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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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It’s Saturday,and Dexter,Dalton and Derek are in the gym right now,working out.

They arrived at the gym not long ago,but started their workouts immediately they got in.

Dexter started with pushups first,and he’s on his fifteenth one right now.

He’s wearing only a singlet,revealing his crazily s£xy musculine body,especially his chest that screams s£xiness!

Dalton started with squats first,and he’s on his twenty fifth one.

Derek started with pushups too,just like Dexter.

Yea,they also live here in Melrose,but they don’t know the ladies stay around too,except for Dexter who knows.

Though,he doesn’t know Sana and Mina also stay around.

“Dude,you didn’t tell us the time for your family dinner thingy” Derek said,breathing heavily as he stops exercising for a minute.

“It’s by 6PM” Dexter replied,still focussed on his excercise.

“I wonder why your mom asked you to invite us,though” Dalton said.

“Same here” Derek said too. Dexter wasn’t saying anything at all,he was just focussed on his workout.

While still on it,Annika,Sana and Mina walked in too,looking hot and s£xy in their workout outfits.

“Huh? Dexter,Dalton and Derek?” Mina surprisingly called their names,but happy to see them though.

“The 3D’s” Dalton corrected with a wink.

“Wait,you ladies stay around?” Derek asked.

“Yea,we are surprised to see you guys too” Sana said,still shocked to see them.

“Wow! Even Miss cray cray lives in Melrose,had no idea” Dalton said.

“Miss what now? Who is Miss cray cray” Sana and Mina chorused.

“She’s right beside you” Derek chuckled.

Sana and Mina just turned to Annika,and bursted out laughing.

“And I’m gussing Miss cray cray means,Miss Crazy” Mina said.

“You got that right” Derek said and they laughed again.

Annika who has been quiet,drifted her gaze to Dexter. And surprisingly,Dexter has been staring at her all along.

Looking at his hotness,Annika blinked and swallowed hard.

“How can he be this handsome?” She found herself asking inwardly.

“Mr loverboy” Dalton said,signaling Derek to look at Dexter who kept staring at Annika.

After few minutes,they all started their workouts. Sana working out with Dalton….Mina with Derek and Annika,well…

“How are you?” Dexter asked,as he went close to where Annika was working out.

“I am fine,thank you” Annika replied simply,and Dexter smiled. Annika just talked to her,does that mean they’re good again now.

“Happy” is an understatement to use in describing the way he feels right now.

As they was nothing else to talk about,an awkward silence ensued at the moment.

Just when it was becoming too awkward,Dexter quickly came up with an idea.

“I had no idea you live here in Melrose” Dexter said,pretending not to know,when he’s actually the reason she found an apartment there.

“I wasn’t,actually. I just moved into the neighborhood two days ago” She replied,smiling shortly.

“Oh,cool. Looks like you love to keep fit too” Dexter said and she only gave a nod.

He wanted to go further to apologizing for what happened the other day,but since Annika is talking to him now,apologizing isn’t really necessary right now.

Maybe he’d apologize some other day.

Now,what about his feelings towards her?
Well,that will worsen everything,as it isn’t really a good time for anyone to express their feelings.


Dexter just drove into his father’s enourmous compound and parked at the garage before coming out of it with Verity.

Almost immediately,Dalton and Derek drove in too.

“Were you two following me or what?” Dexter joked,and they chuckled.

“Dexter’s first lady” Derek said,referring to Verity.

Verity giggled and stylishly threw her hair to the back,making them laugh.

“First lady that is frustrating my life” Dexter scoffed and rolled eyes.

“Pay no attention to him,D and D. What he just said is not true” Verity said. They both chuckled again.

“Let’s go in,shall we” Dexter said,and they all nodded. With that,they walked into the house,entering the huge living room that can carry thousands of people.

“Woo,dude!” Dalton said.

It isn’t the first time of Dalton and Derek being here,but everywhere looks new,cos the house has been refurnished.

“Good evening,mom.

“Good evening,dad”

They all took time to greet Mr and Mrs Klein.

“My babies… Come here all of you” Janice said,hugging all of them.

“How are you all” Robert asked and they replied, positively.


Everyone has arrived and is seated on the dinning table that has been set with food already,except for Wendy who hasn’t come yet.

Dexter has been glaring at Roland dangerously,and Victoria has just been eyeing Janice and Verity because of what they did to her some weeks ago.

Wendy finally walked in that moment.

“The hell! Wendy…?” Dexter stood up with anger boiling in him already,so hot like a larva.

“Bomb about to explode!” Dalton said to Derek’s hearing only,and he laughed inwardly.


“What the hell is Wendy doing here!?” Dexter cut her off with a loud voice.

“She’s part of the family,and I invited her to come,cos I want you to tell us why you just decided to call off your Wedding that was just two days to go.

“And you refused to tell us why you did that. You’re telling us today and now!” Janice said,commandingly.

Tears formed on Dexter’s eyes immediately,and he couldn’t open his mouth to talk

“Now!” His dad thundered aloud.

“You want to know why, huh?
Well I caught this bastard son of yours,seated here…having s*x with this this Ɓîtçh!



Wendy and Dexter’s upcoming Wedding was the talk of town,everyone was excited and just couldn’t wait for the wedding to come already.

“Hey,baby” Dexter said over the phone,speaking with Wendy his Fiancee.

“Babes…when are we going to pick my dress” Wendy asked, pouting.

“In few hours time,baby. I have an appointment I have to catch up with, right now. So,I’ll come pick you up once I’m done” Dexter replied.

“Okay,babes,love you” Wendy said.

“Love you more” Dexter replied and hung up.

So,after Dexter was done,he headed straight to Wendy’s, after he had called her severally but she wasn’t picking.

“Hope she’s okay” He muttered worriedly.

He got to the house,and went in immediately as the door wasn’t even locked.

“Baby…” He called slowly, but got no reply, so he headed to her,only to be slapped in the face with Wendy’s Mõ@ɲs,as Roland banged her hard.

The door to the room wasn’t locked either,so he could see them clearly.

But neither of them saw him.

“I don’t love him one bit,I just want his money. Once we get married and I succeed in getting his Company’s documents, I will seel it and leave the country right away” He heard Wendy saying it,more like a Mõ@ɲ.

“You’re such a bad a*s. But don’t forget I’m getting fifty percent of it” Roland said,hitting her harder.

“Of course,baby. Harder please” She Mõ@ɲed loudly.

Dexter was so devastated that he started trembling, and his body became too heavy for him to move fast.

It felt like he was dreaming, he just did not believe it. He was about getting married to a devil.

After he managed to carry himself out of there,he called off the Wedding immediately and refused to tell anyone why.

Dexter was traumatized for close to two months. The trauma he went through was what resulted in him being asthmatic that no one knows.

He also started sleeping around with girls,just to get his mind off it.


“I am asthmatic today, all because of them” Dexter said,crying.

“Dexter is asthmatic?” Everyone chorused.

“I am,because of these fools! You want to see prove” He asked, bringing out his inhaler and everyone gasped.

“I f-__-king called off the wedding because of this f-__-king Ɓîtçh and bastard!” He shouted and stormed out ragingly.

Dalton, Derek and Verify followed him immediately.

“My baby…” Janice got up,went to Wendy and landed two hot slaps on her face,she did same to Roland.

Victory got up to fight for her son,and she was pushed down by Janice who beat her up mercilessly.

Robert tried all his best to stop them,but couldn’t.


“Sorry I couldn’t come again, Verity” Annika apologized when Verity came in.

Verity actually invited her too,but she couldn’t make it.

“It’s good you didn’t come,Annika. It was a total disaster” Verity said,feeling for her brother who refused to talk to her.

Verity was the one who drove back home,as Dexter wasn’t himself at all.

He was crying till they got home.

“Ohmigosh! What happened?” Annika asked.

Verity sat her down, and told her everything. Even about Dexter being in love with her and her eyes widened.

“Dexter loves me?” She asked like she didn’t her well earlier.

“He loves you with everything in him. I guess he was just scared to tell you,due to fear of being hurt again.

“You should go meet him,Annika. I think he needs you right….

Annika didn’t even let Verity finish, she just rushed out.

Yea,Verity already told her where they live.

“LOVE!” Verity giggled, but still worried about her brother.

She had to stay back because of Anni the dog.


Dexter finally came out of his room,and went to the swimming pool to cool his head off.

He swam out of the water,took his towel and dried himself up.

He then stood still, as many thoughts ran through his head.

“Ann” He called Annika’s name for no reason. But surprisingly,he felt someone’s arms wrapped around his cold and wet body.

He was bare chested…he only wore his swimming pants to the pool to swim.

“Dex” He heard the voice that cures him entirely, and he needed no one to tell him that it’s his witch,his Annika Wrong, his fight mate,his Ann…his baby!!!

“Ann..?” He called,turning to face Annika who was smiling beautifully.


“Shhh…you don’t have to say or ask anything. I know everything, cos Verity told me” Annika said,placing her index finger on his lips.

“I love you,Ann…I f-__-king do,but I was scared….

“Heyy…it’s fine…I know.

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I was mad at you because I was hurting real bad.

“I am madly in love with you too,Dex” Annika said,and his eyes widened.


That,the rest of the words remained unsaid as Annika started kissing him madly,hugging him tightly and feeling his bulge.

Dexter responded immediately, kissing the hell out of her.

A tongue battle ensued, lips making loud clicking sounds, followed by soft groans and Mõ@ɲ.

Their hands weren’t excluded, as they caressed each other’s body,seductively and romantically.

They both began moving about from one end of the pool to another, until they landed into the pool,making a big splash.

But the kiss continued.

“Dex!” She Mõ@ɲed his name when he grabbed something soft and soothing on her chest.


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