she’s really happy.

But,why is she so happy?

Of course it’s because of her Boo Bear. They’ve seen each other this morning.

And oh,don’t forget about the warm hugs and kisses. The forehead kisses,nose,eyes and….the deep and intense ones,shared right in her Office.

And yes,her boutique hasn’t been promulgated yet.

According to her.

~ Ann’s luxury wears will officially be opened next week ~

Dexter chuckles,each time she says that. He just finds it funny,with the way she says it.

Annika is just too excited and still can’t believe she’s a CEO now.

“Click!” She says, and clicked on done,then send.

She smiled and got up. She went to the printer to get what she sent to it to print.

After she had gotten the files from the printer,she came back and sat down. She began to scrutinize them one after the other.

“I need to submit this now” She said, after she was done going through them.

She arranged them well and made to leave,but her phone started ringing instantly.

“Awww,my boo boo” She smiled when she checked the caller and found out it Sana.

“Migosh!” She exclaimed, slapping her forehead as she remembered she hasn’t told them shout her boutique. They are so gonna be mad at her.

She was too happy that she couldn’t think of anything else but her Boo Bear and her boutique only.

“Sweetheart” Sana said from the other end,immediately she picked the call.

“I’m fine, boo boo. How are you two doing?” She asked back.

“We are fine,sweetheart,not actually.

“Mina really isn’t. She slipped and twisted her ankle because she was rushing to get to work early.

“I couldn’t even go to work because of her” Sana explained.

“Ohmigosh! My boo boo. I’m coming there right now” Annika said,dropping the files back on the desk.


“Sorry,boo boo. This must be hurting so much” Annika said,rubbing Mina’s ankle gently.

“Not so much,sweetheart. I am fine,okay?” Mina lied,cos her ankle hurts so bad.


Earlier this morning.

She didn’t wake up very early for work,and so,was doing everything in a haste,in order not to go to work late.

“Stop rushing,no one is gonna fire you,gosh!” Sana who was all ready,said.

“Yea,yea. You’re saying that because you woke up very early and are all ready” Mina rolled eyes.

“I didn’t ask you to stay up late,chatting nonsense with your boyfriend” Sana said,and Mina chuckled,giving her a middle finger as she rushes into the bathroom.

Few minutes later.
She finished bathing and was rushing out of the bathroom when she slipped and fell heavily on the tiled floor. She twisted her ankle so bad that she can harldy even move well.


“But you can’t even move well,boo boo” Annika frowned,and she smiled,licking her dry lips.

Annika took her leg,placing it on her thighs and she began massaging her ankle softly.

“Don’t listen to her,that’s what she keeps saying.

“I told her we should go to the hospital for a scan. Let’s be sure there’s no bone dislocation,but she just won’t listen.

“I couldn’t go to work all because of her,and now she’s refusing to go to the hospital,how ungrateful!” Sana shouted,glaring at Mina who kept chuckling.

“Sana is right,Mina. You need to go for a scan,please” Annika said.

“Okay,we’ll go later. But I have to tell Derek first,so he can take me to the hospital himself”Mina said,and Sana hissed loudly,even people on the street could hear it.

“I think it’s time I left this friendship thing.
I don’t want my family crying over me because I died of oppression. This is becoming too much,jeez!” Sana screamed outrageously. Annika and Mina bursted out laughing hard.

“Okay,that’s quite funny. Who is ki||ing who with oppression?” Annika asked,and Sana hissed instead.

“Nonsense” Sana flared,sitting down heavily beside Annika.

Annika chuckled and pinch her cheek playfully,making her to chuckle too.

“But,sweetheart you left your work to come here. Aren’t you supposed to be working?” Mina suddenly asked, curiously.

“I know, boo boo. But you’re also important, don’t worry about that, Dex will understand” Annika smiled, and Mina nodded. They went silent for a moment before Annika spoke again.

“Okay… boos…I finally got a boutique now” Annika spoke,making funny faces,cos she thinks they will be mad at her for not telling them that very yesterday.

“Ahhhhh!” They screamed excitedly. Mina whose ankle is hurting badly,jumped off Annika’s thighs,screaming.

“Oh my gosh,sugar pie! This is the best news I’ve heard today” Sana shouted excitedly,grinning and holding Annika’s hand.

“I can’t believe it, sweetheart. Your dream come true, baby,I am super excited, jeeez!” Mina gushed seriously.

She gently sat down,and Annika took her leg back to her thighs.

“How did you get the money? I mean,this happened so quick”Sana asked,seriously wondering how she got the money. Because,it was just few days ago they asked her again about the clothing thing,and she said she was still on it.

“Dexter got…

“Oh my gosh!!”Sana and Mina exclaimed again at a time.

“I knew it’ll be Dexter,your Boo Bear!

“Aww,that’s so sweet of him. We are so happy for you,sugar pie”Sana said,giving her countless cheek kisses,and making Annika to giggle so much.

“So,you rejected all our help,but accepted Dexter’s,huh?”Mina glared and Annika laughed.

“You don’t expect me to reject a gift from my knight in shining armor,do you?”Annika eyed her,and they all laughed.


“Dudes…dudes!!” Dexter barged into Dalton and Derek’s Office,looking so worried and frustrated.

One would think he was chased by a mad man,with the way he stormed in.

“Calm down,man. What’s wrong,why do you look so worried and tensed?” Dalton asked,impatiently waiting to know.

“Where’s Ann? Do you know where Ann is?” He asked senselessly.

Because,how can he be asking them where Ann is when they are not her baby sitters.

“Why are you asking us that? She should be in her Office” Derek replied.

“I wouldn’t be here if I saw her in her Office!” Dexter yelled,and his friends became worried too.

Where else could she be if not in her Office?

“Didn’t she tell you where she was going? Have you called to know her whereabout?” Dalton asked.

“I called severally,but her phone is in her Office instead. The files she was supposed to submit are scattered all over the Office” Dexter said frustratedly,almost on the verge of crying.

“What!?” Both Dalton and Derek exclaimed,looking at each other.

“Ann! Hey…you’re gonna help me look for Ann,aren’t you? Go look for my baby!” Dexter yelped as little tears formed in his eyes.

“Oh,no. This is bad,not good at all” Dalton said worriedly.

He’s worried because things like this can trigger his asthma,which will be very bad.


Dexter came back to his Office immediately,to check the security cameras. But he wasn’t even done opening the computer when a knock came on the door.

At first,he was angry at who would be disturbing him at a time like that,but when he thought it might Annika,he calmed down and went for the door to open it himself.

He held the door knob and slowly opened the door,hoping to see Ann. But it was someone he least expected that came in instead.

“What the hell are you doing here? Are you insane!? dare you come to my Company?

“Oh,f-__-k. f-__-k you,Wendy! Not now,seriously not now. I could just k!ll you right now!” Dexter thundered aloud,ruffling his hair crazily.

“Dexter,I am deeply sorry. Baby,please you have to listen to me,it was all your brother’s fault” Wendy went on her knees immediately,begging.

“Yea,right. He forcefully laid you on the bed and shoved his stupid Ďïčk into your godamn well,huh!?” Dexter growled angrily. He suddenly began to laugh like a lunatic.

The fact that he does not know where Annika is,is driving him insane.

And right now,he’s starting to act like one who is gradually losing it,which is not good for his health.

“Leave” He said calmly,and Wendy kept begging,getting him more angry.

“Leave! Oh,you are still wearing the d@mn ring” He chuckled,and held her left hand,roughly taking off the ring which he flung at where God knows.

What he just did,got him even angry,and he began to breath fast,but thankfully…

“Boo Bear…?” Came Annika’s voice,as she hurriedly ran into his arms.

“Ann!” Dexter jacked her up immediately. Annika curled her legs around his waist,as Dexter started kissing her breathlessly,not wasting even a second.

Tears were rushing down their eyes as they kissed.

Annika knows she really got him worried.

She actually met Dalton and Derek when she came back,and they told her how crazy Dexter was going because he has no idea where she was.

At some point,Dexter even thought maybe Roland kidnapped her or something.

Crazy thoughts just kept running through his mind.

“I’m sorry,Boo Bear” Annika said in his mouth,kissing him plus his tears. Dexter was doing same till they were both satisfied and pulled away,but with Dexter still carrying her.

“Ann…” He called and kissed her again shortly.

“Where were you,you got…

“I’m so sorry I got you worried,Boo Bear” Annika cut in,wiping a tear that was thr_@tening to fall.

When Annika explained to him what happened,he gently put her down and kissed her forehead.

“Don’t do this to me,ever again,if you don’t want me to die” Dexter said,wiping the tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,and I promise” Annika sniffed,and they rubbed noses,before she finally turned to face Wendy who has been kneeling and staring.

“Who is she,and why is she on her knees?” Annika asked curiously.

“The wonderful Wendy” Dexter glared h@ťěfully.

“Hey…that actually rhyms” Annika chuckled derisively.

She walked to Wendy and stood in front of her,smirking.

“Please stand” She politely said,smiling too.

“Huh?” Dexter said,wondering why she’s being nice and…even smiling?

Annika hugged her warmly,then pulled away.

“Thank you,wonderful Wendy,for creating a clear pathway for me to meet the man after my heart. You’re indeed wonderful” Annika mocked,tapping her her shoulder.

She started walking back to Dexter,but she suddenly stopped on her track and walked back to her.

“But,I don’t like the fact that you caused my Boo Bear’s health” Annika said,and landed her a blinding slap.

“Ouu…”Dexter made a funny face,chuckling

Wendy held her hurting cheek,watching Annika walk back to Dexter.

“I love you”Dexter said,as Annika hugged him tight.

“With my whole heart,Dex”Annika replied.


Anni started barking happily,the moment she saw Annika and Dexter walk in,holding hands,and laughing so hard at what they themselves alone know.

“Migosh! What the hell did Verity do to you?”Annika asked,laughing.

“The hell!”Dexter laughed loudly at Anni that is wearing his big shirt,completely lost in it


“Are you still cold?” Dexter asked Annika,bringing her a cup of hot coffee.

After taking her bath,she wore one of Dexter’s PJs,plus his hoodie,yet still cold,and she’s been sneezing since the rain got worse and weather became colder.

Anni the dog is with Verity in her room. They had to stay and spend the night at Dexter’s because of the heavy rain.

“Yea,my palms and feet are getting so cold now” Annika said,sitting on the bed and resting her back on the pillow,while sipping her hot coffee slowly.

Dexter’s bed is so big that it can contain many people.

“So sorry,baby. Do you feel a little better with the coffee?” He asked, sitting beside her.

“Yea. Thanks,Boo Bear” Annika smiled, taking another sip.

Dexter smiled too,and they went silent for a minute.

Only the sound of the heavy rain drops that could be heard.

“Yunno,I almost went crazy when I couldn’t find you in your Office, then your phone that you didn’t take with you. That, actually worsened everything” Dexter said.

“Sorry,baby. I still don’t know how I forgot my phone and left without even realizing it.

“It does happen sometime, but….ha!” Dexter breathed heavily and Annika laughed.

“Do you want some coffee?” She asked.

“Yea,but I want to taste it from your lips” Dexter said,and she chuckled.

Annika took another sip,making sure to wet her lips with it,after which she leaned in and Dexter kissed her sweetly.

“Mmmm…it tastes even better” He said, licking his lips. Annika giggled, took another sip,then dropped the cup of coffee on the small table near the bed.

She leaned in again for another kiss.

But this time,Dexter didn’t let go. He held her neck and deepened the kiss.

Kissing every d@mn sweet corner of her hot coffee lips. The coffee flavor he was getting from her lips spiked everything, and the kiss got intense.

Annika started making incoherent sounds as a result of that.

Slowly, Dexter made her lay on the bed and got on top of her,increasing the pace.

He instantly took off the hoodie she was wearing, throwing it on the floor carelessly.

He started roaming his hands all over her body.

“Dex!” She Mõ@ɲed softly when he nibbled on her earlop,and licked her neck salaciously.

As he roamed his hands all over her body, he slowly started unbuttoning her pj shirt.

She wasn’t even wearing any br@,since it’s bedtime, and who sleeps with a br@?

After unbuttoning to the last one,he took the shirt off,revealing her full sized B-__-bs and her pink n!pples,calling Dexter to come do his magic on them.

“f-__-k,Ann!” Dexter groaned,seeing the beautiful food before him.

Annika tried to cover them due to her shyness,but…

“Oh,jeez! Dex baby….” She Mõ@ɲed when Dexter covered one with his wet and cold tongue, fondling the other one.


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